The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 16, 1897, Image 3

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    Specials in Hosiery and Underwear.
Bargain No. 1.
Ladies' Black AH-Wool Hose, in plain and fine
riDbed; formerly sold for 25c,
Sale Price, 18 Cts.
Bargain No. 2.
All of our better grades of Cashmere and
Wool Hose; regularly sold for 45c and 50c,
i . . Sale Price, 33 1-3 Cts.
Bargain No. 3.
Children's Woolen Underwear. To make a
clean-up of this line of goods, we will allow a
discount of "a-
25 per cent, off the selling price.
We offer our complete stock of the celebrated Peerless Muslin Underwear
at a reduction of 25 per cent, for this month only.
This store closes at 7 p. ra. sharp.
Is, unquestionably, the most success
ful anil perfect working Spraying Dovico
yet invented.
It is a unsversal testimony that more,
as well as better, work win bo accom
plished with the Bean Spray Pump than
with any other pump on tho market.
With this pump one man can charge
the recepthble and leave it to direct t ho
spray just where it is wanted, and thus
with" sufficient hose pass from treo to
tree. The solution is delivered in a fine
mist or spray, penetrating every nook
and cnrnor, thus doing better and more
effective work than is possible by any
other method, and with no waato what
ever of solution.
For further particulars see special cir
cular or call upon or correspond with.
We have strictly First-class
FIR, OAK and
Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO
ie Dalles Daily Chronicle.
r n h n a v -
JAN. 16, 1S97
Weather Forecast.
Por.TLA.XD. Jan. 15. 1S97.
or .tASTEKj. UREGOX iomgni tnow; xomor-
i imi nuu uuuici.
x ague. UDserver.
of Lesser Magnitude.
Don't forget to come to the social to-
l 1
'As pnnn ns thft mnnpv Bnhsrrihflil is?
IptUU paid in, a diamond arm win oe or-
mmteu, and work of prospecting De oegun
mm. nnna
wfeHoward Marshal, who drives the Gol-
fe' .1 1 .. ... ...) !. A n . 1...
tber side of the river are frozen bo they
M . .... .
Hfjvry a wagon an rignt, out are very
There a no time like the present for
lying a new hat or pair of shoes. A.
",. Williams & Co. make no exceptions
' their stock at a discount of twenty
r ceut.
he A. 0. U. V. and Degree of Honor
1 hold memorial services at Frater-
;y hall .Monday evening at 7
tubers of the orders named and their
lids are invited.
lHIt is dollars to doughnuts that John
Mitchell will he elected on the first
lot, when the legislature is organized.
t when that will be ie one of the
togs whole lote of people would like to
$l hat for 80 cent9 5 a 2 hat for
tir anything else you may want in dry
i T - 1,1 t Tl..i 1
I MllIlfllll III JittlL'IIlIM IIHN Ulim
noon ma inrpnrinn nr visirincf mo
. . TW t -
: . f i i ci l J Mi
a or rna - td nine m inu vu i rnuii vu.
Ulf Lilt? I12LBL i:'J21.BL W1111C RLll 1 UUIkC Ul
it. 1 T) 1
ftt, Tlnfltnn urn a in on ilnwn t h Imrhor
J 1 . 1
it f i iih whim iininipi hm a a a nriennwr nr
j 1DflO i it. 1 . y"
II 11 L HUVH : 1 IIH Hr (I 1 1 I H U'll H
1 A It
r r ii . i
. i air ix. iu n niHnn vna inn rrt aw mi i .
East Portland, died at Grant's PaEB
eaneeaay nigut. xJennison'B
iii i
. " T . 1 A t T . I
t . f J 1
iniarrv nil r.nn rantno Annar. inr VAnrv.
n L. . 1 AK.a MnnA . 4.
uiv lunuocuu lur uto cttic. at cuicm
rA (ItAQ H a aafih aaD Paul's
Portland, one year, and Centenary
church, East Portland, twice for two
years, with an interval of Bixteen years
between terms, and was superintendent
of the Portland Methodist hospital for
sixteen months. The funeral takes
place Sunday afternoon.
There was a small party of sereuaders
out last night, in fact two of them.
The first party visited the homes of
their favored friends ami gave them a
song or two, but as the night was cold,
did not stay long. The second party
followed the first, taking possession of
the grounds immediately when the
others left. As a result, the late comers
received the reward intended tor their
predecessors, and devoured Eeveral nice
handouts of cake, etc.
,-' Moie.y.I' ltalyed., .
The committee to solicit subscriptions
for the purpose of assisting in buying a
drill to prospect the coal fields, conclud
ed its labors this (morning, having the
full sum of 500 subscribed. It will re
port to the Commercial Club this even
ing, when the matter6-collecting the,
money will be turned over to another
committee. As soon as the money is
paid over, Mr. Nicholas and his partners
stand ready to add the amount neces
sary to purchase a first-class drill and
operate it, and inside of a month it will
be boring its way down into the earth.
If a vein of coal is etruck it ehotild be
a large one, as all the various strata
gone through are remarkably thick.
The emallest layer penetrated was that
of a body of magnetic iron ore 53 feet
thick. The thickness of the strata, in
dicate the lapse of long periods before
conditions changed, and this applies to
the coal formation as well as the others.
Hon. YV. H.
THE SITUATION AT SALEM. ! Xiirht-watch Wilev tired the shots, in'-
'order to put speed into the legs of sever-
IJufar Kxpresses nn , . . a ... ,,: rnnnil thu
I streets and were nreDarini: to bombard
Hon. W. H. II. Dufnr returned last i the China washhonso at tho corner of
night from Salem, where ho has been,in i Second and Union. The scheme worked
attendance for the past week as a mem-! all right, for the boys only touched a fuw
ber of the third house. Mr. Dufur, lths of the high spots on the way home,
well known, is an ardent Mitchell man Wiley is determined to enforce the cur-
A Small Theft.
Yester'day morning about 2 o'clock
Mr. W. H. Taylor, who lives about three
miles south' of town, thought he
heard someone in the bouse, but after
listening a short time concluded it was
the wind. As he was about to go to
sleep again he heard a commotion in the
henhouse, and got up to eee what the
trouble was. He found moet of the
chickens eff their perchee, but that was
all. Returning to the house he began look
ing around and found someone bad been
making himself at home. He had filled
up on pie, cold sausage and whatever
else eatable there wa? in the pantry.
On departing, the marauder picked up
an overcoat belonging to one of the men,
and as he took it with him, it is presum
ably a fit.
and he very naturally makes earnest
proteet against the obstructionists who,
in the interest of the anti-Mitchell fac
tion as Mr. Dufur alleges, have hitherto
defeated all attempts at organizing the
lower house.
"I am very anxious," said Mr. Dufur
to a representative of The Chrokicle,
"that the people should know just
where the blame lies for this obstruc
tion. The friends of Senator Mitchell
are in no way responsible. On the con
trary they have, to a man, done every
thing in their power from tho beginning
to effect an organization. In fact the
lines that separate the two factions are
obstruction on the one hand and im
mediate organization on the other. The
object of thu obstructionists is, of course,
to defer the election of an United States
senator, and they hope by prolonging
the struggle to weaken the strength of
Senator Mitchell. Remedial or any
other kind of needed legislation is, of
course, wholly secondary. And it io
the same old crowd that have always
fought Mitchell and apparently always
"I would like," said Mr. Dufur, in his
own earnest way, "to say a good word
in behalf of our representative, B. S.
Huntington. I don't know how he in
tends to vote on the senatorial question,
but I do know that he has done every
thing in his power to promote tho orV
ganization of the house of which he i$
a member. I regret I cannot eay an
much of Mr. Jones."
"The enemies of Mitchell, however,!'
added Mr. Dufur, "may as well quit
fighting him, first as last. John 1.
Mitchell wilt succeed himself in spito of
all they can do. It is only the desperai
tion o!despair that justifies them in subt
ordinating every interest of the Oregoji
commonwealth to their insane prejudice
and hate." i
few ordinance, and parents wi'l do well
to keep their children home, or if they
kmiss them, to inquire first at the city
Tho L.nRt Tribute.
We, the members of J. W. Nesmith,
No. 17, W. R. C, assembled in a lodge of
sorrow, wish to express our appreciation
of our dear Mrs. S. C. Wilson, whom a
gracious Heavenly Father has removed
from this life and its work, to the other
life, with its Inrger opportunities and
blessings. Though modest and retiring
to an unusual degree, she was one of the
most interested and active workers in
T- 11 f L 111
i our corps, tier goou ueeua wuu hkb
I noble friends to welcome her as she
enters tho world beyond. We mourn
her departure as of a dear triend and co
worker, and admonish ourselves to copy
her faithful example. Wo extend our
heartfelt sympathy to the family in
their great bereavement, and our deep
sorrow is recorded, while we place her
name among those who have passed to
their reward.
Blanche G. Pattehkon,
Lizzie Iluticii,
, Suha PniiLirs,
jf .
Proposed Charter Amend menu. ,
I. O
The following
O, T, Hoclat Program.
will be given
2, I. O. G. T(,
The city council met last night for tho
purpose of considering proposed amend
inents to tho charter. After consider
able discussion, amendments were
agreed upon as follows:
To create a sinking fund of not less
than $500 a year. To provide a more
feasible manner of making street iinv
provements, building sowers, etc., and
the manner of levying assessments
therefor; to permit the marshal, after,
24 hours notice to property owners, to
repair sidewalks, at expense pf said!
owners; to give tho council authority tOi
licenee the sale of liquors where the.
same is sold by the bottle; to make the
city recorder ex-ofiicio clerk of tho board
1 of water commissioners und to change
the city boundaries, This last amend
ment is to correct an error in detcriptiqn,
Common vanilla is tonka
bean there may or may
not be vanilla in it.
Schilling's Best'is vanilla
alone and is worth three
times as much money.
For sate by
W. E. Kahler
by The Dalles Lodge, No.
tomorrow evening commencing at
Q--rto.Two U "'hicl, ,'"V'" ' KHndt plaqe in
' 1 tl.u ,.!( 11. .it la
Lthe city limits.
High EcJiool MhIo Quartet
, ..... "'.',, "A 'Ourii. fur l.uiuu llnek.
euiu snvui. uiuwii r.uiti nuuiiug
Select Heading , Win. Harper j "My daughter, when recovering from
Bolo-''Ifen a UrunkarU Tonight" J. S. Landers an nttuck of fever, was a groat suflerer
BecitirtlQn-ACouiMof lve too fa'moolh" fr(Jm pRn n U)0 )H(;k ,)lp8 wrUe8
Solo "Uock-u-bye Ulrdlo" Kdythe Clurno
KeciUtlon ,, Walter itcuvlu
Duet "Don't Go Out Tonight My Darling"..
, 8'jua Chase ucd Kdna Jiuruett
Admission will be free.
The Curfew Ordiumice,
A couple of pistol shots in the alley
back of the court house last night caused
Louden Grover, of Bardie. Ky. "After
using quite a number of remedies with
out any benefit she tried one bottle of
Chamberluin's Pain Balm, and it bus
given entire relief," Cliawberlain'a
Pain Balm is also a certain cure for rheu
matlsui, Bold by Blakeley & Houghton,
All persons holding orders from Pease
l p. ir .i .... l r ii..
brief excitement in that neighborhood. MEM S 'Tr LZ T
Everybody, thinking there was a hold-! jj)resent them bofore January 15th,
up, murder, or something of the kind. I1 Mits. I), U, Ueiiiun,
getyool Bools, Stationery,
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
No. 174 Second Street,
New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
Japanese Bazaar,
H. OLiYATT Mo GO. Prop.
Japanese Curios, Dishes,
Ladies' Underwear, Wrappers,
nsroTioisrs, etc., etc.
133 Second Street, Next to Snipes-Kinersly's Store,
Call and See our Goods.
Wo all know that any tired muscle
can be restored by rest. Your stomach
is u muscle. Dyspepsia is its manner of
sayiiiK "1 am tired. Give mo rest." To
rcet the stomach you iiuiHt do its work
outside of the body.
This js the Shaker's method of curlntt
indigestion, und its success is bust attest
ed by the fnct that these people are pruc
ticalfy free from what is without doubt
tho most prevalent of all diseases, The
Shaker Digestive Cordial not only con
tains digested food which is promptly
absorbed without taxing tho tired diges
tive organs, hut it is likewise uu aid to
the digestion of other foods in the
stomach. A 10 cent trial bottle will
convince you of its merit, and those you
can obtain through all druggists. (3)
Laxol is tho best medicine for chil
dren. Doctors recommend it in place of
Castor Oil.
Did You Kver.
Try Klectric, Bitters as a remedy for
your troubles? If not, get a bottle now
and get relief, This medicine lias been
found to be peculiarly adapted to thu re
lief and euro of all Female Coinpluints,
exerting u wonderful direct influence in
giving strength and tone to the organs.
If you have Loss of Appetite, Constipa
tion, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are
Nervous, Steepness, Kxcl table, Melan
choly or troubled with Dizzy Spells,
Electric Bitters in the medicine yon
need. Health and Strength are guaran
teed by Us use. Large bottles only fifty
cents and $1,00 at Blakeley & Houghton,
Druggist, 3
Ward, Kerns & Kobertson has a choice
lot of wild hay at their barn on Second
street, Just the feed for cows,
Notlcn Hieolal Hclmol Met'tlug.
Notice is hereby iilven to the legal
voters of echool district No. 12, of Wasco
countv, state of Oregon, that a special
school meeting of the said district will
be held at the brick school house on
court street, on the IHHh day ul January,.
1807, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said
duv for tho following objects:
To determine what action said dis
trict will take relative to voting a
special school tax for the support of thu
public school of said district; also to de
termine what action the district will
take relative to voting a tax to be used
iu paying a part or all of tho debt of said
district; also what action tho district
will take for thu erection or rental of
additional school bmldidgs und provid
ing (uuiIb for thu payment of the same.
Dated this 16th day of January, 1807.
OllIO.V KlKltSI,Y,
Chairman Board of Directors.
li, Jacoiihun, District Clerk,
Do not full to call on Dr. Lannerburg,
the eye specialist, and have your oj'vs
examined free of charge, If you sutler
with headache or nervousness you un
doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if
corrected, will benefit you for life.
Office in the Vogt block.
Tygli Vnlluy Koller Kli.urMIIU.
Tygh Valloy Boiler Flour Mills are
running full time on No. 1 wheat.
Flour equal to tho best always on hand
Prices to suit the times. Also mill feed
in quantities to suit.
W. M. McCouklk k Sox.
aug86mw Proprietors.
C'mli Iu Your Cheek.
All county warrants registered prior
to July 12, 181)2, will bo paid at say
ofllco. Interest ceases after Dsc. 5r
1800. 0. L, PHiLurs,
County Treasurer