The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 19, 1897, Image 1

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    bh. i i i i.ji eibbbbbbW oHra bbM bbM lBaM
NO 7
The absolutely pure
ROYAL the most celebrated of all
the baking powders in the world cel
ebrated lor its preat
leaveninsr strength and
purity. It makes your
cakes, biscuit, bread,
etc., healthful, it assures
you against alum and all
forms of adulteration
that go with the cheap
upv NPinflTifi Kflvmpiit, nt
the McCord Claims.
Indiana Barber Want Beards
of Bis State Prosperous.
a-ann rrr ? . .
tuuic U19UULUU uua uat ucuii teiiL lu
3J .
Mr. McKenzie. the United States min-
- At: 1 . i r j; i i .
fiBMnriii the Pernvinn pnverntnenfc t.hnt
i case must be settled without delay.
I communication received from the
lister a few days ago stated that Peru
lired to investigate the case. Secretary
ley at once advised Mr. McKenzie
it Peru had had more than 10 years
Investigate, and the time was quite
1885 V. H. McCord, the United
tes couusular agent at Arequipa, was
prisoned and sentenced to be shot by
Peruvian authorities. He was
rched out on a parade ground and
ced before a file of soldiers. The of-
1 in command asked the prisoner if
jtad anything to say, and McCord
no. A consultation of officers was
1, and it was decided not to shoot
He was remanded to prieon and
10,000 soles. He refused to pay the
and was deprived of food and drink
placed in a bare cell. McCord's
win finallif nn! Ka .1 1.
1 1 rf 1 . .
oner was released, ne men a p. a m
. . . . ...
u, buu ib una a oiiujovh Ml iuivi'
nl.nrrt nn venil n hpincr IlnitcH
t u u I'liiiiiuniup ij nun r u' i u . i u i ti nu.
. or. 1 J 1
ine louowmg aay detached the en-
onense Aicuord was arrested.
J At . .
Till ii ir . 1 1 i r iima ii n ri n nniii
,xue unuea aiaies cruiser rniiadeipnia
on me way irom Valparaiso to uallao,
1 1 !.. f . t
u American warsnip win nrouabiy
. a r ti
Anderson, Ind., Jan. 18, An Embar
go is threatened on Indiana Whisker
ettes and "windbreakera" by Jim
Beeves,' an Anderson barber, who has
prepared a bill and is endeavoring to get
some representative or senator in the
present assembly to lather it. Beeves
ie quite in earnest about it, and gives as
a ground for its presentation that it
would restore prosperity to the barbers
and at the same time the means of rais
ing the public debt. The bill provides
for a tax of $10 per year on every man
wearing chin whiskers, or "side slug
gers." It also provides for a tax on
goatees. Moustaches are freed from all
The matter is attracting a great deal
of attention, and is regarded by almost
everybodv as an unheard of trampling
on American rights. Reeves defends
the bill eloquently, and points out where
humanity all down the line would be
benefited and beautified by the enact
ment of such a law. He is backed by
quite a forcible array of barbere all over
the state.
to Advance
l'acker Form a Combine
San FitANCisco,Jan.l8. An important
pooling arrangement has been brought
about between the Alaska Packers As
sociation and the Alaska Improvement
Company that will materially affect the
salmon industry in northern waters and
the price' of canned salmon in the coun
try next season.
The details of the) pending agreement,
which will effectually relieve the Alaska
Packers' Association of all competition
in both fishing and marketing of the
product of the Alaska canneries, were
adjusted a few days ago by President
Henry Fortmaun, on behalf of , the
Alaska Packers' Association, and Man
aging Superintendent Barling, of the
improvement company.
The agreement does not affect the last
season's catch, .which is being handled
by the. two rival organizations, the same
as in past years. It will revolutionize
things during the coming season, how
ever, for by the terms of the agreement
the entire product of the Alaska can
neries will be pooled and marketed at
prices which will eliminate existing
competition, and are expected to greatly
advance the prices, now in vogue.
Tea is better fresh if it
isn't, what does the grocer
mean' by telling you that he
has some tea just come
from abroad?
Fresh doesn't mean just
picked; it means just roast
ed. Schilling's Best is
roasted as fast as your gro
cer wants it no' 'faster
in San Francisco.
k SoUUiu 4c Company '
au rrancuco
Neither Company Skona Any Blguv ol
Toledo, Jan. 18. The light between
the Arbuckles and the sugar trust re
garding the price of coffee will continue
more bitter than ever.
"Only for the injunction suit hanging
over our heads," said the cheif director
of the JVbolson Spice Company, ,'we
would cut the price of coffee another
half cent a pound. We cannot do it,
however, in -face of the order of the
court. Instead of losing $1000 n day,
as it is stated by the Arbuckles in their
petition against tu, on account of cut
ting prices, we are making $1000 per
day which our books will show.
"We have no fear of the outcome of
the suit, because we can show that the
businesses prospering. The price of coffee
is too high now and we can afford to
lower it if the courts will only permit us
to do so. We are running night and
day and employ COO hands, and if the
suit comes our way we will employ 1200
inside the next 10 days. If the suit goes
against us, then we will be compelled
to move from Toledo and secure a lo
cation elsewhere. Our purpose is to
make Toledo the great and only coffee
center of the world.
"The trouble with Arbuckle is that he
bought coffee for 11 cents per pound
when he could have purchased it a short
time afterward for 9 to 9lu cents per
pound. He is trying to sell coffee on
the basis of his 11 cents per pound pur
chase, while we are willing to give the
public the benefit hf our Skeins purchase
for the same class of goods. This is
where the whole fight hinges. Ar
buckle made a bad deal in buying coffee
and he wants the public to help him
put, while we bought at market prices
and are willing and ready to let the
public enjoy the benefit of our econom
ical purchase. We the coffee busi
ness for the money that is in it and not
for our health, and propose to. stay there
regardless of threats and intimidation.
An Old Wound Causes Hlg Majesty Se
rious Trouble.
London, Jan. 18. In official circles
here and on tho continent the greatest
importance is attached to a dispatch
from St. Petersburg yesterday, announc
ing that Dr. Bermnann, an eminent
German specialist, had been summoned
to perform an operation on tho czar to
prevent a possible extension of the slight
osseous excresence which has appeared
on hie cranium at the place where ho
was struck by a Japanese funatic in
1S91. This, combined with overwork,
has caused the cznr to suffer from ver
tigo for some time past. The fact that
snch news was allowed to be sent abroad
shows the gravity of the situation.
The czar received his wound while
making a tour of the world with Prince
George- of Greece, who, by knocking
the assailant down, saved bis companion
from iurther and possibly more serious
Tezam are Happy.
St. Louis, Jan. 18. The Texas detona
tion which on Saturday afternoon pre
sented a petition of 103,300 names to
President-elect McKinley at Canton, in
behalf of John Grant, of Texas, for a
cabinet appointment, passed through the
city last evening en route home. They
were met at the station by a number, of
prominent representatives of the city.
A spread was prepared In the dining
room of the Terminal hotel for them.
After refreshments were disposed of,
many of them took carriages and drove
about the city.
They left the union station at 8 o'clock
last night. As the train pulled out a
dozen bouquets were thrown into the
car by St. Louis admirers ot John Grant.
The members of the delegation were
much pleased with the result of their
visit1 to Maior Mc'Kinlev. They feel
quite confident that Mr. Grant will get a
place in the cabinet.
This Is Yonr Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents' cash or stamps,
a generous sample will be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay Foyer Cure
(Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon
strate the great merits of the remedy.
66 Warren St., New York City.
Itev. John Beid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont.,
recommended Ely's Cresm Balm to me. I
can emphasize Lis statement, "It is a posi
tive cure for catarrh if uued as directed."
Bev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pm.
Church, Helen&j Mont.
Ely's Oream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, 60 cents.
Pays you larger interest on your money than any hank or loan.
Trade with us, and every dollar you invest entitles you to a re
fund of 20c. For example:
You Buy-
1 Suit of Clothes 0.00
1 Hat n..;. 2.00
1 Pair of Shoes 2.50
l Shirt ' 1.00
1 Suit of Underwear 1.50
Value $17.00
Special refund of 20 per cent 3.40
Total $13.60
A net saving of $3.40 on $17.00 worth of good, reliable Merch
andise. Where can you do better? Where get better returns for the
amount invested? Sale on until February 1, 1897.
With few exceptions, every article in the house reduced 20 por cont.
Cotjcuiu Biup purifies and teitullflca Ue
kln liy restoring to hcaltby activity tho
C'j.ofioKii, inri.AMru, Ikiutatsd, 8luowmi,
or OmiwuiiKED Poazi.
Coi throughout lh wor(1, Form Vavn Axii
Cm, ii. Com'., Sole l'fcpntton, Uoiten, U, S. .1.
'Alt about the llmxli tiid BUn." malltd fro.
Harry ,Liebe,
Watchraakerl Jeweler
All work prompts attended to,
ami warunUxl.
New York
1 aat"!'-V' naMaafcftaaaaaWaaJPIW
Weekly Tribune
Far me and Villagers,
i' on
Fathers and Mothers,
Sons and Daughters,
All the Family.
With tho doao of tho Presidential Cumnign THE TIM BUNK recognizes tbe
fact that tho American people uru nowunxioua to givo their attention to home and
business interests. To meet thin condition, politics will have fur less epaco and
prominence, until another State or National occasion demituds a renewal of the
light for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception
to the present day, and won its greatest victories.
Every posnlbln efl'ort will be put forth, and inonov freely spent, to make THE
WEEKLY TRIDUNE pre-eminently a Notloual Family Newspaper, Interesting,
instructive, entertaining uud indispensable to each member of the family.
We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1.75.
M Write your name and uddress on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Beat,
Tribune Office, New York City, and u sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib
une will be mailed to you.
Opp. A. M, WilliamB & Co.,
Lumber, Building Material and Boxes
TradedjtorHay, Grain, Bacon, Lard,l&c.
rowe & co
The Dalits, Or,