The Dalles Daily Chr onick. Till! iai.i,i:s, OUKIION ri:usoxAi, .MKNTION. Mr. .7. A. Wmliloll of Portland is in the city. Captains lluiloy and Allyn returned to Portland on the local today. Mr. M. S. Jameson came up from Portland last night, and ia visiting mentis Here today. Joe Marsh, Wasco's gonial druggist, and A. G. Patton of the same city, "are registered at the Umatilla. Mr. W. 0. Stranahan came up from Hood River last night, as he informed onr reporter, to chew some of the corn off the cob at the meeting of the Kedmen last night. Captain L. A. Bailey, of the Harvest Queen, accompanied by Captain Allvn, came up from Portland on the Kegulator ! I ov that the ruMil hch!n .mv neon ox- listed. 1 jueK i:tii' v of ihem wish : n v had Htomu'd and poeheti'd sonic of tne precious atones they threw away. If we ninth as thorough preparation for diamond mining us they do in South Africa, wo would lind this court:: ,, i uel; -Ichor in niiiterlnlH than air ho ' nth ipnliM. A company has i-c. :it ecu rir.inh'.od 1o develope tlie n-.ine-- pre oiiius atones in the youth, and it litis u number of agents in the held niiikiiiir eNiiniiiiations. They will inelutle in their work all of the preeioiin atoms. dianiontls, emeralds, sapphires, beryla, tranutis and every other 170111 of tiny value. They will be provided with tne proper machinery, and not with coal and pold mining implements. It is all wrong to suppose that a coal or gold miner would unearth the prce'miR stones if they happened to be hi the mountains. The precious stones ne not always found where the gold and coal fields are located. It needs distinct ma chinery and methods, and this if. Ihe onlv why tint we can ever hope to de- last niuiit, and are at Celilo today. Can tain Bailey and the writer steamboated i 'elop the rrem resources of this country. together on the lower river sixteen years ago, since which titno they have not met until last night. THE SOUTH A GOLCONDA Its Mountains Tooin with Precious Stonos mid MottUs. tlch Veins of fluid V.'hlrh Will Sonu Day Ho Opened mul Knrlcli the Country All KI;h1h or fScinx Known to Solent-'. of the mineralogieal experts of e niiuimr company recently re- One a Jar; turned to -New York after an extended trip through the south in the interest of his organization, and, in speaking about the mineral rct-mirecs of the southern states, he said: The company which 1 have been 'ravel ing for has already. made negotiations for large tracts of mineral hind along the Appalachian system, and it will make inimrdiate efforts to develop the mines. 1 have no doubt but they -will strike many unexpected fields of pre cious gems, and the country will get a. new idea of the resources of the mines of the south." Philadelphia Times. The little island of Malta has a ' ir.gurige of its own. derived from the ' arihagininu and Arabian tongues. The nobility of the island speak Italian. passed through nearly a!! -I have the mining heetioius of the south to ex amine the mineral products of the in terests of a number of capitalists, and. after a careful survey of the held, it is ir.y lioneit belief that the future min ing operations of t.his country will be in the south, instead of the west, I found the Appalachian range particti larly rich in till the auriferous and ar gentiferous orei, not only ir. Virginia, but throughout the whole length into Alabama. In Georgia the rich depos its are well known, and companies are now rapidly organizing to mine the various ores. In South Carolina the de posits of monazite (crystal. of ti rare metal known as cerium, tiF-d only in chemistry, and worth S1G0 ;m ounce) have been found so valuable that a big industry .has been built up in the Pied mont section. It is estimated that this industry is now valued nt .seventl mil lions of dollars, although it is only a few years old. When I visited the iields everybody was looking for morazite. and the business will bring in at least -$1CO,000 to the people of the Piedmont j--cticn this year. Owners of apparent Jy worthless land have let it out to con tractors at the rate of $200 an acre, and these miners make big profits besides A few years ago the owners would have ien glad to have received three or four dollars per acre for this land. "There is more gold in the south than any man ever imagined. Traces of ir crop up in the most unexpected places, and there must he .some valuable vein hidden awny in the mountains that wili some day be discovered and startle the country. ( Tipple Creek will be nothing to the southern gold fields after they have onee been located. It seems strange, hut the fact is nevertheless true, that the south lias never been thoroughly ex amined for mineral and gold products. Before the war everybody went west to find gold, and the south was ghen over to cotton, tobacco, sugar und rice. After the war dosed nothing was done for a long time to develop the indus tries of the .southern ntates, but now we are beginning to realize that a great, undeveloped field spreads out before us. There are scores of gold prospector traveling through the mountains of the south, looking for the treasures that are sure to come to light someday. Peo ple Kpenk about the future supply of gold being found in Africa! Why. more gold is buried in the Appalachian range of mountains than they will find in Africa in the next 100 years, lint the mountains are so vant, und the re gion so little known, that it will tnki time to locate the best mines even after the prospectors have been attract ed to the place. "Another thing about the southern mines ih that many of the most precious stones have been picked up at various points, and where uch jewels sin spread out on the surface you am rest assured that there are others further down under the ground. For instance, at Corundum IliJl some beautiful sup phireti hae been found. Here tiresome that 1 secured from a miner. Tlie: were not mining for sapphires, but liap pened to pick them up while mining fpr ores. Over 100 liaiiiiliires have been found at this place, and moHt of them j are valued at ?50 to .$100 and upward, i "Tne fact is that we have a cuuntrj capable of producing all the precious stone known to science, but so much Pttentlon has been given to the mining (f iron, coal, oil, silver and gold tliti' th' more precious products of the rock have been neglected. I remember dis tinctly in California, when the gold f"-.-r was lit its height, miners threw up n'verul fairly good .specimens of din nioutUs.uut iii their craze for the yellow j .cti.i jhey paid no attention to the pre ( on stonea. They knew all about gold mining, but nothing about diuuiimds. THE VALUE OF BORAX lluve About A UHofnl Article to Always tlio House. The women of Holland and Belgium, who make their linen so beautifully white, use refined borax instead of washing soda in the proportion of one large handful of borax powder to about ten gallons of boiling water. Thus they save in soap nearly half. Its ef fect is to soften the hardest water, and. therefore, it should be kept on every toilet table. It is good for eleansimr j the hair, isan excellent-dentifrice: com- i bincd with tartaric acid and bicarbon ate of soda it is a cooling bevcrcge. Good tea cannot be made with hard wa ter, but all water may be made soft by adding a teaspoonful of borax powder to an ordinary-sized kettle of water, in which it should boil. The. saving in the quantity of tea used will lie one-fifth. This Is Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, a generous sample will bo mailed of the most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon strate the great merits of the remedy. ELY BROTHERS, 5G Warren St,, New York City. Hov. John Held, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont., recommended Ely's Cream 13alm to me. I can emphasize his statement, "It is a posi tive cure for catarrh if used as directed." Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor CentralPrea. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknowledged j euro for catarrh and contains no mercury j nor any injurious drug. Price, CO cents. Stati: ok Ohio, City ok Toleuo Lucas County, j Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. .1. Cheney & Co., doing business in the i City of Tiledo, County and state afore said, and that said firm will pay tho sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Fkank J. Chknky. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1S9G. A. W. Guaso.v, seal Notary Public. Hall's Catarrli Cure is taken internal ly and acts directly on tho blood and inucuos surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Ciii:ney a Co., Toledo, 0. sold by Druggists, Too. No. !J-11 The progressive ladies of Westfield, Ind., issued a "Woman's Edition" of the Westfield News, bearing date of April 3, 1890. The miner is filled with matter of intereBt to women, and wo notice the following from a correspondent, which the editors printed, realizing that it treats upon a matter of vital importance to their sex : "Tho best remedy for croup, colds and bronchitis that I have been able to find is Chamberlain's Cough Iteniedy. For family use it has no equal. I gladly recommend it." 25 and oO cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton. SURE CURE for PILES ltctiin tal mini, 11 lie I u or t'reirudlu t-II-. UMt , vj DR. BO-SAN-KO'S PILE REMEDY. 'fb. 0vl'w luiuuf A (JQ.lltVM curt. I trcjl ir vat Ireo. Prlco tov. liutlugruu. UU. UOnA.NkO, 1'liUfc. J'u. LOOP P01SDW A SPECIALTY tlary l'OJSON porroancntly cured In 15 to 26 days. You can bo treated at horuc forsacio price under s.-iuioKuunm-ty. If you prefer toeoniotiero votrlllenn. tract to pay railroad t areand uotol bllls.and nwre, I t ire (all to euro. If you havo taken mer , Iodide potash, nnd etlll huvo aches and fitns.Mucuus VutchcH In mouth, KoroTiirout. 'Unplug, Copper Colorud HpotH, Ulcer on Doeba curv. litis, Mucous 'linulcs. Cor any (mrioi wio uciay, uuir ori'-venroWH fulling out, It if this HucoHdury ItLOOD I'OISOf no guarantee to cure. WueolltiLtbomoati to cuseu mid cliulleiiKu tho world for a Wo solicit too moat ouitl- .enirtk tlio wnrlil fnt a. e!? w.e.Fun,?,.,.t.cH.r,; Ma dbawi has always uflleil tho nkllt of the most einiuuut physt Cltuej. 000.000 canltal behind our nnrnmtl. UoijuI guaranty. A hsoluto nroof tone sealed on upplicatlnn. Andrei COOK ItKMtiDV CO 801 Mmoiiie Toiuple, CUICAUO, ILL. s $250,000 Te Bt Gin Away Tho Bost SmokingTobacco SVSade this year in valuable articles to smokers of BQackwell's Genuine Oyrham Tobacco You will find otic coupon iu oidc each Q-ounca bag, and two coupons inside each bag. Iiuynbag, read the coupon and sec how to get your share. N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. N Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car A CYCLING MINISTER'S EXPERIENCE, THE RESULTS OF LONG, HARD RIDING. FULLY 3,000 MILES ON HIS WHEEL He Makes Some Reflections on the Benefits of the Sport and Tells of its Dangers. fYom Uu: lress, Vtica, iS". I'. The Bey. "Vm. P. F. Ferguson, whose pic ture we give above, will not be unfamiliar by sight to many readers. A you up man, lie has Btill had an extended experience as foreign missionary, teacher, editor, lecturer and pastor that has given him a wide ac quaintance in many parts of the country. In an interview a few days ago lie said : " In the early summer of '0-1 1 went upon a tour through Canada on my wheel. My route was from Utica to Cape Vincent thence hysteamer to Kingston, anil from therealong the north shore of the lake to Toronto and around to Niagara Falls. 1 arrived at Cape Vincent at 5 o'clock, having ridden against a strong head wind all day. "After a delightful sail through the Thousand Islands, I stepped on shore in that quaint old city of Kingston. A slight shower had fallen andthustrects weredatnp, so that wisdom would have dictated that 1, leg-weary as I was, should have kept in doors, but to anxious was I to sec the old city that I spent the whole evening in the Streets. " Five o'clock the next morning brought a very unwelcome discovery. I was lame in both ankles and knees. The head wind and the damp streets had proved an unfor tunate combination. I gave, however, little thought to it, supposing it would wear off in a few hours, and the first Hush of sunlight saw me speeding out the splendid road that leads toward Nupanec. " Night overtook nieatu little village near l'ort Hope, but found me still lame. I rested the next day, and the next, but it was too late ; tho mischief was done. I rode a good many miles during the rest of the season, hut never a day and seldom a mile without pain, "Tho winter came and I put away my wheel, saying ' now I shall get well,' but to my disappointment I grew worse. Some days my knees almost forbade walking and my ankles would not permit mo to wear shoes. At times I suffered severe pain, so in whicli a good deal of space wns taken by an article 111 relation to nr. imams' I'nii; Pills. 1 did not at that time know what they were supposed to nure. I should have paid no attention to the article had I not caught the mime of a lady Whom 1 knew. Bending, I found that she, in similar circumstances, had been greatly benefited by the 'usi of Pink Pills, and knowing lier as I -did I had no doubt of the truth of the statement that she had authorized. The first box was not gone before I saw a change, and the third laid not been finished Wore all signs of my rheumatic troubles were gone to stay. " I say 'gone to stay,' for though there has been every opportunity for a return ot the trouble, I nave not felt the first twinge of it. I have wheeled thousands of mile? and never before with m little discomfort. I have had some of the most severe tests ot strength nnd endurance, and have come through them without an nclic. For ex ample, one afternoon I rode seventy miles, preached that night and made fifty miles oi the hardest kind of road before noon the next day. Another instance was a ' Cen tury run,' the lust forty miles of which were made in a downpour of rain through niuit and slush. " You should think I would recommend them to others? Well, I have, and have had the pleasure of teeing very good reeiil in a number of instances. Yest 1 should feel that 1 was neglecting a duty if I failed to suggest Pink Pills to any friend whom I knew' to he suffering from rheumatism. TI1E PKESHYTKIIIAN CI1UKCH IN WHITES. IlOItO, OK WHICH REV. WM. 1'IiKOUBON IS I'AUTOR. "No, that is not the only disease they cure. I personally know of a number ot cures from other troubles, hut I have needed them only for that, though it would be but fair to add that my general health has been better this summer than ever before in mv severe as to ma!;o study a practical imnos- sibility, yet it must ho understood that I Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain nil the 1 conceaicu the condition 01 auairs as lar . elements necessary to give new life anil us nossiblc. From being local tho trouble began to spread slightly ami my anxiety increased, i consulted two physicians and followed their excellent advice, hut without result. Ko the winter passed. One day in March I happened to take in my hand a newspaper richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. Tliey are sold in boxes (nnver in loose form, by the dozen or hundred) at 50 cents u box, or six boxes for $2.50, and may lie had of all druggist or directly by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady. N. Y. -DEALER IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. And the Moat Complete nnd Latest Patterns mul DeniiniB in WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. PRACTICAL PAINTER und PAPER HANGER. None but the beBt'brnudfc of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS used in all our work, and none but tha moat Bkllled workmen employed. Agonta for Mnsury Liquid 'Paints. No chetu icel combination or aoap mixture. A llral-cluBB urticle in all colors, All ordert promptly attended to. Storo and Paint Shoe oorner Third and Washington Bta The Dalloa, 0reoi TO MT. I'AlTl. ailNNEAI'OI.IH DUMJT1I lAltdO r.KANO FORKS OKIIOKSTON MINNH'KO HKI.KNA anil ItUTTK Through Tickets C1IICAOO WASHINGTON rillL.AIKI..rHlA y K IV VOKK ISOKTOX ASP AM. I'OIXTS EAST ami SOUTH For Information, Ume curds, mnjisiuicl tickutb, cal on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Apetit, The Dalles, Oregon OK A. D. CHARLTON. AphL G. P. A., Joo, MotiUon Cor. Third. I'ortlund Oregon NEW YORK WORLD THRlGE-fl-WEEK EDITIOfJ. 18 1'ncen 11 IVeoU. ir( I'apurH u Your, It etunde first ninonf 'weekly" papers in aize, frequency of publication and freshness, varietj nnd reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the low- price o a weekly ; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy nnd fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among its special features are n fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fnshiond for women and a long Beries of Btories by the greatest living American and English authors, Cumin Doyle, .Jernmu K. ilei'iiint', Stimlt-y IVeyinnii, Mary 12. IVUUIiih, Alltlimiy Hope, Hint llurti.', liruinlttr Mlittliew, Ktc. We offer this unetjnaled newspaper nnd The Dalles Twice-a Week Chronicle to uether one year for $L 00. The regular price of the two papers is .fo.OO. J I i ix. fmlfrHfffllk. Guardian Notice. Notice is hureliv clvun that the undursii'iiL'd 1 hits been duly iiiiointed by the County Court in iiiu mute 01 uicgnu inr wii'-co county, guur- 1111111 01 tne erM)u unci estate 01 Allien ia-iiiiiiui, iiii iiiMitio person. All persons having claims iiunin-t said estate lire herubv renuired to nru- sent tlicm to me at my residence in Dalles City, uu-uu, iku pnipur vouijiiur". OKOltGK A. 1.IK1IK, (itiatdlnn of the person und estate of Albert Lehman, insane. Dated this'Jiith day of September, 1S9C. sep' Notice of Final Settlement, Notice Is hereby given that the unrterMgiicd has died in the olllee of tne Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wuseo Cotiutv his dual account as assignee or A. A. Hoiiney, insolvent debtor, and said final account will be hunrd at tho Circuit Court room in the court house in Dulles' City, Oregon, on Monday, the 8th day of February, Ib'JT. nt tho hour of 10 i) eioKK a. 111,, or lis soon lliereulter as counsel maybe heard. KOHKKT mays. deczi-f Assignee of A. A. llonuoy. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice 1h hereby given that the undersigned has been duly iipp -fnted the nsflgia-o of the estate of M. Heudrlcson mid h. A. Hendricson, insolvent debtors. All persons having claims against both, or either, of said insolvent debtors are hereby notified to present them to 1110 prop erly verified, as by law required, within three mouths from tho date hereof, at thd olliee of J. L. htory. In Dalles City, Oregon; und all per sons owing them, or either of them, arc hereby notihed to tettlo with mo nt once. Tho Dalles, Dec. 8, IMG. f-i b S DAVIS, Assignee. Notice or Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has (lied, in tho ollieo 01 the Clerk of tho County 1 ourt of the Htuto of Oregon for Wakco County, his lliml iiccoiint ns the administrator of tho h tuto of Phoebe M. Dituham, di-ceaswl. nnd that by an order of the County Court, miide and en tend on the 18th day of December, lw the county courthouse in Dalles City, Oregon was fixed us the i ueo and tho 1st day of Mnrch, lhJ7, at flip linilr nl ' n')' ... ... ,1... ti. r' Av.'v hearing of said lliml account and objections ",,.,,l A. it. THOMPSON, AiiiniuiNtrator, Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been dtilv upjiolnted by tho county court of the htilto of OreL'Oll for Wiisrn Cnimlv ml,., triitor of the estate of W. II. Ixiohhwui, deeeused, All pursons having claims uguiust mid estutu are hereby reunited to present tho same to me projK!rly verifltU, us by law rdiitlred. ut the useo urelioiise. Dalles City, Oregon, within six months from daio hereof. Dated this liOtlr duy of Ootuber, 1800. , , MALCOLM MoINNIS, AdmlnUtratorot thocstatcot W, II. Uielihead, deceud, oct30-f Drugs, Paints, Wall Paper, 4 p" . Glass, tic. 'X'JbLJEii Snipes-Kincrsly Drug 129 Second St., THE DALLES, - - rye! .1. S. PCHBNK, President. il. J1EAU, Cashit: first national Bank. THE DALLES LiHhi in. . 1 T, 1J Ti 2 . . I a nmiKrm rHiiuuiir xjuhiuchh irannuiiti wepoBUB recBivea, BUDjeci to Blgfit Draft or Check. Siirht nnd Telegraphic Exchange sold a New York, San .Francisco and Bort. p land. DIRBOTOKS, Ed. M. W1LI1IAM8, dao. A. Liibi. H. M. Beai.l. FRENCH & GO BANKERS. rUANSACT A GENEKAb HANKING BU8ISES EaBtern States. in Oregon and Washington. i-i-ii....; i 1 ..11 : onujli; terms. Dalles City anfl Moro Stae liu Leaves Willianis Hotel, Moid, 01 Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays ti 8 it. m. jiroin:t. Leiivea Uniatilla House, The Dalle, Tuesdays, Thvrsduys und Saturdaya tl 8 a. 111. prompt. Friiht rates The Dulles to Moro, ft per 100 lbs; small puckapes, loandSoc. Pafiseiu,'er rales The Dalles to Moro, $1.50; round trip, J2.50. Afuncy nt Unmtilla House, Tho Dalle;, and at Williams Hotel, Moro. , tf DOUGLAS ALLEN, Prop. Guardian's Sale of Real Estate. Notice Ik hereby given Mint tho underslwri. Ktiurdiun of the persons unci estate of AllwAf nilrtt Udell snd William Kdwurd Udell, ruinon, under und in nccordauec with an order of IK county court of tho fetute of OreRon, for Wmw Conntv, heretofore made, will sell ut public Mfr tion, for cash in hand, on Suturday, the MB duy of fJeeembor, lKUii, at the hour of VI o'elocf. noon, at tho (courthouse door in Dalles Citr.U Wasco County. Oregon, all the real estate longing to the estate of snid minors, to-wit: Tho southeest quarter of section thirty township one north rango ten east WlllametK Meridian, la Oregon, coiituliiltig 100 acres. Dulles City, Oregon, Nov. l'J. 18Wi. OKOUOE UPEU, novUMl auardlan of said Minors Bake tchel Oven and I STAGE LINE, THOMAS HABPER, - - Proprietfl Stages leave Bake Oven for Anteloi every day, and from Antelope to Mit chell three times a week. GOOD HORSES AND WAG0N8. The Glades Ranch, WHITK SALMON. WAS11. r nre Brefl America T Jery Citttle .1 oiuh v. Of tho St Lambert, Commasslo and 'fotmenW riilue. Three Choioo Bulls for mile orrw so soino Cholco Cows and Heifers for sale. Iiuo llred l'ohiud China Hogs. Will to Plymouth Uock Chickens. Address: 11 H8. A. It. UYKKETT, l'r?P-Jr.'5-wam White Salmon, J. B' GO,T' COUNTY SURVEYOR. Receideuce, Teptli and Liberty