The Dalles Daily Chronicle. The only Republican Daily Xetrtpapei 'Wateo County. THURSDAY. - JAN. 14. 1S97 MASTERS OFFICE SSO to 2$i Temple Court, X. r. Citv. E. KATZ, Agent. THE COAL QUESTIOX The committee from the Commer cial Club is now encased in soliciting tlii-!rf - flirt tvifnncn rf o dtamond drill. We realize as forci bly as any one, how hard times are. and how almost impossible it seems to let go of a dollar for anything not absolutely necessary, and yet we cannot but urge our bniincf fflPn to make this venture." Five hundred dollars suffices to thoroachlv nros- t "pect our coal fields. It will settle; the question. If it demonstrates, as J -we think it will, that we have good paying coal veins, the result will be ; so stupenoous m proportion to.tne amount involve.! that we cannot afford to refuse to take chances. If successful, hard times here, at least. will hp 1 thin nf thp nnt and bni- ! r uess will increase so rapidly we will not know where we are at. "We hope our business men and property owners will take a sensible business view of the situation and contiibnte cheerfullv to the fund. If successful, it will" return a tbons-1 and fold. ! THE WHEAT OUTLOOK. The wheat market continues to, hold steadily up. and the indications j are that prices will be higher rather than lower. San Francisco quota tions today are ?1.C0 to 1.G5 for milling, and M.uG for o. 1 shipping. The market holds up on account of shortage in the season's crop in the Southern hemisphere. Arrentine. whose harvest is rotv yeai twenty million b port: ibis year she will not have, ac cording to the most favorable esti mates, more than half as mneb. Aus tralia has had a I3d season, and will h.ivft to imnort six million bushels. 1 I C" . t .. t 1 1. . . .. t- - .1., hhortaee will amount to thirty mill- ion bushels. Last year's poo in India and Russia has left 1 , ,.,1 would not leave them anything for j export. ! The United States must this year ; supply nearty all the usual foreign market, and lack of competition will keep prices well up. BRAVE OLD SHIPS. Secretary of the 2savy Herbert has several times called the attention nf Tn flip fr'f fhlt thf "CiCtA old ships Constitution and Hartford ire- alnwlv rnttiner "vri and asked are Siown roumf, -inu a.M.u tliit an t tnronriation be made for xuat an appropriation ut. uuue lur , rpnoinnir inrl nrsprvin" them ' repa.nng ana pre.erMH0 luem. Even in these utilitarian days, we sbould permit ourselves sentiment ! -enough at least to preserve these old battle ship;. "While we aie paring j yrauunci uaic. uuu cicua uuuu ti,JPic;Ten entire re! more than four hundred thousand! ' dollars a day in pensions, we might hSr" not be utterly ruined financially by J' ,. , ., . spending a few thousand on the old t , . .t wooden veterans that carried Our flag . . . . ' tO Victory in Ulan a desperate COn- , flict. Their decks were reddened . , , , , , , , . i : with heroes' blood, their canvas spread , .it i u i. . i i tO the free Winds OV as gallant hands . r ii . . . as ever tOUirht for llbertV. ; It is well 'to keep them, a memento .... , -in m of earlier days, and congress will fail , , . , , ..:.!. i., Of Its duty if It does not provide tie means for their repair. Governor Rozer in his inaugural add s rif V. fikh nctf n . '"r can u nana, at me courmo;ji uwiri ress. recommends, "l1"' u' "5U t"",' i'r.ivl' 1 ' the afternoon. T. J. VK1 r.n, among other things, the doing awa ; with fish wheels, traps, and ell other! ways of. catching salmon, except with gill-nets. The reason he givs ; for this is that ''the wheels ca'cb a ' Ininrirpri fUli tn flip nonr fisherman's iiuaurea USI1 lO me poor u.uermaii s Of nnin-iP trio tnnst evnen. One. KJl LOUISE lUC must, LAIH.ii- ;ivp wav of catchino- the fish, and the Sle yQ.) VI uieusu, nuu iuu eXnurcet t- ii flip hpst. nnrl tliis h. ' Biuncst n id iuc hm mo ,hl ing true, why not make it unlawful to catch tbeui tu any manner except I 'with Look and liner As they no : not bite, this ousht to furnish them l protection and give thousands of people work. On the same principle - i we should thresh our grain with a , flail, harvest it with a sickle and haul jt to seaboard m wagons. e should, on this theory, do away with all modern inventions and get back to -a closer communion with Nature, The situation at Salem remains un changed, the house being still unor- ! TDI2CCl It looks as though Jona than Bourne had the whin hand of the whole business, and will either be speaker or there wtil be none. The state is saving considerable in clerk litre, but there is some, important legislation that should be attended to, and our legislators do not want to Overlook that tact. TUo fr-Urwmrr J,ir At lolif.itf hll mor is from 'today's Oregonian:! The Salem Statesman comnlains i : thal The 0re onan ba; ,not held the legislature tip to scorn' for its . nian has held mam legislatures up to corn, but it never Seemed to do ailV! "OOU. Did Ton Ever. Trr Flw'rin T!tWre p; n remof 'nr i objection? to said uccouut and settlement there - iry .it.ers E a remeu.v .or0,J AU heirs creditors- or other persons inter vonr tronble5? Jf not, ret a bottle now I ested in said esMte are dnly notified to file their get relief. This medicine hes been fonnd to be peculiarly adapted :o there- ; l'el aud cure of all Female Complaints, e"iaP woaderfnl dhect inScence in S"1B sivias; strength and tone to the onrnus. Ifyon have Lo?s of Appetite. Constipa tion, Headache, Painting. Spells, or are Nervous, Sleepnejs, Excitable, Melan choly or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric Bitters in the medicine yon need. Health and Strength are guaran teed bv its nse. Lartre bottles onlv nitv cents and $1.00 at Biakeley & Houghton, . Drupgist. 3 I Bucklen'c Arnica salve. Xhe DCSt salve in the wcrid for cuts, ' State of Oregon for Wasco County, adminis , , i trator of the estate of T. H. Lochhad, deceased, amises, SOreS, Ulcers, sail rheuni, level , All nersons havinr claims urainst taid estate ' inrp tntf"- fhinwri hp'ule fhilhVinP -ores, teie., caapiea DE-JUS, cmiO.cmE. tion. or monev refunded. Price 25 cent? per box. For salr 07 Biakeler and Houghton, drti:rstff. A Core fur Lauif l!ach. "Mv daughter, wnen recovering trotn " , 7. " n attack 01 lever, was a preat snnerer an a:tacs 01 ltver, wa; a preat snnerer irom pain m tue oacK na a.js, writes Londe Grover. of Sardis. Kv. "After unamtieria.n S pa;n Balm is also a certain cnr for rhen matism. Sold by Biateley oc Hocghtoa " - CATARRH local'disease and is the result of colds and tuaion clixatic changes. For your Protection we posruvely tate that thi remedy does not contain mercury or any other -cjsr- fllf'S CfBSIH BflllD icuf cr is aeknovrieded to be the most thornsrh csre for Catarr,Coid in Head and ilay lever of all mnediet. It opens and cieacse the naisl paaaapta, a;uja pahi andinflaniraaaon.heais the tores, nro- teeia the aejnteaa from colds, restores the een cttal!Ulta&Bmell. WceatDrtrarUtaorbymai.. Ei.YBeaBBS.sweaobaa.ewyoSfc Sheriffs Sale. wiliiatn H. eubncx, mnm Neabeftcx, James jBmes Ban and Knspp, aur.-v:: & to., a corporation, isienuan:s. By virtue of an execution and order of s&le to me directed and issued out of the above cu- titled court in faM.r lkr. .l.ilmlK'uL'irii i i rr cA I t thi, ' h Hat . .'jC. ecmraandlnp me to satisfy the several snms of&3.S3, the judrment obliilnel terein, with interest thereon at the rate of eipbt per cent per annum otncf Nov. u-". 1!, ano t!w Attorney Tied, nnd ticosU of mil ana accruing cot. oy levywc ujon ana mjijjiik m tue ujbu- ner provided bv law for the le of real property oTt" described real tnlaw The iouihwcst quarter of tion r.!s-c in tnwnshi; tbrt-. s-outn of; ranee thirteen -ltai.t, W. M-situate and be- lne m Wasco County. Orwon. j . l levtea uion tia ret; prujriy on nam -jui dar of November. and V, alifv the Bfore- taid everal nuroi" aud aecn ine co!t I wi.l hell . the ame at publje auction to the blgneti bidder ' enertffof Wasco County, Oitcon, Assignee's Notice. Vnttpo ( hr-rphv Hven that on October 20. ( It'jC, C. G. lliekok of Cascade Lockk, Oregon, made a general ai.lKnment to me for the beuellt of au j,Lj ecu.r Tn proportion to the amount, f their renpective cnum, oi an nis property. .. -iHlnm nimlni.ti.aid C ii. Hickoic we hereby notified to wewBt tnem to mtaX c.tcarte Loci:, Oregon, with the proper 1 voucher tnen-for, within thrte rcontbii irom . rtfite mg. j, g. iuy. Jc. t2i-6t-u Atigne hi c. o. uickok. COmS, &UQ ait SEIS eruO;iOD , SBC pOSi- 1 "n.,L-u unieuuuse. inntr un'guu, iu;i;i nn hir Its! , " a six mouths from date hereof. uu, uau iui(t.vey cures piies, or no jiay required; Dated this soth day of October, liw. usbels for ex ! It is gnaranttl so ve perfect nausfac j Adliciatr6:or rt onv.LocIIVad, r crop CSIDS quite a number o: remecies with- sale is to me directed and rommandinc" me to Q Panl their i oni any oeneai sae irwa one vmw oi , -j yfo :viMot&Mni I Pk.mVuirliiin'i: Piin P.,l,n .tur? ir Vn s ; in nff1 mil fnr th T!m lif V'lfi 10. K-'fh In. You Get the Profits Of Dealers, A cents, Jobbers and Middlemen dv buying di rect vrom the manufacturer. No better wheel made than the Acme Bicycle Built in our own factory by sfcHlcd workmen, using the best material and themost improved machinery. iVe havs no agents Sold direct from factory to the rider, fully warranted. Shipped ar.vwherc for examination. VVSITE FCf? Q,,-r ttf Prt-CVif (Vfffr I ' Acme Cycle Co., Eikhart, Ind. - X0T1CE OF FIXAL SETTLEMENT, ' Notics is hereby riven that the underMsnied, administrator of the estate of Theodore von Bor- ; stel. deceased, has nled his Snnl account as such i I administrator, and that the oth day of January, i 1;ST. tt 2 o'clock r. m. has been fixed by order of o! the County Judce as the time for hearinc any j inre said date. Dated this :sth day of November. 1;W. GEO. VOX BOISSTEL. ' Adminisrrator ofthe Estsw o Theodore yon j ! Notice to Contractors. The undersismed will receive bids for the con struction of a water ditch 7CX feet Ions. 10CO feet is mostly loose rocS wort: some blastinc. Balance scraper ivort. Ditch to be rive feet wide on bottom, and two feet dw;p. Twelve miles from The Dalles. For further particular ad dres. M. J. COC K ER1.LNE, nio 2w i-ii Boyd, Oreson. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby mvca that the undersiened ' has b-.-en dulr arwointtd bv the couutv court of are hereby required to present the same to me ...o veriried. as bv law reouired. at the : deceased. octavii Sheriff" s Sale. i Notice is hereby sriven that an execution and ' order of sale wa issued out of the circuit Court ' of the State of Oregon for Masco Countv, on the eth day of Decembe-, lsua, ujK)n a jndement eth dar of Decembe-, lSi, ut-on a ind ; , 1 i V. . . . . .1 r uw in favoro e d H. Diei piaintirr.and im V ood. de - i nsatnst Jamts F. Elliott and William iendant, which said execution and order of tbeast day of November, ly.: and the further ; sum of HO attorneys fees, and the co?ts and disbursements of said suit taxed at ?15. There ' fore, in compliance vrith said execution and ' order of sale, I will on Saturday. January 30. 189T, at the hour of 1 o'clock j,. m. ut the courthouse door in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, sell 1 at public auction, to the niches: bidder, for cash , in hand, for the purple of satisfying the juds;-, men above mentioned the following describrfl ' lands and premises, to-wii 1 sixty-three C acre? oS' the east side of the North haif of the southeast quarter of ec. in Township 1 North, Kange 1j ast. V. M.. com menrinp at o roet at a point on the North line f the NV4of the SK'i of said section 3U:j thence East to Kast Hue of said section; thence : aouin one-quarter rune: mcnee est to a point cue soutn i-i sia met (tnc piace oi iesinninjr : tfaeace North to the nlsce of btvinuinc Dated this il'th Uaj of December, ISM. T. J. DKIVEB. juni-'t-Ii Sheriff of Wasco County, Or DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, ,'FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, f THJTTF TTiTurTTi'TVTnn ! lit Iwl Pj. 1 j Pi ITI Pi il 1 - -"b'-,J w and ! , i ZDln-i-tTna tlTrwt 1 A 4 n cr xj U ULi i X'Xvr I ' (3- Ij B 3ST 2ST. DR. GUNITS LIVER utHK fS Wt m, it rtxswlri f&&'ii Comnla lion bauartnux cflMtMl Tber oeither khpm our icku. To cwnMiM, n trill mil MtDpi rw. or full Iwzjot ate, Bold mo- PILLS . o rill rr m 9mm bemma men mi mmmmmii in i Ii ! "Tie Replator Line" The Dalles. Portland ana Astori Navigation Co. THROUGH Freignt sua Passenger Lin? Until further notice, the ' Steamer EesulatOl' Will leave rni.. r-v-n - r j "tl-,l ; The Dalles on Mondays. Wed 1 ' nesdays and Fridays at 7:30 la. m., and will leave Portland ;on Tuesdays. Thursdays and i . -,...-, caiui Clays at o:oU a. 111. PASSE-NGKl. KATES: . Onp trnr 42 00 . 3 '00 ; -p j J Konnd trip ; Freight Rates Greatly Reduced, Shipments for Portland received at anr time. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before op. a. Live stock shipments solicited. For rates call on or address fa. C. ALLAWAY Grneral Ari'Bf THE DALLES. - OREGON EHST! GIVES THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes . VIA Q-AVoa 0yUii.a.ii.C Denver Minneapolis . - Omaha Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. OCEAN STKAMEK8 Leavf I'ortlautl Eterv Fivt; Iay for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. For full details call oa O. K & Co. s Agent Tha Dalle, or address W. H. HUELBUKT, Gen. Pass. Art Portland. Oregon I E. J!"NEILL President and ilonacer. j, Sw Schedulr. train .o. l arrives at i ne iJaiies -1 Ho a m., and leaves 4:50 a. in. Train So. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10 :lo p. m., and leaves 10:20 p. m. Traiu No. 8 arrives at The Dalles 11 :55 p. m., and west-bound train So. 7 leaves at 1 p. in. Train 23 and 24 will carry passengers between The Dalles and Umatilla, leav ing Tne Dalles at 1 p. m. daily and ar riving at The Dalles 1 p. m. daily, con necting with train Sos. 8 and 7 from Portland. E. E. Lyixe, gent. Monuments and Headstones. Before going elsewhere, call on L COMINI. The Dalles. Or., For a Tombstone. Warranted to stand for all time, regardless of wind or weather. American Market, 74 Second Street. Fruit, Produce, Butter, Eggs. rot'LTKY. F18H sod GAM IN 69 TELEPHONES 69 jr. H. BOUKKT8. ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. COLLECTIONS A Hr'ECIALTY. 0c next door to the Firtt .VtIonl B nk The UUtt, Orwf on. notll Ml lit Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds. , Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, StWKS Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- T?1MTr ThisFlonr is manufactured expressly for famih LULL JP iUUi. u;e; eerysack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell onr coods lower than any hons in the trade, and if yon don't think to call and set onr prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. Wholesale- ttlines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED. ANHEUSER HOP GOLD Anheuser-Busch Malt Nn trine, a non-alcoholic beverage, -unequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. 75 cts- 50 ?3 ! Ladies' Cloaks. Remember, all these goods are latest made, warm, serv iceable and fashionable, and at prices never before ap proached in The Dalles. Leave your orders for Dressed Ohinkens "Fish Fine Dairy Butter, Eggs, Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds, COAL AND ICE, THE DilliltES GOmHISSIOH GO.'S STOHE Corner Second and Washington Sts. BLAKELEY& HOUGHTON 175 Second Street, ARTISTS MATERIALS.-. Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. Again in basinets at the old etand. I would be ple6ed to e all my former patrone. Free delivery to any part of town. "Tiere is a tide in the affairs leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Fnroito and Carpet at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced ratef MICHELBACH BRICK, . . UNION ST. - BUSCH and BEER ddrSUD8oht?!es. Buys a good BOYS'SUIT at C. F. Steph enV Intermediate prices up to $4.50. Is all C. F. Stephens asks for a servicea ble suit of MEN'S CLOTHING. The best Black Diagonal for $12.00. An elegant assortment of 1S96 styles just received, a part ot which may be Eeen in show window. AT The Dalles, Oregon ISuccenor to Cbrlwaan & Corwn.j '" FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. of men which, taken at its flood