The Dalles Daily Chi-oniclt. Tit K DAL1.KSI, OKKOUX Al vertUitijr ttntcfu Per inch . n so 1 Wl One Inch or le In Dally Over two itiehe and umler (our inches Over four iuclu and mulct twelve inches Over twelve Incho DAILY AND WEEKLY. One inch or less, per Inch Over one inch unit under (our inch Over (our inches aud under twelve inches Over twelve Inches . . 75 fO ... 'J CO 1 CO VEltSONAI. MENTION. yir. 3ohn Bolton ie in irom Pufur. Mr. .losph A. Wiljon was in the city irom Hood Kiver today. Ur ,nt hu r.rat frin nq purser of the Peculator, tomorrow. , , Mr. Herncfe. the cannervman, has Mr. Mile J. Potter of Hood Kiver came up on the local at noon, but only remained until 1 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Vnrwig came up on the train last night from Portland, retumim: on the noon train todav. IS TAST I'KAVI.VG F OK. A ruiiulit iilulim of Wuslilnstoii'. Klfth t.epl-lutnre. Olymi'Ia, Wash., Jan. 11. One of the most remarkable scenes ever witnessed in an American legislative bodv occurred in the senate dnrimr the orcanization of that body today. When the officers had i been elected and sworn in, Lieutenant Governor Luce called on Senator Van Patton, who is a minister, to open the fifth session with prayer. Senator Rine liart, Populist, of Whatcom, objected. Einehart is an old man. with srav beard and hair. Inn loud and angry voice Einehart cried that it was all nonsense ! to have prayer in snch a body. "It will not do them any cood," he said, "to pray for them. It is all a farce. If these people desire prayer. Ie: them pray for themselves. I want to object to snch nonsense." " The president was compelled to rap for order on account of the confusion which followed, and again ask Van Pat ton to lead in prayer. liinehart. ignor ing the preacher's opening words, critd out : "Well pray if you wili, but do not. in clude me in it.' Wxhile divine invocation was beihs of fered, he stolidly kept his seat while the entire body in the senate, visitors as well as members, rose and stood with .bowed heads. following the prayer, Taylor of Pierce, silver Republican, asked that the secre tary be requested to sing, "Nearer, My God, to Thee," and Secretary Eshelmau complied. After the last strains hod cecsed, Riaehart again arose and in a tone o: mockery, said : "Mr. President, now I move that the Salvation Array be invited to come in." President Lnce was again compelled to rap for order. Then the business of the session continued without further inter ruption. State of Ohio, City of Toleijoi Ll-cass Colwtv. ) as. Frank J. Chenev makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney cc Co., doing business in the City of'T.Medo, Comity and state nfore Eaid, and thai said firm will pay the Bum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall'fi Catarrh Cure. Fcank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this Gth day of December, A.D. 1890. A. W. Gleasok, (seal Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal v and acts directly on the blood and inucuos surfaces of the eystem. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Chkxey a Co., Toledo, 0. "Sold by Druggists. 75c. No. Artichoke tor Sale. The undersigned has for sale the mnmmnth .lemaalein artichokes, anil can furnish any anion ut of seed at $1 per bushel. decl9-ltu H. ElCHBMJEKGKK, Bake Oven, Or. Do not fail to call on Dr. Lannerberg, J thf oi'P Bne"iali-t and have vonr eyes tne eje fiptJdian.t, auu nvc vum vc , escinlned free of charge. If you sutler it. liHi-dni-he or nervousness you tin-, douh correi Office This Is Your Opportunity. ; , On receipt of ten cents, cash or Btamp3, a generous eample will be mailed of the most popular Catarrh and Hey Fever Cure (Ely's Cream Halm) sufficient to demon utrato the great merits of the remedy. ELY BROTHERS, . I 50 Warren St., New York City. ; "Rev. JohnReid, Jr., of Great FullH,Mont., recommended Ely's Cream Bdlm to rne. I ; can emphasize his Btatemcut, "It is a poai-, tive cure for catarrh if used as directed." i Bev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor CentralPres. Church. Uelena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and coutaius no mercury jior uuy iujurious drug. Price, 50 cents. urlK- iinvp imfiHrfcet VlBlOn tliat. II rr'.. ,"" ...i.i. .. I. ,h.. hltfnt .v... - . county, uic'r,"". "-'"'" : r; :ted, win oeneni you iur inc. 0f said entry.'''-' pres ""': i in thf Vntt block. i monea lo nppeur ai mis unive u mw- " i in Hie gi ijh-vb-. t... ntonVinl-iL re.snond nnd -.. 1 .". " ' fiirnl.h testimony concerning 1 HER EFECT!VE met!-'od' Fllr rnl'rnircr ?.S-j-fi it "rtltttMt for More tlotini In ttio street Cir unit tet It. She wis little- n:;t looMnpr. ! was !;.. ic . .. . . v was appiir-.-ut the motru'sit they vvtvi .i il" ays tlie Cliieitpo Tribune. ". h" : ion was itsteiiKifiiMl Sy tit'' tlr.:.t in which she crowded herself ii the least K.siblc r.p:ic-u. while he spread himself all over. His coat sleeve was ; interposed between her face and the ret nf the ear. and the shirts of his lonir ulster almost covered her lap. The other passengers supiosed them mar ried as a matter of course, and when the little woman spoke, she tniht al most as well have hred a bombshell. Slowly and carefully e::trienth:Er her- j self from the fohH of Isisjrarments.she i pa crentlv but deeidediy scikwI Ins arei. I and lo'.vetvd It into n position bieb per mitted her to see the conductor as he de- ' - i ..i e m ..t. i luaimeti hip Hire. men -siu- miniesseii 1 i'ftlv. but in a clear voice, which was audible nil thr;:i;h the car. j .tj an .,frai1 , m..t trbllWe vou n inii!i ;:iis euiicsuau ne.r me to remove bis ol!ov from n:y nionth?" The conductor stared, the other pas sengers lauirhed. but the ilttle woman never ?md a muscle or an eyelash, and the e'bov. came down to normal al titude steldenh. Sedan, where Kmperor Xnpoleon III. surrendered Irznself and bis army to the Germans, is a small fortified town of the French department of Ardennes. ISO miles northeast of Paris. Jt is fa mous for havim. K-en the place where 1 tm? Sednn chair was invented and tirst ! ,,Pt'"- The Grandest ltemedy. Mr. E. B. Greece, merchant of Chilhowie, Va.. certifies that he bad consumption, was given up to die, sought all medical treatment that monev could procure, tried all cough remedies heconld hear of, but got no relief ; Epent j lnan.v nights sitting up in a chair; was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery, , and was cured by the use of two bottles. ( For past three years has been attending i to busines, and says Dr. King's New Dis- covery is the grandest remedy ever made, , as it has done so much for him nnd also ! for others in his coinraunitv Dr. King's New Discovery is guaranteed for Coughs, Col il and Cosumptiun. It don't fail. Trial bottle free at Blakeley ifcHoughton's Drugstore. (2, Electric Bitters. Electric Bittere is a medicine euited for any season, but perhaps more gener ally needed when the languid, exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid aud sluggish and the need of a tonic nnd and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medi cine will act more eureiy counteracting and freeing the eystem from the malar ial poison. Headache, Indigestion, Con stipation, Dizziness yield to Electric Bit ters. 50c anri $1.00 per bottle at Bluke ley it Houghton's drug store. 1 lall"-Hiiro Mas? Leaves the Umatilia house 8 a in Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. DoroLAf Allen, Prop. Administrator's Sale. Notice is hereby -riven thnt the uiiflcrsisnetS. in pursuance of iu urder nnide by thj Honorable County Court of the '-a tote of Oregon for Wun f toniitv. im the 'd dnv of November. l5!x. will on i Mondav, tht'-Ji'b duv'ol December. u-miii tlie est bidder for cash in hand, the following di cribed real eetnte belonging to tbc t-.tate of Jlarv M. Oordon, deceiweit, :o-wit: The south west quarter of section thiity-twuin township four .-outh of range thirteen east of the Willam ette meridian, in Waeo county, Oregon, con taining 10) acres. Dated thi i'llh day of November. 1S. ASA STOOSDILL, AdtnluUtrator iif the estate of Mary M. Gor don, deceuyed. novaj-5M NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of the estate ut Theodore von Jlor stel. deceased, has tiled his final account as such administrator, ana mat tne. nn any oi January, i ls'J7. at - o clock p. m. has bten tlxed by order of . of the County Judge us tne time lor neuriug any objectlons to said account and settlement there of. All heirs creditors or other persons inter ested in said est.te are duly notified to rile their objections to said account, if any they huve, be fore said date. Dated this 21th day AU Admiulatratorof the Estate of Theodore vpr. ltoritel, deceased. i2j-1 NOTICE. the Ualws."."). Comphilnt having been entered at this .otllce fc Uyli c . iiCimcitiun against Willitira Word- Cn for abandoning hi hometcad entry ho. ,.aaiw Jinrcn jj, kv.. hi !"v --vm said Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL All vrort promptly attended to, aud warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. t.-rtiriin .1 .-mini Italian ia r.. ill i.u.ciii ... . . '. ubandonraent. i ..... t tic I ArtPF PMWtor. Ullrl v... . v . Watchmaker Jeweler jmA- r ill ft1! - m The hiicsL cldra "or other flft & W&k 1 H rat aw m:JOT 1 r SiaClif fll?S Pullman f mil I iiiiniiii ! Blf juL tJHiiliH Elegent Vv WkKA.8ur8iR(?h m&Jfez&tiF&'afa i Tom-ist New York Weekly Tribune V With the close of the Presidential Campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizes the fact that the American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space and nrnmiiipnnp. until nnother State or National occasion demands a renewal of tne i tight for the principle? for which THE to the present day, and won its greatest Every nosible effort will be put iorth, and money freely spent, to make THE WEEKLY "TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispeneable to each member of the family. We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. Write vonr nmne and address Tribune Office. New York City, ard a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib une will be nifciled to you. Drugs, Paints, Weil Pape r, Glass. Etc. Sdp-KwsIi Drag Co. 129 Second St., THE DALLES, ' - - OR. J.; . SCHENK, Presldeut. H . M. Beall, Cashier. First national Bank. THE DALLES OREGON A General Banking Bneineae traneacted DepoeitB received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeda promptly remitted on dar of collection. and Telet-ranh'tc Exchange sold on ew York, Ban Francisco and Port land. I DIRBCTOKS. ! rk o rr..A.naA Turn Ki,ifHfr En. M. Williams, Uko. A. likbk. II. M. Bkall. DR. GUMS JMritOVKP LIVER PILLS A mAfmn( nff thn hMtli math ui ta MCMMtfT for SSL it riUr: TUr cur BSifcW. bffthteo tb EiMod cir tbeCompbuiaa telrthn vamrtkm ill lull Misplx lw. or full lica ar,Kc. ttoldmn. I A Mild rl -1 or. Far me and Villagers, KOK Fathers and Mothers, rois Sons and Daughters, ror. All the Family. TRIBUNE has labored from its inception victories. on a nostal card, sand it to Geo. W. Best, FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rUANi ACT A GEN El ALB AN KING liCBINEii Letters of Credit issued nvailable in the Eastern States. .Sight Exchange and Tejeirraphie Transfers sold on New York, Cliicairo, St. Louis", San Francisco, Portland Ore con. Seattle Wash, and various points i in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all point's on fav orable tt-rms. I DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. HI. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has tiled, in the omce ol the Clerk of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Wajeo County, IiIh tlnal account us tbe administrator of the f. tateof Phoebe ii. Dunham, deceased, and that by nu order of the County Court, tnadi and cn-tcri-d un the 18th day of December, 1690, the comity courthouse in Dalles City, Oregon, was llxed an the place and the 1st day of March, 1697, itt the hour of 'J o'clock p. in. a tbe time for the hearing of said Una I account nnd objections thereto. A. ii. THOMPSON, dec2M Administrator. A competent woman wants a place doing housework or nursing. Call at thie office. ORTHERN PACIFIC RY-, Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car T. I'AIH. MIS.NKAl'OUS DVIjl'TlI OKASH KOKKS CllOOKSTON wiNXirnr. HELENA and ItlTTK Through Tickets CHICAGO I WASHINGTON I riilLADEM'ttlA I.VEWrOKE I i HOSTON AN1 Al.l. l'OIXTS KAST anil SOUTH For information, nrac curds mnpstiua tiefcou cal on or write to W. C. ALIA WAY. Agent, The Dulles. Oreson OK A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., iVj. Morrison Cor. Tctr.1. 1'ortlntnl Oro-.'on EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are Hue to arrive nt I'ortluud. LEAVE. rnoM jcm: !S5i 1M. ARRIVK. f OVEULAND EX-) press, Salem, Rose-1 I burg, Ashland, Sac-1 , rumcnto, Ogden.sau , j Franeiheo, Mojnve, S:50 1'. M j;10 A. M. Los Angeiea.r.i rHso. I "sew Orleans and I East . . . J i ..-vi r Koseburg and way sta- :o0 A. M...Jon. ..4; 10 i. ji. '(Via Woodburn fori' ' Mt.Angel, Silverton, 1 uanj .; West seio, Browns-, except B?.Hi.V- ' I ville.riprlugtield aud j 1 Sundays. buuoays. tJ,-lItr0I1 J .im i. ii iSalem and way statlons'MO.CO A. 31. t:so a. m.' !' istntiony i. i-. i -t ; jMcMtnnvltle ti.U J . Jl. ju.1y htatiQlit and) f S :25P.M. Daily. t Daily, except Sunday. DIKING CARS ON OUDE.N ROUTE. PULLMAN HCEFKT SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. Through Ticket Olliix-, 1U1 Third street, where through tickut to all point in the .Eastern States". Cu inula and huro! emi be obtained at lowest rates from J. II. KIKKLAND, Ticket Agent. All above train arrive at aud depart lroir Grand Central Station, Kiith and Irving street. YAMHIM. DIVISION". I'nsi-euger l)t'iat, foot of JeOerron street. Leave for 03WKOO, "tt'k diiyf, at fi:00, 7:1U, I0:ir o. hi.: 12' I j, l:ft u:'J.i, li:15. p. m. (and li:'M p. m. on ftalurdiiy' I'ortlnnd ut T:10, v.S0, 11 :.'" a, i only). Arrive nt in.; l::, ;::!,), Ij.:, 7:.j.i. y:l p. in. Leave for Sheridan, week days, -it l:yo p. m. Arrive at I'ortlnnd, 9:: a. m Leave for AIKUE on Monday, Wednesday and Kri'Suy utl: 10 a.m. Arrive at Portland, Tuei,. dav, Thursday and Saturday ut U.C5 p. m. Sunday trains for OSWEGO leave at 7 "!0, S: 10, lo:iua. tn.: i':io,j:ij, ftrii a:io p. in. Ar rive at I'orthuid utT.:33,':3), 10:()0 H;25 a. m.; 1:30, f!:15, 5:10, 0:S3, 7:c" p. m. R. KOEHLER, E. 1'. ROGERS, Jlunaser. Asst. G. V. i ass. Act. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-R-WEEK EDITION. 18 race u Week. l.'C I'uperH a Year. It stands first among 'weekly" papers in size, frequency Of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly ; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It io splendidly illustrated, and among its special features are a Hue humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women and a long series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, Couiui Doyle, Jerome K. Jeromr, Htunley Weymau, Mary K. Wilkin, Anthony Hove, Kret tlarte. Mranrier Matthew, Etc. We offer this unequaled newspaper and The Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle to gether one year "for $'.'.00. The regular price of the two papers is $3.00. 'or Bale or Kent. The Grant hotel, close to the depot, will sell cheap, or rent for $10 ner month. Lke Kek, UeclS-llil Grants, Or. i Executor's Notice of Final Account. Notice H hereby glvon that J forge A. t.tcbe; creditor of the estate of Richard I.. Clttcr, de rented, 1ms tiled the Onnl net-on n ting of the tnle of Itlchard . Clontor. , deccnwl, villi th ciiHtdlanslilp cstata of Albert Lehman, mi n. vnnc porton. of tbe icmon and estate of which inld Albert Lehman, nn inaiieticr!oii, the said itlchard G Clostcr, dcec-incd, was at the time ot hi-death the duly appointed, qualified nnd act ing guardian, with the clerk of the (Jountt Court of the State of Oregon for Abspo Comity, nnd that said court Jins appointed in o'clock . in. of Monday, November 2, 18. being the first day of the regular November term of nald conrt. for Hie vear 1S!. at the county conrthoujc in Dalleji City, Oregon, as the time and place for the henring of said llnnl accounting nndobjec. tloiwtlieietnlfanythcrobo. 'I his notice Is published by order of sail Pounty Court, entered October ad. WOii. l,oum -.o" GEOKGE A. LIEISE. Executor. Co.inoN t Condon, Attorneys for Executor ocWot-U Administratrix' Notice. Notice is hereby given thnt the undersigned hna been apiKilnted administratrix of the estate of George W. Turner, decened, and bus dulr ......IiIIkiI ns Midi. All persons ImVlllC clnlm. against nld estate arc therefore notified to pre sent the Mime to her. with proper vouchers, within six months from the dnte hereof nt the otllce of the County Clerk of Wasco ennntv, Ore ton, or at the ofllcc ot her attorney, . V Mau lers, loom. 1 to I, Hamilton Building. I'ortlattd, Oregon, within Mx months f mm this date. h MAKGAKET V.. SYKES, Admlnlstrntrlx' of the estate of Geo. W Turner, deceived. oc-t3-li Dated Oetolrr iS'M,. Guardian Notice. Notice is hereby given thnt the iridertigneil has been dulv nppointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for asco county, guar dian of the person and estate of Albert Lehman, un insane person. All persons having claims m:nlii-t said estate arc hereby rctnlred to pre sent them to me nt my residence In Dalles City, Oregon, with proiier voucher-. u k ' GEORGE A. UEIIE. Gtmrdlan of the person and estate of Albert Lehman, insane. Dated this 'JtUh day of September, 1S. seivJC-nt-U Guardian's Sale i Real Estate, Notice K hereby giveu that the undersigned, uardiiin of the persons and estate of Alive Al mira I'dell snd William Edward Udell, minors, imiirr mid iii accordance with an order of the ennntv court of the State of Oreg' in, for Wasco Countv, heretofore made, will sell nt public auc tion, for cash in hand, on Saturday, the 19th day of December, 1MH3. at the hour of l'i o"clock, noon, ut ine couruiou-u uwiriiiuiumuif,iii Wusco County. Oregon, nil the real thtate be longing to the estate of nid minors, to-wlf The snutheest quarter of eetion thirty ia township one north range ten east Willamette Meridian, in Oregon, containing 10 acres. Dalle? City, Oregon, Nov. 19. lHW. (tEOUUE UDELL, nov'Jl-ii Guardiau.of wild Minors Notice to Taxpayers. The County Hoard of Equalization will mee in tlie assessor's otlice on Monday, October oth, and continue in session one week, for the pur liose of equalizing the assessment of Wusco tiiunty for lfcWi. All taxpayers who nave not oeen liuerviewca uv inu asecsstir wiu pieuautau at the olliee on Thursdays. Fridays and Satur days, us nil property must be mmensed. K. II. WAKEFIELD, Sept l".-ii County Assessor. Mes City M Moro Staje Li Leaves Williams Hotel, Moio, on 3Ioiidnys, Wednesdays and Friduys at S n. in. iroiupt. Leaves Umatilla House. The Dalles, TuesdavF, Thvrsdays and Saturdays at 8 a. in. prompt. Freight rates The Dalles to Moro, -lOc per 100 11)-; small packages, 5and25c. Paeiseimer rales The Dalles to Moro, $1.50; round trip, $2.50. Agency at Umatilla House, The Dalle?, and at Williams Hotel, Moro. tf DOUGLAS ALLEX, Prop. Bake Oven and Mitchell STAGE LINE, THOMAS HAEPER, - - Proprieto; Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelope every day, and from Antelope to Mit chell three times a week. GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. he Glades Ranch, WHITE SALMON, WASH. in Bid -"ilr"' JERSEYS Of the St Lambert, Coinmansie and Tonncntor ruine. Three Choice Bulls for sale or rent, no nome Choice Cow and Holfer for tale, l'uie Bred Poland China Hose. White Plymouth Rock Chicken. Address: , MRS, A. K. BYKKETT, Prop-JylS-wiim White Salmon. V asn. A MiM -m Priniarr.l tlai7oo?OUON!pernaoenS :nrcaiDiotoiKtda-a. YoaeaBDeueaicaai iiuuiurHinia price nnuer samea uuimm- lfTnntintfatAiwmAhftMAVlllHai tlUttonarMllmiirtraKKinil hntAlbllmai ochne,lf we fall to cure. If you have taken uMf csry, iodide potnsh, and Mill bare ache at painc. Mucous Vatchea in mouth. Ho re Throat riinplea, .Copper Colored ipota, Ulccif o any part of the body, Hulr or Eyebrow'. Jalllnf any pan or me Doay, uulr or EyeUrowj; iouw out, it U this gecondury HLUOU VOlhO, MiMiwvMjDunii woaouGifUiviuv0 csaes and citulience thm worli hi caaea ana cnuiienc eaa we cannot cure. rh baIHmI fthataklllntf ko hla tUmma haa alwaH moat ainlnaiit nhyal elaBJ. M&iQ.OQa mtnltal tmhlnt nnr unroodl" ttonalroaraaty. AbaolutevreofiiMQtMuledn ij. B GO,T' COUNTY 8IIRVEY0K. Receideucc, Tenth and Liberty StrwU D LOOD POISON aaaHt