The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 15, 1897, Image 4

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The Dalles My Chronicle.
Iprcr.nt ij
' idea nf hi
. M:
Drugs, Paints,
Mrr on
wcrarre nnd othcrsoc'
j ru:d r-rsnetaleal topics
4'.u li'tlc I'f'or.y nrl thr cv r:i?;r-fr.?-uorv
rrturas which the !r - fu-
turo -.rtiraiwR crt h?W tn jv ' ' ' rs
, P".-to?"cn that, in n vcrv tV . 'rcr.
; the fruitr of its own t3l v. ill cnrc'v
An Odd Educational Enterprise in
Jsorthoru Illinois.
provide for its support
:V.V.s is hrtwn n-. - 1 jssamsa. M I DTUIPRN
i msm b ny.T
f c .vbr -p.a " -5 mm
i 1 ptt is tf!s I r Wail Paner
ft s
The Workers Are UuUtllni; l'p u Small
City; of Their Own Ijtbnr a Nec
essary l'ort of the
They arc making- a communistic edu
cational experiment near the little town
of St. Anne. 111., some 00 mile south of
Ckicagtj, that has already attracted a
'good deal of attention ami is sure to be
talked of the orld ocr if anything
like success is accomplished. 1 h.s ea.
Itcriment is known a the People's nn:
versity. St. Anne is tar removed from
the railroad In a region that is strictly
rural and the university ow ns an entire
seetion of laud, 640 acres.
Upon this tract stands not only the
university buildings, but also the hemes,
for the time being-, of all the students
and teachers. The land is cultivated
cooperatively by all. the proceeds a: -.-tH&
the benefit of all. tJie propert v
of the community is kept in a common
The community started with a cap
tal of invented in tools, niHcainerv
nsd live stock. The school has nske..
for ao gift, dots? not expect to ecv.r
any endowments, and will appeal
neither to the charitv nor the Ueae--
oeace cf the public in anv wav. Tl-
suidccts and teachers who are on tb" 1
ground worklujr with their owr.
Rnnds at the construction of the build
bres, and -arc carrying on the ajrricu;
tttrnl r.ork of the school, all of vhich
is done without compensation.
Tfieir labor is einployeil directly ir.
producirir the food, clothinrr, fuel'and
shelter necessary for xhelr own com
fortalb cxiweace. When thi lalvcr
1ms pvrvlded these necessities, the Iwi- I
aacc of tircir time is devoted to ctudy. !
The cdneational workers are build- !
ing up their own city, including houses,
school and farm. The dwellings are
cottasres, 12x5 feet on the pround and a
story and a half hieh. with first-class
cedar roofs.
33iey have built Jive miles of fences;
planted fruit trees and 300 grape vines:
'have sc.; oat an immense earden of
about JO acres, have fields containing
20,000 sweet potato plants. 21 acres of
Irish potatoes, SO acres of oats. 230
acres of corn. 40 acres of sorghum. 20
acres of millet and 20 acres of buck- j
rneat, ah of which are in very fine con
dition. It is the unanimous verdict of the
large number of visitors, that no liner
ron nor better farming- is to be found
f.njnvhere than there.
The cottages axe built in a s-nrr. nf
semi-circle, following a slic-ht rise of
tyreuad which is everywhere over
grown with biuegrass. It vi-ouid be
difficult to find, or to produce, ever,
"ivith a considerable expenditure of
.money, a more beautiful location for
tiie iiome than this little grove has f ur
uhmcd, ready made,
v The fcrni in which the buildlnjrs are
constructed is that of a small village,
but there is no subdivision of land and
:io sale of lots. The school will bold, in
its own name and for its own use, all
land, houses, shops and implements of
which I
every kind. There is no wav m
any person can secure a speculative or
even legitimate business Interest in '
any of the work of this school. Ther i
is no plan, for admitting, for residence j
jzl tnis vjiiae, anyone wno does not
come solely for an educational purpose.
The school simply provides an op-
port unity for siady for those who ace
willing, by their own toil, to take ad
vantage of such opportunity: and the
only return offered for labor is mental
training. The man who does not want
to study has no r ens or. for poing there,
end will not be admitted, or if admit
ted by mistake, will not be permitted to
return. All wuo are not willing to la
bor with their own hand at tar-'..:-accceaary
to comfortable existence art
also excluded.
In fact, this unique community com
bines the elements of socialism ?:v
communism, and. it is to be hoped
vrRhau; any of their pvib. The aim o:
the studaots of the !vpeic uuiverfc'ty
is to sink i::d':vid;i;lX"n end accom
jdih the jrroaust ood for all.
Here is the order of the duy s work:
The rising bell rtn at 4 o'clock, break
Smst if. et G, chapel at 0:30. and all hand..
tutrad this morn'ou service in their
workiBir clothes. They po direct from
tbi nerviee to th"lr work i:i the field.
At n snorter to 32 the bell rings a licM
call to dinner. Dinner U at ten minute
ptirt IS, and the elaavjs begin- at 1:30.
At a:V the classroom work i oveir:
upper If at 0.
C:30 to S the time is spent in
ret play, and from 8 to f in study,
nft' r v iiich the doy in don" and all n
tin "nday forenoon is one's own for
ro(l;ni' and rest, and at 3 in the affr
roon a wrviee of public worvbipis hekl
The u--e of iobacco, intoxicants and
or-in;:- not permitted within tie uni
versity' j rc:.nctf. "
Th" work of building this commn
iiity wob undertaken by V'alter Thorr.
t:h .'' v. htt, us field secretary for 1
orjrci ligation, is entirely responsible
for iti inanagejnuttt. The appoint me;t
of teachers. Mcurio of etndensa. di
reeelon of tf laclnHge. in fact, the coro
plete i:ier.n?emf,nt of tlu? udioel In Its
i;idu:;t::al elassraom writ, !s for the
A Riittlo c.i Oilorn.
"Aunt Pri.rilln. tliat man in the upper
berth is praokircr a cirar."tJe."
"Land's rilte. r.?ni.ce,jrpt out theenrr.
phirc bcttle riht quick, and upset it "
Detroit Free Press.
AdTprtUrtl Letter
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postoffice nt The Dalles un
called for Jan. IK, 1S97. Persons call
ing for the same will give date on which
thev were advertised :
! Brown, Vm
I Brown. F.eile S
Bonner, C M
Brown, Albert
Cederson, P X
Campbell, Jno A
Davidson, V J
Elliott, Jas
Flock, Jno A
Hobbs. Geo
Hix, Miss Mav
Jackson, Mrs T
Lockwood. Alonzo
Leland, W H
McCoy, Christina
McLennan, L
McKee, Jas A
McNooton. Hy
Xewmnn,.f T
Osborne, Mrs Eliza
Pranl. Emi'e
Songster, Win
ThomaE, Lee
Bate?, Miss Mary
Cooper. Mr
Clark, T J
Davidson, D
Elliott. J M
Gil!)ert, M
Hall, S J
j Johnson, Dollie
Kerns. Will
t Leet. 0 E
I McElrov, Jno
Millard Mrs M L
McCormick, J E 2
McKay, J P
McKella. Jno A
Nelson, N
Piich, JnoE
Roberts, Lewis E
snow, K J
Turner, Ike
Towusend, Hy
Yeackel. Geo
J. A. Cr.ossE.v, P. M.
The progressive ladies of Westneld,
Ind., issued a "Woman's Edition" of the
Westfield News, bearing date of April 3,
1S9G. The oarer is Siled with matter of j
interest to women, and we notice the
following from a correspondent, which
the editors nrinted. ralizinc thnt it
treats upon a matter of vital importance
to their sex: "The best remedy for
croup, colds and brunchiti that I have
been able to find is Ghamberluin's Cough
Eemedv. For family use it has noeqnal.
IJsiadly recommend it." 25 and 50 cent
bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
Karate of the Plague.
Bombay, Jan. 14. Over half of the
ponulation of this citv, estimated at
about 930,003, has fitd from the plague.
It is estimated that SOO.000 persons are
enramped at Andheria, whence they
will soon be forced to migrate, owing to
the lacfc of water and sanitation threat-
ening to breed cholera.
The greatest difficulty is experienced in
bnryi"B the dead,
Friends and relatives
refusinc to carry the corpses, A large
number of plague corpses at the tower
of Silence have been eaten by vultures.
Official returns np to last evening said
there were C394 cases of bubonic plague
and 2356 death from that disease.
j State of Ohio, Citv of Toledo)
Lccas Coc.sty. i"
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
j is the senior partner of the firm of F. J.
i Chenev & Co., doing business in the
City of Tiledo, Conuty and state afore-
said, and that said firm will pay the
sum of One Hundred Dollars for each
and every case of Catarrh that cannot be
carc1t vvhe use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Fkank J. Chexey.
Sworn to beiore me and subscribed in
! u: tiu t-
' (Ji but: U,U UO Ul J-'CLClii LC i ,
A D. 1S9G.
j A. W. Gleaso.v,
I seal Notary Public-
i Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly and acts directly on the blood and
mucuos surfaces bf the system. Send
for testimonials, free.
F. J. Cheney a Co., Toledo, 0.
Sold by DruL'gists, 75c. "o. 3-11
To Contractor.
The county court requests contractors j
to submit plans and estimates for a
bridge across Hood r JTer, at the town of
Hood River. Plans will be consideied
at the adjourned meeting to be held j
February 8th at 1 o'clock p. m. The 1
court reserves the right to rejsctany and !
all plaus. If a plan is eelected, bids j
will be asked for the building of the
bridge. Hy order of the conn.
janCM: A. M. Kelsay, Clerk.
liefricerator Due. ,
Attention of shippers is called to the 1
new refrigerator line operated by the
Oregon Railway fc Navigation Company
between Portland. Uuntingtor.. Spokane !
J and intermediated pointE, leaving Port-1
land on train 22, Wednesdays and Satur
days. E. E. Lytle, Agent.
Artichoke, tor Hale. I
The lies for Eide the j
mammoth Jerusalem artichokes, and!
can furnish any amount of seed at $1
per buHliel. H, Eiche.vhehger,
decl9-lm Bake Oven, Or.
M. Crevreuil, being about to leave the
city, offers hie fine stock ot artificial
flowers, plants, etc., nt greatly reduced
prices. Rooms in
Masonic build
All persons holding orders from Peaso i f
& May?, or other coupons on Herrin's
photograph gallery are requested to
present tbein before January loth.
Mi:tj. D. C. Hkrklx.
1 lrPl?i -" I PUUm . SleepmgCars
i I Hgf TOMCCO J Elegent Dining Cars
1 I ySl p mad3. I Sleeping Car
i CI U ,i, wr ii'ni.l!i
' g
I gSS i gEJ 11 l ) C,niZ FOKK3
j fcfc-y SB2 3 ViiiV C; as g
I TonnlllOndoEDCccrnlnMisacbCo-r.' bjg ir.d 'T-rt,upor.3ins;J each -I ouacc toj. &
He Makes Some Reflections on the Benefits of the
Sport and Tells of its Dangers.
from the
The Eev. Wm. P. F. Fennison, wlies pic
ture we give above, will not be unfuniiliar
by sight "to many readers. A younc man, be
has Kill had aa extended exiterieiiee as
foreign missionary, teaeher. editor, lecturer
and pastor that has given him a wide ac
quaintance in rnauy parts of ihc country.
In an interview a few days azo he xid :
" In the early summer of 'nf I went upon
a tour through Canada on my wheel. .My
route was from Utica to Caie invent thenee
by stcamsrto Kingston, aud from there alone j
trie north shore of the lake to Toronto and
around to Niagara Falls. 1 arrived at Cape
Vincent at b o'clock, having ridden against )
a strong head wind all day. "
"After s delightful sail through the!
Thousand Islands. I stenneil on shore ir.
that quaint old city of Kingston. A slight
shower had fallen and the streets were damp,
so that wisdom would have dictated that I,
leg-weary as I was, should have kept in
drwrs, but so anxious was I to see the old
city that I sthjiu the whole evening in the
" Five o'clock the nest morning brought
a very unwelcome discovery. I was laine
in both ankles and knees. The head wind
and the damp streets had proved an unfor-
tunate combination. I cave, however, little
thought to it, suppling it would wear off in
a few hours, and the tirst tlu.ih of sunlight
taw me speeding out the splendid road that
leads toward Napanee.
"Night overtook meata little villdgenear
Port Hope, but found me still lame. I rested
the next day, and tlie next, but it was too
late; the mischief was done. I rode a good
many miles during the rest of theseason, hut
never a day and seldom a mile without pain.
"The winter came und I put away ray
wheel, saying now I shall get well,' but to
my disappointment I grew worse. Some
days my knees almost forbade walking and
ray ankk-s would not permit me to wear
shoes. At times I suffered severe pain, so
severe as to make study a practical impos
sibility, yet it must be understood that
I concealed the condition of aualre as far
as possible.
From being local the trouble began to
sprtad slightly and my anxiety increased.
t consulted two physicians and followed
their excellent advice, hut without result.
Ko the winter pad. One day in March I
happened to take in ray hand a newspaper
And the Mont Comulete and Latest Patterns and Deaigne in
.; most skilled workmen employed.
icel combination or soap mixture
A lirHt
promptly attended to.
Store and Paint Shoo corner Third and
-Prcw, pica, 3".
j in which a good deal of space was taken by
an article m relation to i;r. imams" rim:
Pills. I did not at that time know wiiai
they were supposed to cure. I should
have paid no attention to the article had i
not caucht the name of a lady whom 1
knew. Reading, I found that she, in t-hiiihir
circumstances, iiad leen greatly benefited
by the use of Pink Pills, and knowing licr
as I did I had no dnuht of the truth bf the
statement that she had authorized.
The first box was not gone ltefore I saw
a change, and the third had not been
finished before all signs of my rheumatic
troubles were cone to stay.
" I S3y cone to stay,' for though there
has been even- opportunity for a return
v.. .,. i.i t un .... n, t,n ,,r-;n..r.
i till .1 lit. V Hi, biil. iliQi tnili.l
t l ...i i.. i .1 l .. . r : I
ui u. l uue wjiet-'jeu lhuuniiiu ui ujuc
i snd never before widi so little discomfort.
, I have had some of the most severe tests o!
t srength and endurance, and have conu
1 throush them without un ache. For es-
ample, one afternoon I rode seventy miles,
preached that nisht nnd fifty miles ol
the hardest kind of road before noon the
next day. Another instance was a Cen
tury run,' the last forty miles of which were
made in a downpour of rain through mnd
and slush.
" You bhould think I would recommend
them to others? Well, I have, and hsv
hud the pleasure of seeing very good reatii s
m a numtier oi instances, t es, l Minimi
feel that
to suceej
that I was neclecting a duty if I failed
iceest Pink Pills io any friend whora I
knew" to be sullering from rheumutisui.
" No, that is not the only disease the.r
cure. I personally know of a number ot
cures from other troubles, but I have needed
them only for that, though it would be bui
fair to add that my generul health has liten
better this summer than ever before in mv
Dr. "Williams' Pink Pills contain all the
elements necessary to give new life and
richness to the blood and restore shattered
nerves. They are sold in boxes (never in
loose form, by the dozen or hundred) nt M
cents a box, or six boxes for 12.50, and may
be had of all druggists or directly by mail
from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company,
Schenectady, N. Y.
HANGER. None but the beat brands
in all our work, and none but tha
for Maeury Liquid Paint. No cheu
- clasa article in all colore. All orden
Washington Sts.,
The Dalles, 0reoi
Through Tickets
1 For infornntloa. time Mrds, m&v ud ticket,
j cat on or write to
W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent,
Tlie Dalle.-, OreRoa
A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A..
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave nnd nte due to nrnve nt Portland.
rr.0Jt 2.1, l?Ki.
r.ress, snleiu, Kose- 1
I burp, Abhland, Sue-1
v 1 ramento, Ogflen.Snn !
1 " 1 Fraucieo, Mojavc,
i;10A. M.
I LosAUReies.c.irH'-o. i
' New urleans and I
' (.East.
J 1
e:S0 A. M.
Ito.eburc and wav till-
tlons "1:-10 P. 11.
("Via Woodburu lorl
Mt.Ancel, silvcrton, '
West acio. Browns- except
' vllle.siirlngtield end j Sundays.
I Natron J
.nn i Salem and way stations,
-S m tCorvalHs and wuyi G:'.0 P.M.
..0 A.M. jktation! j
,, (McMliinvllie andMt S:2oP.M. I.M. stations i
Dally. t Daily, except sunflay.
Attached to all Through Tialnb.
Through Ticket Office, I'M Third street, where
throuch ticket." to all K)tuts in the Eastern
States, Canada and Europe cau be obtnincl at
lowest rates from
J. 11. KIRKLiNI. Ticket Acent.
All above trains arrive at and depart iroa
Cirand Central station, Fifth and Irving street.
Patsenper Depot, foot of JeCerson street.
Leave for OSWEGO, week days, at C:00, Tt'JO,
10:15 a. in.: li. 15. 1.15, 5:25, 0:15, S:05 p. m.
(nnd 11:30 p. m. on Saturday onlv). Anive at
ltirtland at 7:10. N30, ll:.5nf m.: 1:0,3:15, r.:Sj,
7:55, :1D p. m.
Ix-uve for Sheridan, week days, at 4:30 p. m.
Arrive a. Portland, 9:20 a. m.
Leave for A1RLIK on Mouduv, Wednesdav nnd
Friflay at9:Wa. in. Arrive at Portland, Tues
dav, Thursdoy und Saturday at 3:05 p. m.
Sunday trains for OSWEGO leave at 7 20, S: 10,
10:15 a. m. : 1L'M5, 1 : 15, 3:80, &:U5 6:43 p. m. Ar
rive at Portland at rj:3S, b:3U, 10:00 11;25 a. m.;
1:30, 3:15, 5:10, C:S5, 7:55 p. in.
Mauneer. AssL G. K. i Pass. Act.
18 Paces a Week. 15C Paper a Year.
I It etands first among ''weekly" papers
in size, frequency of publication and
freshness, variety and reliability of con
tents. It ie practically a daily at the low
price o a weekly ; and its vast hat of
subscribers, extending to every state and
territory of the Union nnd foreign coun
tries, will vouch for the accuracy and
fairness of its news columne.
It Is splendidly illustrated, and among
Its special features are a fine humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all the
latest fashion for women and a long
series of stories by the greatest living
American and English authore,
Conau Doyle, Jerome K. Jerome,
Ktauley Weyutau, Mary K. Wilkin,
AutUony Uope, Bret Uarte,
Braudxr Matthew, Ktc.
We offer this unequaled newspaper and
The Dalles Twice-a- Week Chronicle to.
gether one year for f 2.00. The regular
price of the two papers ie $3.00.
For Sain or Kent.
The Grant hotel, close to the depot,
will sell cheap, or rent for $10 per
month. Lke Kke,
declaim Grants, Or.
Siiipes-Kmersly Drag M
129 Second St.,
H. M. Bejlu.
First National Bank.
A General Banking Bnsiness transact!;
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made aud proceeds prompts
remit Leu uu uaj ui euiieciion.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange soldo:!
New York, San rranciBco and port- f
D. P. Thompson. Jko. S. Schihcx.1
ED. M. 1LLIA3C8, Gko. A. Liibi.
H. Yi. Ba:.l.
Letters of Credit issued available in thti
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphit
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
Dalles City anil ffloro Staae ft
Leaves Williams Hotel, Mora, oi
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays a!
8 i. m. prompt.
Leeves Umatilla House, The Dallw,
Tuesdavs, Thvrsdays and Saturdays a!
S a. in. prompt.
Freight rates The Dalles to Moro, 40c
per 100 lbs; small packuires, 15 anil 23c
Passenger rates The Dalles to iloxo,
1.50; round trip, 2.50.
Agency at Umatilla House, The Dalle?,
and at Williams Hotel, Moro.
Oven and Mi
THOMAS HAEPEE, - - Proprieto:
Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelopf
every day,-and from Antelope to Mit
chell three times a week.
he Glades Ranch,!
lire Brefl
Jersey Cattle
Of the Et I-ainbort, CotnmasMc nnd Torment
ralne. Three Choice Bulls for tale or teat
so tome Choice Cows aud Heifei for tale.
Pure Bred Poland China Hors.
White Plymouth KocU Chicken.
Address: MRS. A. R. BYRKETT, Prop-JvS5-w3m
White Salmon, "w-
tla ifrOU CON ntnS
cared to 16 to 86 day. Toucan M treated
borne foreame price under aamo EUrr
tr. Tf .nil KrnfA.iA n am ma vlllflda
tract to DOT rail mil rl t nre&nd hotel blllMM we fail tocure. if you hare taken mil' ft
enry, fodide pptaah. and tllU hare cheaijl M
Miaa, Muoooa Vatctaea in roouth. Sore Throat M
any part of then
at. it i thl i
we raarantce
imua cuu ana cnuuence tu woria ivr
wauiot cure. Tola dUeaae ha ala
tiaaie4 the a kill of the aaoaiealsent pby
vtmu mow,
000,000 capital behind our uncoa
iP,plUtk)a. AddrcM
AHoiuteprooMDt .iuil
Maaoaile SmU,
sto, caiVAGQ, !!-
Reesidenc, Tenth and Liberty Street
sodr. llalrn. Ri.hrawl faUMf
to care. Veaoliclttberpol iomt