The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 18, 1897, Image 4

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    The Dalles Daily Gimmick
TVlllluin CSmy cif 1'hIoukp City. Vouohm
for Its Truth.
William Grny, of Palouse City, who
is i Walla Wiilln undergoing medical
treatment, recently told the Statesman,
of Walla Walla the story of Ethel Gill
iam, a ijirl who Uvea with her parents
10 miles east of Palouse. The family is
poor, but honest and reliable, the par
ents beine devout members of the Meth
odist Episcopal church.
Last August this little cirl was taken
ill, and after three weeks, apparently
died, so the story runs, For three hours
Ehe hnd every appearance of death.
She then slowly revived, bnt was totally
blind. She told her narents that she
bad been in heaven and had seen Jesus
nnd the angels and many friends who
bad gone before. There she saw atreeof
life and n river of life. There were
little children in the tree entitle the
fruit, Each inhabitant wore a crown
liunTirir nr lnr r utin Tlio littlo rrit?
saw a crown with her name on it, bang
ing up, and reached for it, but Jesus
told her she could not have it yet, but
that she would have to go back to earth
nnd fulfill her mission. He wanted her
to teach bis peple.
Although blind this girl can read by
passing her hand over the printed or
written page, and can describe persons
whose pictures were handed to her.
The latter power was first discovered by
J. B. C.iwthorn, a photographer, whose
mother lives in Walla Walla. He told
the marvelous story to a Sunday school
in Palouse City, and Mr, Gray and wife,
bearing it, drove out to the home of the
girl to see for themselves. Mr. Gray
first handed tiie sick girl his watch, and
Ehe told him that it was a gold watch,
nnd the time of day, by passing her
n .!. 1 rp 1 . .
uiik'tTb uver me iu mukc sure
that her power was genuine, a paper
wns held between her face and a photo
graph that Mr. Gary banded to her, and
Ehe descibed the picture perfectly as
that of an old gentleman with gray
whiskers, wearing a dark suit and cra
vat. She read from books and papers
banded to her by the use of her finsers
Mr and Mrs. Grav tell many
wonderful thincs in relation to tb'iE
child. She has now been ill 100 days,
and hanot been able to digest any food.
As references for the truth of the story
Mr. Gray gave the names of Eev. A. Y.
Skee, pastor of the S. M. E. church, of
Palouse; Eev. J. G. Kerrick. of La
Grande, Or. ; H.A.Gray, Thomas Cox
and J. li. Cawthoin, of Palouse.
Notice of Sheriffs Sale.
Notlre If hereby g ven thnt by virtue of nn
execution nnd the order of cite Issued out of the
Circuit Court of the Mute of Oregon for Wnsco
County on the 12th dny of January. Isot, iiion a
decree mid judgment made, rendered mid en
tered theretofore therein in u suit wi.e-t u J. J.
Spencer was plnlntlll' mid il.ui, K. luaiis
i.mi Mnry Wiunus., his wife.nnd.t. M. Huntington
weredefeudmits; I did duly levy ujioii n-nl will
sell nt the front door of the county courthouse
in I)nlles City, WnM'o County, Oregon, on Sntur
dny. the i;!th dny of Kebruury, 1S!7, nt 2 o'clock
In the nftcruoon of said dny, nt public miction,
to the highest bidder for cash in hnnd. the fol
lowing described rent cstntc. described In snid
execution mid order of Mile, nnd described ns
follows, to-wit l)ts four f 11. live (5). six fro
nnd even 7, in section No. six (i"0 in township
No. one ft), north of range ten ill)) east of Will-,
nnicttcMeridtiiu in Wnsco Countv, Oregon, con
taining 163.74 acres of land, together with the
tenements, hcledttnmcnts nnd appurtenances '
thereunto belunglng, or in nny wise npjertnln-1
ing, oV so much thereof ns slum be necessnrv to .
satisfy 'the amounts due upon said writ, to-wlt:
f 107D.W, together with Interest thereon at the I
rnte of eight per rent per nunum since the 28th
dy of December. ISM: mid the further sum of
J 100 for attorney"!- fees; and the lurther sum of
?20 costs in snid suit, together with accruing in
terest and evpeiifes of sale.
Dated nt The Dalles Or., this 12th dav of Jnn
ury, lsi)7.
JanlC-ot-il Sherifl of Wnsco County, Oregon.
Sheriff s Sale.
Notice i hereby given thnt an execution nnd
onUr of side was issued out of the Circuit Court
of the State of Oregon for Wasco Count v, on the
2iith dny of December, 1S1V, upon a judgment ill.. ,1.... n V'.
"".twit , vi.i ttiv .laiunt Hi ut .
In favor of Ke d 11. Dietzel. plnlntill'. and
ngnlnst lame F. Elliott nnd William Wood, de
fendants, which said execution and order of
sale is to me directed and commanding me to
sell the property hereinafter described, for the
puriHJse of satislylng the judgment of the plaint
lil'in said cause for the sum of ?21C10. with In
terest thereon at ten ier cent ier annum from
the'Jlst day of November, 190; nnd the further
sum of fit) attorney's fees: nnd the costs nnd
disbursements of said suit taxed nt $15. There
fore, in compliance with said execution and
order of sale, 1 will ou
Saturday, January 30. 1807,
at the hour of 1 o'clock p. in. nt the courthouse
uoor in Dalles city. nsco Countv. Oregon, sell
at public miction, to the highest bidder, for wish
in iinuu, tor ine purjiose ot satisfying the judg
ment nbove mentioned the following described
binds nnd premises, to-wir;
aixtr-three(l! acres oil' the east side of the
North half of the Southeast quarter of s-ec. SO in
Township 1 North, Range 1 o East. W. 31., com
mencing nt a rock at n itoint on the North line
of the of the SEu of said Sections)
thence last to hast line of said section; thence
aoutti one-quarter mile; thence W est to a poin
due South of s-Hd rock (the place of beginning)
thence North to the place of beginning.
Dated this 20th das of December, lS'.W.
jan2-ot-iI Sheriff of Wnco Countv, Or.
Fur Kent.
A large, nicely furnished room, suit
able for one or two gentlemen. Good
location. Apply at this office. jl3-dlw
M. Crevreuil, bein
citv, offers his fine
about to leave the
stock ol artificial
plants, etc., at trreatly reduced
P.oouis in Masonic build
TN THE CIRCUIT CO CUT of the' State of Or
X egon for Wasco Countv.
A i rati C. Howe, I'laintiti', '
Samuel T. Howe, Defendant.
To Samuel T. Howe, the nbove named defendant:
In the name of tho ?.r,iti nf Orpfrnn. vnn nro
, i nereoy remnrea to appear una answer the coin
oiner i ii.,iat fllul against von in the above entitled
court and cause, on or before the first dny of the
next term of snid court following the expiration
oi tue time prescnoea in tne oraerior me pud-
Mention of this summons, to-wit: On or before
theSthdsyof February, ls'JT; nnd if you full so to
appear nnd answer, or otherwise plead in suid
cuiie, the plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply
to xne court lor tne reuei prayea lor in tne com
plaint filed herein, to-wit; Thut the bonds of
matrimony between plaintiff" and defendant be
dissolved; thnt the plnlutiir be awarded the
cusiouy oi me minor cniia mennonea m snta
complaint, Hester A. Howe: that defendant be
barred of all light, title or interest in the real
and personal projierty of plaintiff, and thnt
plnlntitr have and lecovcr her costs und dis
bursements made nnd cxended in this suit,
und for such other and further relief as to the
Court may seem equitable.
This summons is served upon you br publico
tiou thereof, by order of the Hon. L. llrud
sbaw, judge of safd Court, which order benre the
ante of October ; ana was matte nnd anted
at Dulles City, Wasco County, Oregon, ou Octo
ber m,
dec3) I Attorney for I'lalntlll.
State op Ohio, Citv of Toledo?
Lucas County. )
Frank J. Chenev makes oath that he
is the senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the
City of Tnledo, County nnd state afore
said, and that said firm will pay the
sum of One Hundred Dollars for each
and every case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Fuank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this Gib day of December,
A.'d. 1S9G.
A. W. Gleason,
seal Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly and acts directly on the blood and
iuucuos surfaces bf the system. Send
for testimonials, free.
F. J, Cheney a Co., Toledo, 0.
jt?Sold by Drucgists, 75c. No. 3-11
To Contractors.
The county eourt requests contractors
to submit plans and estimates for a
bridge across Hood river, at the town of
Hood litver. Plans will be considered
at the adjourned meeting to be held
February 8tb at 1 o'clock p. m. The
court reserves the right to reject any and
all plans. If a plan is selected, bids
will be nhked for the building of the
bridge. By order of the court.
jatiO 4 A. M. Kelsay, Clerk.
TN THE ClUCl'IT COCUTof the State of Ore
JL gon for Wnsco Counts.
Frank J. Meyers, I'latntld,
Annie M. 3Ieycrs, Defendant.
To Annie M. .Meyers, the above named defend.
In the name of the State of Oregon, j-ou are
hereby required to apienr in the above entitled
court and answer the complaint filed nguinst
you la snid court nnd cause, on or before the
first dny of the next regulur term of the Circuit
Court for Wasco Counts'. Oregon, following the
cxmrution of six weeus publication of this suin
moos, to-wit, Monday, the 8th day of February,
1S07, und you will take notice that If y'u full
to no ai war and answer, lor want tnereol ulnliU'
HI will take judgment against you for the relief
prayed for in his compliiiut, to-wit- A decree of
divorce forever dissolving the bonds of mar
riage heretofore and now existing between
Plaintiff and defendant, und for such other re
lief as may be equitable and Just.
This summons is served ujxin you by publica
tion thereof iu The Dalles Chiio.nici.k, u news
pa i er of weekly publication and general circu
lation, published nt The Dulles, Wasco Counts-,
Oregon, by order of Hon. W. L. hradshau, judge
of the above named court.
deCB-J Attorney for Plaintiff.
of the Stute of
Uary ULOOL POISON permanent!
cured in 16 to35 daya. Vou can bo treated at
tioojoforsacju j);tcouniJcrBarao(;uurn
ty. IfTOUprufertocuineheroTrewlllenn.
tracttoparrallroadfareandhotolbllU.and ' ,1cwh
noehcnrC. If WO fall to euro. If vnn hnvnt.nknn mor.
cury, iodide putuKh, nud still hayo aches and llrndslmw, ji
JalnOIucousJ'utciii-K In mouth. SoroTfiroHt, Dated tit 1
liuplce, Uoppur Colored KiratM, Ulcern on 1
nn vuuvi iiiu tiuuy, iiuirurtycruwH laiiiur
out, it Is tUjB Keeondury lif.OOD POISON
ire .'oaranteo to cure. Wo solicit the most obiti
tintu cuscb una ciutuengo ttio worm for a
-L Oregon, for Wasco Coutttj'.
Ernest Morgan, Plaintiff
Nettie Morgan, Defendant.
i To Nettle Morgan, the above named defendant:
I In the name of the Btate of Oregon, you ure
hereby required to apieiir in the ubovo entitled
court und answer the complaint filed agninst
I you in said court nnd cause, on or before the
lirst day of the next regular term of tho Circuit
Court for Wnsco Counts-, Oregon, following the
expiration of six weeks' publicittluu of tilts'
i summons, to-wit, Monday, the 8th day of Kebru
ury. lsV7, nud you will inke iioflce that if you
, fall to so uppeur und answer, for wuut thereof
plaintiff will take Judgment iiguiimt j-ou for the
relief tiruyed for in his enmphilnt, to-wlt:
A decree of dlvo:-" fuever dissolving the
bonds of marruige ht-t tofore und now existing
between plaintlif ana defenduiit, und for such
other relief ns may be equituble und just.
This summons is served umki you by publica
tion thereof in The D:lles Ciiuomulk, a weekly
nper of general clrculuuou published nt
Dalles, Oregon, by order of Hon. W. I..
uuge ot the nbove nnmea eourt.
Junes cay, or., Dec. iu, nw.
O. W. l'HKLl'H
decfl-l Attorney for Plaintiff.
caso tro oannotcuro. This dlieaio bos alirare
tjailled tlittHklll of the most emlnuut: til, vnl.
elaait SOOO.OOO capital behind our uncondi i
tlonal ruaramr. Abeulutiiiroofonteuledou !
tippucntton. Aoarcss i;uuk eur uu
Win Uonlc XmbiO), VUlVAiAt, HO
Subscribe for The Ciiuonicle.
Artlclitikod for hulti.
Tho uridereigued has for sale the
mammoth Jerusalem artichokes, and
can lurniHti ativ amount ot seed at i
per bushel.
JJake Oven, Or,
ia .f
Tom tvlll flint nne conpou j2? 1" Wi
Inside each, two osuiee bag, I tS-- $Lv iv1
ad two coupons laslde ench F'&tim '
tour ounce bag of Black- tf 'W-J ! f I
well's Dorham. Bbj- a lap l'jL-j3 -
of tills celebrated tobacco -r,jr1,.'fcT
and red the coupon which pSsQrTA
give a list of valuable pres- ff 1111. llmff 'jniJ ll!
eats and kow to get them. f" Mff (m fin
He Makes Some Reflections on the Benefits of the
Sport and Tells of its Dangers.
i'rom the iYj, Elica, JV. '.
in which n good deal of spnee was taken hv
nn article in relation to Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. I did not at that time know wliut
they were supposed to cure. I should
linvc paid no attention to the article hud J
not caught th name of n ladj' whom
knew. Heading, I found that she, in similar
circumstances, had been greatly benetiled
by the use of Pink Pills, and knowing her
as I did I had no doubt of the truth of the
statement that she had authorized.
The first box was not pane Iiefore I saw
a chance, und the third had not been
finished before nil signs of my rheumatic
troubles were gone to sioy.
" I uy ' gone to Hiajy for though there
has been every opportunity for a return o;
the trouble, I have not felt the first twinut
of it. i have wheeled thousands of miles
ami never before with o little discomfort.
I have bad some of the most, severe tests oi
strength and endurance, and have conn
through them without an ache. For ex
ample", one afternoon I rode seventy miles,
preached that night and mude fifty miles of
the hardest kind of road before noon the
nest day. Another ii:sta;ice was a ' Cen
tury run,' the last forty miles of which were
mude in a downpour of rain through mini
and slush.
" You should think I would recnmmeH
iltem to nther? Well, I have, and hav.
hud the pleasure of heeing very good reMil.f
in a number of instances. Yes, I should
feel that I was neglecting a duty if I failed
to suggest Pink Pills to any friend whom I
knew to be sufierini; from rheumatism.
The Eev. "Wm. P. F. Ferguson, whose pic
ture we give above, will not be unfamiliar
by sight to many readers. A young man, ht
has still had an extended experience as
foreigu missionary, teaeher, editor, lecturer
and pastor that has given him a wide ac
quaintance in many parts of the country.
In an interview a few days ago he said :
" In the early summer of 'W"I went upon
a tour through Canada on my wheel. My
route was from Utiea to Cope incent thence
by steamer to Kingston, ana from there along
tbe north shore of the lake to Toronto nnd
around to Niagara Fulls. I arrived ut Cape
Vincent at 5 o'clock, having ridden against
a strong head wind all day.
"After a delightful sail through the
Thousand Islands, I stepped on shore in
that quaint old city of Kingston. A Might
shower had fallen and the streets were damp,
so that wisdom would have dictated that I,
leg-weary as I was, should have kept in
doors, but w anxious was I to sec the old
city that I speut the whole evening in the
" Five o'clock the next morning brought
a very unwelcome discovery. I was lame
in both ankles and knees. The head wind
and the damp streets bad proved an un for
tunate combination. I gave, however, little
thought to it, supposhig it would wear off in
a few hours, and the first flush of sunlight
saw me speeding out the splendid road that
leads toward Xapanee.
"Night overtook menta little village near
Port Hope, but found me still lame. I rested .
the next day, and the next, but it was too ,,.,., , .. .
late ; the mischief was done. I rode a good l' JS2fS
many miles during the rest of theaeason, but, JL0'- FfcBQ dbqn
never a day and seldom a mile without pain. f awtjk.
" The winter came and I put away my 1 No, that is not the only disease they
wheel, saying ' now I shall get well,' bt to . cure. I personally know of a number ol
mv riixAnnnintment, T mtiv worse. Some 1 cures from other troubles, but I have neetled
days ray knees almost forbade walking and 1 them only for that, though it would be but
my ankles would not permit roe to wear
shoes. At times I suffered severe pain, so
teverc as to make study a practical impos
sibility, yet it must he understood that
I concealed the condition of affairs as far
us possible.
From being local the trouble lcgan to
spread slightly and my anxiety increused.
i consulted two physicians and followed'
their excellent advice, but without result.
Bo the winter passed. One day in March I
happened to take in my band a newspaper
fair to udd that my genet al health has been
tieuer tni summer than ever before in my
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain all the
elements necessary to give new life and
richness hi the blood audV restore shattered
nerves. They are sold in boxes (never in
loose form, by the dozen or hundred) at 50
cents a box, or six boxes for S2.50, and may
be had of all druggista or directly by mail
from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company.
Schenectady. N. Y.
And tho Most Complete und Latest PntteniB and Designs in
PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but the beat brands
of J. W. MASURY'K PAINTS ueed in all our work, mid none but tha
most skilled workmen employed. Ageuta for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem
ical combination or 60up mixture. A firat-cluKK artisle in ail colore. All ordert
promptly attended to. i
Storo and Paint Ohoo comer Third and Washington Bts,, The Dalles. Ore"oi
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave nnd arc due to arrive at Portland.
FIIOM JUNE 23, 1S95.
5:50 I
I.osAliKele?,i:i rno.
I New lirlenns and
press, s-idcm, Kpsc
burg, Anhlnnd, mic
rnniento, Ogdi'n.Siin ,
ivmni.Mi Mn nve. I
S:30 A
Uosehiirs Hiid way ftii
i r via Woodburn for
l:P0 T. 51,
T;S0 A. M.
(1:15 T.M.
Mi.Anmi. silverton.
I U'lwf iiln. TtritWIlS-
I vllle.Siirlnglleld und
I I Xntron J
iStilein una way stiittons
ICorvnllls mm n
jstiitions , j
jMcMinnvillc nndj
iwiiy -tittlons
i:lo A. M.
t:io r. M.
M0.M) A.M.
) 6VX I'.M.
( 8:231. M.
Daily. tDniiy, csceiit gummy,
Attached to nil Through Trains.
Through Ticket onice, 131 Third street, where
throuch tickets to nit points in the l'-Mfctern
Stutes"; Cniiiuia and Euroj can be obtnlnea nt
lowest rate Iron,
All nbove trains arrive nt and dejmrt from
Grnud Central Station, Fifth and Irving streets.
rinc:igcr Depot, foot of JeBerson street.
Ij?nve for 0?WEG0. week day?, nt 0:00, 7:20,
10:13n. m.i 12:15, 1.43, S:l, Mh. fc:l.) J. ni.
(mid 11:80 li. m. on Saturday only). Arilve nt
l'ortlnnd nt 7:10, S;30, 11:23 n, m.; 1:30, J:15, 0:.1.j,
7:55,U;10ii. in.
Uave for Sheridnn. week days, ut 4:80 p.m.
Arrive nt l'ortlnnd, D:K0 a. m.
Leave for A1RI.IE on Mondny, Vcdiic.dny nnd
KrMav nt 0:40 n. m. Arrive at Portland, Tups
dav, T hursdny and Saturday at 3:03 p. nt.
Sundnv trains for 0?T.GO lenve at 7 20, 8:40,
10:15 n. in.: 12U5. 1: 15. 3:30, 5:23 fi: 15 p. in. Ar
rive nt Portland nt 12:35, &:30, 10:00 11;23 n. m.;
1:S0, 3:15, 5:10, 0:33, 7:55 p. m.
It. KOEHLEU, E. P. ROfiEr.S,
Jlanacer. Asst. G. F. Jc Pass. Act.
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
hT. I A 111.
(lit AND 1-OltKH
Through Tickets
roisTS east mid south
Forinformntioa, time cards, maps nud tickets,
col on or write to
W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent,
The Dalles, Oregon
A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A.,
255, Morrisou Cor. Third. Portland Oresou
18 1'ueeH a Week. 150 1'nperM u Vear.
It Etands firatnmong ''weekly" papers
in size, frequency of publication and
freebnees, variety and reliability of con
tents. It is practically a daily at the low
price o a weekly ; and its vast list of
subscribers, extending to every state and
Territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch for the accuracy and
fairness of its news columns.
It Is splendidly illustrated, and among
its special features are a line humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all the
litest fashions for women and a long
series of stories by the greatest living
American and English authors,
Conun Doyle, Jerome K. Jerome,
Stanley We' man. Mary K. WilklUH,
Anthony Hop), Uret Harte,
Br under Matthew, Etc. ,
We oflor this unequaled newsnnnnrHnfl
The Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle to-
gether one year for $2.00. The regular
price of the two papers is $ 3.00. i
For Bale or Ueut.
The Grant hotel, close to the denot.
will sell chean. or nmr far tin -v.n-
1 , -
mop'.h. Lek Kkk.
Drugs, Paints,
Wall Paper,
Glass. Etc.
Snipes-Kinersly Drug ft
129 Second St.,
H. M. Bjau,
Grants, Or.
First National Ba&k.
A general JianKing uuBineBe transaetet
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds prompt!
remitted on dav of collection.
rjiciit ana xeiegrapnic Mcnange Boldaa
New Yorfe, oan ifrancisco anc Port
D. P. Thompson. Jno. 6. Schkhci
Ed. M. Willtamb, Gko. A. Liebi.
H. M. Beam,.
r . "I... Ja 1 Mll . ii
iiriit:ir in vjir:Liiik. inauuu uvuLiuuit: iu in
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphs
Transfers sold on New York, Chicm
bt. Louis, ban Uraucisco, Portland Urr
con, Seattle vvnsn,. ana various pointi
in Oregon and WasniDgton.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terinH.
Dalles Citv anil, Moro Stane Ui
Leaves Williams Hotel, Motu, oa
rondiiyt, Wednesdays and Fridays It
8 n. in. prompt.
Lei'vcs Umatilla House, The Dalles,
Tuesdays, Thvrsdays and Snturdayel
S a. m. prompt.
Freight rates The Dalles to Moro, 4flt
perlOOlbe; email packages, loandSac
P.issenger rales Tho Dalles to More,
$1.50 ; round trip, $2.50.
Agency nt Umatilla House, The Dalles,
and ut Williams Hotel, Moro.
Guardian's Sale of Heal Estate.
Notice Ik hereby given thnt tbe undersigned,
guurdimi of the jutmhik nnd estate of Alice Al
niirti Udell nnd William Edward Udell, minor!,
under mid in ao-ordiineo with an order oi tbt
county eourt of the State of Oregon, for Wmco
C'ouutv, heretofore made, will boll at public mic
tion, for eimh in hand, on Saturduy, the 19tt
day of December, 1K90, at the hour of VI o'cloei,
noon, at the (courthouse door in Dalles City, Is
Wnsco County. Oregon, all the real estate be
longing to the estate of said ininorii, to-wlt:
The southeest quarter of bectiou thirty l
township one north range ten east WlllametK
Meridian, iu Oregou, contulnlnc 1C0 acies.
Dalles City, Oregon, Nov. 19. 189fi.
uov'-'l-ii Guardian of said Minon
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that under and br Tit
tue of an execution and order of sale itsueooui
of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon lot
Wasco County, dated the 12tli day of JunuwT,
lb'JT, and to me directed uud commanding me to
soil the property hereinafter described to satuif
the sum of iw, with interest thereon at tenwr
cent jKir annum from Dec. '1, 1890, a balance aw
upan a judgment in the ubove named court V
favor of Itobert Mays nnd L. E. Crowe, partnaj
doing business under tbe firm name of My
Crowe, and against Geo. D. Armstrong and 8rM
I,. Armstrong, given nnd reudered thondn w
the Dtb dav of Knvnmhnr. 1hor.. I will oil WedO
day, the llith dny of February, 1897, at tbe hoar
of 10 o'clock n. m soil nt the courthouse door IB
Dalles citv, iu said county and stUs, J
public auction, to the highest bidder for cn l
baud, the following described real estate, tp-wu-Ixit
Ul, In Ulock 12 in Thompson's Addition to
Dalles-City, In Wasoo Couuty, Btateof Oregon.
Uulies city, Oregon, Jan. f-mm
J13-5M Sheriff of Wnsco County, Oregon.
The Glades Ranch,
Tt.J AniKrlca
I'H ni HIl Jy cmtie
Of the St Lambert, Commassic and Tonncnto'
mine. Three Choice Bulls for sale or rem
so some Choice Cows and Heifers for sale
l'uio llred I'oland China Hogs.
hlto Plymouth Kock Chickens.
Address: bins. A. H. 11YKKETT, Vtaj.
JrJi-w3m White Salmon. V"-
Reosidence, Tenlh ud. Liberty Street!