The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 12, 1897, Image 2

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The Dalles Daily Chronicle, !1,as bcen tr"6 10 thom' t0 his 1,arly'
J ' to his friends and to himself.
The. only Republican Daily Sewtpnpet
Wasco County.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale.
12,1807,' The secretary
' decided the case of
of the interior has
Court, X.
Y. City.
Itv virtue of an execution nnrt order of sale
j duly lsned by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of
I the County of Wtisi-o mul Ftnte of Oregon, dated
the 7th ilnv of Jiimmrv. In a certain notion
in the Justice Ponce court for silil county and
st:te wherein Erics M-lson n? Mmii'li: tccov-
"Pi.fn- TT irtnrr I wed Judcment URnlnst Alexander Watt lor the
11111113 II, JVI1IL. I .,,, ,,f Autiil rr4l ami illahiirmnnt tnvnil
230 to 234 Temuli 1 nfrninet tlin Vnstn nrnirrtn 1 null On I nt $13' 171,1 ,,ll' o "Ctlibor, lMXi.
. ' 1 ' i against tuo haslei n urcgem -Land L o., No,lre i, he,,,hV ciVen that i win on Monday.
E. K AT., Agent. n t t-v e -vrilitarr thel.Mhduyof he front door of
.MlCtesaOrs to IUC UallCS iUilltar (the courthouse in Palles City, in said county, at
,TTT ' .- TJnnfl f"n 5n fnvni. nf ICinrr i - o'clock in the afternoon of said day, sell at
, agon UOaci t0., Ill ttnorot Jving. ublu. auctIo to tlie highest bidder for cash,
HIS PARTY. Otir contemnorirv lavs considerable thc 'n".,witJ l, "jf11 1JJ"' to-wit: i wo,) uijsi (.UI1SHII.I.IUIC ,iC,es f land at the Cascade UMiks.eoinuicnciiiir
stress on Mr. btory s position
case, and
dence ilmt it is the same position as I TlZ
"Tie Repi ta iWasco Warehouse Company
Some of the leading Republican 1
papers of the state are opposed to I
4hc re-election of Senator Mitchell, j
This is a matter in which every citi-!
zen has a right lo think and act as '
he pleases, to choose whom he j
pleases to support. ISo fault can be
;., .t.;,. at the northwest corner of the southeast quarter
ui iuis , uj scci0n twelve in township two north of
Mm rnmnrV-nliln nnindi rniigc seven east of Willamette Meridian in
me reniarKanie coitici' nnn, mn,,i tin u,nti, t.. ni. nnt
west tnirty-
in ten
iu.ii, una ijuvsuuii u.m a.-iu.iu.) "11 1 ad disbursements that huv.
found with them for that. But the : Ul
reason "ivnn hr .-,. nf tl.nm fnr I HSgibotham
their opposition to Mitchell is open
to criticism. They say Mitchell is
not in aeeord with his party. He is
not a gold man. lie is not a good
Ivepubliican. Let us see what this
"holier than thou"soit of argument
The state Republican platform (in
1890, when the legislature which
elected Senator Mitchell was elected
was not inimical to silver, while the
platform of 1 Sl2 and 1 394 were
practically free silver platforms.
Senator Mitchell, i n his votes and
his speeches, was in accord with the
party of his state. lie was not in
the senate to voice solely his own!-.
. .. , w vM,i. UJ "'lAlmaC
and did ablv. AVhen the "reat ma ! To Samuel T. Howe, the above named defendant
is taken by the secretary of the in-, aWaKK
terior. The truth of thc matter is ! "FM, ''fL',3'"'!?
interest thereon, together with all costs
. or may. accriu.
passed upon by thc secretary in the! shcritiof w5co county. ores.
case of "White and VTaxA against! iiiiBiiwLy,jaii.&fiw.. puu-t
and Powell. Judge
Bennett prepared an elaborate brief
in that case, and that brief proved
the conclusive argument.
The case of King against the East-1
ern Oregon Land Co. is exactly
t all fours with the "White and
case against Iligginbotham and un
der the doctrine of stare decisus the
Tie. Dalles. Portland and Astori
Navigation Co.
ton Flour.
for Seed Grain of au kinds,
for Feed Grain of ail kinds,
for Rolled Grain, ail kinds,
for Bran, Shorts, SiffiMrA
for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
This Flonr if mamifuciuml expressly for family
use; eerysack is tsiinrmtteed to Rive satisfaction.
Freislt ami Passeooer Line
We eel! our coods lower than any house in the trmtr, and if yon don't think 10
call and get our prices ami in; coininceu.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats
Notice is hereby Riven that the undersigned
has been duly ano inted the asslcuec of the i
estate of M. Hetidricsou and L. A. ile'idricsou, I
insolvent debtors. All prons havlnsr claims I
or either, of said insolvent (lebt-ns
, are hereby notified to present them to mc prop-1 OtGalUSr
erly verified, as by law required, within three
no,.,l ' months from the date hereof, at theollicc
1 1 .11 VI
! Wholesale mm
Until further notice, the
Eeculator will leave
decision in the King case was a fore-
gore conclusion, just
iu all other of these
co of j. I rru'n riii-, -r.,.. -rnA
L. Story. In Dalles City. Oresoa; and all per-! llc callus uu .iivjiiuaj s, n lu-
; sons owing mem, or euneroi tneni, are uereuy ! . . , nr.
1 "t'ti"rt to settle with me at once. i iiesdavs find p 1'id.ivs at i :o(J
The uallcs, Dec. S, lHW. "
91 1 S DAVIS, Assignee. !
1 a. m
as the decision
cases must be.
Notice to Contractors.
The undersigned will receive bids for the con.-
7ii.1frn1,Tln..nt f-.r.,i ti,n ,.,i ' strnction of a wntcr ditch 7CC0 feet lone. IC0O
......v-w ovw w.v. w.i v-, feet Is mostly loose roc
anyone can do it now.
and will leave Portland
on Tuesdavs. Thursdays and
Saturdays at G:30 a
work; some b!atine.
Ilalanee scraper work. Ditch to be live feet wide
on bottom, and two feet deep. Twelve nille
'from The Dalles. For further particular' ad
dress 11. J. COCKKULINE.
n25 2vv-i-II Boyd, Orcsou.
! 1
I !
One wav ?2 00
Round trip ,
Administrator's Notice.
Freight Bales Greatly Reduced.
lnt-rK-lLix. '1:1 - tnetn:eoi u:-i ifotlce i hereby jrtvon that the undersiened I
r.uu iu, nm-vMiuiiii, !,n Kwi linl r nntwilu t1 liv t hp pnmifv pniirt nf ,
) tne state ot ureson lor nasco v;onii:y, aauunis
: trator of tne estate
! All liorsous hav
. Howe.
I'laintilV, "
Shipments for Portland received at
anv time. Sliinnienta for wav landings
teof w. h. Loebh?ad, dece-ied. j nmst bs delivered before 5 p. in. Live
i'l"1'"!. "'Lsi .:Hi'lVi,i,e. ' stock shipments solicited. For rates call
In the name of the Mate of Orecon, you are ', l,.TlH3rl. vennea, as pj mw requirea, a; ine
y reouireU to apiieartiud answer the com-! 'J'lsco niuL.iou
iiaii ;ms ou;a uuy 01 wci"uer, icyo. '
of the time prejeribed in the order for the pub- j , Administrator of the estate of W. U.LoPhhead,
Iie:aion of thi summons, to-v. it. On or U fore deecis-d. oct.-ii
. thesthdny of February, isir?. and if you fait so to ; -
iimwHir Hti'i jiTisupr. nr n!hirvvto tiIpjii! in snlri
. cau-e, theplaintitt. for want thereof, will apply STTMVTONS
t the court for the reliei prayed for in theeom- j
' plaint tiled herein, to-wit: That the bonds of j ;
matrimony Between plain tiff and defendant be I T; xnE cll'.CCIT COURT of thc State of
I uis?uitti, iuui iuu jii;iiiiitii uv numuL-u tutr t I
i eusiouy oi ine minor cnuu memioueu iu .-am
complaint, Hester A. Howe
of the nartv saw thn flnnrroi- tlirp.-ir. ! ,.-,.nv,..
. It . " . . Plaint liUd acainst von in the abov'eeutltled ! lln,e eJ.w'-
cuuiy ii jm tne growing power OI tUC court and cnine. on or before tbe first day of the j
silver taction, it called a halt, and in
the national convention at St. Louis
made the financial plank of interna
tional bimetalisui. Senator ilttchell
at once accepted it as the will of the
party. He returned to Oregon, aud
on the stump delivered fifty-five
speeches, in every one of which he
expressed his fealty to his party, and
that he stood, as he asked the mem
bers of his party in this state to stand,
squarely on the St. Louis platform.
Hundreds of his personal friends who
Lelieve in the doctrines of free silver,
expressed their confidence in his
judgment on the financial question ;
General A cent'
Oreson, for Wu:eo County
that defendant be ! Krues: Jlorpan, Plaintiff
Nettie Morgan, Defendant.
To Nettle Morgan, tne above named defendant:
In the name of the State of Orecon, you nrej
tn the above entitled
baned of all risht. title or interest in the real
i and personal proerty of plaintiff, and that
plaintiff have and recover her costs and dis
bursements made and expended iu this suit,
. and for such otner and further relief n to the
Court may sem equitable.
J Thl summons is served upon you bv publiea
, tion thereof, by order of tbe Hon. W. L. lirad
I stiaw. iudae of said Court, which order bears the
. r.?. '"la ril",lllu; "a expiration of six weeks' publication of this
i at Dalles City, usco Comity, Oregon, on Oeto- surnmons. to-wit. ilondav. tne fth dav of Febru-
i ary. ls3T, aud you will take noflce that If you
fan to o appear and answer, for want thereof
hereby reouired to appear
court aud an.-uer the complaint tiled against
you in said court and cause, on or before thc
tirst day of the next resulnr term of the Circuit
Court for Wasco county, ureson, loilowins tne .
bar .5), !;";.
dec3) i
john ir. cp.adi.ei:U(;h.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Bucklen'o Arinru mbItc.
Tiie beat salve in the wond for
bv votino tlii. tinl-nt n.wl i umises, sores, ntcers, salt rnenm,
we assert, without fear of contradie-!
and is the result oi colds and
suddsn climatic changes.
For your Protection
we positively state that this
remedy does not contain
mercury or any other injur
ious dru.
Ely's Cream Balm
h acknowledged to be the moat thorn;h cure for
Nazal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay fever of all
remedies. It opens and clean the naal passages,
allays pain and inflammation, heals the gores, pro
feta the membrane from colds, restores the seiii-es
of taste and smell. Price c. at DrnKris ta or by mail.
KLT UKOTHEES, CC Warren Kueet, New Yoric
Sheriff's Sale.
sores, tetter, chapped nanus, uuttulams
' corns, and all skin erntitinnR. and nosf-
tion by any intelligent person, that , tlvely euros piles, or "no pay required
without Senator Mitchell's active aud i It is truaranieeil to irive perfect satisfac-
energetic work iu the campaign, t)re-, tion. or money refunded. Price Jo cents
, , , , .i , , per box. For sale nv Biakeley and
gon would have been m the ranks of Houghton, dru22ists. '
JJryan states. There is not a Repub
lican in the state but will admit !
The state platform of 1SMU, the,
platform on which the legislators now
assembled at Salem were elected, was
much more favorable to silver than
the St. Louis platform. It was so '
broad that Ellis stood on one end of it '
as a free silver man, and Tom Tongue
stood od the other as a gold man.
It was so favorable to silver that that
strict party organ, the Oregonian. '
which is so .lachrymose about other ,'
people standing on the platform,!
bolted its party platform and organ-1
ized an independent movement, with I
a solid old plank as its basis and '
Judge 'ortbrup as its avatar. "ItL , ... ,. , .. , .
' 'In the Circuit 'ourtof the state of Oregon for
undertook to heat Ellis for congress, . Vv""cp cou"t,' .
J. Shipley, Pidintill,
and came within a few votes of elect- .,, V?-...... .. . , ,
I William H. Neabeack, Emma ;ei)beiic.l:, James
mg the Populist candidate. It em- liaU Mrx- Jnn)es J.1"1' k"pp. eii &
" 1 Co,, a corporHtinn, Defendants,
blttered the friends Of Ellis and i 1!' virtue of an execution and order of sale ,
to rae directed and iMUtd out of the above ou-,
Mitchell, and made the earrvin'' of titled court in tie above entitled cause, in favor
1 "Juut- im, cm rvuij, ui nf ,he plunUfl-Hb0ve named, on the iith day of
the State in November almost hope- ! Novemrr,l.vrf,ccmmaadlnK me to satisfy the
1 several sum oft,Vs3.S5, the judKmcnt obtained
ess. herein, with lnteri-st thereon at the rate of eight
! per cent vr annum since Nriv. i lsStl, ano
There never was a campaign in the "ttoru v fee and u cost of suit and accruing
' cost, by levying uimiii and selling in the man
State where the outlook at firt was , tier provided by law for the sale of real property
c wih.iv, uiv uwuuuk at nrst, lib - (m ' of the right, title and interest!
so gloomy; none where so gallant aj,thew
battle was fought. All honor to the -S
brave Republicans who proclaimed , fl
the doctrines of the party in every , Aa?,nf Nf-'vr. J. n:i"-the afore-
I J '"J said several sums mid ncorcinc cols I wlil will
hamlet and in every school district.
All honor to those who laid aside all XSl J
DUterness over ,Iunp mul miripri -ll me aiternoon. i. j, in.ntn,
u "IU3 ut-1 ouul- nml Ul,nt-U " ni,.ll Sheriff of Wnsco county, Oregon,
)ersonal feelings to achieve a victo ', -
in isovember; and among these let
the work of Senator Mitchell be re
membered with ni ide ! Notice is hereby given that on October 'JO, '
tut.mut.rcii iuj pi mil. c (. ,Ilck,)1: u Vllicao Locks, Oiegou,
Mitchell mnv "O down to defeat at ' wade a general assignment to me for the benefit i
-uiiculu uiii u uumi iu ULiui, ui of all his creditors in proportlnn to the amount f
the hands of an unfratoftil nartv 1 ot theit resectlve claims, of all his property, j
mc nanus oi an unfetaiciui par , . ,K!r)1()g,rmVinK claims against saidX' .6.
but if he does he will retire from the Hickol: re hereby notified to present them to
uui ti ut uuiu, ul wui retire nuui "-roeBt cwade lujcks, Oregon, with the proper1
office which he has so ably filled, J"a wmiu x i
with the esteem of the people, who
know that under nil circumstances lie
plaintiff will take judgment against you fur the
reuet prayed lorm ui complaint, to-wit:
A decree of divorce forever dissolving the
bonds of mnrnatre heretofore una now existing ,
between plaintiff aud defendant, and fur suuh i
other relief as may te equitable and just.
Tni summons Is served upon vou by publlca-'
tion thereof in The Dnlle" Chp.osicle, n weekly ,
ucwMnper of general circulation published at I
The Dalles, Oregon, by order of Hon. W. L.
Dradshaw, judge of the above named court. '
T)ntw1 nt 1 1,1 Hps fMtv. Or . n.-i !. 1SV
G. W. I'illH.PS I
decSM Attorney for Plaintiff.
'Choice of Transcontinental Routes
j , VIA
St. Paul
Kansas City
Sheriffs Sale.
Low Rates to all Eastern Cities.
STEAMEKS Leave Portland
Every Five Hoys for
Notice is hereby given that an execution aud
ord-r of sale wa.- issued out of the Circuit Court 1
oftheStateof Oregon for Wasco Countv, on the 1 . . ,
Jrtth day of Ktcvmbcr, i upon n Judgment! SAN FxlAIS CISCO CAL
therein rendered on the lst day of November. I waw, vau
in favor of Ke.d H. Dietiel. plaintiff, and
against James F. Elliott and William W.iod, de- For full details call onO.K Co. s Agent
fendant', which said execution and order nf Tha Dalles, or address
ui.' i o me ui.ecieu anu i Jiuiiiuii(ii:ig me (o
sell the property hereinafter described, for the.
iiurpoie of saiisfyiug the judgment nf the plaint
iffin said cau?e for the sum of 116.10, with in
terest thereon at ten per cent cr annum f rum
the'Jlst day of November, iswi: and the further I
sum of $10 attorney's fees; and the costs and
di-bursements of said suit taxnl ut f 13. There- i
fore, in compliance with said execution and
orcierof sale, f wlil oi
Saturday. January HO, 1HU7,
nt the hour of 1 o cluck p. m. at the courthouse '
door in Dulles City, Wiuco County, Oregon, sell
nt public auction, to the highest bidder, far cash .
iu hand, for the putp-seof satisfying the judg- ;
ment above mentioned tbe following described i
lands and premises, to-wir; ,
Sixty-three (X1) acres oil" the east side of the f
North half of the Foutheast miarrcr nf Sec. SO iu
Township lNorth, liange 15 East, W. M., com-,
mencirgntaroekat a point on the North lino
of the NW'iof the SK' of said Section 20:
; thence East to East line oi said sectfou; thence !
South one-quarter mile: thence West to a point
' due South of sId rock (the place of beginuing): ;
thence North to the plnee of beginning.
' uaten inuiinua ot ueveniuer, ivjh.
jan2-5t-II 6herlffof Wiuco County, or
W, H. HUKLBUP.T, Gen. Pass. Agt
Portland, Oregon
E. M'NEILL President aud Manager.
Seir Schedule.
Train No. 1 arrives at The Dalles -1 'Ab
a. m., aud leaves 4:50 a. m.
Train No. U arrlveB at The Dalles 10:15
p. in., and leaves 10:20 p. m.
Train No. 8 arrives at The Dalles 11 :55
p. ni., and west-bound train No. 7 leaves
at 1 p. m.
Train 23 and 24 will carry passengers
between The Dalles and Umatilla, leav
ing The Dalles at 1 p. in. daily and ar
riving at The Dalles 1 p. m. daily, con
necting with train Nos. 8 and 7 from
Portland. E. E. Lytle,
You Get
the Profits
Of Dealers, Agents, Jobbers
and Middlemen by buying di
rect from the manufacturer.
'and Headstones.
j Before going elsewhere, call on
1. COMINI. The Dalles, Or.,
For a Tomhstone. Warranted
to stand for all time, regardless
of wind or weather.
Assignee's Notice.
Dated Oct. 21. isW.
J. O. DAY. Jk.
Amigriee of C. U. Hlckok.
No better wheel made than the
Acme Bicycle
Built in our own factory by
skilled workmen, using the best
material and the most unproved
machinery. W9kmmiMuntt
Sold direct from factory to tbe
rider, fully warranted. Shipped
anywhere for examination.
Our Interesting Offer
Acmt Cyol Co., Elkhart, ImL
American Market,
' 74 Second Street.
Fruit, Produce,
I Butter, Eggs.
CClines and Cigaps.
Anhenser-Btisch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic I
"beverage, nnequaled as a tonic.
75 cts-$3-5
Ladies' Cloaks, i
Buys a good BOYS'SUIT at C. P. Steph
ens.' Intermediate prices up to 4.50.
Is all C. F. Stephens asks for a servicea
ble suit of MEN'S CLOTHING. The
best Black Diagonal for 12.00.
An elegant assortment oi
1896 styles just received,
part ot which may be
seen in etiow window.
Eemember, all these goods are latest made, warm, serv- m
iceable and fashionable, and at prices never before p-fm
Leave your orders for
Dressed Chickens, Fish,
Fine Dairy Butter, Eggs,
Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds,
Corner Second and Washington Sts.
175 Second Street,
V Hi
The Dalles, Oregon!
Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
(Successor to Cbrlaraan & Corson.
Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to
see all my former patrons. Free delivory to any part of town.
"There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its floU
OOlce next door to tbe Pint .National B ante
the JJallet, Orreon. tiOTlfl
leads on to fortune"
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets
Who are selling these coods out at greatly-reduced rates