The Dalles Daily Chronicle. v - - ni.LCio i Tlin 1IAM.ES, Adrort Uluc Kates. Per inch n co 1 CO One inch or les in Dally Over two laches mid miiicr four Inches. Over four lr.che and under twelve inches Orer twelve inches DAILY AND WEEKLY One Int'h or less, jor inch Over one inch anil under four inches. Over four incho aud under twelve inches Over twelve inches . M) ., (V, 1 " 1 0) - THE GIRL IN GRAY. Irresistible Impulse. Which Called Her to h l.lfe of ltcnunrmtlnn. Susan earned her daih bread by try ing on hats in one of the majestic dry jroods palaces of the ine'.ropoi'.. Her beatttiful bead, fine eyes, exquisitely ro iined expression and beautiful fitrnro limi been tne soune ot a KpJe.idui came io aer. sue uia not Know n. mil nature bad been most kind in niakinjr her nn ideal model for the millinery business. Susan was. a Cray rirl. She ua a jterfeet poem in srray. Her eye were deep, t i'icht gray: her skin the ereani srray oi ihe white flesh about a blue bird";, beak: her eye that drab rray "brcrvvn r. hirh b- noticeable in the oy of WeJs-h jrirls. and her eyelashes such a tint oT chestnut ray as ornamented I be mace of the famous race horse ?ir William. Susun w full of pray moods, and her srorite position was, to sit half bent over :a cne of the inV-t'K chairs, in the aforesaid emportum. rith a Paris crea- tion nn ! tuA , . .w "... r5f the -.rirsdrnv. Teoplc come and people went, and they v.or.drd that .ueh a beautiful I tfirl was not fairly carried nway by j onre tKh aijdapprechaixcvife-'iiucteT. i who had a taste for the fine arts. An i artist vfao went to the shop to sketch j ftats and hrtrtnota ntor S.t-m-. i but Sw;r.:n didnt i.ind. To a!! hi" '.oni tiTTtynty she only raQed a c-nKl. rray firr-oway mile that cook; br ccs'l'. in terpreted. Sn-nn interetetwl at. atrrhsir one time enoujrh t ; have Let- tfue-Tc: aie rriri and and oat by the alv.ay: wore such a pju-:ve look and sremetl alto".:eiher removed frotn her enrlron tnciu. She found that Susan was all atone Jit ihc rorW: tint she came from a good jrji.'sh faai iy; tlia she wtw rtblipvd to crcis t!c ocean to earn be liviitjr: tbui she cored little for dress ttad woridly thlcgs. After besoiatufr better acquainted cith Susan sbe learned that mo-t of 4ne grirl's fcn:aie relatives had been SUBS. csan said to her one afternoon, when hey were friends: have a perfect 4torror of ever fceeominsr a nirn myself, but Hay after day the idea irrxv? upot me. and I cur. sure that seme ii-.-v men -:ng 1 shall go tothessters und a-k i u i.: i iake ce in. I truly belie t th it : nedltj' has called me to that m.;-; j... I r:'nk ko much aint no: l.eci. :. :. tsir.t E-y xz.'.z.l 1 urav. .,-.. r. . . ..:'.t lives. ov.i. iae, I '..L..-r !- .'iouJy read all nbo'i- ; 'jlitratier.s. I follow then, uit- -: ": iif .' treet-; I east oy vycs i.v. j wh :: 1 recet them, end ahvaj.- s-. ; i. T '.I I fcae a chance. I cunr.rt Lt. . v. -. , ircia the nun ccstiuec. tu. i nn-: 1 tzve ismasu? a Eir :si.e :.:e.r. :.s it. can possibly be. 1 wonder "f it i '. yynotisjDB or thought transference, or The effect of training, or what ".' "Do you know ruucti about ujyti cian and mental seiecee? If you do. tell inc. Bo people aiay fwl drawn to do what thuir bfurt U-il them not to do?" The author could not answer, but u us ief t gotjosing, as the girl had been. Oac day the author went to the shop to get a new hat for a swell matinee, and of courae asked for Siumn ar.d she wa told that Susan .had suddenly be come very pioui and hadgivtn up her jo dtkwi to do religious embroidt-ry ir. one oi the technical shop aoaneeted with ihe church. The author heard nothing tnore from the irl until one day. while invest ipnt h a eharitt oji the east side. he saw a famHiwr figure fl.t past. I'i-ou look ing intel ael;. at it. it proied to be Susan. She mailed, and rejopni7.-d the au thor, aud said: "And how is. tt with you? I hate answered my own Ue. tion. I hi--' pro en to inyfcelt' t hat eneh Individual : jrien the inental life to powive --iid vujoy tioe thnrs which brinp plc--i,r and to be able to.ineri Aoe a..d e Ijapjfiues. to other, and the spirit jl! life a an inspiration point iiiir the i a to a better life, white th- onl plet-sre is in griviiitr up jdeusure ar.ti the :. y happiues in lietowii!.' our cwi Uitwritance of it hjkju thos who hat- m-i'lu-r mental Kjreeption nor spiritual iwipirtuiou. "When I fouph my own mou! I wus nenrinf.' a point m here my mind w ould have booome ahattered beenuae my m'nd had not olved the wants of ii f-jjirit. Now I love tlmt whiiu I lit-u-fl. nod hate nothing, an'1 I r.-el that thifcU the highest stiitt- a human betn' can reneh." And artists aud soo'mty women lool. !rt vain for att Ideal motlH inthefamoim rfry jfOodB Hhoji t pptleiprtt- tr.-ir ur tistle want. X. V. Mai! and ilspre.-s. See A. M, WilHauiB & Co.'e window ior new effects in colored bosom ehirtB at the popular price of $1.20 each. Sheriffs Sale. Notice is hereby tjlvun tlmt under und bv vir- ; of " execution and order of ac luel out of the l ireult Court of the Mate of Oregon for ! Wn-eo County, dated the Utli day of JutiUHty, ' i l.9T, ami to me !trvctel and conumunllnc mc to j sell the property hereliinfte; tlcrrJiud tit satisfv : the sum of with intcrot thfieoi' -n ior cent ir annum from Dec. -. ist'., im : due upon a In.icment In the himvc nut ii urt in 1 favor of Robert Mcys and L. E. O. uc. ;i.tuers dolns business under the firm name li Ahivs A- . Crowe, and a?aiu.-t Ueo. I). Armstroncand Sarah - ; u Armstrong, Riven and tendered therein on ffl f the I'th day ot .November. !:., 1 will on Wednes- : day, the 10th day of February. 197, at the hour ; I of 10 c'clorfc it. m., sell at the courthouse door In , I Dalles City, in said county and state, at ; ; nubile auction, to the hichc-t bidder for cash lu ! hand, the following described real estate, to-wlt: ! Lot 13. In Wocfc 12 In Thompson s Addition to i Dalles City, in W nsco Countv, Stale of Oregon. Dalles City, Orecou, Jan. 12. 15iT. ! ' T. J, DRIVER, ! I jlS-ot-I SherilTof Wasco Countv. Orecon. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, the duly nvnolnted. qualimd and acting admin-, l-tint'-- of "the estate of Anna Francis Carlson,, decea- .h1, has filed his linal account and report In said estste. and that Moudat , the 4th dav of , January, 1-37, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of sold d ty, at the County Court room of theCouuty Court Hou-e in Dalle City. Wasco Countv, Ore- j rou j .j, ixed HIMj ,u-llKjutcj bv ?iuted bv the Hon- orabl- County Uottrt as the time and. lilace for 1 hctims said tinal account and report. All per-, i sous .ire hereby notlried and wiutrvd to apiear at said time aud place and show cause if anv . there tv why un order of this Court should not , be made approving snid account aud dls : char? .m: the said nJiainlstratnr from further ' i acting under snid trust and exonerating his i bond inien from further liabihtv thereunder. ! Dared this J3d dav of November. lsw. ! u2:-ot-i FRANK MENKFEE. ! f Administrator of the Estate ot Anna Francis i Ca'lsou, Deceased. ' ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. ( Notice is hereby given that the undersigned i has btcn duly app Inted the alienee of the estate of 31. Hendricson and L. A. He:idrieson, 'insolvent debtors. All p-rsons having claims acalust bott. or either, of said insolvent dtbt.irs are hereby notified to present them to mc prop erly veritied. as by law required, wi;htn three months from the date hereof, at the office oi J I. iMry. In Dalles City. Oregon: and all rer- .n th..n,. nr !rho- nf th..m nr.. h..r-..l,r notified to settle with me at once. The Dalles. Dee. , 1S96. 9-i L. s A Vis, Assignee. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby given that the undersisnied ?ai &'a '"&1J: tae Clerk of theCounty his tinal account as the adiuinistratir of the .. j tateof Phoebe M. Dunham. dece:is;d, and that by an order of the County Court, mad and en- 1 tertd on the lS:h day uf Iteoember, the j county courthouse in Da.le City. Oregnn. wa i n.":e as tne place ana liie 1st cay ot .March, L-9T. at the hour of 2 o'clock ji. m. a the time fur the : hearing of said cnnl nttxmnt nud ob'eetiotis ! thereto. A. R. THOMPaHN. i dtdW Administrator. NOTICE IT. 5. Lano Orru-s. i TitE D.IU.E-, Pee. 7, Js: i Complaint having been entered at this office by lwis C. Heunesrnun against William Word en for abandoning his homestead entry No. 4S5. dated March ly, lS2. upon the ?vy section S3, Township 4 South Range 13 E. iu Wasco County. Oregon, wiih a view to the cancellation i of said entry , the said parties are hereby sum- j montd to appear at this office on the i)th day of January, lsyr. at o'clock j. m., to respond and furni-h testimony concerning said alleged tibundoumcnt. i dlfri JA5. r MOORE. Register. I TEEE - iSnipes-Wy Drug Co.' 129 Second St. THE DALLES. OR. . SCKES'K. 1'reaident. H. M. Bkall, Cashier. First Rational Bank. THE DALLES - OREGON ; A General Banking Business transacted ' Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly ' remitted on day of collection. i ; Sicht and Telegraphic Exchange eold on ; New York, San JTrancisco and Port land. DIRECTORS, D. P. TilOJtPHOS. JkO. F. ScifK.SCK. Ed. M. Wjlliamb, Geo. A. Lieek. H. M. Bkall. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rRAHSACT A GENERAL BACKING BCoI.NEa j Lettere of Credit iaened available in the Eastern States. Transfers row'oTxew yorkfffiw? St. Louie, San Francisco, Portland Ore-. eon, Seattle WaBh, and various poiute ' in Oregon and Washington 1 Collections made at all riointe on fuv i orable tetms. t Drugs, Paints, ; wall Paper, Glass. Etc. 0 rtS0P?! IE VI ill V":,, tS. TER'S '' -j Vf Von will flaii or.a w:pos j S .4', VJSckJSmJi nM oath t-ti ourc? heff I BUT IMF T .T. A CYCLING Mm THE RESULTS OF LONG, HARD RIDINO. FULLY 3,000 MILES ON HIS WHEEL. He Makes Some Reflections on the Benefits of the Sport and Tells of its Dangers. From Oic J, V ''AN The Rev. "SVm. P. F. Ferguson, whose pic ture we give above, will not be untUmiliar by sight to many readers. A young man, has still had nn extended experience ua foreign missionary, teacher. t-l:tor. lecturer and pastor that has given hint a w quaintance in many parts of Jip country. In an interview a few days a'.'o he viiid : " In the early summer of 'WI went upon a tour through Canada on my wheel. My route was from Utica to Cate inccnt thence by steamer to Kincston, ana from there ulonz tne north shore of the lake to Toronto and ' around to Xiapara Falls. I arrived at Cape Vincent at 5 o'clock, having ridden against . a strong head wind all day. "After a delightful sail through the Thousand Islands', I stepped on snore in that quaint old city of Kingston. A slight : shower had fallen and the streets were damp, so that wisdom would hare dictated that I, leg-weary as I was, should have kept in j doors, but go anxious was I to see the old city that I spent the whole evening in the streets. " Five o'clock the next morning brought a very unwelcome discovery. I was lame in both ankles and knees. The head wind and the damp streets had proved an unfor tunate combination. I gave, however, little J thought to it, supposing it would wear off in , a few hours, und the first ilusti of sunlight saw mc speeding out the splendid road that leads toward "apanee. "Night overtook meata little village near Port Hope, but found me still lame. 1'rested the next day, and the next, but it was too late; the mischief wo&done. I rode a good many miles during the rest of theseason, but never a day and seldom a mile without pain. "The winter came and I put away ray wheelj saying 4 now I shall get well,' but to my disappointment I grew worse. Some days ny knees almost forbade walking and my ankles would not permit me to wear shoes. At times I suffered severe pain, so severe as to make study a practical impos sibility, yet it must be understood that I concealed the condition of affairs as far as possible. From being local the tronble began to spr&ul slightly and my anxiety increased. I consulted two physicians and followed their excellent advice, but without result. So the winter pawed. One day in March I happened to take in my hand a newspaper a i m-jm -DEALER IJf- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. And the MoHt Complete and Latest Patterne and Desipna in WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. , PBACTICAL PAICTEKanrt PAPER HANGER. None bat the beat brand of , MAbURY'fa PAI&T& used in all our work, and none but tha m08t nkilled workmen employed, Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem lce' coiublnution or soap mixture. A lirst-claas article in all colors, All order PPy attendotl to. Store and Paint Shoo corner Third and EXPERIENCE, Press, mica, X. Y. j in which a good deal of space was taken br an article in relation to Dr. illiams' iMnt Pills. I did not at that time know ulmt they were supposed to cure. I should have paid no attention to the article had I not caucht the name of a lady whom I knew. F.oadiutr, 1 found that she, in similar circumstances, "had been trreatly benelitit! by the us? of Pink Pill and knowinc her as I did I hud no doubt of the truth of tlif statement that she had authorized. The first box waj- not cone liefore I saw a chance, and the third had not been finished before all sicii of my rheumatic troubles were cone to stny. " I say ' cone to stay,' for though there has been every opportunity for a return ot the trouble, I have not felt the first twince I of it. i have wheeled thousands of niib'S ! and never liefore with so little discomfort, j I hnvt- had some of the most severe tests of t srencth and endurance, and have conn ' ihrouch them without an ache. For ex- aroph', one afternoon I rode seventy miles, preached that nicht and made fifty miles oi she hardest kind of road before noon the next day. Another was a ' t' r. tury run,' the last forty miles of which wen made in a downpour of rain through mud and slush. " You should think I would recommenti them to others ? Well, I have, and havr had the pleasure of seeinc very cood ruau' s in a number of instances. Yes, I should feel that I wn m-glecting a duty if I failed to succest Pir.k Pills to any friend whom 1 knew to be suffering from rheumatism. THE rr.ESDVTEP.IAX CHl'RCH IS WHITES- nor.o, or which uev. wm. febocbo:; 18 FACTOR. " No, that is not the only disease ther cure. I personally know of a number o' cures from other troubles, but I have needed them only for that, though it would be but fair to add that my general health has been better this summer than ever before in my life. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are sold in boxes (never in loose form, by the dozen or hundred) at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for 2.50, and may be had of all druggists or directly by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company. Schenectady, N. Y. Washington Bu The Dallei, Orerot ens .v t i QRTHERN PACIFIC RYL s Pullman Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car i Elegent Tourist T. TAlH. DVLl'TH t--, ictltl GUAM) roniis rr.otiKSTOX WINNirEO Ulil.KNA and l'.t'TTK Through Tickets CHICAGO WASHINGTON rniLADKLt'IHA NEW YOItK t T.OSTON ANI AT.!. ' l'OINTS KAST ami SOUTH For information, tune cards mupj anJ tlcfct!t, cat ou or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Aaent, The Dalle, Oregon OK A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A.. Xo, Morrison Cor. Third, l'ortlunt Orcifo EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. ! Trains leave and nre due to amve at Portland. LEAVE. TO)! Il'.Vi:2!,ra. ARRIVE. " f OVEKUVN1) EX-) i press, Suleui, Rose-' I bur?, Ashland, nc-1 ,;.v, t w . rameiito, Osden.sau . Los.Vnpelcs.El Paso, j 1 New urleuns and I 1 I East J ..-n i r Roseburp and way sta- J.iAl A. 31. ,,, 'i:10A. M. -i: 10 P.M. f Via Woodburn for t r i ilt.Aneel, Sllvertou, ' I West ccio. Browns- , except ville.sprlugtleld und J Suudaya. l.N'utron j . Salem and wav stutlonsflO.CO A.M. ICorvnllis and way ; C:'J0 I'.M (stations ( Dally except suudays. -4:e0 P.M. 7:S0 A. M. tl:45 P.M. iMcMinnv'lie and) f S:'JoI'. M. 'way t-tatlous ' 'Daily. tDaiiy, except snnaay. DINING CAIto ON OGDEN ROUTE. I'tJLlIAN BUFFET t'EEEl'EKS AND FECOND-CL.VSS SLEEPING CAP.s Attached to all Through Trains. Thronph Ticket Office, JjI Third street, where through ticket1, to all points in the Eustern States, Canada and Europe enn be obtHined at lowett rates from J. Ji. KIIiKLAND, Ticket Aneut. All above trains arrive at and depart Irom 'iraud Central Station, Fifth and irvtnp ."trectn. YAMHILL DIVISION. I'aiseaper DcikjI, loot of Jederson street. Iave for OSWEGO, week days, at 6:00,7:20, 10:15 a. m.: 12:10, 1:13. S:2o, 0:15, b:05 ii. m. (and 11:30 p. m. on tiaturdav only). Arrive at Portland at 7:10, b;S0, 11:25 a, m.: 1:30,8:15, 0:35, 7:53, 9:10 p. m. Leave for Sheridan, week dava, at 1:30 p. m. A rrive at Portland, 9::s) a. m j Leave lor AlKLIE on Mondar, Wednesduv and ! FrMav at 9: 10 a.m. Arrive at Portland, 'Tuts ! dav, Thursday and Saturday at 3:05 p. m. sttndny trains for OSWEGO leave at 7 20. S: 10, 10:15 a. m.: 12:15, 1 : 13. 3:30, 5:25 C: 15 p. m. Ar rive at l'ort'.atid at 12:35, 8:30, 10:00 11:23 a. in.; 1:3), S.15. 5:10, 0:33, 7:35 p. m. R. KOEULER, E. P. ROGERS, MaiiBt-er. Asst. G. F. 4: Pass. Act. "THE NEW YORK WORLD i THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. 18 I'aeeo a Week. 150 I'aper a Year. It stands Cret among 'weekly" papers in eize, frecmency of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It ia practically a daily at the low price o a weekly ; and its vast li6t of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. N It is splendidly illustrated, and among its special features are a fiue humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashiond for women and a long series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, Couan Doyle, Jerome K. Jeruuie, Stanley Weyinan, Mary K. Wllklna, Anthony Uoi, nr,t Hart, Hrauder Matthew, etc. We offer this unequaled newspaper nnd The Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle to gether one year for L'.00. The regular price of the two papers is $3.00. for 8lor Kent. The Grant hotel, close to the depot, will sell cheap, or rent for $10 per moPth. lke jkek, dtclS-lm Grant, Or. Executor's HoticMf Final Accomt . Notice Is hereby (riven that Georpe A. Ii. , executor of the wtnte of Richnra G. Clo!tPfVu eiwed, hns tiled thr flnul accounting of thsi tnt of Richard G. Clostcr. decenjej, wlih nurrtinnshln estnta of Albert ri?5 : miic iwrson. of thepciron and etteofhK 1 itald .Ucrt innc fers on, the t2 ; KlrtmrdG Clostcr, deceased, was nt the tlmS hl death the duly- iipwlntcd. qnnllficd anal? I Inp punrdinn, with the clerk of the CtaiX 1 Ciuut of theSUteof drepon for ffl - ntid that nid court hns npiointed 10 m. of Monday, November 2, ISSW.bcliip thefii ! dy of the reculnr November term of said era? i for the yenr lSi, at the county courthousiii Dulles Cily, Orepon, as the time nnd rtnZE. the hc.innp of said tinal accounting and obC tions thereto If any the rebc. ' 1 his notice Is published by ordor of uh , Countv Court, entered October id. s: l I'hUKUt a. Mr.Hi;. Kstrntor Cosdon A Condon, Attorneys for Excctitor," i (x;t"vt-ll Administratrix Notice. i , Notice i hereby given thnt the utidcrsiro,) , hn leen appointed administratrix of timnS ciinlilird ns tuch. All wrsons haviup p1.i: vnlil pstAlo nre thprefnrp niit!R.i sent the same to her, nth proper vouchers, ttithlnslx months from the date hereof Ht t ottk'coi tnci oumy icrK oi seocon!itr,0iJ ter. rooml to 4, Hamilton Iluildtiip. l'ortlaat! Orep'Ui, within fcix months fioin this date. f b MARGAllKT K. SYKPS Adr.iini-trntrlx of the otnte of Geo. W.TuraeJ aercsiow. ociu-u E G-nardian Notice. i I Notice Is hereby Riven that the undcrsiira; ! bus lioon duly appointed by the Comity four: cum oi mc jiersoit nuu i:uuc ui .nueri lAnrais. nn lusnnc icrson. All persons havlns eluiia auntn-t sulci estate ure hereby required totm. ... .1 . ... . .. .. huMmlh ... T II .-en, ..iw.. ... ...... j ... .'u.iv? HJ, Guardian oi tne irson ana estate o! Alter l.ouiumi, iiis:iiii 1,'atcd this 2tth duy of September, 1536. sep2r6:-ii Guardian's Sale of Real Estate. Notice is hereby Riven thnt the undersignrt. ! hilru I'dcll sud William Edward Vdell, mlnoa, . under und in ucrordance with an order of tin county court of the state oi urep m, tor Waw j Countv, herctofote made, will sell ut public ine tion, for enkh In hand, on Saturday, the IKi dav of December, lMW, at the hour of 12 o'clwi nobu, at the "courthouse door In Dalles City, h Wnxeo County. Orepon, nil the real estate t loncriuc to the estate ol mid minors, to-wit The Voutheest quarter of section thirty h township one north ranee ten cast Wiliunctti McMillan, in urepou, couiaininc iw ncres. Dalles City, Orepon, Nov. 19, lsafi. UEOItGE CDELL, novUl-il Guardian of snid Jlinors Notice to Taxpayers. The County Board ol Equalization will m iu the assessor's office ou Monday, October 5th, and continue in session cue week, for the pn pose of cqualizlup the assej-smeut of Wa comity for l9ti. All taxpayers who have ns been Interviewed by the assessor will pleaseta! at the office on Thursdays, Fridays and SatE days, as nil propcrtv must be asses-TO. F. II. WAKEFIELD. Sept 15-tl Countr Asscsaot. Dalles City M Moro Stap Lis Leaves tViilhttne Hotel, M6o, oa "Mondayt, Wednesdays and Fridays $ h. iu, iromjit. Leoves Umatilla llotiee, The Dalles, tUfidavF. Ihvredavs and Saturdays a. I 8 a. m, prompt. I Freight rates The Dalles to Moro, 40t j jfer 1U0 lbs; small packaces, 13 and 25c. ; Passenger rales The Dalles to More, Acencvat L matillti House, Ihe uaiis. anu at illiams Hotel, .loro. ( tf DOUGLAS ALLEX, Prop. Bake Oven and Mitch STAGE LINE, THOMAS HAEPES, - - Propriete Staaec leavp P.akn Oven for AntelOt j every day, and from Antelope to Mil" ' chell three times a week. f GOOD HOUSES AND WAGONS. he Glades Ranch, WUITJJ SALMON. WA.SU. ra Brai JEBSffl Of the St Lambert, Commnr Mc und TonnenW ralnc. Three Choice Rutin lor tale or res tto home Choice Cows ana llcller for fale. l'nie Bred Poland China Hos. White Plymouth Rock ChlcKens Address: MRS. A. R. UYRKKTT, f JrJS-w-Jm White galloon. Wm"- LDDD POISOH A 5PECIALTYonZr7rW curedlnl6toEidT. Youcanbotreowda borne for feme price onUer ocie KnaiafJ" ty. If you prefer tocomebero lg t.,..M. v,nw,rkpniaAr I cary, fodlde potash, a'u4 ctlU hare acbei M rami, Mucoosi'atclies Iu mouth. otej. ur 'iinplcf. Copper Colored Spots, Ulcer CUAM ntlfl Phllllnnna . I. a wnrlll 1 552 we cannot cure. iht auoaie baj batted tho skill of tho muit eminent phMT vianj. fJOOOMMt caoltal behind our worn B. GOIT, COUNTY SURVBY0K. Reesidence, Tenth and Liberty StreH I I D n i out. It to tbl Secondary WLOOU FOIWV we roarantee to care. Wc solicit the mot oom Bate CUM find rhnllAn . I., world IOf tlonal gaarontr. AbcolutoBroofasentseal fcppllemtton. AodreM COOK Wh MMosic Turnout, VlilV&tiOt