SI)c Dallco Cfaromde. x THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1897 NO 10 ;e is organized f of Umatilla Bounced ?From the Chair. ITION SPRINGS A SURPRISE Id Elected l!ermaiicut Speaker, supreme .Tiidee Alunre Swears the UlHcers of the flouse. jbi, Jan. 21. The house met at 'J t;, and immediately upon assembl rown, of Morrow county, moved ivip be removed from the chair Imith made temporary speaker, (r'as eeconded by Sommers. Riddle ted against such action as revolu- and read an opinion of General ims, tnat tuo iiouso coma not or- 'with less than forty members. retired from the houso after de- Inc tne action, iirown put tue which was carried, and ap id Stanley, of Lake, to escort to the speaker's chair. He then K up and introduced bmitn, who . seat to the left of Davis. Smith jized Somen1, , who offered a resolu- thut Moody be removed and 11. K. be appointed chief clerk. It was loved that the report of the com- on credentials be read, but the rity report not being pressnt, the rity report was read and adopted. iwford introduced a resolution, was adopted, that Hudson, to and Brown be appointed a com- to invite the governor, secretary Imitate or supreme judges to Bwear the th in. xne cuiumiuee urougut id Justice F. A. Moore, who pro- to perform that duty. A motion roceed to permanent organization then carried. BenEon was noml for permanent speaker and all, in- g Nosier, voted for him. The rules o last session were adopted. jee moved that the speaker appoint jpages and dookeepers. The mo- aB carried. K("Ullj$oint reeolution to inform the gov .erM that the house and senate was jgjBOjReady for business was adopted, and pfetbtiwouae adjourned until 10 o'clock to- w. No violence was attempted, ere is no probability that the gov- or senate will recognize the house aimed. LT WAS DONE IN (JONGliESS - Hi "Hi Agrees to lluuse Inillau School Resolution. siiiNQTON, Jan. The senate tin made a feeling reference today aflliction of Senator Harris, of issee, in the death of his wife and ifirinity of his own health, and to Bntinued Illness of Senator War- i house joint resolution authorizing lidwell, Gal., for an Indian train- chool was agreed to. The house is passed extending the time for lildingof a railroad through Omaha le Winnebago Indian reservation ibraska. Iu the House. lbiiinoton, Jan. 21. The houee to- (tesunaed consideration of the Yost- Br contested election case from the Virginia district. According to an ratandiug reached yesterday, a vote to be taken at 4 :30 this afternoon. irmond, of Missouri, a member of lections committee, took the floor ipport of the majority report, which ad the contestee. Tucker, Dear- argued that the house should be wed by the Virginia law, which, le purpose of the case, was a fed- w. He admitted the house could jard the Virginia law in order to roaine the intentions of the voters, i do so, he contended, would be to alieh a dangerous and far-reaching Bdent. tAKVK IN SIGHT OF KKLIKF. Ilaerable Condition or AJt'nlrg . at . uic,ao, Jan. 21, Mon, women aiid Idren are starving in Chicago iu sight slief, because the county commission- L blind and di af, do not allow the ity agents enough help to distribute plies, The comity treasury is rich in surplus, nnd there are an accumula- of appeals from bnugry families. IT POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for Its great leavening strength and henlthtulncss. Assures tbe food iignlnst alum and nil forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Royal Baking TowDEn Co., New York. Hundreds of these applications are more than two weeks old. The heads pf the families were discouraged then, and as a last resort appealed to the county for aid. They have seen their wives and children grow weaker and colder, and no aid has come, no bread, no coal. These men are desperate now. The county agent is helpless to save these fumine-stricken men, women and babies. He has relief on hand, but no way to distribute it, because the com missioners have tied his hands, and are deaf to the cries of the hungry. A warning has been given that the de serving poor are becoming dangerous and that hunger is likely to drive them to deeds in which their cry will be "bread." Men who gave this warning, know whereof they speak. They see gaunt hunger at its woret, the glassy eye of a strong man who hears the cry of his wife and babies for bread and warmth and is powerless to give it to them. The men tell an appaling story but nobody on earth can tell of the misery as it exists iu Chicago today. Girl Burned to Death. San Fkancisco, Jan. 21. Katie Kear ney, the 13-year-old daughter of John Kearney, a longshoreman, met with a horrible death while playing about the kitchen. Her dress caught fire from the stove, and in a moment she was envel ped in a sheet of flame. Before assitance could be rendered she received bnrne which resulted in her death a few hours later. IliiHsluu People Fear the I'lacuc. New Yokk, Jan, 21. A Herald special from St. Petersburg says: The fear of the Indian plague reaching here grows rapidly. The Navoe Vreraya says that on account of England's methods in permitting the population ot the stricken districts to emigrate, the plague will soon be rife all over the country. The Mirovie Otgloski says : "Italy, France and Austria have taken precautions. History has shown that Russia is always the country that suffers most from the pest. Russian doctors should go at once to the plague-strisken districts and find out the truth and study the disease, as we cannot rely on the reports of the English, whose commer cial interests haye eaten into the human itarian instincts of all nations. The world should, unite to form a cordon around the devastated plague districts." Hero all precautions for maritime and land quarantine are under consideration. Doctors have been sent to keep a proper guard on the Persian and Afghan frontiers. If your tea is good, it is cheap; if it is not good, it is dear, no matter what you pay for it you had better drink water. But good tea is better than water sometimes, be cause it tastes good, and whatever tastes good makes the stomach work right. So good tea Schilling's Best is cheap. A Schilling & Company oan r rnuco M'KESNA TO BE OF FERED A ri.ACE De Will I'robnhty lie a Cabinet Member. Sa.v Fkascisco, Jan. 21. United States Ciruit Judge Joseph McKenna has just arrived from Canton, 0., where he went to visit President-elect Mc Kinley. It was this visit, very suddenly made, that disclosed the fact that Judge McKenna will in all probability be offer ed a cabinet portfolio by the president elect. Judge McKenna left here a week ago last Monday, went to Canton, re mained 12 hours and returned to San Francisco, the trip consuming ten days. The return of Jud,;e McKenna was as sudden and unexpected as his departure. Though fatigued from the long journey across the continent, the judge had much of interest to say of the purpose of his Hying trip and the prospect of his be coming a member of the cabinet. He was, however, very cautious in his state ments. He addmitted, nevertheless, that the situation, particularly in rela tion to himself, called him to Canton. While he qualified all of his remarks in relation to his acceptance of a proposed portfolio, he is very certain that Cal ifornia will have a representative in the official family of the president-elect. He said : "I consider that too much significance has been attached to my visit. Many changes may occur. There is perfect freedom on the part of Major McKinley to do as he may wish, and perfect free dom on my part. It is difficult to state the exact situation. There are some difficulties in the way of my acceptance of the portfolio. I explained that very fully and they are not definitely settled. Neither the' vacancy on the supreme bench nor my present position are in any way involved in the question of my acceptance of a place in the cabinet. There are other difficulties in the way of ray appointment to a cabinet posit ion." Mr. Harris' riatform. Toi'eka, Jan. 21. State Senator and ex-Congressman W A. Harris, whom the Populists have agreed upon for United States seuator, today said: ''I want to see the government, ac cording to the law of 1862. take possess ion of the Pacific railroads. This is a matter of justice to the people and would prove a value able object-lesson in trans portation affairs." He nlo expressed himself as in favor of an income tax, the free and unlimited coinage of silver, and a tarifi for revenue. Elglit Jiulluts Without Kesult. Piekhe, S. D., Jan. 21. Eight more ballots were taken for United States senator in the Popnli6t caucus tonight, and stiow no change, except 'he loss of a few votes to Kyle, who went as low1 as 20 in one ballot. Still Balloting at Boise. Boise, Idaho, Jan. 21. J. W. Ballan tine, Populist, got the bulk of the De mocratic vote and 20 on the Becond. T. E. Nelson, Populist, got the bulk of the Populist votes. Dubois got 2G on each ballot. t The progressive ladies of Westfield, Ind., issued a "Woman's Edition" of the Westfield News, bearing date of April 3, 189G. The naoer is filled with matter of interest to women, and we notice the following from a correspondent, which the editors printed, realizing that it treats upon a matter of vital importance to ttieir sex: "The best remedy for croup, colds and bronchiti that, I have been able to find is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For family usoithasnoeqnal. I gladly recommend it." 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton. New Mexican 8ywphatlze. Denver, Jan. 21. A special to the Republican from Santa Fe says : In the territorial council today, a joint resolution was adopted expressing sym phathy with tbe patriots fighting for the independence of Cuba. A Cure for Lame Back. "My daughter, when recovering from an attack of fever, was a great sufferer from pain in the back and hips," writes Louden Grover, of Sardis, Ky, "After using quite a number of remedies with out any benefit she tried one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and it has given entire relief." Chamberlain's Pain Balm is also a certain cure for rheu matism. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. Subscribe for The Cukqnicle, B. P. O. ELKS' if r . Ball Night, Jan. 2 2d, May find you in need of somo of the following necessities : Full Dress Shirts, Latest White Bow or Club Ties, New Shape Collars, Studs and Buttons. Ladies, Evening Gloves, White Slippers, &c, &c. We Have Them. A. IKK- WIIiMAXHS CO. DRY THIN AND FALLING HAIR Is due, in the majority of cases, to imperfect action of the sebaceous or oil glands. Deprived of its proper nourishment, the hair be comes harsh and brittle, the scalp dry and scaly, and the roots choked and lifeless in a hard, dry skin. The purest, sweetest, and most effective treatment is warm shampoos with CUTICURA SOAP followed by light applications of Cuticura (ointment), the great skin cure. They clear the scalp and hair of crusts, scales, and dandruff, allay itching, soothe irritation, heal erup tions, destroy microscopic insects which feed on the hair, stimulate the hair follicles, and supply the roots with nourishment. Sold tbrousfbont tbo world. Price, Ctrricuiu, 60c; Koa1',26c; Keolyknt,$1. I'ottkhPiiuo and Cubx. dnir , Holo l'ron Doslon, U. 8. A. J855-" All about tho Ilulr and rikln," free. WORN " Aches, and weaknesses, but still OUT compelled to labor on." To all WITH BUCU sufferers Cutlcura Ant l-l'aln PAINS Flutter is a priceless blessing. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watclimaker? Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. Do not fail tp call on J)r. Jvannerberg, tbe eve specialist, and liaye your eyei examined free of charge. If you iuffer with headache or .nervousness you un doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if corrected, will benefit you for life, Office in the Vogt block, New York Weekly Tribune Far me and Villagers, I'Olt Fathers and Mothers, fou Sons and Daughters, FOlt All the Family. With the cloBti of tho I'rusldontiiW Cumita'it TJIK TIUltUNK recognizee the fact that tho American pooplu me now anxiouH to nivo thulr uttuntlon to home aud buaint'BH interests, To moot this condition, politics will have far oea epuce and; prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the light for the principles for which THE TKUUTNH lain htbormi from its inception to the preKont day, and won ita greatest victories Evorv poHHlhlo effort will hu put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family. We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best, Tribune Office, New York City, and a sample copy of Tho New York Weekly Trib une will bo mailed to you. 7VL Z. DONNELL, PJESCSlPTIOfl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., THE DALLES, OR. Lumber, Building- Material and Bpe Tradedjor Hav. Grain, B$con? Liard, ROWE & CO., The Dallei, Or.