THE BEAN AUTOMATIC SPRAY PUMP. Dress Goods Offerings. LARGE CONSIGNMENT WILSON HEATERS 33 l-3e Yard JUST RECEIVED at Yard Colored low figure.. GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. Dalles Daily Ghfonicie. Weather Foiecast. Portland. Jan. 20, 1697. IK n. M I I: IE N I IKI'.IIIIIY 1 tllllUllk U11U liUUlUA lAuui uuservcr, WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. inm Observation!! and Local Event of Lesger Magnitude. Maccabees meet tonight at 7 :30. nfnr has advertised to vote on bond- the school districTlbr $2,000 to build UvUuC - . r. J be Ratbbone Sfttij here, all mem- . J. I 1. .7N . . tUn ting at that time. ie total assessedlvaluation of taxable peeperty in schotH district JNo. vz, wnicn 93.161. mid that hi the city itself ie 22.515. and after this date the butchtto and all day Sundays. Just make a of this, or you may miBS your ac-i nmeil rnnnt nn Kiindavs. and FO bed ined to roast the butchers instead:' i are sieveral cases of scarlet fever tnipn (inn (nmn niiir m innnn tiihl iih II. in i i e 1 1 liiim uinrnnn nuu uiuu t :l t ii,:.'-.!:. j , i . J i in untg ucici uccu uu,uviiu uv. w utmost precaution should be taken it may be stamped out at once. tnr vrtn nn it a nrm rpnrnprH' innri on the 21et and 22d. Thursday IIIHrH Will IIH III! HMIl'rinl II II I K II I,. evenine Professor P. P. Underwood deliver an address on "The New MArsus the Old Way." Bs?he "national quarantine officers in Brt Townsend have had instructions Km Washington City to exercise the mmr j .....I-- e 1081 caution aua siricuy emorco in action regulations on all vessels arriv g from Japan and China, where small- is reported to be epidemic. Do not miss the musical at Mrs. E. C. Base's Thursday evening. No special kitations hare been iBBued, but a cor Ll invitation is exteuded to nil. One the best programs of the season will be adered, alter which refreshments will i served. Admission 25 cents. Pro- teds for Congregational church. Lit the Clarence Rooms, an excellent Itertainmeut was provided by the new rans-Atlantic reciter, Miss 'Grisvold, llady who has gained much notoriety i different countries as a vocal imitator : birds. On Wednesday she gave some iinarkable examples of her powers as a ramatio reciter and bird mimic. "Lon- Ml." pThe firm of Tassott & Co. ie shipping lontbly, from Aberdeen, between 300 id 400 cases of salmon to Hamburg, permany. Tue cases contain about hundred pouuds, and the fish WILL BUY EVERY YARD : Dress In the House, sold regularly at 50c. This sale will last for two weeks, and will be an excel lent opportunity to "buy Dress Goods at a very PEASE This store closes at 7 p. m. sharp. bring the company 15 cents a pound in Hamburg. The fish are packed in ice and sent by express. The company is supplying this trade with steelheads. The first of the series of lectures ar ranged for by the committee, was given at the Congregational church last night, Col. Jackson, U. S.A.,being the lecturer, and the subject, "James Russell Lowell." The attendance was good, and the committee feel greatly encouraged. The subject was handled in a masterly manner, and those who attended were highly pleased with their evening's en tertainment. j There are minstrel shows, and inin 'strel shows, but the best minstrel show that vieits the Northwest, is the one coming next Tuesday, the Georgia Uni versity Graduates. The show is clean, and is composed of first-class artists in the minstrel line. The Dalles has the reputation of always patronizing bad shows and shunning good ones. This furnishes an excellent opportunity to flinncrn thfi hnhit. fr TTm n ? 11 trn la af Vita Htjalr i n legislature ready to do business when ever the balance of the members get ready. Yesterday when Somers and Smith got into a wordy argument, then Huntington objected because they dis turbed him at his writing. He ie emi nently right. The people do not care to hear anything irom the unorganized house. What they want is to hear that the house is organized and attending to the business for which it was elected. Miss Eliot of Portland, who gives singing lessons each week in The Dalles, may stay over a week soon in order to give a few of her pupils the advantage of daily practice. If there are any who tare thinking of taking lessons in the I- lj l- - ; e .1 cur luiure, u wuuiu ue wise iur iuuiu 0 begin at this time, that they may ave the same opportunity. Mies Eliot may be conferred with on Thursday afternoon or Friday morning of this week, either in person or by telepnone at Mrs. Leslie Butler's. Beginning Claiset. Beginning classes will be organized in the first primary departments of Union street and Academy Park schools on Monday, Jan. 25, 1897. Children who are 0 years of age before May 1st may enter Bchool at the above date. Parents and guardians are requested to eend all bi'ginners for the spring term on Mon day, so as to start with the new classes. John Gavin, Prin. Public School. Cheap we mean it; your money back if you don't like tea baking powder coffee flavoring extract! soda and picea. ana spice Schilling's Best' For sale by W. E. Kahler Subscribe for Tub Chronicle. OF : Goods & MAYS. t What u Man Can't Do. A woman will broil a steak, says a wise woman who knows, and see that the coffee does not boil over, and watch tne cat that sue does not stent the re mainder of meut on th kitchen table, and dress the youngest boy, and set the table, and see to the roast, and stir the oatmeal, and give the orders to the butcher, and she can do it all at once and not half try. Alan has done won ders since he came before the public. He has navigated the ocean, he has pen etrated the mysteries of the starry heav ens, he has harnessed the lightning and made it pull street-cars and light the great cities of the world. But ho cannot find a spool of red thread in his wife's workbaBket; he can't discover her pock et in a dress hanging in the closet ; he cannot bang out clothes and get them on the line right end up. He cannot hold clothespins in his mouth while he is doing it,either. He cannot be polite to somebody he bates. He cannot sit in a rocking-chair without banging the rockers in tho baseboard. He cannot put the tidy on the sofa pillow right side out. LaGrande Chronicle. That's what he can't, brother, and there are whole lole of things besides he can't do. He can't talk his other half ito a standstill with his mouth full of hair pins, and not miss a note; or look pretty and talk saucy with both hands engaged in tying up his back hair. He can't keep up a running conversation on nine different subjects at once, and not get them tangled or the pronouns mixed. Ie can't put the baby's stockings on Without getting the heel on top of the foot, and he can't chew gum worth -a cent. He can't kiss the pain from child hood's hurts, or charm smiles into eyes but a moment before filled with tears. He can't wet-nurse the baby by first in tentions, but has to fall back on his old friend, the bottle. He can't be a down sprouted angel, with a voice like falling waters, one minute, and a full-fledged devil of a bucking cayuse with the breeching kicked off, the next. He can't match colors in woolen and silk goods, not to save his immortal soul. He can't love his enemies to their faces, and hate his friends behind their backs. He can't hit the bargain counter, where goods are selling for cost, and get twenty five per cent discount without any back talk. He can't dance all night in a pair of tight sines, and emile like the face of Nature in June, He can't look sweet and pretty in a suit of clothes costing six bits, and he can't do a hundred thousand other things that the dainty, dimitied, little darlings can do without an effort. But more than ail, ho can't get along without the charming, cautankerousj wheeedling, pifrring, lovable, kissable, wrap-a-man-around-their-flngerabledod gasted, measly little darlings, whose eyes go through a fellow like an X ray, and whose presence is as the scent of vio lets in the breath of spring, She is nature's grandest handiwork, God's last and best sift direct from heaven, and only kept from being an angel from as sociation with man; She has a sphere all her own that we can't enter in, and we are deucedly glad we can't. Tb l'opulur Mloitrela. The Georgia University Graduates, one of the finest colored minstrel at- Is, unquestionably, tho most success ful ami perfect working Spraying Device yet invented. It is a unsversal testimony that more, as well ub better, work can be accom plished with the Bean Spray Pump than with any other pump on the market. With this pump ono man can charge the receptable and leave it to direct tho spray just where it is wanted, and thus withsutticient hose pass from treo to tree. Tho eolution is delivered in a fine mist or spray, penetrating evory nook flndcornor, thus doing better and. more effective work than is possible by any other method, and with no waste what ever of solution. For further particulars see Bpecial cir cular or call upon or correspond with. MAIER & BENTON -AGENT FOR- THE DHLLES, I tractions on tho road, will give an enter tainment full of bright comedy, nice music and side-splitting fun. Among a large number of press notices, all in praise of this attraction, we quote the following from the Yakima Daily Times of Marcli 25th : "The Georgia Graduates, who greeted a house full of amusement lovers at the opera house on Saturday evening, gave the people of this city the best, cleanest and most entertaining minstrel show ever given here. In facts, many who at tended declared that it was tho best I they had ever seen anywhere. The peo ple who compose tho troupe are men and women of refinement. Their specialties, in which all appeared as first-class artists, wero free from the vulgar wit that so frequently j'ars the sensibilities of. modest people. Their singing was fine, being a combina tion hard to beat. The comedy features of the performance were unusually catchy and mirth provoking. They presented many happy innovations on the old type of minstrelsy and, all round, rendered a most enjoyable pro gram. , This-splendid company will show here at the Vogt, Tuesday evening, Jan. 26th. ' TULE LAKE SWAMP LANDS. Htuto Stunt Show Why Tlmy Hlioulil Not lie Held for Cancellation. Extending northeastward from the Hot lake between La Grande and Union, is a stretch of territory called "The Tules." In it is au irregular tract of about 1700 acres, designated on tho gov ernment plats as "Tule lako." Govern ment surveys were made in October, 1863, and at that time tho lake was from two to six feet deep. Later on the water in the lake receded, and a 1700 acre tract was claimed by the state under the swamp-land act, while the land surrounding was taken by the state under the internal improvement act. Tho local land office officials have just received a decision from tho com missioner of the general land office that at the time Tule lake was selected by tho state it was in reality a lake, and could not rightfully be claimed as swamp land. With this decision sixty days' time is given the state to show why the land of Tulu lake should not be held for cancellation, If the statu fails to make such showing, the owners of the lands adjoining will have the right to claim extensions to their tracts to the center of the lake, What makes tho matter more compli cated is the fact that after selecting the tract as swamp land, the state sold the same to individuals. The land has since passed under a mortgage to other parties, and more or leap of the laud adjoining is under mortgage to different, individuals and companies, M, Crevreuil, being about to leave the city, offers his fine stock ot artificial flowers, plants, etc., at greatly reduced f trices. RgouiH in Masonic build ng. decSUf Remember We have strictly First-class FIR, OAK and MAPLE WOOD To sell at LOWEST MARKET RATES. JOS. Phone 25. Jetyool BooKs, Stationery, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, lx AT Jacobson Book & Music Co. No. 174 Second Street, New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. Japanese Bazaar, XX. OIjYATT OO. Prop. Japanese Curios, Dishes, Ladies' Underwear, Wrappers, nsroTioTs, bto., etc. 133 Second Street, Next to Snipes-Kinersly's Store. Call and See our Goods. Tim Churlty Hull. Arrangements for the ball to bo given by the Elks on the 2J, are about com pleted. Tickets will hu $1,50 per couple. Committees have been appointed as fol lows : Executive-J. S. Fish, W. II. Wilson, 0. L. Phillips, Grant Mays, G. W. Phelps, H. W. Fronch. Keception J. Michell, G. 0. Ulakoloy, T. A. Hudeon, E. M. Kelsav, P. W. Do Huff, E. 0. McCoy and W. L. Iirad shaw. Floor J. Hampshire, II. Itiddell, T. J. Seufert, II. Lonsdale, M. Vogt, Jr., J. Herts;. Decoration Geo. Ferguson, E. Jacob sen, E. Sherar, C. Stubling, T. J. Driver, J. A. McArthtir. The lady patronesses, who will assist the executive committee, are: Mes dames W, L. iiriulshaw, Goo, C. Ulake ley, W. H. Moody, J. 1$. Crossen, P. V. Delluff, W. II. Wilson, II, Fronch, 0. L. Phillips, J. S. Fish, T. A, IIiKlnon, Misses Mary Lay, Etta Story, Uoulah Patterson, Ida Wakefield, Elizabeth Sampson, Dorothy Frodde,'and Mattio Cashing, Grand march at 8:30. lluukleu'u Ariuo Halve, The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptious, and posi lively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded, Price 26 cents per box, For sale by Blakeley and Houghton, druggists, Subscribe (or The Cukonicle, MAYS & CROWE. T. PETERS & CO Notice Njelt Nehool.Meotliiir. Notice is hereby given to the loijal voters of school district No. 1'J, of Wusco county, state of Oregon, that a special school meeting of the said district will be held at the brick school house on court street, on the 30th day of January, 1897, at 12 o'clock in tho afternoon of said cfiiy for the following objects: To determine, what action said dis trict will take relative to voting a special school tax for the support of the public: school of said district; also to de termine whut action the district will tako relative to voting a tax to be used in paying a part or all of the debt of said district; also whut uctlon the district will take for the erection or rental of additional school buildidgs mid provid ing funds for the payment of the same. Dated this 15th day of Januury, 1SD7. OlHON KlNEU8l,Y, Chairman Dourd of Directors. Arrusr : E. Jacoijbkn, District Clork. iauH-lOt Few people know that all plants con tain digestive principals, They cannot absorb their food until it is digested any more than animals can, The Mount Lebanon Shakers have learned the art of extracting and utilising these diget ive principals, and it is just for thiu reason Unit thoir Shaker Digestive Cor dial Is meeting with such phenomenal success In the teeutment of dyspepsia. The Shaker Digestive Cordial not only contains food ulready digested, but it also contains digestive principals which uid the digestion of other foodthat may be eaten with it. A single 10 cst sam ple bottle will be sufficient to (lemon strat its value, and we suggest that every suffering dyspeptic make a trial of It. Any druggist can supply It. 4) I avnl la tlia haat mnrllnlna Inr nhtl.' dren. Doctors recommend it in place ot Castor Oil, r