Clirontck dM m a 1 1 ' OJLi. X THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 1897 NO 0 ALtOIT IN MOM Senator's Mission. nd tho Dakotastlie Great Noith- ern U Snowed Under. jxDos, Jan. lb. ine mission to ranp ni npn Hinr PiUHru it u lull. alorado, is of absorbing interest to interesled iu financial matters. Thus the senator has been content to . i ii j 2U Iff. TT YtK.A fA.mA.1 ai. Jul T T. C . a 1-.aS.. . t it a- i r 1 1 X - H . A i . i . amoDe those present were Mr. A. J. gajmoar, first lord of the treasury, and Erernment leader in tbe house of com ma; the Marquis de Lansdowne, sec ary of state of war; Mr. William Kurt Gully, speaker of the house of K . t i j I T iraoDB; lyjru ivuiuuimu aim ui. lenry Asquith, formerlv secretary of irte for home affairs. The dinner was Bo a striking example of Mr. White's wition in England, as there are few lien whd are able to collect such a gath ing at short notice. tA representative of the Associated tress had a brief talk with Mr. Balfour, Ibo at first was reluctant to eay any ling on the subject for publication, on I amount of his official position. j"But," he remarked, "you can be sure lis is from no lack of interest in the nee. However, you may Eay this uch : I have had great pleasure in cur in bis ideas so far as I have heard m. I am certain his mission will be Seductive of good results to the cause fbimetalism in both countries." Lord Rothschild was of the opinion that atever benefit bimetalism would de- fe from the senator's mission would be I' the Continent, rather than in EDg- id, adding: It depends on whatever action tbe rers that be in France and Germany a i ! e T iir-iul M. aiehne." t -r .1 1 1 .1 l 1 A ill r . ii i i rt 1 1 1 1 1 1 nmii rtiui 11c i iz a i u l u . i . T 1 . J etnet inonometaiiets. ir lnrriehin evinced crreat interest in arbitration treaty. mt event of the century. Any- it . , j t . il.. A r imhi. LHniiN in i riiikf . 1 1 v 1 1 1 i 1 a SPBEAD OF TOLBTOISM. t . T A J T 1 W J K K WMWM VMU1VI.I M U 1111 M Ilirnll III X UIHLUIKIM U.II1IJI1V I.I1H ited and profeeeioual classes of Bia. HUH icu Duirtveu ovmlu ui i j 1 fXl 1 1 TT. U 1 U UIFU I IINI. IfMI.IIlM.- Ill MI IIIIH . X f nag iinu rm r Mvrv tii iruiy m. . i mi i j. i it LR 1H Mil M VI I lr f( 1 IIIIRLUIBI. IS. 1111 LIIRin aeceseion to the cause is Prince l 1 J. . J I1H I1I111HHM III HllHINrITLKII Ilt?ifLJilM n. in n ti V tttH.rfTllHf l I f 11 H IJJ I H WIIrK H HlH MITH.I.t'Il. HI111 tilt (JWritfTM Hr HIlLtfrKIl mi uru iiuitu i ircirunriiiBiaT niua n nna run ravioKa, ana it is learea mat iney been sent to Siberia. Others have their children taken from them. It amn nr.n nn v rp n no car un atiantr eo urcju nn uuwiuruv auu ir micer 1 1 11 I All t 1111 IUILU9 L KJ 11 1 DIUC. DervUbe un the Mots omk. .inn. 10. jj uhuwuii Hni'irPH to the effect that a body of Der 1 1. . I i t. il I a huh. utsiievea t'j uv iuuuui:a vuurii the entire Dervish forces has' en-" POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for its picat leavenlnR strength and liealthfulncss. Assures the food nc.iliibt alum and nil forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Baking Powdf.h Co., New York tered the Kedaret district, and is mov ing on Agordat. The Italian govern ment is concentrating all the troojs available near Agordat. which is well defended. SEVKHE SNOW STOKS1S. Nebraska anil Snath Dakota HaTlng Some 11 ad Weather. Omaha, Jan. 10. Special telegrams to the Bee lrom Northern Nebraska and Siuth DakoUi points report that the heaviest snowfall of the season is now in progress. The day began with rain, and changed to snow about noon. Chadron, Neb., reports more than a foot of snow, and a falling temperature. Efforts to get a rotary snowplow through on tbe Great Northern, to Watertown had to be abandoned. At other points tbe situa tion is equally bad. In Omaha, a drizzle of rain has fallen all day. Hukox, S. D., Jan. 16. A severe snow storm has prevailed here since noon, and gives no sign of abatement to night. The six inches of snow which has already fallen, added to the three inches which had already covered the James river valley, will again block the railroads. The Chicago & Northwestern is well provided with plowB and engines on this division, but the Great Northern has bad no trains from Benson, Minn., to Huron, for 14 days. Efforts to open this line have been abandoned, and the force is at work opening the Aberdeen branch, . EABTUOUAEE IN OAKLAND. In Caused a Itemarkable Scene Baptist Church. Oakland, Cal., Jan. 17. An earth quake this afternoon was productive of a remarkable scene at the Tenth-avenue Baptist church. Rev. C. M. Hill, the pastor, was just closing au eloquent ser mon. Just as be asked tbe congregation in an impressive manner what account they would render of their stewardship, the building began to quake until it seemed that tbe roof would fall in. In a moment ail, was confusion. Some of tbe congregation ran for the doors ; others fell on their knees to pray, while others, with faces pale, stood waiting for what seemed certain death. Deacon Joseph Plaw attempted to calm the assemblage.. He asked why there should be fear, if they bad heeded the words of their shepherd, and wee ready for the end. He said they should rejoice if tbe end came and found them prepared. Tbe speaker quickly restored quiet, and when he bad. finished, all joined in prayers of thanksgiving. Hauna Authorised No Statement. Cleveland, Jan. 17. Chairman Hanna said today that be had author ized do one to state that he would soon come out as a candidate for United States senator to succeed Sherman. That was a matter which he was not discussing with anybody, he said. He declared further that he made no state ments such as bad been giveu to the press, or to anybody. ii yuu wau i, yuui ica wig same all the year round, get Schilling's Best of your grocer. If you don't like it, get your money back of your rrrocer.. grocer.. A Schilling & Company bui r ruiciKO 403 A. POLITICAL CONSPIUACY. Chicago Taper Claim That Madden Wat Unert as a Target. Chicago, Jan. 16. The Journal, one of the papers that has bitterly opposell Martin B. Madden as a candidate for the United States senate, says tonight in a double column display that Madden was the victim of a political fortuues he has made. According to the Journal, the plot was batched months ago, and the conspirators were Governor Tanner, Congressman Lorimer, State Treasurer Hertz, National Committeeman Jame son, Sheriff Pease, City Clerk Van Cleave and President Healin, of the board. The Journal says it was never intended that Madden should be senator, but it was determined that he should be put up as a target for the newspapers and reform organizations. At the laBt minute, when it would be too late to shift the batteries, Madden was to be withdrawn, Governor Tanner aspiring to the senate himself. IBB CZAR POISONED. Startling; Rumors Current In Vienna. London, Jan. 17. The Daily Mall dis patch from Vienna says startling rumors are current that the czar and czarina are suffering from indications of poison ing, but the only ground for the rumors seems to be that extensive changes have recently been made iu the kitchen of the winter palace. The Russn-Chlnese Railway. ' St. Petehsburg, Jan. 17. The Chi nese Eastern Railroad Cowpany, which has been formed by the Russo-Chinese bank, under tbe terms of the treaty be tween the Chinese government and that bank to construct and work the railway from the western frontier of Hei Lung Chiang, to the eastern frontier of Kirin, in Manchuria, to connect with branches of the Siberian railway, will, be permitted to import into China free of duty coi.i and breadstuff's and railway material. Tbe following have been elected directors of the railway : M. Omanoff ; M. Roth stein, director of the International bank, and Prince Uchowski, Chinese manda rin. Who is to be appointed president of the railway has not been made known. The vice-president, who, it is said will be the real chief of the enterprise, is M. Kerpos, a Russian councillor of state. The first meeting of the board of direct ors of the railway gave authority to com mence work immediately. Weekly Famine Report. London, Jan. 17. The weekly report of famine conditions in India says about half an inch of rain has fallen from Pe shawar to Lanore, about half an inch at Bilaspur, and in the Central provinces, about a third of an inch at BikancI, and light showers elsewhere. Prices have fallen very slightly in Madras, Bombay, tbe Punjab and Burmah. London, Jan. 17. Tbe Daily Mail's Bombay correspondent says : In the Banda district the famine con ditions are heartrending. The popula tion is without food, and is dying in the roads rather than accept government relief. liut Will Help V. Pabib, Jan. 16. Delegates from the silk and linen industries of Lyons and Stettin today presented their views to the minister! for foreign affairs, and the minister for commerce relative to the threatened increase of the tariff of the United States, which they said would cripple the great interests which the delegates represented. I'opalatlou of Germany. Beblin, Jan. 16. The official figures of the census, just completed, show the total population of tbe empire in Decem ber, 1895, to have been 52,279,801. The total population of Prussia at this time was 31,855,123. Tbla Ja Your Opportunity. On receipt of tea cent-, cash or stamps, nennrnni anmnla will h9 mailed of fllO (Ely's Cream. Balm) svlldent to demon strate the great merits of toe remedy. tuLil JjUUitiJSJU), 6G Warrea St., Hew York City. Bev. John Reid, Jr. , of Great Falls, Mont. , recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I ntn nmnhiuiizla 111 statement. "It-is a noai- 'live cure for catarrh if used as directed." Rev. 1- ranclH V. Poole, Faster Central Jfrss. Church, Helena, Mont.'a Crium TUIra la the aeknowlaa'aed euro for catarrh and contains no mercury . - SfA A nor any injurious arug. rocs, ow wh. aaaaaaMaaaaawaMMMMaaaaaaaaManaaaaaaaaaaaawaaMaaMaaMaajHaa,aaaM Our JANUARY SALE Pays you larger interest on your money than any bank or loan. Trade with us, and every dollar you invest entitles you to a re fund of 20c For example: You Buy 1 Suit of Clothes , $10.00 1 Hat : ; 2.00 1 Pair of Shoes 2. 50 1 Shirt 1.00 1 Suit of Underwear 1.50 Value $17.00 Special refund of 20 per cent 3.40 Total $13.60 A net saving of $3.40 on $17.00 worth of good, reliable Merch andise. Where can you do better? Where get better returns for the amount invested? Sale on until February 1, 1897. With few exceptions, overy article in the house reduced 20 per cent. A. UK. WIIalalAlYES A CO. 6c- W- mm soip MAKES SOFT WHITE MS Coticuxu Soap purlQei and Leatitlilc tag (Mi) by restoring to healthy activity tho, C'LilCIUED, iKr&MED, IllRfTATlD, StUOUItW, Of OVEIIWOHKED 1'OBXI. Sold hrou(bDUt lh world. Forria Dvo Ami CutM, Cotr,, Sol. I'ropnetou, Ho. loo, U. H. A. "AlUbout the .nd Hkln," milltd frit. Harry Liebe, New York Weekly Tribune BisannnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaWamWsaaaC -rem Far me and Villagers, Fathers and Mothers, KOK Sons and Daughters. VOH All the Family. Witli tho (.-loan of tho i'rusiilontiul Cutnulgii TI1K TUIHUNE ecognlzes the fact thai tho American people tiro now unxloua to give tliuir attention to home and business interests. To meet this condition, politics u'lll havo fur lesa epneo and prominence, until another State or National oeeusion demands n renewal of the fight for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its ineeptloB to tiie present day, and won its greatest victories. Every possible effort will bo put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE WEEKLY THIUUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family. We furnish "The Ohroniole" and N. Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. " Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best. Tribune Ofllce, New York City, and u sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib une will be mailed to you. 7"v. N PRACTICAL Watchmaker Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGt BLOCK. flttpSGlPTIOfa DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. WilliajnH & Co,, THE DALLES, OR. Lumber, Building- Material and Boxes Traded ior Hn.y. Grain, Bacon, Lard, a ROWE & CQ., l$e I)vU?, Or. , f.