The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 12, 1897, Image 3

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Specials in Hosiery and Underwear,
Bargain No. 1.
Ladies' Black All-Wool Hose, in plain and fine
ribbed; formerly sold for 25c,
Sale Price, 18 Cts.
Bargain No. 2. .
All of our better grades of Cashmere and
Wool Hose; regularly sold for 45c and 50c,
... Sale Price, 33 1-3 Cts.
Bargain No. 3.
Children's Woolen Underwear. To make a
clean-np of this line pf goods, we will allow a
discount of-BBss
25 per cent, off the selling price.
We offer our complete stock of the celebrated Peerless Muslin Underwear
at a reduction of 25 per cent, for this month only.
This store closes at 7 p. ru. eharp.
Pan Kake Flour,
Grano and
Breakfast Food,
The Dalles.
We have strictly First-class
FIR, OAK and
Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO
The Dalles Daily Chrbaicie.
JAN. 12. 1897
Weather Forecast.
PORTLAND, Jan. 12, 1897.
Fob EAhTERSQKEGON Tonight and tomor-
Paoce. Observer.
Jim, eiuuiVi
Kanrlnm Observations ana Local events
of Lesser Magnitude.
The sturgeon catch continues good,
out is not up io wnat u was a monm
"Ward, Kerns & Robertson has a choice
lot of wild hay at their barn on Second
Btreet. Just the feed for cows.
As the house did not organize yester
day, the first ballot for United States
senator, will not be taken until Tuesday,
This would be beautiful weather in
which to be sending a diamond dri'I
down into the earth in search of coal.
Wonder if the committee that had the
matter in charge has forgotten all
about it. - - -
Mr. G. D. Snowden has accepted the
f position of purser on the Regulator in
'place of Truman Butler, resigned. Mr.
Snowden is an affable and obliging gen
tleman and will make an ideal officer.
jTWe understand that Mr. Butler resigned
. to accept a position in French & Co.'p
fcank. , '
Thn nnmmaroial flnlt 'ta nauiric tna
bowling alley re-lighted, the fixtures be-
reduce the number from that usually !
employed. The chief clerk is to be paid j
?5 per day and the other clerks $3, but
even at this reduced rate, there will be
no great scarcity 01 npp.icams. ine There was a special meeting of the
senatorial question is, of course, the all.ity COancll last night to consider peti
Two License Ordinances Considered
Until' Failed to I'iisn.
absorbing oue. It is claimed Mitchell is
backing Benson for Bpeaker, and his
election will mean a victory for the
Mitchell faction. It remains to be seen
if it can bs achieved.
The Elector!) Met.
four presidential electors met in
ing put In place to-day. It will be ho
light when everything is completed, that
the members can sedriiere way home,
the bowlers can see and raise each other,
and the directors can see the funds Of
club increase.
The funding bill, providing for re-ar-
wnnnSnn 4 It A Pnntrin r i I ah A Jnktn ( n r.
to pass congress yesterday, the opposi
tion having a majority of 66. President
Cleveland has Intimated that if congress
did not do something, he would, hence
it may be expected that steps will be
taken at once towards foreclosing the
lien, '
The gentleman mentioned in yester
day's issue as creating a row over some
one else escorting bis wife, who has ap
plied for a divorce from him, to her
home, desires us to state that be has not
interfered with, nor does he intend to
interfere with his wile's actions, but
says the trouble occurred over his cbil
Legislative Notes.
The senate organized yesterday with
out any friction, Joe Simon being elected
on the first ballot according to program,
.In the house the committee on creden
tials got in a wrangle, and when the
house met a- 4 o'clock, it was not ready
to report, nor did it get ready last night.
The matter of the speakership at pres
ent it doubtful, with the chances seem
iogly in favor of Benton. The Republi
cans of tbe senate held a caucus to de
cide pon tbe number of clerka and
their salaries. It was decided to greatly
the state capitol at noon yesterday, and j
each cast his ballot for William McKin
ley for president and Garrett A. Hobart
for vice-president of the United States.
The votes were certified, and copies
made in triplicate, one of which was
mailed to the vice-president of the
United States, one will be deposited
with the judge of the United States
court of this district, and one will be
sent by special messenger to the United
Hon. T. T. Geer was elected messen
ger, and will start on his mission in
time to reach Washincton by Monday,
January 25th.
General satisfaction is expressed over
toe selection ot Mr. Lieer as messenger,
as it is considered a well-earned honor.
The messenger is allowed 25 cents mile
age each way, which will create a fund
of $700, or more. After paying the mes
senger's expenses, the remainder will
be divided among the four electore.
tions, and take action on the matter 6f
passing two ordinances, one licensing
the sale of fresh meats, and the other
licensing liquor sellers, the ordinance,
being framed to include drugstores in
the list.
The ordinance licensing the sellers
of freBh meats provided that all persons
selling meatB in quantities less than the
whole carcass should pay a license of
$25 per year. This had been referred to
the finance committee, which made a
verbal report suggesting an amendment
that beef might be sold in quantities not
less than one-quarter, and recommend
ing the passage of tbe ordinance as
amended. Messrs. Phirman and Chris
man, representing the butchers, each at
the request of the council, made a state
ment concerning tbe matter, as did also
Councilman Wood
The team ran a short distance, when tho
tongue of tha wagon dropped down,
stopping it almost instantjv,. Mrs.
Bolton was thrown clear over a barbed
'wire fence, and was pretty Beriously
bruised and hurt, but fortunately no
bones were broken. She was taken to
Mr. Lee Bolton's place, whore she has
remained ever since, but is recovering,
slowly. '
Uoyd Items.
Holiday Goods
EbiTou GiiuoNiULU :
I have seen but few items in your pa
per from this section of the country
this winter, so I will send you a few
gathered from Boyd and the surround
ing country.
The farmers have been very busy dur
ing the present spell of pleasant wea
ther, doing their spring plowing, so that
there will be a very large acreage of
grain put in next spring, and the pros
pects for large crops are very flattering.
The Mac Culloch Literary Society hold
its regular meeting at the Liberty school
rim nmt.nrimi.tit house last Saturday evening. The main
Truman Butler Heslgns.
The traveling public will regret ex
ceedingly to learn that Truman Butler
has resigned his position is purser on
the Regulator. His genial disposition,
affable manner and care In looking after
the comfort and welfare of the passen
gers has made him a universal favorite.
We cannot say moreyiest our wtak
words of praise and commendation be
taken as flattery, aiid yet we realize
that those who know Truman, know
that aught we might say would be short
of what should be 'said. The company
has lost a splendid officer, and the pa
trons of the boat will miss bis genial
presence and hold bim long in kindly
uu4v v. v-wic ti auuarv
12, 1897, Mr. G. Wagenblast, aged 84
, A short funeral service will be held at
Do you know why Schily
ling's Best
baking pcwdr
foraffag UcU
ire money-back. .
They are such as you
Want more than the money
they cost, whoever you are.
W. E. Kahler
being carried, the petitioners asked I feature ol the program was a tarco in
leave'to withdraw their petition, which j two autB. entitled, "The Irish Linen
WHH PTP.nfPil. iinfl fnrfW ,.nn0i,?prtir.n ' Peddler." Till) School llOUHO WHS Well
of the ordinance was indefinitely post
poned. Tho ordinance licensing the 'sale of
liquors was then read, and being placed
upon its final passage, the petitioners
appeared by couneel, A. S. Bennett, and
the rernonstrators by If. S. Wilson.
The latter took the position that under
the charter the city council had author
ity only to license bar-rooms, tippling
houses, and drinking shops, and could
not regulate the sale of liquors in drug
stores or anywhere else where it was
sold by the bottle, and not drarik in the
house. He also argued that under the
terms of the license to saloons or drink
ing shops, no minors or women could be
allowed in them, and that the drug
stores, if licensed, would fall under this
prohibition. Judge Bennett presented
tbe other side of tbe case, claiming that
under the charter of 1895 tiie city could
regulate the sale of any commodity.
On going to a vote the council stood four
for and four against, so the ordinance
failed to pass. The recorder was then
on motion instructed to draw up an or
dinance, licensing the eale of liquors by
he bottle or in quantities less than one
gallon, where it was not to be drank in
the place where sold, and fixing tbe
amount at $150 per year.
the family residence Wednesday morn
ing at 10 o'clock, after which tbe body j There being no further business, the
win uoiuMjrrea , uuu fellows' ceme-fcoundi adjourned.
Icrv In thin ..!., r . J -
A Bad KuuHway.
A runaway occurred near the old stone,
place, about ten or eleven miles from
town, on New Year's day, thai came
near resulting fatally. "Polk Bolton and
his wife were going borne after spending
tbe day with A. D, Bolton at BoyL Mr,
Bolton got out of the' wagon to opes the
gate, and after tbe team passed through
walked along behind the wagon. The
horses took fright and started to run,
Mr. Bolton started after then and
climbed ob tbe wagon, when U struck a
rock and threw him to the ground,
filled, and every orie was well pleased
with the evening's entertainment. The
play was well rendered, every one per
forming their parts well. The characters
were as follows :
.Mr. Darling Bcot McKcller
Mrs. Wade Mm. V. J. Harrington
MibK Darling Miss licielo Hatli)i?
John Flunntigan Hoy Helli-ck
Molllo MUh Inez WooleryJ
Iribli Peddler Ii. K. fielleck
The play consisted of a series of very
laughable mistakes. The society will
give an entertainment in the near
future, for which an admission will be
charged, the proceeds to go for the pur
chasing of an organ for tho school house.
Everybody is cordially invited to attend
the meetings every Saturday evening,
Tbe Boyd school re opened the first
Monday after the holidays, with all the
pupils present, and several from the sur
rounding vicinity who have moved to
that place so as to have the benefit of a
winter school. The school is under the
management of Mr. Roy Butler, a young
man who will spare no pains to make
tbe school a success.
The Liberty High school, now under
tho management of Mr, W. L, Harring
ton, is flourishing. The school is for the
benefit of the older pupils who wish to
take up higher studies than are taught
in the common district school, and those
who are uttending are making very
rapid progress,
The country near Boyd can boast of a
I practical joker as well as The Dulles.
Last triday evening while some of the
young people were gathered at one of
the neighbors to practice their parts for
Saturday evening's programme, some
one wired some of the gates, through
which they would have to pass on their
way home, but they were not smart
enough to get away with it, for they
were detected and tbe next morning bad
tbe pleasure of unwiring the gates them
selves, The next time they will be
careful to see that no one la watching
or them, "Pat,"
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
Toys, Albums, Books and complete line of Novelties.
No. 174 Second Street,
New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
Japanese Bazaar,
II. OTjYATT s GO. Fvopa.
Japanese Curios, Dishes,
Ladies' Underwear, Wrappers,
133 Second Street, Next to Snipes-Kinersly's Store.
Call and Seo our Goods.
To Vontruvtors.
Tho county court requests contractors
to submit plans and estimates lor a
bridge across Hood river, at tho town of
Hood River. Plana will bo consideied
at the adjourned meeting to bo held
February 8th at 1 o'clock p. in. The
court reserves tho right to reject any and
all plans. If a plan is selected, bids
will be asked for the building ot the
bridge. By order of the court.
janO 4t A. M. Kki.hay, Clerk.
Itefrigeratiir Mum.
Attention of shippers Is called to the
new refrigerator line operated by the
Oregon Railway & Navigation Company
between Portland, Huntington. Spokane
and intermediated points, leaving Port
land on train 22, Wednesdays and Satur
days. K. K, Lytlb, Agent.
All person s holding orders from Peam
& Mays, or other coupons on Herrln'a
photograph gallery are requested to
present them before January 15th,
MiiH, D. U. Hkhiiin,
You'll bo surprised when you try Hoo
Cake soap, and wish wo had told you
sooner. It is made by patented pro
cess. Jlv24-ll
M. Crevreuil, being about to leave tho
city, offers his fine stock ol artificial
flowers, plants, etc., at greatly reduced
prices. Roouib In Masonic build
lug. dtfcSMf
Tjrgli Valley lloller Jfloiir Mills,
Tygh Valley Roller Flour Mills are
running full time on No. 1 wheat,
Flour equal to tho best always on hand,
Prices to suit tbe times, Also mill feed
n quantities to suit,
W, M, McCohklk A Hon,
aug8-6aiw Proprietor!.
We all know that any tired muscle
can bit restored by rest. Your stomach
is u iiiiiKcle. fJyspepsia is its manner of
saying "I am tired. Give me rest." To
rest the stomach you must do its work
outsidoof the body.
This Is the Shaker's method ot curing
inillgustlon,aud Its success is best attest,
ed by the fact that these people are prac
tically free from what Is without doubt
the most prevalent of all diseases, The
Shaker Dlgcstivu Cordial not only con
tains digested food which is promptly
absorbed without taxing the tired diges
tive organs, but it la likewUo an aid to
the digestion of other foods in tho
stomach. A 10 cent trial bottle will
convince you ot Its merit, and those you
can obtain through all druggists. (U)
Laxol Is tlfe best medicine for chil
dren. Doctors recommend it In place ot
Castor Oil.
The progressive ladles ot Wistfield,
lud., issued a "Woman's KdiWon" of the
Westtleld News, bearing date of April 3,
1890. The tmier is filled with matter of
interest to women, and we notice tho
following from a correspondent, which
the editors printed, realizing that it
treats upon a matter of vital Importance
to their sux: "The best remedy for
croup, colds and bronchitis that I have
been able to find is Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, For family use It has no equal.
I gladly recommend It." 25 and 60 cent
bottles for sale by Blakeley A Houghton,
CatM la Your Obka,
All county warrants registered, prior
to July 12, 1S2, will be paid at, wy
oflce, Interest eeasea after pec. ,
1890. O. L.,
County TrteHm.