The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 23, 1897, Image 3

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    Dress Goods Offerings-
33 l-3e
Colored : Dress : Goods
In the House, sold regularly at 50c. This sale
will last for two weeks, and will be an excel?
lent opportunity to "buy Dress Goods at a very
low figure. .
r .pt '
This store closes at 7 p. m. sharp.
Is, unquestionably, tho most success
fnl and perfect working Spraying Device
yet invented.
It is a unsversal testimony that more,
as well as bettor. Work can be accom
plished with the Bean Spray Pump than
with any other punipou the market.
With this pump one man can charge
the receptablo and leave it to direct the
spray just whero it is wanted, and thus
with sufficient' hose pass from tree to
tree. Tho solution is delivered in a fine
mist or spray, penetrating every nook
and cornor, thus doing better and more
effectivo work than is possiblo by any
other method, and with no wasto what of solution.
For further particulars Bee special cir
cular or call upon or correspond with.
We have strictly First-class
FIR, OAK and
Phone 25.
Dalles Daily Chronicle.
- JAN. 23. 1897
.. .
tne local
ISB l-iriRWnlM
t. thfi Vncr. nnra limiPf
nndnv firainnff. .lanuarv iloth.'
11 Klks nro rpmifiHted to he at their
1 tnnioht. ns there will be bnainess of
lira n t-iii m nn v ri r n. iro 111
will visit Hoppner next Wednes
to as3iec in instituting a loage 01 tne
pi r. tiara.
1 . A i. " A. 1- I 111 1
en at the opera house Monday evon-
will be assisted by some of our best
A 1 .
H III Mill .
iiti i iiuriLV uii. irivHii uv iiib kh
, nioht.. nrnvwl n. rlWiiipfl Rimneps : ir
-i : .i 4 it xt?:ii; e. n i
Mil I IILT VI II II IN. fill KM Will ITI 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 M
Feb. 1st
v. j . xj. . ttuuu rt9cieu WUIU lUUUV
is probable that the coast has not been
visited by an artist of a versatile talent,
and Bhe was enthusiastically applauded."
Hon. F. N. Jones was the choice of
the sheepmen of this district. He is
peculiarly their representative. They,
as well as he, are more interested in get
ting tne tiascaae reservation open to thei
pasturage of sheep than in the election1
(Of a United State? senator. How, long
will he stand in his own light by refuse
ing to assist in organizing the houee?
How long will he throw down his fellow
sheepmen by standing in with th
Following is the program for Miss
Griswold'a entertainment Monday even
ing :
a Kindes Trnum E. S. Klein Op S
u iJtui i uiuniusu j-; unopin, up w
Vocnl Solo "Tlmeof Apple Blossom". ...
Mr. Chns. Clarke.
Heading "Evidence in Attachment Suit"
Mies J. Montngue Grifwold.
Piano Solo "Possum Hunt"
Miss (jeorgiu bampson.
Til I
Rec-6 The Last Itidej (Pln" ncorat)....xet
Miss J. Montngue unswold.
Solo "Love's Old Sweet Song" ilolloy
-sir. unas. uiurKC.
Bccitation "Money Musk"
JVJissJ. M. Griswold.
Piano Solo "11 renscroso" Heller
Miss Cieorgiu Sampson.
Bee "Th0 Rllven" , . '. JEtlpar Allan Poe
illiam ft Hriiant
e serious illness of his mother, and L. Solo a ' " ta ',.. 0n .
Ipnvft nn thn n.nrnincr train for TTni- Mnrt itv, t. trtn i . m.-. wr i
- w . - w..-. n - iktt. iuav utrii (in wniumu;,, J nun iivuu
VV -A. t n A.. ID UlllI'lV 11 & A A Ul 11 llbU II
m i rns -i.-i.. wt t
w Watlor nf tV.o Amorinnn TtlhlaF AJCKBIS OU CeniS DO GXlTa Cnarge IOr
reserved seats.
Enthusiastic Autllouce.
Swum A.AbWMW V . A. T ..A ..MO V-
l.; i... -r trni.
Justice Filloon yesterday, and Mas
von irtOMiA 1-1 y-v 1 a nil Itlwat- tn t m .
O tlrfi. ntiM ronanlv haa Itaiviiri Inn.
r in niR mnnno
miHH nn I ;n 'H nrnrn nnri vnnntnir
Washington street. In about n
A ll. - 1 1
. T , i i
u nuu nna uiuacui w 1111 mcr.uuuir
lirna nnna
r tho RAnnfn rorrfni7.(fl r :hn Kinsnn
Will 11 Hill 111 III Mil 1 V 1 1M MHHI.HI 1 . IV I I II I Hf
laws passed by the session would
n WAlnr. in n dnnhrfnl nnrRrinri. .
. ... .... A
election ot senator would etanu. ns i
i . .
senate would not go bemnu tne re-
iflfl Mnffnifln. nnfinnnl anrAturv nf
VV. U. T. V.. will sneak in thH IMIIph !
liiii Liin i i.ii in PMiiriinrv. r nil 'mm
.mi in liih i.HiiiriHrHiii'H iniiQt mho
rHiiiri mhii uii(i niiiin 1 1 w niinhit
I Bit
I.HIIIIH ITlmllMn. ILTlll 11 II I 111 M U71II nava a
IHR .1. MnntflffllA I4rifltrnirl aoa afari
home talent, at the Vogt opira house
4 aT V rt vni a
i. niiiniiMV iiiviii,. iM.ii. 'i nn i i ri
i . itmt II m
which was an imitation of the bobo
k, in which she has gained a deserved
uiation in tne aau ana Europe, it
A large and enthusiastic audience wit
nessed the Georgia University Gradu
ates' performance at the Grand opera
house yesterday evening, and all agreed
that it was the best minstrel show ever
seen in Montana. Encore followed en
core with such rapidity that it was dif-
(ficult to rometnber what the regular pro-
cram was, and not until nearly midnight
' ll- 1! J r. .
wiiK iiiu Huuienuu eaiisnea.
Every member of the company has
several specialties and is a feature him
self. Their voices are unusually fine,
and the education possessed by every
member lends polish to the entire per
formance which is appreciated.
Those who saw it wished for more,
and will give thecompany a packed house
on thejr return. Great Falls, Mont.
It is hard to tell the facts
The Greatest Allnlr of the Kind Ever
Given In The Dalles.-
,The charity ball given by theE'ks last,
night was undoubted!? the most success-
Kful affair of the kindever inven in The
Dalles.. Tn.
The grand marcliomnSmced at about
9 o'clock, forty-one couples participat
ing, and as they moved around in the
graceful figures of the march, we could
hardly believe that all the. female loveli
ness there gathered belonged to The
Dalles. The gowns were beautiful, the
wearerB more so. the music magnificent.
What more would you want? The floor,
though not a good one for dancing, was
in excellent condition, and it was kept
fil'ed with the happiestcrowd of dancers
ever gathered in The Dalles. Each of
the ladies was handsomer tban the
others always excepting, of course, the
one, who is always prettiest to that gen
tleman who admirers her, and conse
quently we have our own opinion as to
who was the "belle of the ball," but we
are not going to express it, not for the
Ani" o'clock, as is the custom of the
Elks, the memory of the absent breth
ren was recalled, and as this ceremony
was completed by circling around the
hall with hands clasped, at the same
time singing "Auld Lang Syne," the
hall rang again with the vigorous ap
The hall was beautifully decorated.
The front of the stage was covered with
ferns and plants, while just to the left
of the center of it the big Elk stood, his
majestic form gracefully posed and head
drawn back as 1 bough he had been
startled by suddenly coming on to i
dance of dryads. His big horns eup
ported four incandescent lamps,
shaded with the Elks colors, the roval
purple. Ju6t in front of him was a cute
little fawn, that gazed in open-eyed
wonder on the brilliant scene.
Dancing was kept up until about 1
o'clock, and everybody went home de
lighted with, their evening's pleasure.
The committees have, not gotten to
gether to report yet, but a close estimate
puts the receipts at $200 and expenses at
$70, leaving $130 for sweet charitv.
Good Heuae, nod that, Too,
of I'olitica.
baklni? nowder
flavoring exit acts
and spices
because each has its own
All money-back, though.
for sale by
W. E. Kahler
You'll be surprised when you try Hoe
Cake soap, and wish we bad told you
sooner. It is made by patented pro
cess, jl v24-ii
Shortly after the house had organized
yesterday a reporter of the Statesman
in congratulating Representative Gratke
upon the position he had taken in as
sisting in the organization of the house,
saw an opportunity for a good interview.
"Mr. Gratke," eald the reporter, "you
are accused by the Bourne faction of as.
Bisting in.the organization of a Republi
can house. How will your action be
looked upon by your Democratic constit
uency?" "If you will amend the accusation by
Btriking out the word 'Republican,' I
will plead guilty. I am a member of the
'house of representatives,' and was elect
ed to it in a county that went for Mc-
Kinley and Hobart by 714 majority. My
j majority was 300. This will prove to
I you conclusively that . I received some
! votes that were not cast by Democrnts.
I wbb nominated bv tho county Demo
cratic convention, and so far as their
political interests can be served on the
ibroad basis of Democratic principles I
'am with the party at all times, but on
Sail measures affecting the efficient nnd
Jecnomical administration of govern
iment I am here as a business 'man and
toot as a machine politician. I was out
With the obstructionists five days. They
promised me that they had a sufficient
number of members to organize the
house and pass such remedial legislation
ap our party platform called for. Dur
ing those five days an opportunity for
organization came, and it was not em
braced. My suspicions were aroused,
and I inquired why the thirty-one ob
structionists did not organize. They
said they were not ready. I asked them
when they would be, and tho reply was
hey did" not know. 1 waH deceived ; and
urther inquiry revealed to me the fact,
hat tho object of the hold-up was to ob
struct business iii the houee and prevent
the election of a United States penator
by a dominant party in the legislature.
I was not sent by my people to tiie legis
lature for that purpose. I was sent here
to assist in the enactment of such legis
lation as will heuefit the people of Clat
sop county and the taxpayers of the state
generally. Now I would like to know
how that could be done if wo stayed out
and prevented organization? It must
be done by law, and there is ,no way to
enact law except by first organizing both
houses. When a candidate accepts a
nomination I take it that he says to
the people, 'If elected I will take my
seat.' If I had told the people on the
stump that I would not take my seat,
my name would have been Donnis, and
the other fellow would be heio in my
place. It is my firm belief and convic
tion the fight over organization paseed
the partisan stage when the thirty-onu
obstructionists refused to go in and or
ganize, I feel that way about anything
in business or politics. I forgo aiiead.
Many of my constituents have approved
my course by letter and telegraph. If I
am wrong I am conteni to be snowed un
der, if it becomeB my misfortune to run
for office. This much I will say for tiie
rank and file of the Populist party :
They are honest and patriotic, but I am
afraid they have entered into an unholy
alliance with H. W. Scott & Co. to satis
fy personal hate and political ambition,
which may he their undoing. As to tho
Democrats of course they are always
Jefyool Boprs, Stationery,
Jacbbson Book 8c Music Co.
No. 174 Second Street,
New Vogt Block, Tho Dalles, Oregon.
Japanese Bazaar,
IX. OIiTATT cj OO. Fx-opM.
Japanese Curios, Dishes,
Ladies' Underwear, Wrappers,
133 Second Street, Next to Snipes-Kinersly's Store.
Call and See our Goods.
Notion Holul HhIiooI Meutliitf.
Notice is hereby uiven to the lejal
voters of school district No. 12, of Wasco
county, state oi Oregon, that a special
school meeting of the said district will
be held at the brick school house on
court street, on the .'i()th day of January,
1807, at '2 o'clock in the afternoon of said
day for the following objects:
To determine what action said dis
A 1 . Ill . I 1. .
irici win uikh relative to voting a
special school tax for the support of tho
pumic tciiooi ot said district; also to de
termine what action the district will
take relative to voting a tax to be used
in paying a part or all of the debt nf mild
district; also what action the district
will take for the erection or rental of
additional school buildidgs and provid
ing funds for the payment of the same,
Dated this 15th day of January, 1B07.
OlllO.V KlNKHHljr,
Chairman Jiourd of Directors,
Attest :-
K. Jacoiisen, District Clerk.
A Grout Ifold-lTp.
A gentleman who has just returned
from Salem called on us this mornintr.
and requests us to say that at that point
is "the greatest hold-up in the North
west. That, to use his language, "Salem
is holding up the state buildlntrs. the
legislature is holding up the people, the
highwaymen are holdinir un its resi
dents, the hotels are holding un the vli-
itors, and the bicyclists have the right
of way on the sidewalks ; but yet there
are some good people in Salem,"
Few peoplo know thut all plants con
tain digestive principals). They cannot
absorb their food until it is digested any
more than animals can. Tho Mount
Lobauon Shakers have learned the art
of extracting and utilizing thedu dilut
ive principals, and it is just for litis
reason that their Shaker Digestive Cor
dial is meeting with such phenomenal
success in the teeatment of dyspepsia,
The Shaker Digestive Cordial not only
contains food already digested, but it
also contains digestive principals which
aid the digestion of other foods that may
be eaten with it, A single 10 cent sam
ple bottle will be sufficient to demon
stratUs value, and we suggest that
every suffering dyspeptic make a trial
of it. Any druggist can supply it, (4)
Laxol is the beat medicine for chil
dren. Doctors recommend it in place of
Castor Oil.
IiiHtiillutlun of Klk T.imIkh, lliiiuer.
Or,, ,Un. 7tli.
For the nbovu occasion, tickets will be
sold from The Dalles to Heppner and
return at rate of f5.u0. A special
through sleeper will Iki attached to train
No. 2 Tuesday night, the L'Oth lust, All
tlioso desiring reservation should mako
tho fact known to us nut later than noon
of that day. K. K. Lvtle,
j-'- &t Agent.
Dramatic arid
and Recitations
Miss J. Montague GpiswoJd,
Assisted by the most popular
Vogt Opera House,
Monday (light, Jan. 25,
Tickets. 50c. No extra chcrra for re.
tervtd seats.