The Dalles My Chronicle oiiegox THE DALLES, Atl vcrtllnc Kate. One Inch or le In Pally Over two inche and under four Inches Over four luetic? and uuder twelve Inches Over twelve Inches DAILY AND WEEKLY One Inch or less, ycr Inch Over one Inch and under lour Inches Over four inches and under twelve Inches Over twelve Inches . ?2 : 2 l . 1 50 . 1 CO Grim Death and a Verdict The circumstances under which Cap tain A. Y. Trask, the San shipowner's case, was , . Judce Sear;' court last week, it is safe to - ... sav, will not be duplicated soon, nor -' , . , K , ' have thev oiten been equaled in the past H an any court. It was a curious sort ot race between , , , , , a jury s verdict on one hand and death on tne oilier, wttn me case against :np , . . , , . . dvmg captain as the stakes in the contest. ' Captain Trask lay dying at the Good ' Samaritan hospital from a paralytic stroke before he had an opportunity to, give a word of testimony in a suit for 1 12,500, in which he was defendant. ; After he was stricken, the c-ntuel ! Jodie Williams and C. E. S. Woods, for j the plaint 5", and Attorney W. W. Cot ton, for the defendant stipulated the' admission of certain statements the captain would have made had he been present, and in this way the case pro- j ceeded. ; As it was realized almost immediately niter the defendant's illness thai it would prove fata'., then the attorneys began a peculiar contest. On the one side there ' were subterfuges and technical hitches and skii.'n! inventions of delaying the proceedii-gs in the trial waiting for : death. ; On the other side was the equally as ! skillful efforts to press the trial, and ' hcrry it to a close, and cet the jury on i the verdict before the defendant's death. And the defendant lay unconscious all this time waiting for not the verdict s t)ct death! Both were against him. j The captain was stricken on Monday End died on Wednesdav morning of last : week. The verdict in bis case was i agreed upon at 2 o'clock in the moruiDg ! cine will act more sureiy counteracting and the captain died at 11 nine hours ' and freeing the system from the malar afterward. j ial poison. Headache, Indigestion, Con- Had death came before the jury in ' stipation, Dizziness yield to Electric Bit Judue Sears' court had acreed on" the ' ter5- 50c ana $1-00 Per bottle at Blake verdict, the case would have had to be ; retired against his estate, inasmuch as J the proceedings would have been im-; proper. As it was, the defendant was , still alive when the verdict was agreed upon and reported, and therefore stands. It was for the full amount ciaimed by the plaintiff. J. K. Eeily, and, as it is -well known, was broueht about bv the defendant repudiating bis agreement to purchase fie ship James Nemitb. i was i On Tuesday, when the case closed, the captain was very low, and was expected to expire at almo-t any hoar. At the hospital the nurses kept a watch, according to instructions, through the night ready to mark the minute when the captain died. At the courthouse Bailiff Hill kept tab on the iorv until thev asreed. Telecrani. Pacific r.aii-,A;D GOVKKN31ENT J'roljable Cuurtr In the Chicago, Jan. 13. A Washington spe cialsavs: 1 Foreclosure of the liens of the govern ment against the Pacific roadE is almost 1 certain to le begun. Whether the suits will be concluded is another mat-' ter. It is almost certain that when the intention of the government is made ! clear, various syndicates will make ! offers to protect the federal interests. It is common talk here that the Van-, derbilt interests have already signified an intention to offer lo pay the govern- , jnent 50 per cent of its lien and secure the balance. Congressmen talked with, say the gov ernment occupies an impregnable po sition. Its mortagagee cannot be fore closed as the sovereignty cannot be sued or deprived of its rights by process of law. The closest student of the eit nation in congress believe that fore closure proceedings will be instituted at once by the attorney-general, and they point to that portion of the president's message in which he outliued UU policy toward the Pacific roadfe Slakluc Itrudy for u Long 8-a Crulr. San FuANcihCo, Jan. 13. The battle ship Oregon will weigh anchor at 2 o'clock this afternoon, and move over to Sausalito, preparatory to going to sea Thursday, it is Eupposed, on a voyage to Acapulco. There have been rumors that the would go to sea about the loth, but, as you'll be eurpriced when you try Hoc tbe usual secrecy has been preserved re- Cake soap, and wifch we had told you garding her movements, nothing of a do- B00ner. It Is made by patented pro finite nature could be learned. At any cess. ' jly24ll rate, the big battle-ship bus tnken aboard ! an enormous amount of Mores during the pist few days and has enough coal in ' 'ier bunkers to carry her on a Jong vov I age. !Tbe only thing that ceo ins to be 'against her going 0:1 so long a crw jg i thut she has been lying at anrv.r for 75 ; torn must be fonl. In fact, it has been 50 ' reported that men have recently been at i work scraping her sides to the water's edge in order to conceal her filthy condi tion. The progressive ladies of Westfield, Ind., issued a "Woman's Edition" of the Westfield News, bearing date of April 3, i 1S96. The oaner is filled with matter of j interest to women, and we notice the ! fnllrtwlnf fffitn n prrnaTinnrlonl i-l,!nli (, ll,II.IIIL, I i rnA rtlfrrc ?riTitn ,unnyiim it . ' trn.Af nnnTi n mnTfpr nf vital tmnnfoiipB ,, . ,,T, . , . , . i to their stx: ''The best remedv for i .... .. . ,. ! croup, colds and bronchia that I have ; ., ,, ,.,.,.,,,. . , . , . been able to hnd is Ohamberlam's Cough i Kerned v. For familv usoit hasnoeqnal. j 1 T, . ... . P- , - i IJciadiv recommend it. 2o and oO cent ; ; bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, j Doitn a shaft to Certain Death, j ioitsville, ra., jan. 10. a terrioie i accident by which four persons were kiled and one fatally injured, occurred at the New Wadesville shaft of the Phil adelphia & Reading Coal & Iron Com pany, today. The dead are : Peter Tinco, aged 39. John Taylor, 24. ' Henry Fiinn, 35. i William Taylor, 40. Theodore Frownkenstein, aged 1G, was so badly crushed that he will die. i Four men and a boy belonged to the ! day shift. This moruing they stepped ' on the rim of a large iron bucket to be lowered into the shaft. A big cross head weighine several hundred pounds i had become frozen to the guides and did iiot move when the bucket started, j When the men got half way down the , cross head fell, striking the bucket. ; The men were hurled to the bottom, a distance of 300 feet. Electric Hitter. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited ! I for any season, but perhaps more gener- ally needed when the languid, exhausted j feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic and and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this .medicine has often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medi- ley x nougnton am? store. l I feuor iu Whitman County. Colfax, Wash., Jan. 33 Snow was gen , eral yesterday all over Whitman county, j Tne fall was light, but it came in good j time to protect grain from the cold snap which followed. Fruit men say that the 1 vrarm weather did not sufncientlv swell the buds of the trees for them to be in J ! danger from frost. State of Ohio, City of Toledo) LrcAS Cov.vty. f tt. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he! is the senior partner of tiie firm of F. J. Cheney k Co., doing business in the City of Tnledo, County End state afore- i said, and that said firm wi-i pay the ! sum of One Hundred Dollars for each j and every case of Catarrh that cannot be t cured bv the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. : Ff.akk J. Cheney. I sworn to before roe and subscribed in i inv presence, this 6th dav of December, ' 1S93 " , I A. W. Gleaso:.-, j J fftEALj Notary Public. I Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal-! ly and nets directly on the blood and , ; mncuos surfaces of the system. Send ( for testimonials, free. ; F. J. Cheney i Co., Toledo, O. ! Sold by DruggistE, 75c. No. 3-11 To Contractor. I The county court requests contractors ! to submit plane and estimates for 3 ' bridge across Hood river, at the town of , Hood River. Plans will be conideied at the adjourned meeting to be held , ' February 8th at 1 o'clock p. in. The ' court reserves the right to reject any and . ; all plans. If a plan is selected, bids , will lie asked for the building of the ( , bridge. By order of the court. ! janO-4: " A. M. Kelsay, Clerk, j Ward, Kerns & P.obertson has a choice lot of wild hav at their barn on Second street. Jutt the feed for cows. Artichoke for Sale. The undersigned has for sale the" mammoth Jerusalem artichokes, and can famish any amount of seed at ?1 per bushel. " H. Eickkxreiigkk, det'19-lm Bake Oven, Or. All persons holding orders from Pease & Mayp, or other coupons on Herrin'e photograph gallery are requested to preeent them before January loth. JIus. D. C. IIkkeix. 1 Ilallek-Moru fetc ' Leaves the Umatilla house S a. , Tuesdays, Thursdaye and Saturdaye. DouuLAh Au.en, Prop. in 1I nn n'T? KM N BUT THE TS GENUINE man U i 1 1 X.--.i-l rTwX ! t' . ' "V u. B fen Sines 1, srrV ,yi "rxxU SV A CYCLING MINISTER'S EXPERIENCE, THE RESULTS CF LONG, HARD RIDING- FULLY 3,000 MILES ON HIS WHEEL. He Makes Some Reflections on the Benefits of the Sport and Tells of its Dangers. Voui Ihc The Eev. Wm. P. F. Ferguson, whoo pie tare we give above, will not be unfamiliar by sisht to many readers. A youns,' man, he has Kill had an extended experience as foreign missionary, teacher, editor. Iwturer and pastor tiia; 1ms given him a wiile ac quaintance in many parts of the country. In an interview a few days ago he said : ' In the early summer of '94I went upnn a tour through Canada on my wheel. Aly route was from Utiea to Cape incent thence bvKeamer to Kini'ston. anJ from there alou the north shore of the lake to Toronto and j around to Niagara Falls. I arrived at Cape) Vincent at 5 o'clock, having ridden against i a snrong head wind all day. "Alter a aeiigntim sail tnrougn tne Thousand Islands, I stepped on shore in that quaint old city of Kingnon. A slight shower had fallen and the streets were damp, so that wisdom would have dictated that 1, leg-weary as I was, should hare kept in doors, but so anxious was I to see the old city that I spent the whole evening in the streets. " Five o'clock the next morning brought a very unwelcome discovery. I was lame i in both ankles and knees. The head wind 1 and the damp streets had proved an unfor tunate combination. I cave, however, little thought to it, supposing it would wear off in a few hours, and the first flush of sunlight saw me speeding out the splendid road that leads toward Nupanee. "Night overtook meata little village near Fort Hope, but found me still lame. I rested the next day, and the next, but it was too late; the mlichief was done. I rode a good , many miles durini; the rest of the season, but never a day and edom a mile without pain. "The winter came and I put away my wheel, saying ' now I shall get well,' but to my disappointment I grew worse. Some davs ray knees ulmost fortade walking and my unties would not permit me to wear shoes. At times I suffered severe pain, so severe as to make study a practical impos sibility, yet it must lie understood that I concealed the condition of affairs as far us possible. From being local the trouble began to spread slightly aim my anxiety increased i cunsuiiea two puysiciuus uuu their excellent advi Bo the winter passed happened to lake in my iianu a newpaper Schenectady, . y. -DEALEK IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and DeutgnB in WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. PRACTICAL PAINTER ana PAPER HANGER. None bat the best brand of J. W. MAS DRY'S PAINTS used In all our work, nnd none but tha inoBt skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No cheni icel combination or toap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. AU order promptly attended to. Store auil Paint Kbon comer Third nod Washington Bti., The Dalles, Ors'oi Vott vrin one coupon lasida cu h va onncf Ira? Antf-itvocnur-iRf Intldaearh fourounceti.-;i CI .rJ-woH's Darhsm. -i this cciobrt.'j'J 'cro :.'. r.. 1 til" CO""ou ' l ' '. vi list of valtu-'.Iei ..:.-s..:.a li jv to ct- '. cri. Press, XJliea, JV. . in which a good deal of space wns taken by an article in relation to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I did not at that time know wlmr they were supposed to cure. I should have paid no attention to the article had I not caucht the name of a rady whom I knew. Pading, I found that she, in similar circumstances, had Iteen greatly benefited by the us? of Pink Pills, and knowing her as I did I had no doubt of tbe truth of the statement that she hud authorized. The first box was not gone before I saw a chance, and the third had not been finished before all signs of my rheumatic trouhles were sone to stay. " I say 'gone to stay,' for though then has lieen every opportunity for a return o: the trouble, I have not felt the first fwinco jofit. I have wheeled thousands of mile ; end n. ver before with so little discomfort. 1 1 have Kid onit of the most severe tests of srength and endurance, and haw come ' through them without an ache. For ex ! amide, one afternoon I rode seventy miles. preached that nicht and made fifty miles of the hardest kind of road before noon the next dry. Another instance was a ' C n turv run.' the las: forty miles of which were j made in a downpour of rain through mud j nnd slush. I " You should think I would recommew! I them to others? Well, I have, and have ' had the pleasure of M'ciug very good resul -' in a number of instances. Yes. I should feel that 1 was m-gleeting a duty if I failed to susgest Pink PiiU to any triend whom I knew to b- suffering from rheumatism- THE PRESBYTERIAN CHCBCII IN WITTTES IIOKO, OF WUICil REV. WM. FRBOUSON IS PASTOR. "No, that Ls not the only disease they cure. I personally know of a number of cures from other troubles, but I have needed ' uiem only lor tnat, though it would be but fair to add that ray trenetal health has Wen better tuts summer than ever before in inv life. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are sold in boxes (never in loose form, by the dozen or hundred) at 50 ' ti.. tv juiiueu cents a pox, or six noxes lor ?..ou, and may ce, but without result, be had of all druggists or directly by mail . One day in March J from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, ii i ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. o n s Pullman Elegent Toxurist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car T. PAUL atlNNBAroMst DULUTll MliGO Git AND KDKKS Cl'.OOKSTOS Wl.NMPEO HELENA nnil ItirTTB Through Tiekcts CHICAGO WASHINGTON rillLAPELrillA NEW YOltK BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST auil SOUTH For information, time cards, mars nnd tickets-, cal ou or write to "VV. C. ALLAWAY. Apent. The Dalltft, Oregon on D. CHAKLTON 255. Morrison Cor. ' Asst. G. P. A., fhiri. t'ortliai Oregon EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or THE- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and nre due to arrive at Portland. LEAVE. jrNE 23, 1'So. ARRIVE. OVERLAND EX-- Sres, Salem, P.oe-1 urg, Athland, sue-1 -i f -i j rumento, Ogden.inu I r. ji. fjajjctseo, iiojave, ( Los Angelcs.El l'so, i New urleeub and I illOA. M. S:30 A. M. tions M:40 P.M. 'Via oocburn lori ' : JIt..ncel, Sllverton, ! ' West seio. Browns- y except ' , ville.iprtngiield and , Sundays. (.Natron J ' Salem and way tutlons no.CO A.M. Daily except Sundayi. 4:00 P. M 7:30 A. M., iCorvallli, una way if 6:-U r. .m istntions . . . . ( ' . 1 1 . . i 1 1 1 - . t r .nr Tl t (way stationt ..i Dally. IDaiiy, esce;t sunday. DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. I'UUJIAN BUFFET SLEEFERS AND 5ECOND-CL.S3 SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Throjgh Trains. Throuch Ticket OBicc, 131 Third street, where throucb tiefceu to all twlnts iu the Eastern States. Canada and Eurot can be obtained at I lowest rates trom J. B. KIRK LA WVD, Ticket Agent. at and depart froip All above train arrive at and den Grand Ceatrnl station, Fifth and Irving streets. YAMIULL DIVISION. J'otsenger Deiot, foot of JeSetson street. Iave for OSWEGO, week days, at 6:00, 7:20, 10:15 a. m.; 32:15, 1.15, 5:2i, 0:45, i:05 t, la. (and 11:30 p. m. on Saturday only). Arrive at I'ortiand at7:I0, t;30, 11:26 a, m.; 1:S3,S:10, 0.S5, 7:Su, 9:10 p. in. Leave for Sheridan, week davs, ut -1:30 i. m. Arrive at I'ortiand, !:: a. a Ix-ave for A1RL1E on Monday, Wednesdav and Friouy at t: 10 a. m. Arrive ut I'ortiand, Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 8:06 p. in. Sunday trains for OSWEGO leave at 7 20. S: 10, 10:15a.m.: 12:15, 1:15, 3:30, 5:2.i C:45 p. m. Ar rive at Portland at 12:ai, S:30, 10:00 11;25 a. m.; 1:30, r.:15, 5:10, 6:35, 7.55 ji. in. R. KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS, Manacer. Ast. G. F. & Pass. Act. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 18 Tages a Week. 150 Tapers a Year. I It etands first among ''weekly" paperB 'in size, frequency of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly ; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its newB columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women and a long series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, Couan Iloyli), Jerom K. Jerome, Stauley Weyman, Mary E. WJlklun, Antbony flop, Bret tlarte, firauiler Maltliewt, Ktc. Wf niTr 11,1. ,,nun.,a .. j The Dalles Twice-a- Week Chronicle to. getber one year for $U.00. The regular price of the two papers ie $3.00. Yot Kale or I'.eut. The Grant hotel, close to the depot, will sell month. cheap, or rent for $10 per Lee Kee, Grants, Or. declf'lm Drugs faints Wall Paper, Glass. Etc. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Ci. 129 Second St.. THE DALLES, - - OR J. 5. ScuesK, Trvsiilent. H. M. Beau. Cashier. first Rational Bank. THE DALLES OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sipht and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco ani Port land." DIRECTORS. D. P. Thompbon. Jno. S. Schiscs. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Likbb. H. aI. Beaix. ! FRENCH & CO.. BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BCSINES Letters of Credit issued available in tbe Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and varionsa point! in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Dalles City and More Stage ft Leaves ilhams Hotel, .Moru, ot Monrfav. Wednesdave and Fridays at S j. in. prompt. Tuesdavs, Thvradavs and Saturdays si S a. m. promnt. L-,.:..l.. Tl. TV.ll..r, 1 ja- per 100 lb; r "ts-t-encer email packages, loandSoc. rates The Dalies to Moro, $1.50: round trin. $2.50. Agency nt Umatilla House, The Dalle?, and at ilhams Hotel, Moro. tf DOUGLAS ALLEN, Prop. Bake Oven and Mitcha STAGE LINE, THOMAS HABPEE, - - Propriete Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelopt every day, and from Antelope to Mit chell three times a week. GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. he Glades Ranch, WHITK SALMON, WASH. 01 the St Lambert, Commatc and Torments rsine. Three Choice Bull for tsle orre so some Choice Cows and Heifer for ewe Pure IJred Poland China Hogs. White Plymouth Rock CliicKenB. Address ilP.i. A. R. UYJiKKTT, Prnp-r.5-w3ra White Ealuion. V- LDDD POISON A m m Primarf.I 1 Qn;UUU.I T oadarrorW cured In 16to85dyi. VoucanbetreiMM home if or eame price under ame fi'JJ 1 v tract to paj railroad f orcand hotel bllluj trie. If we I all to cure. If roil hare token MT eoehai eury, iodide potash, aod ttlll bare acbeMJJ ln, Mucoosl'atelies Id mouth. Sorf Thrj wiy partof the tody.Mair orEyebrowi 'famt we iiursnltc to euro. WeolicittbeBOtoS; safe cases and challenge the world ! weetuouure, Ttili awe os ' Mtte4 the skill of the most eminent lb weeasnotcure. TtiH dlae ha '5 I WS cplul behlna our u25 Itooslmraotr. Absolute proofs lent tlMi" B. GOIT, COUNTY SURVEYOR. Keeeidence, Tenth and Liberty EtrH D r