The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 16, 1897, Image 2

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    i 1
K V..
'Vm '
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
tack. From present inrlicntions con
gress will adjourn before Ihe legisla-
The only Republican Daily Seutpapa t ture organizes. This being the case.
our stockmen hail better get a move
on and apply directly to concress
3C' 1S9' for the relief prayed for. They mav
not cet it, but thev will at least have
l?"aeo County.
Court, y. I. City. E. KATZ, Agent.
i chance to be heard.
j The members of the third house
(are not getting much newspaper no-
TVe are pleased to note that the toriet-v' For tbree who,e tla-vs not
aoncv for nurchasinc a diamond 0ne f tbera LaS bad the plca5Ure of
i drill has nearly all been raised, and
i seeing his name in print. Can it be
i I ImiH -..11 .nir l.nca. kwiiI
that the full sum is now assured. It
i . ., , lowed up in the effulgence of that
is a pieasinc sicn ot awakened enercv 1 s
on the part' of 'our people, of a?siu. legislative sun, Jonathan? or has his
nnn, tl,.,t wo enn nll for n champagne proved more eloquent
- , - -
common purpose, and that we under
stand at last that nothing ventured, i
nothing is won
You Get
the Profits
Of Dealers, Agents, Jobbers
and Middlemen "by buying- di
rect from the manufacturer.
"The Regulator toe"
The Dalles. Portland aiil Astoria
Navigation Co.
; than their mere idle words?
Oregonian is reinarkabby
I quiet. akmg up to find itself m
The prospecting for coal is of ' beci mlb the p0puhsts and Demo
course but an experiment, but it is ' crats jt uas turned over on its little
No better wheel made than the
Acme Bicycle
Built in our own factory by
skilled workmen, using: ihe best
material and the most improved
machinery. We have no agents
Sold direct from factory to the
rider, fully warranted. Shipped
atvywhere for examination.
Freipni ana Passenser Line
i Wholesale.
Olines and Cigaps.
Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic
beverage, unequaled as a tonic.
1 Until further notice, the
! Steamer Regulator will leave
an experiment that must be made to i nmi rr0ne tn c,,Pkmn- its httle
test the matter. It is an experiment I r05V toes deriving what consolation Qllf EntereStiflQ OftSf i The Dalles Oil Mondays, AVed
that had to be made at every point
where coal is now successfully mined.
Everything is favorable to a success
ful result. There are splendid coal ! uave mei
measuies. consisting ot conglomerate
and sand shales, and the coal en
counteted in boring .veils in the
city shows that the proper conditions
have existed for furnishing valuab'e
beds of it. This may not prove true,
but if not. we shall at leasi know
that we have done our duty in dem
onstrating that fact. It we lose, we
have lost a trifle: if we win. we have
made The Dalles the most prosperous
city on the coast.
"We congratulate our citizens on
it ma- from the uniqueness of its
Acms Cycle Co., Elkhart, Ind.
surroundings. The act illustrates
the position, showing that extremes
Notice is hereby civen thnr the undersigned,!
administrator of the estate oi Theodore volt Bor-
stel, deceased, hns tiled his finnl account ns such I One wav
administrator, and thut the oth dav of January. J t j
lsST. at - o clock t. m. has bam fixed bv order of ouna trip . .
of the Comity Judge a the time lor hearine any
objections to said account and settlement there-
o:. ah seirs- creaitors or otner person
. nesdays and Fridays at 7:30
a. m., and will leave Portland
on Tuesdays. Thursdays and
! Saturdays at G:30 a. m.
.$2 00
. 3 00
y?svss Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
r thex have. bfv- " '
Three of the counties of the state
have iguorcd the action of the state
bourd of equalization, and purpose
collecting taxes according to the as
sessment made bv the conutv assess-
I nr Tr. is nrnhihlp mnrp nf thp I tnsaWwtenTeduly notified to tile their
counties will follow suit, especially . XtM-ath day of xoveabcr. ism. ; ;hl.impnta fnr Pnrt,ant, rppptrP(, nt
:hoe where the ae-ment wn nNcd GEO. yon hokstel, t Shipments for Portland receded nt
tUO.L uta int. a.t.smLiiL u.u r-'i-i'MAdninlstratoroI the Estate o Theodore von anv time, shipments for wav landings
materiallv. Bonswl aecsawii. i-l i must be delivered before 5 p. in. Live
i stock shipments solicited. For rates call
"With Joe Simon and Jonathan ! n " address
lNouce xo uonxractors. ; w. c. allaway
General A cent-
Bourne voked together, the !Oregc ;
uian and its recent -'anarchists"' lying J TUe nadcisned vm receive bids for the con-
their pluck iu going down into their peacefully side by side, it woald notjfKmw&Kw'w
j .i i j i t. r ; . I Balance scraVer wort. Ditch to be five feet wide
puutvut; iu intst; utuu iiiut:;. uiju siu- rtfijuiie :i ;;ieaisiricii ui iue iiuaLriu on bottom, and two fee: deep. Twelve miles
i i.: i:i 1:,,. ,:n vl: . ol from Ihe Dalles, h or lurthor particular- ad-
tcim liupc kuuii liuci.iiii uc i iuiuu lu ul'ul'il' iuc ujiisuiiiuui u: nt. j Qjes Ju. J. COCK tRLINE,
votroln.l o I.MnfOfl tlirvusn nrl frtlrl ion.l Tl.n Jin nnA tlin Jo,i oral Il23 2W-M1 Boyd, OrtCOn.
down tonether,
llie Uregonian but a montn or twr
ago called Jonathan Bourne a scoun
drel, and the free silverites anarch
ists. 2sow it is like peas in a pod
with the whole lot. It indorses their
action in holding up the state, aud
says the house is not organized be
cause the parties who want to organ
ize it intend to do so on a boodle
"basis. That Jonathan Bourne. Joe
Simon, the Populists, the Deino-
A r1 TV! 1 tit c---To rr"c- Iffntina
--i. yciuiL'UKiu just uuiue iiuiu c.tieui
t. t- i ti.... ; notice :s tieretv civen that the undersicned
u. mai ujutu.ui jjuiuut: is uci- hlls Ktn dnlv ajijinted by the county court of
rPMfliino- himsplf Tint lin is fpnrljnir ! '"e ""e 01 Orepon Jor w asco County, admiuis
reaenmg nimseit. 1 nai ne is leecung , truIor 0 the of w H uwhhead. dectufed.
and wining the cow county members j i g' cMminU
in a manner they are not accustomed i Steffi?. cZ&t
to. and that within two weeks the j SSatuftr o.W. iv,.
whole lot will be laid up with the! Admlnis:ra:or o thetaeo! "v. H "ju?ahd.
Wasco Wa re house Com paoj
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ofaiikinas.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts,
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton Flour.
This Flour is mannfactured expressly for family
use; every sack is yitarnnteed to give satisfaction.
We sell oar poods lower than any house iu the trade, and if you don't think
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
75 cts-
Buys a good BOYS'SUIT at C. F. Steph
ens.' Intermediate prices up to $4.50.
Is all C. F. Stephens asks for a servicea
ble suit of MEN'S CLOTHING. The
best Black Diagonal for 12.00.
Choice of Transcontinental Routes
The progressive ladies of Westfield, J
Ind., issued a 'Woman's Edition" of the !
i Spokane
Executor's Notice of Final Account. ! Minneapolis
i notice is nercDv jrivei' tnnt ueorce A. i.iebe. r,T,. Kan I
notice the I executor of the estate of r.ichard c. Cloter, de-
tcuMru, uu nitru .e r.uiu uccuuniing oi me e-
Kansas City
crats, the free silver Republicans, the j Westfield News, bearlne date of April 3, j
Orecomnn ami Us "anarchists, alnls'Jo. Ine DaL-er is tiled with matter oi
want it oriranized on an economical ; terest to women, and we
i-..- 5 t- ,v ,nft .i.n4 ( followinc from a correspondent, which tate ot Kichurd G. Cluster, deceased, with the
basis. J this tl lie ? Ja It true that nr;,M! rvMrinr thnt : cu'"nas,hi. estate of Albert Lehman, un in- I nlJ, ft r--4-, n;;
the leaislators the Oxonian nrced I .P" "A. 1. "'VV' LOW Rat8S tO all EaStBm GltlBS.
- treii
the people to vote for are all thieves,
and the other fellows all saints: The
Oresonian, like an ostrich, has stuck
its head in the sand and imagines it
is hidden, being unaware thai the
larger portion of its anatomy is
plainly visible.
to thei
upon a matter of vital importance , ?fillLA,V0tt J,-hnin,i: an injwne vron, thesnid
. r , , i Kichurd j Cloter, deceased, was ut the time of
lr sex: "The best reined v lor , hit decth the dulv uptiointed, cinaliiied and act-
ing guardian, with the clerk nf the County
STEA.MEKS Leave J'ortlaud
Everv Vive lav for
i.i. i v t.:.:. .i . i i ihe cuaruian. v.n ine ci
uruu, uuiw uuu u!uiikuiu luui. x unc court of the state of Orecon for Wa--ro Countv.
been able to find is Chamberlain's Cough I hat said court has uprKJinted 100 clock a. , .
. . , i m. o! Monday, November 'J, l;&ti. being the tirst 1 Q A TJ TTT? A WnTSPIO HAT.
Homeuv. ForfamiJv use it has no eqnai. i day of the n-cular November term of said court, ! x iwxxx uxouu,
I'f'nfllt- ronni, it " O..A -'.ft ..ant 1 1'C " fear U lUe COUnty COUr
J.SiadH recommend it. o end o0 cent Ilcnes city, Owon, as the time and
bottles lor sale by Uiakeley & Houghton, i the henrtnpof taid linal accountinc
The Crauile.t llemedy.
Mr. K. B. Greevc. merc'nant of
Oregon presents the spectacle of aiCbnbow5e Va- that be bad
.... , ; consumption, was given up to die,
yreat commonwealth bc:ng held up 9Uphta!i !uedk.a, trea:intJIlt lhat uloney ;
by a few political tricksters and j could procure, tried all cough remedies
robbed to the tune of thousands of : he could hear of, but trot no relief; spent
dollars ever day.
".li!.f r.f tliA
anu was cureu dv tne use oi two Domes.
For past three years has been attendin
to busines, and says Dr. King's New Dis-
fur the year 3.M, at the county courthouse in !
ulace tor
ana objec
tions theieto if anv tlure be.
Ibis notice is published by order of said
j County Court, entered October I'd. lsl.
GEOI'.GE A. LIEUE. Esecutor.
Comjo.v & Cokko.n, Attornevs for Esecutor.
and he is liems ablv assisted bv Jon- 1
attan Bourne, and all others opposed
to the election of John II. Mitchell.
AVe regiet that the infantile member
fron' Antelope, "Baby Jones," is in
VI lut. us.iuus JI , lictuuiu iic.w Ui, utii. iiv iciici ,
Joe Simon is the ! any night; siuiac up in a chair; was DOORS,
of bteb wavmen. 1 5nd,l,i:ed to tr-v,I?r' Xevv Dr? '
covery is the grandest remedy ever made,
as it has done so much for him and also
for others in his community. Dr. King's '
with the gnnjj of robbers. He wasjg cosnmption. It don.t faU.
sent from this district to legislate Trial bottle free at Blakeley AHou-jhton's
for the people, and bis first duty is . Drug store. 2) !
to assist in organizing the legislature, i TT???TTrr???TrTr'TrrmTTr'.
The election of a senator is a second
ary consideration. Tlie house should .
be organized at once, and then let the
best man win in the senatorial fiirht.
For full details call on O. K iz Co. s Acent
i Tea Dalles, or itddress
I W, H. UUULBCKT, Gen. Puss. Apt
j Portland. Oregon
E. M'UEILL President nud Maiiai-'er.
j Nev Schedule.
I Train No. 1 arrives at The Dalles 4 :4b
j a. m., aud leaves 4 :50 u. m.
; Train No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10 :lo
j p. m., and leaves 10:20 p. m.
Traiu No. 8 arrives at The Dalles 1 :5o
i p. in., and west-bound tram .o, leaves
at 1 p. m.
Train 23 and 24 will carrv passengers
between The Dalles and Umatilla, leav
ing The Dalles at 1 p. :n. daily and ar-
I rivini; at The Dalles 1 p. in. daily, con
I nectinp with train Nos. 8 and 1 from
Portlaud. E. E. Lyixe,
I Auent.
LIME, CEMENT, j L C0M,NI' The Da,,es. Or.,
An elegant assortment o!
1696 styles just received,
a part ot which may U
seen in show window.
Remember, all these goods are latest made, warm, serv
iceable and fashionable, and at prices never before ap
proached in The Dalles.
Leave your orders for
Dressed Chickens, Fish,
Fine Dairy Butter, Eggs,
Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds,
Corner Second and Washington Sts.
175 Second Street,
The Dalles, Oregon
and Headstones.
Before going elsewhere, call on
and is the result of colds and
sudden climatic changes.
For your Protection
we frfniuteiv utate tiiat thfe
remedy doe not contain
mercury or any otter injur
ious a.u".
Congressman Ellis has had his bill,
extending for two years the time in
which to make Gnal pi c of on forfeit
ed railroad lands, passed bv the
house. It seems quite probable that Jy' Qfg3 BSllD
...:n t .. t... . ... im.. t.tti . . . j j i . .
ii ui uisu pusz iuv aeiiuiv. l lie mil
is of doubtful utilitv, as neaih- all
those who had claims on the lands
have perfected their titles. There
are some, though, who will be bene
fited, just n there would be some
who would not be ready to pa- if
the time were extended tiatil Gabri
el's trumpet sounded.
Window-Glass and!
For a Tombstone. Warranted
to etiind for all time, regardless
ol wind or weather.
I? te:now;ei"d to le the roort tborancb core for
;;wal Catarrh, Coid in Head and JJay Fuver of all
rnl!. It oteii4 and eleaiiie the nasal pawaKW.
allaya win and Inflammation, htttfa the cores, pro
ttcta the membrate from coids, restores the sensts
of taste and smell. 1'rice UK. at UniKasts or by mail.
ZLX li&OTUttlS. 60 Wanes buert. New Vorh
picture Moulding. American Market,
S. GLB1T1T.' 74 Second Street.
Fruit, Produce,
Butter, Eggs.
Our sheepmen, who have been de
pending on a joint memorial from
our legislature to congress, .concern
ing the opening of the Cascade for
est reserve, had best set on another
UucklfU'c AriiiCM Halve.
The best salve in the world for cute,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei '
sores, tetter, chajjed hands, chilblaine, I
corns, and all skin eruption, and poe5 I
tively earns piles, or uo pay required
It is guaranteed to irive perfect satlsfac
Ob rill for a Dw.
Lltb- 'i ue uUb rapiilir wuat tua rsumi Itcu to
ttMi bone
tion. or money reiunaea.
per box. For sale oy
Houshton, drustste.
It turuUr. Thr cur UMiUcbu. brubtao tli
e.n& clor thoCorupleilim Iwttertlun cotnurtlc.
Avn.iih. imiM mir Hickeri. To citnnncti tfu. Ma
Ppica 'T, pn(e "ill mall um-m- lr t lull ljr lur hold btj.
rrue -j ceniE Ztl un. ilosAJtito uuu. co.;vulftdciiiiua. ft.
Blakeley and '
rOL'LTI'.V. F18II nod GAME
Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
Buccetsor to ChrUman & Corson.J
Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to
all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town.
Office next door to the Klrat Katlonul Boni:
Tlie lJulltt, Oregon. novl
"There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flooj
leads on to fortune."
The poot unquestionably had reference to the
Closing dot Sale of Furniture and Carpets
Who are selling those goods out at greatly-reduced rate