Dress Goods Offerings. Yard 33 l3e Yard WILL BUY EVERY YARD OF Colored : Dress : Goods In the House, sold regularly at 50c. This sale will last for two weeks, and will be an excel lent opportunity to buy Dress Goods at a very low figure. GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. This store closes at 7 p. m. eharp. THE BEAN AUTOMATIC SPRAY PUMP. Is, unquestionably, the most success ful and perfect working Spraying Device yet invented. It is a unsvcrsal testimony that more, as well as better, work can bo accom plished with the Benn Spray Pump than with any other pump on the market. With this pump one man can charge the receptable and leave it to direct tho eprav just where it is wanted, and thus with sufficient hose pass from treo to tree. The solution is delivered in a line mist or spray, penetrating every nook and cornor, thus doing better and more effective work than is possible by any other method, and with no wasto what ever of solution. For further particulars see special cir cular or call upon or correspond with. MAIER & BENTON AGENT FOR THE DKLLES. LARGE CONSIGNMENT WILSON HEATERS JUST RECEIVED at MAYS & CROWE. 0 :: Remember. We have strictly First-olass FIR, OAK and MAPLE WOOD To sell at LOWEST MARKET RATES. JOS. T. PETERS & CO phe Dalles Daily G&fomcie. TUESDAY. JAN. 19. 1897 Weather Forecast. Vor.TLAsn. Jan. 19, 1857. pFor. Eartekx Or.EOON Tonight ;na tomor- vow, occnbionnl rniu; wnriner. lj Paoue. Observer. Drawing the Ciller. To draw the cider we were sent, We two on mirth and mischief bent, She bore the candle daring high; The old blue-llgured pitcher 1. What shadows o'er the cellar wall Tossed, huge and shapeless, dim and tall; What eerie sounds from rack to bin, And casks that pent real spirits lu. The spigot turned, both heads bent low To watch tho amber current flow. The candle light llared strangely dim, The pitcher must not over brim. So close, so close our faces drew, Our lips had touched before we knew; And ere thev parted rogues disgraced, Six quarts ot cider went to waste. Atlorlan. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. tnnaom Observations and Local Events of Lesser Masnituile. Dramatic and humorous readings and ecitatious by Juisb j. Montague (jhb- olci, assisted by popular home talent, tlm Vrwt. Mnnrinv flrRnmp. .January tl). A. M. Williams & Co. are having a ecial drive in wide, unbleached sheet- . ... n . , . n It t A on. Thfiv ure Be line b-i at loi : 16c, and 10-4 at 20c a yard. For a w days only. f-a niovn f! HnfTmnn nf TvnnsflA i r ii v i i cit'ni. Hi p. ill. ill . ill. i hi hh nil e 6th and 7th of February. She is e national recording secretary of the C. T. U and will give one or more f we want trade we must keep the luauD icnuiuK vu iud ii y i u luuh ii v. v. . on. Much complaint is made concern ing the road leading to the free bridge crnPB the Deschutes, and some atens hould be taken towards putting it in rA oVin tin 1 - Jackson arrived from Portland at noon today, ana win aenver a lecture at the Congregational church tonight on j the eubiect. "James Russell Lowell." Col, Jackson is a deep reasoner, has a very happy style, and those who hear him will have a genuine treat. WVe rise to remark that Van Norden has one of the neatest and prettiest enow windows imaginable. Ever day ii - Aisr . ,ni s ! tin. innumerable nrettv thines. and each moment to delight his or her eyes with a glimpse of them. Never before have so many first-class ) elocutionists been brought together. The members included Miss J. Mon , tague Griswold, who gave her wonder ful bird imitation and selections in cos tume, showing great versatility of talent. New York College Journal, Dec. 18, 1886. Do not forget the musical to be given by Mrs. E. C. Pease and Mrs. Geo. P. Morgan at the former's residence Thurs day evening. No invitations have been issued, but we are requested to assure vou that vou will all be welcome, and that this notice is a special invitation to each of you. The proceeds are lor the benefit of the Congregational church. T. I. Nicholas is having a pipe made with which he intends to test the hole already drilled in Chenoweth creek to gee ifja diamond drill will go down it. The hole being drilled with a bit drill, may possibly be uneven in places, so that the round diamond drill would not follow it. This is not thought to be the case, but Mr. Nicholas is determined to know before he attempts to use the dia mond drill. By freely admitting into its columns the communications of people entirely ignorant of the subjects upon which they write, or unconscionably menda cious, the Oregonian brings upon itself unnecessarily distrust and hatred. A newspaper without character soon be comes poor property. There is no longer anv monopoly of the news in Portland, and the owners of the Oregonian invite destruction by such methods. Salem Statesman. ''Hon. T. T. Gecr, messenger of the Oregon electoral college to the president of the United States senate, left Satur day afternoon for Washington, D. C, carrying the result of the vote of Ore gon's electors in his pocket, and he will personally deliver the package to Vice- President A. E. Stevenson. Mr. (jeer will remain in Washington until Mc Kinley and Hobart have been inaugu rated into their high officee, returning to his home near Salem about the last of March. Guy L. Morton; "one of the men who was nulled in connection of the Obarr robbery, but discharged for lack of evi dence against him, purchased a ticket for Kansas City last night and left the countrv. The act causes some comment, as to where he got the money, as be is not accustomed to carrying that much. Of course it cannot be taken as proof that he had anything to do with the robbery, but it is sufficient to make those who know him venture opinions on the subject. Miss Yaw Alive aud Well. An Associated Press dispatch from Los Angeles, dated Jan. 11th, says: 'The report in the East that Miss Ellen Beach Yaw, the sinner, had died suddenly is denied by her sister hero, who says she heard from the soprano to day and she is now in Montana on a concert tour and is in good health. The Dali.es, Or., Jan. 19. 1897. To the Editoh ov The Ciikonicj.e: In the daily issue of the Oregonian, of the 18th inst., appears an article in which it is stated that Senator Dufur is not promised the land office at The Dalles, but that it is his brother, W. H. H. Dufur, and his hope of securing such a place is contingent on his brothers senatorial vote for Mitchell. As I am tho party in question I wish to brand the statement as a point blank lie. Any aspirations that I might have are not contingeut upon my brother's vote on the senatorial question. I have had no diecussion with him about tho matter and presume that he will vote as his conscience dictates and that he will not sell himself out to any man, or set of men, as from the looks of the thing it would annear that some representatives are doing, in keeping the house disor ganized and not attending to business as the people have expected them to do. As to the petition circulated in The Dalles, I have not seen one asking Hep resentative Jones of Wasco county, to go into any caucus, but I have seen one that did ask him to go into the house and aseist by his presence, vote and voice, to organize the house for business, as there is remedial legislation needed fnr thi i-iponln that he represents, and I " r 1 ' j further say that if he or the cohorts of j th rabbit drive of the late Wasco county convention, had the principles of man- i.nrl .ml intot-osta nt thn npnnln thev are UVVl. M..V . . VW.... J V - - J I . - - j Representing in the legislature at heart, that they would not under any circum stances be a party or parties, to the dis graceful proceedings that are now being enacted at Salem by the legislative dead lock, in squandering the time and money of the tax payers and people of this state. I wish to say that I am not asking any thing, nor have I been promised any thing, but I like to see the Republican party of this state act as they have done heretofore, in the interests of good gov ernment and the people, Now in conclusion allow me to say that it seems that I am singled out in this country by some indiyidual or indi viduals corresponding with that paper, and let me assure you and them that it matters but little to me what they say, for their insane vaporings aro prompted not by the true principles of manhood and the best interests of the people, but by little narrow contracted persona,! jealousies of the would-be, but can't lie (any longer) political bosses. W. H. H. Dufuu. Will JoDuti Uouy'l by Jones and signed by him wherein ho ngain promised to vote for Mr. Mitencii. If Mr. Jones denies this we are prepared to furnish tho proof. Those promises elected Jones, as a good many Republi cans, knowing who nominated him, de clined to vote for him until these pledges were made. We, tho undersigned, heard Jones promise unqualifiedly to vote for John II. Mitchell if he was elected representative. A. S. Bi.owur.s, J. P. Watson, W. M. Yates, L. N. Bi.oweus, G. T. Pit ATI 1 e it. A Now Sewing Machine. 5el?ool BooKs, Stationery, o MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, .AT. Jacobson Book & Music Co. No. 174 Second Stroet, New Vogt Block, Tho Dalles, Oregon. You can quaintance Best coffee sou make the ac of Schilling's baVlnr powder flavoring extracts and spices for nothing, and welcome. Your grocer knows. Vox saleuy W. E. Kahler Subscribe for Thk Chronicle. Hood Rivkh, Or., Jan. 18, 1897. Editor Chuonicle : Republicans of this community are getting tired ot seeiug in each issue Ot The Oregonian a statement from The Dalles that F. N. Jones was not pledgee to support anyone for United States senator. He positively pledged himself prior to election to support and vote for John H. Mitchell, and we are prepared to substantiate the fact with affidavits from a score of responsible men of this place, besides we bold a letter written. A good story is told about a bright young fellow over in Morrow county, who showed some very good judgment and a sharpness which young men over here might well imitate. This particular young man was given $50 by his parents, who re3ide some miles from Heppnor. Ho was instructed to proceed to Ileppner, interview the sewing machine agente, and purchase tho best and most improved machine to be found on tho market. This young fellow conceived a brilliant scheme and carried it out. He mounted a saddle horse, leading another, and went over to the home of the young lady tn whom ho had vowed love as eternal as the light of thu stars in tho blue heavens above. He laid his plan be fore her, exhibited tho $50 and Induced her to go to Heppner with him and get married. This was accomplished in a few hours. Then, after 11 modest wedding dinner at the Palace hotel, to which a few friends were invited, the young couple mounted their horses and rodoto the young man's home. The bride was presented to the astonished parents and when they asked where was tho sewing machine, tho brilliant youth replied that his now wlie waB the best and most upproved sewinir machine of which ho had any knowledge, and so ho had brought her home in fulfillment of tho parents or ders. They accepted her. ...,.. ,After the installation ceremonies at the last meeting of Columbia Chapter, No. 33, Order of tho Eastern Star, re marks were made by several members, and then Mrs. Biggs presented Mrs. Myers an elegant pin in behalf of Co lumbia Chapter, which she said was but a silent token to show their love for her and appreciation of her faithful worn in the order for tho past two vears. In this case the surprise was; genuine. After a moment's uiougut, Mrs. MyerH expressed her appreciation aud thanks for tho beautiful gift. The measures of the ovenlng were greatly enhanced by the excellent music of the choir. The 'luncheon of the season"fl was served in the dining-hall, and al) pronounced thu evening the brightest and best in the memories of Columbia Chapter. - v Vur Ueut. A large, nicely furnished room, suit able for one or two gentlemen. Good location. Apply at this office, jl3 dlw Japanese Bazaar, H. OIjYATT j OO. 3Pxrox. Japanese Curios, Dishes, Ladies' Underwear, Wrappers, 3srOTI03rS, ETC., BTO. 133 Second Street, Next to Snipes-Kinersly's Store. Call and Sea our Goods. Wo all know that any tired muscle can be restored by rest. Your stomach is a muscle. Dyspepsia is its manner of saying "I am tired. Give me rest." To rest tho stomach you must do its work outside of tho body. This is tho Shaker's method of curing indigestion, and its succeaB is heat attest ed by tho fact that these people aro prac tlcalfy free from what is without doubt the most prevalent of all diseases, Tho Shaker Digestive Cordial not only con tains digested food which iB promptly absorbed without taxing the tired diges tive organs, but It Is likewise an aid to the digestion of other foods in tho stomach. A 10 cent trial bottio will convince you of Ita merit, and those you can obtain through nil druggists, (3) Laxol is the best medicino for chil dren. Doctors recommend it In place of Castor Oll. Dill You Ever. Try Electric Bitters aa a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the re lief aud cure of all Female Complaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence in giving strength und tone to the organs. If vou have Loss of Appetite, Constipa tion, Headache, Fainting Spella, or aro Nervous. Sleepnesa, hxcltable, Meian choly or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric BitterB in the medicine you need. Health and Strength are guaran teed by ita use. Large bottles only fifty cents and $1.00 at Dlakeley& Houghton, Druggist. Ward, Kerns & Robertson has a choice lot Of wild hay at their barn on Second street. Just the feed for cows. Notice Hiieolul Holiixil Mei'tllig. v.itii.n la lifrhv uiven to the lezal voters of school district No. 1-', of Wasco nlnln if Ormmii flint- a rupi'Ir! IMIiiui. , nimu v. u..v..., ...... .. school meeting of tho said district will be held at the brlcK 8"iiooi nouso on court street, on tho 30th day of January. 1897, at - o'clock In tho afternoon of said dav for tho following objects: To determine wuui action nam ma trlct will take relative to voting it special school tax for the support of thu public ecnooi 01 sani uisinet , uiho iu uu lint iii'liriM tliH district will take relative to voting a tax to bo used in paying a part or all of thu dubt of said district; also what action tho district will take for tho erection or rental of additional school buildidgs nnd provld- m A A. f it... nna-K. Uitf lUiiiis lor mo puyiuuiu ui uiu ouiuu. Uatuu tins lutn nay 01 januury, iovi. Omox Kinkuhi.y, Chairman Hoard of Directors. Attests . , , E. Jacodseh, District Clerk. jauH-lOt Do not fall to call on Dr. Lannorborg, tho oyo specialist, and have your eyes examined free of charge. If yon suffer with hPiulacho or nervousness you un doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if corrected, will benefit you for life. Olllco in the Vogt block. Tygli Valley llullur Vlour Mill. Tygh Valley Rollor Flour Mills arc running full time on No. 1 wheat. Flour equal to tho best always on hand Prices to suit tho times. Also mill feed in quantities to suit. W. M. MoCokklk & So.v. aug8-6raw Proprietors. CmU lu Your Chucks. All county warrants registered prior to July 12, 1803, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Dec & 1890. 0. L. Pmtiii's, County Treasurer I