Tbe Dalles Daily Chronic! Tit K DALLKS, Or.KHON l'KKSON.At. MENTION. C. 51. Andrews, W. II. Andrew? and D. Porter are down from Sherman county. The Treaty Suit South American. New Yoiik, Jnn 15. A special to the I Herald from ValnnhiUo pave; The newspaper Heralds, commenting I on the arbitration treaty between the ! j United States and England, saj f : j "It amonnts to a solid i:!inn.-e . ' two of the greatest powers ot ile l for' maintenance ot peace between Europe Dr. C. Adams of Tygh Vallev was in ttnd Amorica and whnt ;e niore hnlort. the citv yesterdav, on his wav from' . . . , . . , . . Portland to Tveh. " ' I nnt' rom lne Amer,cn point of view, jt Jir. ivnutp .Hicnen ot uommutis, who; . ,, has been in Portland for a dav or so, ar- j lnne is an alliance to uphold the Monroe doc tor home ried here last nicht and left this afternoon. Hon. B. S. Huntinsjton arrived home from Salem last night. He is not highly (delighted with me Way things ate run liinir at the capita.!, but has done every thins in his powerto assist in inE the house. orgamr.- Other papers here comment favorably on the treaty and praise the work of President Cleveland, Secretary Olney and Lord Salisbnrv. 15. 1S97 1)1 EI). At Goldendale, Fridav. Jan. of puenmoma, James Murphy. Mr. Murphy was in charge of the portage road between this city and Ce lilo, and will be remembered by many of the old timers herer THE CHURCHES- Lutheran service will be held at the courthouse tomorrow as follows: Morn ing service at 11 ; Sunday school ntl2:lo; German service at 3 p. m. ; evening service at 7 :S0. Services as usual at the Christian church tomorrow morning and evening. Preaching by the pastor, A. D. Skaggs. Subject for morning discourse, "We are Eicht and Can't Be Wrong," and in tne evening, "Israel s i-ast .Mght in Egyptian Bondage." Both these ser State or Ohio, City or Toledo? ' Lucas Cocnty. ) ' Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of tbe firm of F. J. Cheney it Co., doing business in the ' City of TMedo, County and state afore said, and that said firm wilt pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Fiiank J. Chk.vey. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, ; A. D. 1S9G. A. W. Gleaso:;, seal Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly and nets directly on the blood and runcnos surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney a Co., Toledo, 0. told by Druggists, 75c. No. 3-11 Tii Contractors. The county court requests contractors ! to submit plans and estimates for a mons are to be delivered by request. A Hood River." Plans will' be consideied cordial welcome extended to all. J at the adjourned meeting to be held , , Februarv Sth at 1 o'clock p. m. The At the Congregational church, corner conr Serves the right to reject any and of Court and Fifth streets, services as ' all plans. If a plan is selected," bids follows. At 11 a. m.. and at 7:30 o. in. i be asked for the building ot the worship, and a "W.C. Curtis. Sundav school immediatelv j after the m., and at I toU p. in. nsketi iui me uunuu; ermon bv the pastor, J bri.'lp-.,B-V orde,r of the court. '. ! an9-4t A. M. Kelsay, Clerk. morninc service. Young Peo ple's Society of Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Topic, Revivals at home and on mission fields; II Chron. sxs: 13-27. All persons not worshipping elsewhere are cordially invited. A VENGEFUL HUNGAKIA.N. Bad Be Kebcctled tbe Man Who Outirrrstled Him. "Wilkesbaeuk, Pa., Jan. 15. After being bested by Joseph Kalata in a wrestling bout, John Cournott, a Hun garian, beheaded his successful rival. The men were rivals for the hand of Anna Jopkapotah, with whose father they boarded. There was a Gathering at tbe house .and Cournott challenged Kalata to a wrestling match. Cournott was de feated, and in his ancer left the room, returning in a few minutes with ai butcher-kaife. Rushing at Kalata, he swung the knife aiouud his head, and with all the force he could muster brontrht it down on Kalata's neck. fceen blade cut its wav through the Itefrtserator Due. j Attention of shippers is called to the, new refrigerator line operated by the i Oregon Railway & Navigation Company ; between Portland, Huntington. Spokane and intermediated points, leaving Port land on train 22, Wednesdays and Satur days. E. E. Lytic, Acent. Artichoke, fur Sule. The undersigned has for sale the mammoth Jerusalem artichokes, and can furnish any amount of seed at ?1 per bushel. " H. Eichexkeiigeu, deL-19-lm Bake Oven. Or. Notice of Sheriffs Sale. and jugular vein, sever-, them and stopping oniy at the opposite ! i;iowf, to-wi: Xotice i hereby given that by virtue of an execution und the order of sale Ksued on: of the Circuit Com: of tbe state of Oresou for Wujco County on tne 12th day of January, liST. ujion a decree and jndemeut made, rendered mid en tered theretofore therein in u suit wherein J.J. jencer wn plniutill nnd W1mjii 1;. W huu.t ' mid Mary limns, hit. wife.nnd J. M. Huntington were defendants: 1 did duly levy njon rrid will ' sell at the front d:wir of the counrj courthouse 1 ir. Tillf. iTiti Vi.ii I 'mlntv l!rinii. nn tnr. The ' dsy. the lsthtlay o.' February, 1S1C, at - o'clock in xiiebitcriioon of said uuy. ut r.uDlie auction, to the hichett bidder for cash in band, the fol low ins described rail estate, described in said execution and order oi sale, nui described as Lots four (4), live (5!, sis (6) . i- !.-,!, fIi . .w a l uuu seven iii hxwuu. hs in; iu lunuanip fideoi the neck. Kalata fell to the floor N1. . h of Tnn-e t, .fir. east of wni. tvithont so much as a groan. Cournott was arrested. iimeae Meridian in Wasco lountr. Oregon, eon tniuiog 16a.7-4 acres' of Ire i. together with the I tenements, heleditamenta and annurtenances f T-iff-tric- iiiitt-r. theieunto belnnsiiig. or In uuy wise npertH5n- tiectric i.mtr. j nc much thcre(,i as shall be necessary to Eiectrie Bitters is a medicine Euited i "?'y.th amounts .due ;upnn said writ, to-wit- iL'.U., illUiilCf Willi iUlViCTi bUU.t-JU III J1C Jor anv season, out pernaos more tiener- j rate of went j-er rent er annum since the atii . , . , u..i,i ' dv of Iteceniber. ls3: and the further sum of ally needed when the languid, exhausted suil iti: Bttor,iej-fc ftKS: and the further sum of feelinc prevails, when the liver is torpid , -v t in sjdd suit, together with accruing in- . ' . r I terest and exjif nse.-of sale, and slutrgisb and the neea of a tonic and ,' listed n: Tne Dailes, or., this u;th day of Jan of u and alterative is felt. A prompt use this medicine has often averted long and j perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medi- j cine will act more sureiy counteracting1 and freeing the evatem from the malar- j ial poisou. Headache, Indigestion, Con etipation, Dizzine".? yield to Electric Bit ls-.IT. Janl&-5MI T. J. DRIVER, sherifl of Wasco County, Ortgon. Sheriffs Sale. ! Notice Is hereby given that uu execution and ! order of sale was issued out of the Circuit LV-urt , I of the state of Oregon for Wasco County, ou the ters. oOc and V1.W) per tjottle at UlaEe- J nereJn 'rendeied ou the -1st day of November, lev & Houghton's drug Store. 1 l;, in favor of Ke d II. Dietzel. jilaintiff. and against James- K. Elliott and William Wood, de- Au Indian Territory Mali Has Sixteen , fendants, which said execution and order of -j,.B ! sale is to me directed and commanding nie to .15. C. I sen inu jiroperiy uereiiiniier ueseriueu, lur me ; -Demit v LTnit- i litinwseof satisfying the judgment of the plaint ' , . ! ill in said cause for the sum of V-'IO.IO, with in- i UircnLieln, OI , teret thereon at ten icr cent j-er annum from I l.nc Ue,5eit hi.ru i,n , i tfti-Slst day of Mivwntwr. 1". . aim tne lurtner haE arrived here, having . iUm ol Hll Httorne y-h ,,d the costs and 8 of aire, disbursemeuu of said Hull taxed ot Uo. There- who is wanted in this county under in-, otderof sale.i will on J Saturday. January :I0. 1807, Demko.v, Tex., Jan ed States Marshall B, Dnrant, I. T. in charge Tom Lowe, 20 dictment in two caseu mortgaged property, of disposing of i nt the hour of 1 o'clock ji. m. ut tbe courthouse ' door in Dalles Citv. Wasco County. Oregon, sell i Lowe, in the presence of Officer Bircn-1 at t.ubiic nuction, to tne nignwt waaer. tor ca&n ..... , , , I in hand, for the punHi of satisfying the judg- field and Policeman Jamee, confessed tojmentubove mentioned tbe following described , being the husband of 10 wives, all of Jcxoff tbe ea.t .Ideoftbc! whom Le married within the last eight Konh'bulf or the fcouthenst 'juarier of tec. so In yeare. ice coiueaion was uiauc iu . menritig at a rocs at a ?.f i cji ine u ine ok,- Writin-. thi-ni-i. Vmf tn Pfint llni- nf said setfnii : thenee He married wife No. 1 at Parcel!, I. South one-quarter mile: thence Uet to h jKiint . t, j n- clue. South of sid rook tthe place of besluiilng): T.,inl58C; No. 2 in Bromwood, Texas, thence North to the place of beginning Xo. 3 in Benton ; So. 4 . wal JW Qa OI ivrp iKiiut ou me .Norm line ol tne s ioi tne tstw oi saia Aecnousu the same year ; r EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta RoutejnrngCB PainfS. O 7 1 OF THE Southern Pacific Comp'y.j . i Trains leave nnd r.re due to arrive nt Portland, j LEAVE. rr.ox iryr. 23. 195. arrive. -EST with a bljr S ElncltwoU'e Gcnnlne Bnll D Durham Is inuciiips by itself. Yon will and one ontinnn lntlrin rjii-h tirn nliliri' line, and two Cou pons insids cacti four ounce bag of BSackweSPs Genuine Durham Smoking Tobacco Bnynbncof thlscelebrntodtobncconnd read the coupon Vtuon gives a list or valuable presents ana no wto got tncm. f OVERLAND EX-" j i ..lntn l!nvp. 1 1 ; iiri, iiv-"'t , i burg, Afchlnnd, snr fn i. r J mmcnto, Ogrtcn.snu . I J.os Angeles, Kl l'so. i 1 New urleans and I ! I East v- .. , ,, Koseuurg anu ! rVia wooaenrn lor i;10A. M. .'4:40 I'.M. r. II.. .Ml.AnCCI, ffliveinui, I , Dail i West Scin, Browns-J. except except ville.Sprlnglleld nnd I Sundays. .. p v lcln and way stations M0.P0 A. M. ir-" (Corvallis and way If C:20 l'.M , ..0 A. M. (!itntj0I1!. i ,,,.., (McMinntille and fMSSjI'.M. Daily. tDfl".r except s-nndAy. A CYCLING MINISTER'S EXPERIENCE. THE RESULTS OF LONG.HARD RIDING FULLY 3,000 MILES ON HIS WHEEL. He JRakes Some Reflections on the Benefits of the Sport and Tells of its Dangers. PINING CARS ON OGDKN ROUTE. rCLl-MAN BUFFET SLEEI'ERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS , Attached to all Through Trains. Through Ticket Othci, 134 Third street, where . through' tickets to all iKints in the F nstern States', Canada and Euroif win bo obtained nt lowest rates from .. J. B. KlltKMND, Ticket Agent. All above trains arrive at and depart fron Grand Central Station, Fifth and Irving streets. viMim.!. ntvtsmv. Passenger Depot, foot of JcBerson street. Iave for OSWEGO, week days nt 6:M, 7:20, .10.15 a. m.: 12:15. 1.43. 5:2j. r.:4.'.. b-05 J. m. iaud 11 :30 p. m. on Saturday only). Arrive at Portland at 7:10, 11:25a, m.; 1:30,3:15, G.3o, I 7.;o, 1:10 p. m. Leave for Sheridan, week days, st 4:50 v- Arrive at Portland, .:: a. in U-ave for AIRL1E on Monday, Wednesday nnd oto jftn m Arrlrp nt Portland, 'furs- B dav, Thursday and Saturday nt 3.05 p. in. Sundav trains for OSWEGO leave at 7 J0,i:10, 10 15 a. in. : P." 15. 1 -4o, 3:30. 5:25 C: 15 p. l. Ar rive at Portland at 12. Si, s:M. lit :oo 11;25 a. m.; 1:30, S 15, 5 10, C. 35, 7.55 p. m. P.. KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS, JIanacer. Asst. G. F. i,Pass. Act. fYum tlte JVeji, Ulica, X 1". The Eev. "Vm. P. F. Ferguson, whose pic ture we give above, will not be liiifuiiiuiar by sight to many readers. A younc man, lie has still had an extended experience in; foreign missionary, teacher, editor, lecturer and "pastor that has given him a wide ac quaintance in many parts of x'nc country. In aa interview a few days ago he said : "In the early cummer of 'WI went upon a tour throueh Canada on my wheel. My route was from Utica to Carr Vincent thence j by steamer to Kingston, nnd from there along . the north shore of the Jake to Toronto and j around to Niagara Falls. 1 arrived at Cape ' Vincent at 5 o'clock, having ridden against j a wrong head wind all day. ' "Alter a ueugnttui sail through thei Thousand Islands, I stepped on Miora in that quaint old city of Kingston. A slight shower had falleq and the streeto were damp, so that wisdom would have dictated that I, leg-weary as I was, should have kept in doors, but so anxious was I to see the old city that I spent the whole evening in the streets. ' Five o'clock the next morning brought a very unwelcome discovery. I was laine in both ankles and knees. The head wind and the damp streets had proved aa tin for-1 innate combination. I gave, however, little ! thought to it, suppo,ine it would wear off in , a few hours, und the first flush of sunlight saw me speeding out the splendid road that leads toward Nupanee. "Night overtook me at a little village near Port Ilope, but found me still lame. Tresied the next day, nnd the next, but it was too ' laic; the mischief was done. I rode a good many miles during the rest of the season, but never a day and seldom a mile without pain. " Tne winter came ana i put away my j in which a good deal of space was taken bv an article in relation to Dr. Hliams' Pink Pills. I did not at that time know what they were supposed to cure. I shouM have paid no attention to the article hud I not causht the name of a lady whom I knew. Heading, I found that she, in similar circumstances, nod been greatly lienefited by the use of Pink Pills, and knowing her as I did I had no doubt of the truth of the statement that she had authorized. The first Iwix was not gone lefore I saw a chance, mid the third had not tw-en finished before nil siens of my rheumatic troubles were gone to stay. " I say ' cone so stay,' for though there has been every opportunity for a return o: ! the trouble, I have not felt the first twince nfit. 1 have wheeled thousands of links ! end never before with so little discomfort. , I have had some of the most severe tests of i strennh and endurance, and have couu j through them without an ache. For ex j ample, one afternoon I rode seventy miles, preaciied that night and mr.de fifty miles o! the hardest kind of road before noon the next day. Another ins-.ar.ee was a ' Cen tury run,' the iast iorty miles of which were made iu a downpour of rain through nine! and sIumi. " You should think I would recomincii" them to others-? Well, I have, and hn'- had the pleasure of seeing very good rteu!.i in a numlier of instances. Yes, 1 should feel that I was n.'clectins a duty if I failed to suggest Pink PilU to any lriend whom I knew to Lc suffering from rheumatism. ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. n s Pullman Elegent Tonrist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car TO .MlNEAIOI.IS DULfTU iMi-.r.o CliAM) rOKKS CUOOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA und lU'TTK j I ir' fit j Through Tickets CHICAGO I WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW VOltK HUSTON ANJ ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH For information, time cards, maps and tickets, cal ou or write to W. C. ALLAWAY, ARent, The Dalles, Oregon OR A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A 255, Morrison Cor. Third. Portland Oregon THE TI1E PKESUYTEBIAK CHURCH IS WHITES 110110, OF WHICH KEV. Wll. FiiEOUBO.V IS PASTOR. "No, that is not the only disease the" NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. irhfl. (mviiif 4 now I shall iret well.' but to cure. I personally know of a number ol mv disappointment I grew worse. Some cures from other troubles, but I have needed (luvs my knees almost forbade walking and them only for that, though it would be but tny ankles would not permit roc to wear fair to add that my genetal health has been shoes. At times I suffered severe pain, so Jitter this summer tbau ever before in my severe as to make study a practical impos- life. sibility, yet it must be understood that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain all the 1 concealed the condition of affaire as far elements necessary to give new life and us possible. rienness to tne blood and restore shattered Iron Janf-M-ii Sheriff of Wiuco County, Or rom being local the trouble began to nerves. They are sold in boxes (never in spread slightly and roy anxiety increased, loose form, by the dozen or hundred) at SO consuneu iwo pnysiciuiiB unu iuiiohcu cents u uox, or six boxes tor t.'.oo, and may their excellent advice, but without result. ho the winter parsed. One da happened to take in my nan without result, be had of ull druggist or directly by mail day in March I from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, and a newspaper Schenectady, N. Y. D Lona poison -DEALER IX- In Hiheboro ; No. 5 in Ennie ; No. 0 In ( Marion county ; No. 7 in Galveetoo ; No. S in Houeton; No, 9 in McLennan coun ty ; No. 10 in Denison ; No. 11 in Paris ; No. 12 in Delta cau n ty; No. 13 in Mille county; No. 14 to Milan county; No. 15 at Weber FalU, and No. 10 in Young county. All the wives are alive, and bo far as be know, Lowe av. they 5SfflrtW.TO WALL PAPER WALL PAPER married. So far ae he knowe 19 children cury. Iodide potuab, nnd etiu bare aches and VV XXiJXJ A XXX AJJJJ A AX JXVi have been born to them within the last I'imples, Cupper Colored gpots, ulcer on 1 ..tuM mii'i prtof the tKdr,UulrorEjebrowa falllnr elgtlt l UB'P. 0tJ Tit la lhl liwondiira ltf.(kfl Poiuit we rurntec to cure. V.'osolicitthemott obtl of AJWSMHDCSS' PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. Anil the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Desipne in cured Id M to 35 dars. Yoa can be treated a bomoforsamepriccunclcr eamcguunui' l ty. If vou prefer to come here we wlllenn. tract to par railroad lareandbotelbllli.aml 18 J'ages a Week. 150 Papers a Year. It etands first among ''weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication and freehnees, variety and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly ; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of tbe Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among its special features are a fine h timnr ! page, exhaustive market renorte. nil thn latest faebiona for women and a long series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, Conun Doyle, Jerome K. Jerome, Ktauley Wejiuiu, Mary E. Wllklun, Authony Uovv, is ret Uarte, llrander Matthews, Etc. We offer this unequaled newspaper and The Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle to gether one year for $'.'.00. The regular price of the two papers is $3.00. prices log lioouiri iu ii : .. J iuueumc wunu dtc31-tf PP.ACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS used in all our work, and none but ths most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem- All order -r r, :i i. i . .i i, r. we rnsnnie 10 cure, wo solicit the mott -u. urevreun. ubidk uuoui iu iuc Mr Cae and cbuUenu-e the world for t city, offers hU fine Mock o artificial SvSSuSSs& Icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class artlsle in all colors, flower, plant?, etc., at trreatly reaucea claiu. aootooo capital behind our uiicouaw I promptly attended to. '8tore and Pa5nt Ebon corner TMrd and Washinijton fits,. The Dallee.Ort'ot For Bale or Kent. The Grant hotel, close to the depot, will sell cheap, or rent for 10 per month. Lke Kee, decl-lm Grants, Or. Wall Paper, Glass. Etc. TTX3E3 ji lines-Kiners Si Drug 129 Second St., THE DALLES, - - OR J. S. 5CIIENK. l'rcsldent. II. M. Beau. CasUeii first Rational Bank. THE DALLES - OREGON i A General Bankinc Business transacts 9 Deposits received, subject to Sight fM Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptljM remuieu uu uui ui uuiiociion. Sight and Teletrraphic Exchange soldaf ew Yort, ban rrancisco anc Portland. DIRECTOKS, D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Scimrai En. M. Williams, Geo. A. Liibi. H. M. Beai.l. FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. TK.VNSACTA GEXEUAL BANKING BC3INES Letters of Credit issued available in Ihti Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraph Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oft con, Seattle Wash,, and various pointi in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at ail points on fav orable terms. Dalles City and More State Ii Leaves Williams Hotel, Motu, k "XT 1 XI.. J 1 1 TV"1 . .lS .uunuayt, n euneeuays unu rriuavsi.i & b. in. jrotnnt. t Leaves Umatilla House, The Dalla, tuesaays, invrsdays and fcaturaayei K n in nrnni it Prt.ir.hf rntvc Tlio Tl'illt-o tnMnrn.iia per 100 lb?; small package?. 15and2x. PaSsenKer rales The Dulles to .Moro.S 1 TiO- rnntifl fr!r .Ml I , ."'ci .--' tia A i.un..,. n . IT.n.!!.! IIai.oq Thn lift Wfittl and at VVilliams Hotel, Mora. r tf DOUGLAS ALLEN, Prop. Guardian's Sale of Real Estate. Notice Is licrcby jriven that the undersigarf. fnii'.rdiun rjf the verwins nnd estate of Alici nilru I'flcil md Wllllum Kdwnrd I'dcll, minm, under nnd in nc orilimce with nn order of U county court of the fetute ol Oresou, for was Countv, heretofore rnnde, will sell nt public tiou, for cnfli In hund, on Saturday, tbe 1 day of December, l&ye, nt the hour of 12 ocloct noon, ut the eourtuoube door iu Dulles Cltr.B Wiisco County. Oregon, nil the real estate loiiuing to the eMate of nld minors, to-nt: The bouthec&t quarter of ectlou thirty o township one north ranee ten east WilUraea .Menaian, in oreuou, coiitalnlnc iw acre. Dalles City, Oregon, Nov. IU, OEOKGE UDELL, lioVJMi Guardiau of said Minon Sheriffs Sale. Notice is hereby given that under end br rtj tue of an execution und order ol wile hbuw Wnco Countr9 dated the 12th day of JanuiiJ; tell the property hereinafter described to um iue um oi tw, wun mieresi tuereou r cent )t annum from Dec. 185C, n balance w upon ii judgment in the nbove named conn c favor of Kobert Maya nnd L. E. Crowe, partt doing bufclneii under the firm name of gt Crowe, and ugulnfct Geo. D.Arinstronganoow" L. Armstrong, given and rendered tnereui? the 0th day o? November, 19C, 1 will n Wedr day, the 10th day of February, 18V7, at thenoar of 10 o'clock n. m sell at the courthouwaoori. Dalle City, in baid county and state, public nuction, to tbe highcot bidder for caaB hand, the following defccribed real estate, tp-wit tot 13, in Block u iu Thorn pion'if Addluonu Dalles City, iu Wasco County, Btnleof OnfoB Dalles City, Oregon, Jan. 2j.f yjB, J13-5M Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon- The Glades Ranch,; WI1ITK SALMON. WASH. nre BreJ Atuerica Jersey Cattle Club JERSETS Of the St Lambert, Commnssio and Torm raine. Three Choice Dulls for fcnle m w so some Choice Cows nnd Heifer lor ti& 1'uieBred Poland China Hogs. White Plymouth Kock Chickens. n Addres.: Mlts. A. It. J1YUKKTT, Prop. JVJS'WUm White Salmon, w"1- J B. GOIT, COUNTY SUKVEY0K. Recideoce, Tenth aud Liberty BtrH1