Sty Sidles tip l)romciev THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 12. 1897 '0L. .. . , -&T X OVAL The absolutely pure BAKING POWDER ROYAL the most celebrated of all the baking powders in the world ebratcd lor it?, great leavening strength and purity. It makes your cakes, biscuit, bread, etc., healthful, it assures you against alum and all forms of adulteration that go with the cheap brands. cel- ILLED IN THE HOUSE tie Pacific Railways Fund ing Bill is Defeated. IE SECOND BALLOT DID IT EASILY fcjorlty of Sixty-Four Against tue ' Meaiure--luwer Promptly Mores to Kooominit the 15111. Washington, Jan. 11. The bill pro ding for the refunding of the debt of le Pacific railways vrae defeated in the wer house of congress today, by a vote 102 to 1GG. Powers, the author of the bill, moved i have the bill committed to the Jmmittee for revision, buc a point of rder was made that the motion was out Torder. It was then decided to allow le question as to whether or not Jov Ee' motion should be granted, go oyer II tomorrow to allow the speaker time fc examine precedents. Washington, Jan. 11. Great interest j is manifested in the outcome of the ttle royal over the Pacific funding bill lich came to a vote in the house today. fcfore the house convened the floor was jwded with members standing about juing the merits of the bill. The gal- ries also were filled. It required some le to straighten out the parliamen- ry situation. Speaker Eeed stated that there were pending amendments to the bill. Here were, nowever, two suostuuies, lit of Harrison of Alabama, to provide a commission of three cabinet, of era to negotiate a settlement of the Bbt with the two roads, and the Bell institute, providing that if the roads Duld clear off the first mortgage so as i advance the government's lien to the jsitiou of a first mortgage the govern- ant would agree to an extension of the Briod for payment of debt at 3 per cent (tereat. To the former substitute there was a lending amendment, proposed by-North-ray of Ohio, providing that the coimnis Ion created should be appointed by the cretary of the treasury, the secretary V the interior and the attorney-general, hatead of consisting of these three cabi net officers. The Northway amendment H said, was to be voted on first, then be substitutes in their order. p After some wrangling the speaker's iatement of the situation was accepted by the house. The Northway amend' pent to the Harrison substitute was de mated on viva voce vote, after which the tell Fubstitutu was Fubmitted. Bull de manded a record-making vote. The de nand wai sustained by 70 of the mem. jers, mostly Democrats, and the roll vaa called. Ah the voting proceeded it was evident the substitute would fail ind friends of the, bill were .correspond ugly jubilant. Senator White, of California, Senator Daniels and other senators watched the struzele with deen interest. When the speaker announced the defeat of the Bell substitute by a vote of 110 to 156, the op position appeared somewhat staggered, but it was pointed out that California members and others known to be op posed to the measure voted against the substitute. The Harrison substitute was thensrtb mitted. On a viva voce vote the volume of sound was acainst the substitute and I the speaker was about to declare it de feated when HarriEon demanded ayes and noes. There were cries of "No." "No," but Harrison succeeded in securing 47 mem bars to back his demand. This was not a fifth of the preceding vote, but the other Bide' was unable to muster more than 129. so the speaker ordered the roll called. The substitute was overwhem ingly defeated 55 to 214. The on position then decided to test their strength by securing a roll-call on the usual formal motion to engross and read the bill. Accordingly Maguire of of California demanded the ayes and noes, and halt the house seemed to re Bpond to his demand. As the roll-cal began every one realized that the criti cal momemt had come. The buzz of ex cited conversation subsided aud a hush fell on the house. Powers, and his clerk kept tallies. Cummings of New York, Macuire of California and Beverai other members also checked the vote. When it was quietly whispered about at the end of the first roll-call on motion to engross, that the vote was 87 to 147 the adversaries of the measure were over-joyed. Maguire started a round of annlause and abandoned bis tally. The completeness of the defeat of the bil" advocates became more apparent as the second roll-call proceeded. When the clerks had figured up the total, the sneaker submitted the result, ayes 102 noes 108. There was a great burst of ap DlauBe when the defeat of the measure waB officially announced. A formal motion of Hubbard of Mis souri to reconsider and lay on the table was carried and some minor bueinesa traneactad. Then suddenly Powers seem to make up his mind to try aud get further consideration for the bill in a new form. He arose and moved that the bill be committed to the committee, "It is apparent," said he, speaking The present state of the tea-trade can't continue Americans drink the worst tea in the world, and pay double for it. Schilling's remedy. Proof; the your money don't like it ASchiUIaift Company Son FnocUco Best is the grocer gives DacK II you M7 very calmly, "that the house has mani fested its opposition to the principle of this bill, but," he continued, "I take it that every member present wants ac tion taken, and I make this motion in order to see if the committee cannot formulate a measnro which will meet the approval of 'the bouse." Dockery of -Missouri immediately made a point of order that the motion was not in order. A parliamentary row followed. Caucus Will Consider It. Washington, Jan. 11. The republican enators will hold a caucus at 11 o'clock tomorrow to pass upon the bill proposed bv Senator Wok-ot to the caucus com mittee providing for an international silver conference. 1 CONVENED AT SALEM. Oregon State LieRtBlaf lire Sleets in Hl- enulal Session. Salem, Jan. 11. The 19th biennial session ot tno uregon state legislature convened todav. There was no contest for presiding officer in the senate, and temporary organization was soon ef fected. In the Republican caucus just before the senate was called to order, Simon, of Multnomah, received an unan imous vote lor presiuent. I'ermanenr, organization of the senate will be made this afternoon. The house accomplished nothing be yond the election of a temporary speaker and clerk. The contest for speaker ot the house is growing very warm, and threatens to involve the United States senatorship. The fight is now between Bourne, of Multnomah, and Beneon, of Josephine. It now seems improbable that the house will be organized today The Benson men are working hard to get a caucus, but so far have been un able to get the necessary members. Riddle's friends are cnargins that Senator Mitchell is working in the in terest of Benson, and threaten to re taliate. There is not much chango in the senatorial contest. The Mitchell men say they have forty-seven signa tures for the caucus, one more than is necessary. The anti-Mitchell men char acterize the claim as a big uluii. viney further sav that some of those who signed will take their names off. in -run senate. Salem. Or.. Jan. 11. The senate was called to order at 11:30 o'clock by Pat terson, of Marion, who placed Gowan, of Harney, in nomination for temporary president. There beiiii. no opposition, Gowan took the chair. Temporary or ganization was then completed by the election of the following officers : Chief clerk, S. L. MoorheaJ; assistant clerk, J. A. Wilson ; calendar clerk, S. R. Maeon ; reading clerk, William Rasmus; sergeant-at-arms, C. B. Crosno; door keeper, J. E. Blundell;. mailing clerk, H. H. Humphrey. Selling, of Multnomah ; McClung, of Lane; Patterson, of Marion; Dufur, of Wasco, and King, of Baker, were api pointed a committee of five on creden tials. The senate then took a recess till 2 p. in. in tjie HOUSE. Sai.xm, Ory Jan. 11. At the hour of noon, Clerk Moody, of the last house of representatives, mounted the rostrum of the house of representatives and de clared the lower house of the 10th bien nial session of the Oregon legislature in seesion. He called for nominations for the office of temporary speaker. Barkley, of Marion, placed in nomina tion Representative Davis, of Umatilla county, and Benson, of Josephine, placed in nomination Smith, of Marion. Davis was elected by a viva voce vote, and Ralnh E. Moodv. of Multnomah was then placed in nomination and duly elected temporary chief clerk. On motion of Thomas, of Multnomah, the temporary speaker appointed a com mittee of five on credentials: Barkley, of Marion ; Stanley, of Union ; Thomas, of Multnomah; U'Ren, of Clackamas; Bllyeu, of Lane. The house then ad journed till 4 p. in. to nlve the Repnbli can members a chance to caucus. A Cure for Lwnu Muck. "My daughter, when recovering from an attack of fever, was a great sufferer from pain in the back and' tajps," writes Louden Grover, of SarUifl, Ky. "After iiHin quite a number of remedies with out any benefit she tried one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and it has given entire relief." Chamberlain's Pain Balm is also a certain cure for rbeu matism. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton Bargains for January. With us January is usually a Bargain Month for certain lines of Winter Goods, which, if not sold during the cold weather months.would be carried over to the next season. This year we are making January an unusual Bargain Month by reducing, with few exceptions, every item in our immense stoc:. "Would call especial attention to Blankets and Comforts. 10-4 White Wool Blankets, Special val. at $.295, roduced to $2.35. Our regular $ll.00 Grey Wool Blanket, now only $2.40. Nice Family Blanket, 10-4 Pure Wool, Mottlid, a specialty at $5,00, , reduced to $4.00 pr. COMFORTS from 60c up. See our regular $1.00 Comfort now only 80c Our regular $1,45 Comfort for $1.15 Our regular 1.70 Comfort ... for $1.35 Fine Down Comfort, regular $3.75... now only $3.00 Our Best Down Comfort, ruffled regular $5.00, closing price $4.00 Bargains m Underwear. Plenty of warm underwear weather yet to come, hut Warm t'nderwoar at summer prices demand immediate at tention. Men's lleuvv Grev IMbbed, our best 50c value . , , , ,, , . .. . now only 10c Men's CiimW's Hair, 7"r. value now fiOc Men's Fine Camel's ilulr. $1.00 now 80u Men's Perfect Fitting Ribbed Wool, $1.00 goods, now 80c Bargains in Overcoats. Overcoat weather, and Overcoats soiling at prices such as those: Regular $10 Black Clay, all wool, and extra good Anion $3.00 Regular $10 Brown, velvet collar mid lly front .$8.1)0 Regular H- Grey Cluy Overcoat -0.00 And others in all grades at similar reductions. Moil's, Boys' and Childs, Suits and Odd Pants, any grado and any stylo, at 20 per cont. oil' regular price. A. Iff. WUiIiIAHS A CO. SLEEP AND REST FOR SKIN TORTURED jABIlu In a warm bath of QUTIOURA SOAP, and a single application of OUTIOTJRA (ointment), the great akin cure,wlicn all else fails Bold 'throughout the world, I'orrr.u Viiua ABDCukm. Cohi,.,Ho!o Vtti., Ilton, If H, A. "All about Uiby'i Skin, Hculp and Ilnlr," frio. Ilia You Kvnr. Try Electric Hitters as a remedy for vour troubles? If not, irnt ft bottle now and get relief, This medicine has, been found to be peculiarly adapted to the re lief and euro of all Female Complaints, exerting a wonderful direct Influence in Kivlnir strength and tone to the organs If you Jjaw Lop9 of Appetite, Constipa tion, Headache, Fajntiwf Spells, or ore Nervous, .Steepness, Excitable, Melan choly or troubled with Pizjiy Spells, Electric Bitters fn tb medicine yon nuul. Health nnd StrHiicrth are guaran teed by Its rise. Large; botthw only fifty cents and fl.00 at Mlakwey x nougnion, Pruggiit. DEALER IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. And tho Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs In WALL PAPER. & WALL PAPER. noAwrfiu da tvtwp ihwi papku HANGER. Nonu but tho bBt brands of J. W. MASUItY'S TAINTS lined in nil our work, and none but tha most Bkilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Lmuh Paints. N chum-. icol combination or t,oup mixture, a urai-cuma aruciu in promptly attended to. Store and Paint SUod corner Third and Waahinirton Sts., Tho DalloH. 0ro TK. Z. DONNELL PfESCSlPTIOri DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., TWO DALLES, OR. Lumber, Building Material and Boxes Traded ior Hav. Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c. ROWE & CO., The Dalles, Or. SUMMONS. IN TH12 C1IU.TIT COUNT I llie.rimte oi Ore gon for Wiuco County. Ytautt. J. Slcyetn, riujimii, v. Amilo M. Meyer, Defendant. To Annie M. Meyers, tho above iiumwl tlefciid. nuts Iiitlio name of tlio Btutuof Orvsoii, you lire . '-..1... ........ I. .-I r. ........ It. I 111. Illwiir., M.lltltl. ul court aim oniwcr tliu complaint Hied okhIiiH , you in mid court mid cuiue, on or lJoru tlm ilmt day of trie next mjulur lerm of the (Jlreult Court for Wukco County, OrcKon, (oIIowIiik the I exIUnillON III l ' iHiiJui.mi'm vi nil- ruin, monv, to-wit, Moiidii)'. llio Mb ilny of IVlJiimry, 1W, and you will tuke notlte Uiullf nu full to aoKiir and niikwur. for want tlieieof iilului; ill will trtko JudKiiiunt mjaliut you for tliu lOllef iimyed lor in liU coinpl,iii, to.wU' A deereu of illvoiou forever UUhoIvIuk the bond of inur rluiro liereioforu uud nuw exUtiui; bnueiu I'lulnliiruud defeuduiit, and for Mich oilier ro llel an may be eiutuble und jiut. , Thin numtnoiu I K-rvwl uixmi you by lmblle.i (Ion thereof In The nallenUiiuoNiei.B.u Hewn, parer of weekly publication utul ueuorul elrcu. latloii, publlihcd t 'i he Haile. ,Wai County, Oregon, by order of Hon, W, I., iiradklmM, Judge oftueubovenamearpurt. ()( W( ,.JIK ,,,,,, litera l Attorney for I'luimill. Notice of filial Sottloment. Notice Ik hereby given tliut the uudemliiiit'd, the duly appointed, Uaiil and injilnji udiulu. Utmtnrof theettate of Amiii rruiielit Carlion. I estate, and that Monday, tho Ith day of ry, IhW. at tho hour of -J o'clock p. in. ot iv, nt the County Court room r( the County deceaied, ban illvd Ms Ihml account and report Hi nald cs January, Hlllll llllV. Court HoUdo In DuIIoh City, Wasco County, Ore-. Kou, Imi bvi'U llxwl and appoluted by tho Hou orable County Court im the time, and plaeu lor ticnrliiu inid llinil account aud report. All per miiiik ate hereby iiotHUd and rcijulrvd to apt wit at Mid time and place and nhotv vuiimt If any thcrq to why mi oidor of tlilsi (,'ourt hou!d not Ihi made HpprovliiK mid dual account uitd ala churffinu tin" mid mlmliiUtiHtor fiout tutlnvr i'CIIuk undiT iild ttut,t und C'NoncrHt ui; hu UiiiUmhoii from furthir liability thereuiidcr. Uatrtl thU iSM day of November. ISCll. njvsti Kit an k Mourn:, AdiiiluUtrator Of the Khiate ol Anna l iaueU CurUoii, liccciucd,