Specials in Hosiery and Underwear. Bargain No. 1. Ladies' Black All-Wool Hose, in plain and fine ribbed; formerly sold for 25c, Sale Price, 18 Cts. Bargain No. 2. All of our better grades of Cashmere and Wool Hose; regularly sold for 45c and 50c, . . . Sale .Price, 33 1-3 Cts. Bargain No. 3. Children's Woolen Underwear. To make a clean-up of this line of goods, we will allow a discount of- obs- 25 per cent, off the selling: price. We ofler our complete stock of the celebrated Peerless Muslin Underwear at a reduction of 25 per cent, for this month only. PEASE & MAYS. Ralston Koffy, Pan Kake Flour, Grano and Breakfast Food, AT- MAIER & BENTON The Dalles. GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. This store closes at 7 p. m. sharp. LARGE CONSIGNMENT WILSON HEATERS JUST RECEIVED at MAYS & CROWE. Remember We have strictly First-class FIR, OAK and MAPLE WOOD To sell at LOWEST MARKET B ATES. Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO j" V- J , -- - s-r .m-r ie Dalies Daily GhFonieie. EDNESDAY. JAN. 13. 1897 Weather Forecast. fe VORTLAXD. Jiin. 13. 1S97. Paguk. Observer. w, fair; cooler. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. (tsnaoui OliRerratioDR and Local Events of Lesser Magnitude. f. Maccabees meet this evening. The Elks charitv ball promises to be - A he grand event of the season. jne uooa rempiars win nave a w ueei- H.Fnrtnno cnonil ?n tholr hall riAvt. V v V U W MtV Saturday evening. yA m robe oath of office today and assumed the 'jpeins of government. I ., . . . .. . e Wushiugton senate. peach tree in bloom in January is a. one near the bridire across Mill creek! .... .nw. . . i o. . .1 .. . . . I t . . t . . r. ........ 1 . r. I . .Inn ' VILLI I. 11 US LUUUUI1 1L .'1 III 11. According to the statistics there were cut. .iu upjii-.uiuu uuuu uer. vei lieu onder that thev weie so few. Mrs. VanBibber drove in from her orae last night and left her horse nv.in.u u in. rv Ul .1 U C (.V 1 UUU UUCI B e discovered that someone had stolen e harness, all except the collar. m i . 1 aiu lu xi uuiau uuurr Liih. l in n. i m rn hi rencu io. s bank. ihere is no va- as cut Irom whole cloth. Mr. Butler as not yet arranged for the future, but it. . . f .i i cured. She will be paid $750 per night, ! jfs The charity Ball. which is certainly a big price to pay forj jf looking at a divorced Chimav. Arrangement Mr. Snmnol Walton u-hn ,,,,nm nfr b" the Elk8 011 II IS tssfor tl '' t'Snell, Secy ; Mrs Emilia Sanders, Cond; ' y 'Mrs Martha E Biggs, A C ; Mrs Mary from n hue fcalmon today, says Ahe fruit treos in that neighborhood weie not injured by the November cold snap-j As closer examinations are made on this. side, the damage on this account is pro uounced much less than was at first supposed. J. E. Mattison, of Fargo, North Da-j kota, in an interview published in the) Telegram yesterday, asserts that there! are fine gold fields in the Olympic moun tains, and dial; he and a man be calls l"Scotty" took out quite a handsome sum last summer, irle predicts there will be a big rush into the Olympics within the next year or two. ' Mr. Campbell lias a large elk in the building on the corner of Federal anij Third streets, which he has about fin ished mounting. Mr. Campbell killed the elk in Tillamook county last yearj and it is certainly a monster. He esti mated it as weighing 1400 pounds, andJ it certainly looks as though it would do it. The mounting is quite well done, ' and the sk,in is one of the handsomest we have ever seen, the coat being re markably smooth and heavy. West of the Blue mountains, in East ern Oregon, very wet weather has been experienced, but east of the Blues, in Grand Ronde and Powder River valleys, the winter has been very dry. In speak ing of it the La Grande Chronicle says : "During the fall considerable rain fell, but since the fore part of November the weather has been remarkably dry." In Umatilla county there has been a heavy rainfall, more so than usual in fall and winter. Frank Murphy and J. C. Hopkins were arrested in Siskiyou Sunday, charged with having burglarized the store of D. R. Winker & Son, in Ash land, Saturdav night. On their persons The house committee on public lands i were found, among other things, thirty- . . e ti ... . . ceiciunv nui.uiiiu.5u ti is.iumuio i cjjui i, i nine pocsei Knives, seven razors, ifio.ou ;j . i. a ..i. i. . . . . ... i - - -" w ... ,3 - " - -.-..w... .... hi .U.IJ I Hftl.llUU SfcVJ C, IVU 111 Ul ul.v. ..II. r e r i t t . . . . .... uuiu uuvo ueen luritrueu juu. i. ioui. anil seem to tin nooken lor saicin. itibv in. i ... . . . . ... . . . linn nnvn nn rin i r innn i ru-n vuura mi ' hni.u i.i.f lit u .. am. nit iiitm.itu M..jf uiku to uumpiy wuu iue reguiaiions. a jniru man was witii tnein anu snared L WAR 1 11(1 IPS' ninhf. at. t hi r. n.i ntt.l 111 Ulul.USUlUli.eil. An old gentleman named W. L. Campbell, who resides at Mitchell, put; lp at the Columbia hotel last night, tud his morning reported to Mr. Tooney tliat he had been robbed of about ?40, e ball to be given Clark, Chaplain ; Mrs Mary Blakeley, J. are about com-. i Marshal: Miss Bertha Glenn, Adah; $1.50 per couple. Mrs Aluiira Burget, Ruth ; Mrs Evelyn "pointed aB fol- j Eshelman, Esther; Miss Silina Plur- man, Martha ; Mrs Eliza Kelsay, Electa ; h, W. II. Wilson,) Miss Edna Errhart, Warder; Harry .mint Mitys, G. W. CIoiilMi. Setitinel: Mrs Alice Varney, Klsli Luiv of WuHhliiBtou. pleted. Tickets wid Committees have be Ions: Executive J. C. L. Phillips, Phelps, H. W. French. Receotion J. Michell. G. C Blake ley, T. A. Hudson, E. M. Keleay, P. W. DeHufr, E. O. McCoy and W. L. Brad-1 shaw. Floor J. Hampshire, H. Riddell, T. J. Seufert, H. Lonsdale, M. Vogt, Jr., J. Hertz. Decoration Geo. Ferguson, E. Jacob sen, E, Sherar, C. Stubling, T. J. Driver, J. A. MoArthur. The lady patronesses, who will assist ; the executive committee, are: Mes dames W. L. Bradshaw, Geo. C. Blake ley, W. H. Moody, J. B. Crossen, I'. W. DoHuir, W. II. Wilson, II. French, C. L. Phillips, J. S. Fish, T. A. Hudson, and Misses Mary Lay, Etta Story, Ben- ( lah Patterson, Ida Wakefield, Elizabeth. Sampson, Dorothy Fredden, and Matti'e Senator Perkins was re-elected at dishing. .--. -. ,y 1 Sacramento yesterday, receiving 73 out "V "VTlie Let:tur Courxe J . Koehler of Chehalis has introduced a bill to abolish flshwheels, traps, etc, and proposes to make a vigorous light to mako it a law. His bill provides that it shall not be lawful for any person to use or operate any pound-net, trap, weir, wheel or other fixed appliance for the purpose of taking fiBh in the public M'aters over which the statu has ex- 'clusive or concurrent jurisdiction, pro vided that set-nets mav he used for such purpose at any time that it may be law ful to take fish in such waters anu streams. Neuatoriul Klrutioiix. Holiday Goods .AT Jacobson Book & Music Co. Toys, Albums, Books and complete line of Novelties. No. 174 Second Street, New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. 1 of 120 voteH. ! Charles W. Fairbanks is the caucus The committee of ladies in charge of , nomineo for ecnator from Indiana. the matter of arranging for a seiies of i , . . . , , . . i i i n i Orville Piatt has been re-elected sena- Iectures to be delivered in the Congre-1 , , , . . . . , i . i 1 tor from Connecticut, gational church, have not vet completed arrangements for (he entire course, but ' The Illinois legislature will ballot on have the matter well in hand, and the j the 17th for a senator to i-ucc.-ed John first of the lectures will be given Janu-1 I,'1''"L'r" ary 19th. The lecturer is Col. Jas. Jack- j tkusonal mkntio.v son, U. S. A.; subject "James Rusiell Lowell. The second will be given one ' M. T. Nolan went to Portland yeater- week later, on the 20th. by Mr. Lvdell i"11)' 31,1. 1 tl 1 If 1 f - nil-1 1 ii ir r i ii4 ii hh iiit' Tn iupd irmiiit uLru who a nirkrer uiientiiiiiRH L inn . . . ' ' " ... " . - . " . HI 1 1 Ml 1 I 11(1111. Sacramento now receiv current oi eieuiricny miles distance, and had previously Baker, on "The True versus the False Monroe Doctrine." February 2J, Judge Stephen A. Lowell of Pendleton will handle the subject "Thou Shalt Not;" ant on the lGth, President Penrose, of Whitman college, Walla Walla, will i discuss "A new Chapter of American History." The topics are well chosen, and those who will discuss them are all gentlemen well worth listening to. There will bo one or two others to complete the course, whose names and subjects will he given later. 5lr. Obttir l'...llie.i. Last iTSght, or ratfier this morning, at 1 :J5 two inen entered Mrs. Obarr's lodging housfhuidjtock $132 from under her pillow, ThOjn entered the hall and then with chisels pjed open the door to Mr. 0. L. Stranahan flood River today. was n p from Mr. Ben Snipes is in the the city to day, coining over from Yakima. Professor T. Clay Neece of Sherman county was in the city yentnrdiiy. Mr. E. B. McFarland stopped off" hero this morning on his way homtt from Arlington, and went on to Portland this afternoon. Ward, Kerns & Robertson hasachoico lot of wild hay at their barn on Second street. Just the feed for cows. Japanese Bazaar, XX. OLYATT t? CO. Prop. Japanese Curios, Dishes, Ladies' Underwear, Wrappers, MOTIONS, ETO., ETC. 133 Second Street, Next to Snipes-Kinersly's Store. Call and See our Goods. A rtlt'hiiheH for halo. The undersigwd has for sale the mammoth Jerusalem artichokes, and can furnish any amount of f-ecd at $1 per bushel. II. Kiciii'.Mii'.iuiKit, declll-lii! Baku Oven, Or, M. Crevreiiil, being about to leave tho city, off'eiH hifl line stock ol artificial his pillow. He had looked, he said, , t00 frightened to call fotNjsslstance, but prices. ' Rooiiih In eiveaa lo.OOO-volt carefully for his money and could not i jay perfectly quiet whileNbo thieves ; ing. from a plant SO find it. In a short time tho chamber- reached under her head and robbed her! "--- 1 1,1 ft V . t I'll T i uuvi ( Min Mienexru tnein, uut Mas 1 1owerH pianln, etc., at greatly reduced .Miibonlc liulUl duc'll-tf se- maid came down stairs with the purse. cured a partial supply over 24 miles of I which she had found in making the bed. wire, rue ua uorn a cuv una nnnnr. , ........ or f 1 tr flatnnnor rot cA frtr (tuolf that a h-9 WMWBVt VVl 4V kOl I ft LIIBL U 1 1 f I J LT Frinee&8 de Chimay, who eloped laet flnmmnr vWh .Tanno TIcv a TTnnnalnn sypsy muelcian. has beenenttaaed to an- divorce Irom ber liusband baa been ae. Campbell had rolled tho purse In the corner of the sheet in the super-abundance of caution, and not finding bis money at first glance, became excited and thought he was robbed. for Iteut. A large, nicely famished room, suit able for one or two gentlemen. Good location. Apply at tbia office. jl3 dlw of her money. She has but little to say about the matter, and evidently does not have any suspicion as to who robbed ber, ' O. K. H, Mud It OHIcer. Columbia Chapter, No. 3:5, O. E. S., held its first meeting under its new board of officers last evening, They are : Mrs B Jane Ruasell, W M ; E K Itua sell, W P; Mra Alice Croiaen, AM; Mra Sallie Clark, Treas; Misa Una Spices and flavoring ex tracts arc favorite nests of adulteration; perhaps you don't care. But Schilling's Besl are pure and money-back. For salr ly W. K. Kahler Wo all know that any tired muscle can bo restored by rest. Your stomach Is a mupcle. Dyepopsia la its manner of saying "I am tired. Give me rest." To redt the stomach you must do its work outside of the body, This is the Shaker's method of curing indigestion, and its succeed is lie.t attest ed by the fact that these people are prac tlcalfy free from what is without doubt tho most prevalent of all diEi'iiscH, Tho Shaker Digestive Cordial not only con tains digested food which is promptly absorbed without taxing the tiled diges tive organs, hut It is likuwieo an aid to tho digestion of other foods in tho stomach. A 10 cent trial bottle will convince you of Its merit, and those you can obtain thiough all druggists. (!!) Laxol Is the best medicine for chil dren. Doctors recommend it in place of ! Castor Oil. Tint (IrHliiltmt llmiieily. Mr. R, JJ. tireevo, merchant of Chllhowle, Va., certifies that ho had consumption, was given up to die, sought all medical treatment that money could procure, tried all cough remedies he could hear of, but got no relief; spent many nights sitting up in a chair; was induced to try Dr. King's Now Discovery, and was cured by the use of two bottles. For past tluee years has been attemliji to huslnes, and saya Dr. King's New Dis covery is the grandest remedy ever made, as it has done 00 much for him anil also for others in his community, Dr. King's New Discovery is guaranteed for Coughs, Colda ani Cosumptlon, It don't fail, Trial bottle free at Blakeley Allougliton's Drug store, ('J) IWifricoriitor llli. Attention of shippers is called to tho new refrigerator lino operated by tho Oreuon Hallway t Navigation Company between Portland, Huntington. Spokane and intermediated points, leaving Port land on train 22, Wednesdays and Satur days. K. I). Lytli:, Agent. i:u.li In Vuur Clii't'krt, All county warrants rcgifctered prior to July 12, 1802, will bo paid at my officii. Interest ceases after Dec. 6, 18U0. 0. L. Piiii.ui'rt, County Treasurer. All persons holding orders from Pease it Mayn, or other coupons on Herrln'a photograph gallery are requested to present them beforo January ifith. Mns. D. 0. limit in. You'll bo surprised when you try Uot Cake soap, and wish wu had told you sooner. It la made by patented pro cess. jlytM-H Do not fail to call on Dr. Lannurhorg, the eye specialist, and have your cyet examined free of charge. If yon suitor with headache or nervousness you un doubtedly have imperfect visum that, If corrected, will bunefit you for life. Office lu the Vogt block, Tivli Vulluy Uullttr KluurMIIU, Tygh Valley Holler Flour MIIIh are running full time on No, 1 wheat, Flour equal to the best always on hand Prices to suit the times. Also mill feed In quantities to suit, W, M, McCoitKiiK A Son. augS-tliuw Proprietor!. IIWllDH-Muru NU( Leaves the Umatilla bom 8 a, B Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Douolah Au-kn, Proj.