The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 21, 1897, Image 3

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Dress Goods Offerings.
33 l3e
low figure.
le Dalles Daily Chronicle.
JAN. 21, 1897
ftaudotn Observations and Local EvciitH
of LeKHer Itluenltiule.
'$Mr. Smith French
to Portland
JRBiintnr'nnfm-'s nint.nrfl in the Orecon-I
today is a Joe Daudy. yf
M. T. Nolan is home from a trip to the!
Sound, during which he took a few,
vs off at Salem. S
o ladies will be admitted to the Elk's
arity ball unless accompanied by an
icort or holding a ticket.
diss Pearle WilliamB came up from
'"Portland last night, anONMyisiting her.
t-MBier, iurs. . w. rreuca.' y
T TT tT -r U
fiNcpftDou't forget the musical at Mrs.
Pease's residence tonight. And remem
when you read this that it is intend
WS& as a special invitation tor you.
Tho meeting at. the Congregational
rcu this evening will begin at 7
clock instead of 8, to accommodate
ose who may wish to go to the musical
Mrs. Pease's.
warm southwest wind prevailed to
and it only lacked! the scent of
wers, the song of the fcirds and the
iys at their marble games!) make it a
Inuine section of spring;
Mr. Nichols exhibited a bird shot
ar his place in this city this morning.
i a rare one for this country, but is
common night heron, and is com-
on in the Southern states.
Osborne who has been in ail for some-
e, as a result of the joke of turning
the lights at the dance Christmas
. was released on bail todav. John-
Miss Alma Schmidt went to Portland
pesterday to attend the wedding of her
riend, Miss Emma Wejhtz, formerly of
this city, to Mr. Kelly-xtf Portland,
rhich takes place thjs evening at 6
i'clock. .
from Judge Mays a day or so ago, stating
that he was improving steadily, but not
rapidly, and that he expected to be home
ibout the first day of March, but not be
fore that time.
Dr. Hollister went to Goldendale yes-
erday, being callod in consultation with
Jr. btewr.rt in the case ot Attorney
?resby's little child, who is suffering
tfrom an attack of influenza. He arrived
pome shortly after noon today.
if 'lociaya uregonian says: "Mr. K
S'Hood, of Tho Dalles, returned yester-
RVftnv ilftor n. visit. rf nnvarnl maolm In
I'.Napa valley, Col. Mr. Hood and family
? contemplate making their future home
''In California, and have purchased '
r ' 3r-llili,4i.l linmo 1 nil f Gf TTaIa...
Tho East Oregonian has a full descrip
tion of the meeting of state Woodmen
f Circle at Pendleton, and from it we judge
the Woodman have had one of the great
eat meetings ever held by a secret society
: Dress .
In, the House, sold regularly at 50c. This sale
will last for two weeks, and will be an excel
lent opportunity to "buy Dress Goods at a very
This store closes at 7 p. m. sharp.
in the state. Among those making re
sponses to toasts, we noticed the name
of Mrs. Inez Filloon of this city, but
credited by the, East Oregonian to Dal
las. The sale of tickets for the charity ball
has been a phenomenal success. The
Elks never do anything by halves, and it
was an assured fact that the ball would
be a grand success from the moment
that energetic order took hold of it. The
work of decorating the hall is approach
ing completion, one of the ornaments be
ing the magnificent elk recently mounted
by Mr, Bert Campbell. The best of mu
sic ha? been secured, aud just everybody
and everybody else is going.
Miss Griswold, although an amateur,
per ormed with all the brilliancy and
.tact of a professional, and it took some
time to convince some some of the audi
ence that she was really but an amateur.
Miss GriBwold followed with a recital of
Bryant's "Robert of Lincoln." It
would be difficult to give any of our
readers, who were not present at the
performance, and idea of the really per
fect rendition of this extremely difficult
selection. Here was seen all the grace
and perfection of a professional in the
person of a young amateur. Miss Gris
wold possesses a most pleasing voice and
fully knowB the secret of how to ubo it.
Her rendering of the chorus "Bob
o'Link," etc., was undoubtedly perfect
and the nearest approach to the natural
we have ever had the pleasure of
hearing. National Eepublican.
The date for the positive appearance of
Georgia University Graduates and oper
atic stars has been finally agreed upon for
Tuesday, Jan. 26, at the Vogt. Yes, the
great show is coming to town in all its
entirety and we will shortly have an op
portunity of witnessing what is promised
to be not only the grandest company
ever organized, but the most varied pro
gram yet presented, embracing every
thing and all the novelties in the min
strel line that are entertaing and in pace
with the times. The Georgia Univer
sity Graduates present to us the first
sfninstrel show of the season, and will no
doubt reap a rich harvest here, as they
are also first in public favor, in fact first
and foremost in all things theatrical.
WatkinB, Gillam, Oliver, McKlnger, and
Miss Nettie Goff, Allen AVatkina Gillam,
and thirty other high class artists will
be the onfs you will see in a grand min
ctrel festival.
Go buy this brand what
Schilling's Best
baking powder
flavoring extract!
ana t pices
and Cfo 'by that brand, if
you like them.
Kor sale by
VV. E. Kahler
You'll be surprised when you try Hoe
Cake soap, and wiBh we bad told you
sooner. It ia made by patented pro
cess. jlyg4-il
Senator Hoar's Opinion FolloweilIten
Hon lit Speaker.
A dispatch received this afternoon
from Salem Btates the house has organ
ized on the lines suggested by Senators
Hoar and Thurston, with a majority of
the members. Thirty-two answered to
their names. Benson was elected
speaker, and the house declared organ
ized. .
Tho Opinions.
The organization of the legislature iB
taking on a new phase. We print here
with two opinions on the situation, one
by Senator Hoar, and the other by
Senator Thurston. They are as follows :
"If the Oregon constitution provides
that the house of representatives shall
consist of sixty members, or provides
for a less number, and that the legisla
ture may increase the number to sixty,
which has been done, and further pro
vides that two-thirds of each bouse
shall constitute a quorum to do busi
ness, my opinion is that two-thirds of
the lawfully qualified members of each
house may constitute such a quorum,
although a less number than sixty have
qualified, and a less number than forty
are preeent and act. Therefore, if thirty
five persons are all qualified members of
the house, and twenty-five others law
fully elected refuse to qualify, the action
of the majority of thirty-five in organ
izing or electing a senator or other legis
lative business will bo constitutionally
vaiid, at least twenty-four being preeent.
Two-thirds of thirty-five, being all law
fully qualified members, will then make
a quorum. This doctrine was settled in
the national senate and house during the
rebellion, and has been acted upon in
those bodies ever' since. I have given
opinion to Senator Mitchell.
"Geouoe F. Hoak."
"Washington, Jan. 20. Hon. J. H.
Mitchell, Salem, Or.: Strongly advise
the organization of tho house with the
members ready. Elect a speaker. Notify
the senate and governor of tho organi
zation. Jointly with the senate agree
on a time of voting for senator. If the
bolting members hang out, appoint a
committee to investigate, report a
reason for their action, and declare
their seats vacant. There is no doubt
about the legality of such a course, and
I believe such action would( bring ab
sentees in quickly.
"John M. Tjiuiibton."
Foreign Market.
Broomhall, reviewing .the situation,
"The stimulus administered to ship
ments by the advance in October and
the early halt of November seems to
have spent itself. Judging from former
experience, it is probable that the reac
tion will be somewhat severe, and there
fore look to see a marked decrease in the
quantity on the way, which decrease
will not only be rapid at the commence
ment, but long continued ; for as soon as
the fleet of Euxiue steamers has finished
arriving, the Pacific coast sales will
Is, unquestionably, the most success
ful and perfect working spraying uevtco
yet invented.
It is a unsversal testimony that more,
as well as better, work can be accom
plished with the Bean Spray l'nuip than
with any other pump on the market.
With this pump one man can charge
the receptable and leave it to direct the
spray just where it is wanted, and thus
with" sufficient hose pass from treo to
tree. Tho solution is delivered in a fine
mist or spray, penetrating every nook
and cornor, thus doing butter and more
effective work than is possible by any
other method, and with no wasto what of solution.
For further particulars sec special cir
cular or call upon or correspond with.
commence to tumble in at' n much
greater rate than they are likely to be
added to at the other end ; and it ECems
likely that the quantity on passage will
steadily decreaso during the second half
of the cereal year, and that during tho
spring it will be at a very low ebb. In
deed shall be surprised if the quantity
on passage to the U. K. does not sink to
a lower level than has been recorded for
many years, lower even than in Atmust
lastwhen it fell below 1,500,000 quar
ters. As a rule, a second stimulus to
shipments is not so eaBily given, should
a Becond rise in prices occur, sellers will
probably be found less complacent than
they were last September or October, as
then they were very despondent, having
a lively recollection of many months of
disappointing trade. The uext buying
spurt, if it come again before next har
vest, we find a different class of sellers
to deal witn. Instead of needy and de
spondent growers, buyers will in a large
degree have to reckon with wealthy
merchants, who have taken the stun" out
of the farmers' hands, and now hold it
in South Ruesian ports and American
elevatois, expecting to make a profit on
the transaction. Of course, if Argentina
should commence to ship heavily in
February, and India follow three months
later, the whole situation would bo al
tered, but so far there secnm to be no
likelihood of this alternative taking
place. The reports from tho River I'lattu
are very bad; cables received in Liver
pool describe the outlook as gloomy from
the shipper's point of view. Tropical
rain has ruined tho crop in many dis
tricts where the locust had spared it,
and the very best authonties are now
agreed that the surplus likely to bo
shipped to Europe will not exceed 2,
000,000 quarterB. India is a vast coun
try, and it has frequently surprised
those who imagined themselves to be
most familiar with the actual conditions.
The price of wheat there is already more
than 100 per cent over its customary
level, and beforo another harvest can be
gathered stocks will probably have en
tirely disappeared ; and it ia difficult to
believe that the export movement, un
der the60 circumstances, could re-commence
at once, even should the next
harvest be a moderately abundant one.
France The agricultural situation,
generally, is considered satisfactory ;
heavy falla of snow have taken place in
the East, Northeast and center, and the
crops have got their winter covering be
fore the hard frosts occur. The Western
and Northwestern regions are still un
covered, but this may be remedied any
day now.
Germany Tho weather remains sea
sonable, aud reports concerning tho
crops are favorable,
India Latest reports from India state
that heavy ruin has fallen in tho Oudh
district, and ploughing operations are
progressing actively ; more rain is ex
pected. Rain haB also fallen over East
ern portions of Northwest provinces and
parts of Behar aud central provinces.
General and severe distress it ia expected
will continue until July or August next.
The number of persons on relief work
We have strictly First-class
FIR, OAK and
Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO
Jetyool Boos, Stationery,
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
No. 174 Second Street,
New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
Japanese Bazaar,
II. OIjYATT cfti OO. Irop.
Japanese Curios, Dishes,
Ladies Underwear, Wrappers,
133 Second Street, Next to Snipes-Kinersly's Store.
Call and Seo our Goods.
now exceeds 550,000,
Argentina Our Iluenos Ayres agent
cabled us on .Saturday that tho weather
continued bad, and that tho quality of
tho wheat will be inferior to last year.
Reports aro conflicting, for whereas tho
Times of Argentina estimates that 700,
000 tons will bo available for export from
Hiienos Ayres and Santa Fe, several
other well-known authorities estimate
that only 400-000 tons will bo available
less than last year.
Rouinania Tho woatlier is extraor
dinarily mild, being quite exceptional
for tho time of tho year. The crops,
consequently aro progressing favorably,
and, provided that thoy aro sufficiently
covered with snow beforo the iiard frosts,
there being nothing to fear.
RusBla Tho woatlier continues season
able on the whole, although ini.'linejj to
bo moderate. The annual returns of
the Russian winter crops according to
tho stastistical committee, show a de
ficiency in tlio yield this season of 2,500,
000 quartors in the Northern Caucacus,
A I'lutty WlmliMv.
A. M. Williams & Co.'b windows aro
toJay things of beauty, ospecially tho
one to tho left of tho entrance uh you en
ter. It is decorated in honor of the
Elks, tho central flgiiro being a magnifi
cent elk's head. Around tliia an artistic
draping Is arranged in the Elks' color,
the royal purple, Suspended by threads
from tho top of the window are innum
erable purple butterflies, and from
across tho street tho ImmciiBO window
looks as thouuh it contained a bevy of
them. However, tho only way to get an
idea as to how pretty it is, is to go aud
look at it.
Subscribe for Tin: Chkonicle,
Notion Heilnl School Muvtiuif.
Notice is hereby given to the legal
voters of school district No. 112, of Wasco
county, state of Oregon, tlmt u special
school meeting of tho Baid district will
bo held at tho brick school house on
court street, on tho liOth day of January,
1807, at '1 o'clock in tho afternoon of Bald
day for tho following objectu:
To determine what action said dis
trict will take relative to voting a
special school tax for the support of tho
public echool of said district; also to de
termine what action the district will
take relative to voting a tax to be used
in paying a part or all of tho debt of said
district; also what action tho district
will take for tho erection or rental of
additional school buildidgs aud provid
ing funds for tho payment of the samo.
Dated this loth day of January, 1897.
Ouio.v Kinkuhi.y,
Chairman Hoard of Dimeters.
Attkbt :
E. Jacousk.v, District Clerk.
Few people know thut all plants con
tain digeBtlvo principals, They cannot
absorb their food until it ia digested tiny
more than animals can. Tito Mount
'Lebanon Shakers have learned tho art
of extracting and utilizing these diget
ivo principals, and it la just for this
reason that their Shaker Digestive Cor
diul Is meeting with such phenomenal
success In tho teeutment of dyspepsia.
Tho Shaker Digestive Cordial not only
contains food already digested, but it
hIbq contains digestive principals which
aid tho digestion of other foods that may
be eaten with it. A single 10 cent Bam
pie bottle will be sufficient to demon
strat its valuo, and we suggest that
every suffering dyspeptic make a trial
of it. Any druggist can supply It. H)
Laxol is the best medicine for chil
dren. Doctors recommend it ia pUtca ol
Castor Oil.