If si it A.. The Dalles Daily Ctoniele. Th; only Rtjtubhcan icilt. Xctrtpape n Wasco County. Iinnvi5 I hom tn ort tl5r mi-nifrii1e liasscd by tbe legislature, and also to ' QtJ OS?" have two senators irom this state. , One of their own men is standing in the vrav of the organization of the the Profits PRIDAY. MASTERS OFFICE SW to SSi Temple selves. Court, y. Y. Citv. E. KATZ, Agent. JAN. Id. 1S97 house, and if he continues to do so, ( 'TT thev can blame onlv one of them Of Dealers, Agents, Jobbers .md MidJ:sniin"ry buj-ing di rect from tfo manufacturer. A BOLD THEFT. Secretary Herbert says the gov-' crnment is paying 8SS2 a ton more I for armor plate than it costs to make The subsidized members of con- it. One would think Carnegie would ; gress are already at work iloimj the . be satisfied with that kind of profit. . "will of their masters, the bond-aided but at the same time the report railroads. 2o sooner was the Pacific comes that wases are beinc reduced i railroad funding bill killed than ' by that gentleman. these tools of those companies beiran scheming for some other plan to get V. if Tb Repiatorta iWascoWariouse Compaq TTeadauarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. I The Dalles. Portland aiid Astoria Headquarters for Feed Grain of all kinds. I Navigation Co. TTpfldnuarterS tor JxOliea jrram, all kind! Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, lr Headquarters for "Byers? Best" Pendle- Ko better wheel mads than the ;Aeme tfcycle . . Trlvin This Floor i mannincuinHi expressly for fam&l LOU -C 1UU1. use; eerysack is snanniteed to give satisfactions AVe sell onr coods lower than any house in the mule, and if yon don't think J call and p.et our nricef and be convmci-u. tne oest 01 the "overnnient and rob ! the people of the entire sr.mowinCia finish, aad that no organization, rhm. TW oU',m' th,t th n.m1 i wiU be raadc Prior to February 9ib. There is an impression in Salem ' that the fbrbi in the house is to be to i ! so as to kill all chance of electing a . i Built :i our own factory by shil!?d workmen, iisins: the best material the most improved machinery, it'e Acrs no agsnis Sold direct from factory to the rider, fully warranted. Shipped anvwhere fcr examination. V.'SITH FOR THROUGH Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. Freionf anfi Passcnoer Line ment will not cei a cent if it fore closes its lien, and rose a friends of 5nat0tv the people, while standing in to rob,' Jonathan Bourne is said to have a.' fajc- PnfArAQf lft QftP ,?teamer Peculator will leave j Aane Cycle Co., Skhart, Ird. . Ine UalleS Oil .UOllUa.VS, W eci- nesdays and Fridays at 7:30 a. m.. and win leave rortiana on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Wholesale- Until further notice, the them. They knotv, just as every . tack long enough to pay all the ex- j sensible man knows, that if the gov- penses of the legislature. Of course1 ernment forecloses us lien, it will et it is all minor, but the wad is said to amount to 60,000. ! .notice of fi:;al settlement. Hid Ton Ever. re!ie:. Tiia medicine has been , .t2o rtk n. . h t! hr r.m;.f TASSE.NGEi: KATES its money. They know that rather than have the Government take pos session Oi antt operate tne Lmon ana ; Trv Ei-ctr;c Bitter as a r-medv for' Xo:ce u heresy pivea tiat the undersigned, ' . r, , t, ... "V a" a -mea ''atoicistrctproi the estetcof Theodore von TBor- Sat-UrdaVS at b:30 3. m. vcuu;u i wiac ivauj. iu:u ;i s uui- your irvuojes . 11 do;, ixiuie now siei. aeccasec. aaf aiea m hnal account as snch . cate would be formed ins:de of a I &a week t The no by the gorernuient. It would run ! If yoc have Lo?; of Appetite. Constipa them all out of business. jtion, Headache, Faiatine SpelJs, or are Anr sr-hPmP ?n fnnrl th rtAt f - Servoas, Sleepne-. Excitable, Mrian- r. nor romnt ,i,t fonnd to tie pecaiiarlv adapted to the re- theCocntj- Jnd?rec the ttae iorhmrinc any ' One wav . .. 0 P3V ine government oeot. . . ... - . , obieeUnns to said account end tettlemect there- ti i , , , , lie: and cere of ail iemaie Loniplatnts, of. All heirs creditors or other tervoiis inter aounu trip.. Other trans continental roads do - t -. ta ertedin said est-te are dulv notified to file their' i want an opposition road manaced , -5v; 'Vn:n n- mtn'.-it iofe oid dute " " ; 00 . 3 00 Olines and Cigars . THE CELEBRATED- ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER SSddSuS8i. iiaiec irus n aey oi -Novemccr. i?:-6 GEO.A'ON BORSTEL, Administrator of the Eslai? e Thecdore von Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. cbo!v or tronbltfd with Dizzv Spells, Electric Bitters in the medicine von Der oi congress Know it, ano most ; Deea. Health and Strength are naratt- Notice to Contractors. Anhenser-Busch Malt Nntrine, a non-alcoholic! beverage, uneqnaled as a tonic. The undersimtd "irill receive bids for the con- of the people know it. The time is ' teed or its use. Laire battles onlv nttv feet s mostiy loose roct wori:: some b!afUnc. i.: v. .L , , , .c.nJ ivo. 7Jl-oW.t- BsJancc semper work. Bitch to be Jive .f: wide rippruucumi: wuen ine welcoming OI , t on tmttorn. anc two icet oeep. twelve raile n-niisr fro:n The Dalles. For further narticalar- ad- a few eonirressmen home with a coil , "fc ire, u. j. cocKeiiu.NE, of hemp, a barrel of tar and a feather : bed will become a popubr fad. Shipments for Portland received at aay time. Shipments for way lauding: most be delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicited. For rates call j on or address t STUBLING & WILLIAMS. W. C. ALLAWAY General A cent THE DALLES. OREGON , 75 cts- 5 2w i ll Boyd, Orecon. Those who are responsible for tle Administrator's Notice. Kncklcn'c .mucii ?&tre. '. The best saiv: in the wcrid for cats. ' brnues, sores, nicers, sait rhenm, ievti sores, tetter, charged bands, cbiiblsitis .. , . uwtjivu ' , oties js hereby jnven thtt the nndersirned Mrns. and all skm emptiosi. ana nos- has l?en di.iv auwlnted bv the conutv court of situation at Salem deserve the se- i rxi.- ca-v v,- a-iKT rmnJ :Bzae.Zf -'J sp-rv"M?' P!-?1"1- uei.. cu.12 piif. 0 no pay requirtst; trator of the estate of AV. H. Lochheud, deceae2. verest condemnation. The members It is ruarantetrd to crive periect sstisfac- , au ;r-ons havinc ciuiics eraicst ftidestie ' - 1 'ore hereby required tr jiresent the ssrae to rue of the leiilature were elected to do 1 to. or monev refttnaeti. Prire 25 cents : pro;r!y verfced, cs by law required, at the the business of the state, to p-.ss socb Houston, d-nggist.. ' dda8l; 5 oSber. jsm. lecislation as was needed, and inci-i 1 ., , .M.-cohV-rcvNX' V Turf fur I n" ItMrk. ! . u.-ii;i,u. .c:.cui . a. jjmnutnii., ft Ladies1 Buvs a eood BOYS'SUIT at C. F. Steph- ens. lntermecnaie prices up 10 .4.ou. Is all C. F. Stephens asks for a servicea ble suit of MEN'S CLOTHING. The best Black Diagonal for $12.00. i I An el epant assortment cl 1 IrCi 17' 1S9C styles just received I JVCLJlVvJ a part ol which may bsf seen in show window. "My daughter, when recovering from ' instead of sratifv-! asiapqolse a ncmber. of remedies witL- (1j oi oian for fraUo conwraSS Spokane . ; on: aav bneSt b" trid on- bottle of 3,112 daro? Iecembe-. isra, um b mttonent fhe e.'ectlOU Of a . , 7 . . L . o. ,5,1 rea(iered ? the 21s: dey oi November. . There - . - i ,.i- ; acinst Jemes F. Elliot: und WEltm Wood, de- , i-1 c.iuc ,c..T.- . a-iure.iuiu i Jendant. which s&id execution and order o! - :n Balm is a'.sa a certain cnr-for rbeu- :o - !d 1 rt.mrnaiMiin? me to pa-Q.1 iji-pv.. . tt ., , seUthe j.rojrty hereiiiafter decrrbei, for the ' - L' iisai. S. J oy t,.a:eiej ,X ilocghtoa. j,cr;e of saiis.'yiar the judgment o.' thepldnt dentally to elect a United States sen vt --ecu, u-,aaa.tackoffcverwa5 a creat ,atr-rrri forgetten already that they are in iironi pa!2 ja :ije bsct and hips," writes Salem to carrv out the wishes of Londen Grover, of Sardis, Kr. "After! their constituent ing their own.. The senator is a secondary matter. are plenty of men in the state capa-' pain ble of SUiu the oSce. and the plain , 128 duty of the legislators is to organize first, and let the majority name the senator. If Mitchell has tbe majority-, well and good. If he has not. then agree on someone else. Our members from this county were hot pledged on the senatorial question, nor is it desired that they should be pledged now. They owe it to their constituents, though, to a:5ist iu or ganizing the legislature, and we are pleased to note that all but one of the members from Wasco, and the district are in their seals read;' to at tend to business. ; deceased. Ct3U Sherin s Sale. JtoUee is hereby siven the: en execntinr: und 1 onJ-r oi sale way i-sued on: oi the I ireni: Court -VIA- CATARRH is a LOCAL DISEASE sn is the result cf colds and sudden c.ixiiic changes. For your Protection we pom: t r :a:e that this . remedy do iiot crmta-c nercury or szj KierLj - Ely's Cream Balm is actacrxjed;ed to be the most thorr;cri cere for aia; Caarri, Coid n Head and Hiy Fever of si, reraeief. J: opes an clears the casai pasiajrta, ala:js pais and icrlarsmat.on. hesus the E-oree. prt- v-cu tne mezabrarie from co,d. restores the ter-e J jftatcar.d smell. Prxr tx Ircjn:ts or by cs; .. ZIX saOTEK?.?, M Warrts Street. New Ycr ifi in said can -e for the sum of ilCJO. with Ia- u-r-t therein at ten j;r eeut jr annum from 1 , ., , . Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. ..iiiarsements a: said suit taxed nt HS- There- 're. jr. compliance with stid exeeuaon ted 'T&?r 1 l tele, I wl.i 073 Saturday. January 30. 1897. ti. i mr ofl o'clwt ji. jr. at the courthouse I Z-V I T ! Eemember, all these goods are latest made, warm, serv- gives the j proached in The Dalles. Choice of Transcontinental Routes ' Leave your orders for Dressed Chickens, Fish, Fine Dairy Butter, Eggs, Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds, COAL AND ICE, Denver Omaha Kansas City OCEAX STITA.M Ellis Leave J'ortlani) Every I'lve Dyt Tor AT 'Miu&M-8AN PEAco' 0AL-!THE DALLES COflffflSSIOfl C0.'S STORE If r.erttoj--.e raenUoaed the UUun iac described For lull detelis cU oa O. B i Co. s geu: Corner Second and Washington Sts. 1 m .. rorutaa, urtfon raeancr at 8 roct Rt a point on tbe : tae SV14 of the EV4 of said t:j?nce East, to ast iineoj said stii : as -.i:d iiremises. to-wi: xty -three seres off the cast side of the N r.h ht.f 't the Southeast quarter of sec, 38 in T iriistiji 1 y. ortb, Kange 15 Eat, V. M., oom- otni on the orth line section 3): tian: thence ; uth ue-Uiirtt:r mile: thence West to a point Sue ,-,.nta s-id rjci (the place of heinnia?. North the piece of betiauinc. Imtwi this Suh dsi of !MxxmrjT, ltiA. T. J. ItilVP.. .an-jt-ii aherifTof Wco (ucty,Or Sherins Sale. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, t 15 not probable tbe people to rae directed end issaod out of tbe above ea- TPT T-? Rl TsT?Tl5 K . , ... . 1 thlrd court in the above entitled csns. in U or LJ-' UXiXVAXj Kick against Ibis action. AlBer- ' r.l the piaitstirr above named, on the2ith day of FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. HI. G-Xj IE 2sT IN". DR. GUfiltS JXKUOVEt) LIVER Tbe situation at Salem sbotvs do materhtl cbaage. Tbe anti-Mitebel! elements know tbat Mitchell ba; tbe majority and trill le elected if the' In the CtretU: Court of the HuteofOtcoafor h, , M'-o county, ouse orsamzed. They feein to j. hmiey. yiuuiist, think tbat aD3-tbinr the.V mar do is ' W ftHaro it Neabsct, Erama Cecbeck. Jaraes jUitlfmule. provided It defeat 3Ittch- 1. a entr-ti iu. IefendanU. , , . , , N'ovenitxr. ItW. ecmmandtJi? tne lo satttfr the ICaKS are SO accustomed to being led sorer! sens., oftS-SS, the ;udetnent ohuUi.e3 , . , . , , 1 herein, vrjth interest thereon nt the rste of elcfct aiuuau uy tut'ir no?es ana 10 suo- jr centra Knnumtince Nov. itM, snc mitting to the cians, that an - - Vi till MIU U'.'UUMUM -u t us-. v -1- COUUtn- USed tO be run On the prin- (Mcrllnd reel estate: Tbe Miu'hwcit'jna'terof ... . . , , , ection fix C in towijhlu three S outh of ciple that tbe majority ruled; but ranee thirteen :s- eau. . m., itce.te wid te- . ,n i i inr in Wasco Conntjr, Oreeoc. that is an obsolete doctrine. To tbe 1 levied upon msss ri property w -stn , . - , . ., , ! dy f ' Sfveaber. end to tatitfy tne ui .;e- f air-mmdesd Citizen It looks as tb0U2h mia. treral tua end ftecrt tne cot I wi.l iil , . . . , , , ,7 the ce et rubiic buetion to the fcighe: bidder the IliajoritV Of the members Of the for cauh in fcsnd. at the ctmrthons awi . . . , liilla-fit.v, in aio oounty of Wttsco. on tbcst lesiSlature should be permitted to day of Ix-wmwr, ItM, at the hour of 2 o'clock i . -,,.,.,, . , the aitertitwtu T. J. 1K1VJEK, vote tor .imcueij n mev want 10. , . , .. . aisarnej t iee ana jju cusi 02 u:i una nccru.i p OOSSing OI tne pOlltl ', cnU, by levyine njion end freilinc In the rr.on ,. i ner provided by law for the sale of real property VtUlDir SOes. I be on eiecntion. fill of the rlrht. title aad iuteies! n2j-il (iberilTof tVeo County Oregon, Assignee's Notice. The true inwardness of tbe situa tion at Salem is that Mitchell now ha- a majority in joint ballot. The' Kotiw u bwrtr Elven .hBt on October a. finti-Mitehell crowd tefu tn nrrran. ' iiMt - H5ckt,i: i tawarte Ut, Oregon, -inu-.uut.ueii crow u rezuse to ori.an-. mtt B Beaeral alignment to me lor tbe twuefit ire, Lopinp by delay to Mitchell's forces. That's all ;n nf1 hit is wliv tnr -rreti r-rw ;meul CkCdt tct. Oresoa, with the proper in It, ana mat is wu our greai COP- ; rtueil6 ihendor, within three month jrom temjorary is so happily quiet. rM.n of ell hl creoiw-r iu proportion to the ernount ol tneir reji-tive dtdrat. of UI hit projrty. ihf.ru i:'AIl ivtfju baring clfcitn as&int kcid C. G kucic 1. j Hev0v tI hereby notitied to i-r-eut tbern to If the sheepmen of Eastern Oregon expect to do anytbing towards open ing tbe Cascade reservation, it be- thlk date. DfctedOct.a li'X. A Wild r Ths Dalles, or eddre W. H. HCELBCET, Gen. Pass.Ar. Portland . Orecon E. JI'Jv'EILL President and UanEcer. New Schedule. Train 2Co. I arrive? at The Dalles 4 -Ao a. m., and leaves 4:50 a. m. Train Ko. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10:15 ; p. tn., and leaves 10:20 p. in. ; Train 2s 0. S arrives at The Dalles 11 :bo I p. ra., and west-bonnd traiu "o. 7 leaves , at 1 p. ra. Train 23 and 24 will carrv patsengers between Tbe Dalles and Umatilla, leav ! inp Tbe Dalles at 1 p. na. daily and ar ; rivinc at Tbe Dalles 1 p. m. daily, con " necting with train Nos. 8 and 7 from j Portland. . T.. Litle, Acent. I Monuments and Headstones. ! Before troing elsewhere, call on X COMINI. The Dalles. Or., For a Tombstone. "Warranted 1 to stand for all time, regardlees of wind or weather. American Market, 74 Secpnd Street. Fruit, Produce, i Butter, Eggs. rOL'LTi'.Y. FISH and GAME IN SKAbON. 69 TELEPHONES 69 BLAKELEY St HOUGHTON 175 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon ARTISTS MATERIALS.-.. V Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. &ct;w.-a j. c. DAY. JK. Aitirriee ol C. G. Ulttot. fiobtcribe for The Cukoxicle. CtbTc. Omm nil fmr m. Bw. A mmmuttA ol tbe tomSm aacb Amj m lima it to bn)ttl. TU9 pi):. Mappi vbu tb WKetB Uckf to mu)u X luruUr. Ttef cm Hmitrtw. bmchtra tb Etc td cletf t b Cum(iMiiMi W-frtiun rtaswUc. Ziitf nntbor r ni u ncuh. lo ewnue job. w iU cuJ hum) iTK or fu!J Uis f lc trf bold etcry uk. itu.iA h.f ilui. -u rsuMcipau. ra, J-J B. KOBEKT8, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW. COIXECTIOXB A SPECIALTY. Office next door to the Fir it National Banc The Uslltt , Otrrcn. lot It GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. leuccet&or to Cbrlrcan & Corson. " FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at tbe old stand. I would be pleeeed to tee all my former patrons, free delivery to any part ol town. "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its floei leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture ni Carpels at CRANDALL & BURGETS, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates MICHELBACH BRICK. . . UNIO J5T.