e The Dalles My Chronick. TIIK DAI.I.KS, OKGItON Ailvrrtlulne Itntea. iVr inch One inch or les- In Dally. . ?l fio Over two Incite itml under four Inches 1 CO Over four Inches mid under twelve Inches . 7f Over twelve Inche PO DAILY AND WEHKLY. One Inch or less, per Inch ?2 CO Over one Inch mid under four Inches. ... '2 to Over four Inches nnd under twulve lnche . 1 SO Over twelve Inches 1 CO l'EnSOSAL 1KNTIC Captain J. yeslerdav. Lew is went to Salem ,4 nun. a. is. MUiuncion was a passen per on yesteidAy's local, bouud for Salem. ' v Mr. X. B. Brook?, one of Goldendale's leading: attorneys, was in the city today, on tus way to uiympin. Attorney W. B. Presby of Goldendale is in the city on his way to Oiympiu, where he lias business in the supreme court. Joe Howitrd and Win. Smith of Prine-villi- ieft in a private conveyance yester day tor home. Mr. Howard has been East with a carioad of cattle, starting on the heels of the storm h:st fall. NEVER MIND THE EDITOR. A Kansas 3Ihii. Opinion nf the Jiews :i;ut 'Siiislupio. "It takes money to run a newspaper." .Kansas Times. What an esacperation ; what a whop per. It has been disproved a thousand times; it is a clean case of airy laney. It doesn't take money to run a news paper. It can run without monev. It is a charitable institution, a beting j concern, a highway robber. B'Godfory, i a newspaper is the child of the air a creature of a dream. It can po on and on, when any other concern would he in tiie bands of a receiver and wound up with cobwebs in the windows. It takes wind to run a newspaper; it takes call to run a newspaper. It takes a scintillating, acrobatic imagination, and a half dozen white shirts and a rail- , . ,-, . i road pass to rnn a newspaper. But i monev heavens to Betsv and sis hands ronnd, who ever needed money in con ducting a newspaper? Kind words are the medicm of exchange that do the business tor the editor kind words and church social tickets. When you see an ' editor with money, watch him. H e'l - be paying his bills and profession. Never give .1: : 1. uisgr.situg ui- , monev to an editor. Make bim likes to swap. Then when vou trade It out. He , I 1 die, after having j , , , . stood around tor years and sneered at tlm editor ntwl liio liftlo iim p,nlr M tut. euttor ana nis little jim crow paper, Le sure and have your wife Eend in for , ihree extra copies by one of your weep- j ins children, and when she reads tiie , generous and touching notice about you, forewarn her to neglect to eend fifteen j cents to the editor. It would over- whelm him. Money is a corrupt thing, j The editor knows it, and what he want? 1 is vour heartfelt thanks. Then he can I thank the printers and thev can thank I their grocers. ! Take your job work to the job offices, J and then come and ask for half rates for tho church notices. Get your lodge let- j ter-heads and stationary printed out of town, and then Hood the editor with benutifcl thoughts in resolutions of re spect and cards of thanks. They make such spicy reading, and when you pick it up filled with these mortuary articles, yon are" so proud of your little local paper ! P.nt inor.Pv sf-nrn rhAfilrhv M,int m. c-; Don't let tlif nnr Innnepnt pditnr knnw . . . , ,., anything about i:. Keep that for sordid ; wares. The editor gives his bounty away. Tbe Lord loves a cheerful giver. He'll take care of the editor. Don't worry about tbe editor. He has a charter from the state to act as door-mat for the community. He will get the paper out somehow, and stand up for the town and whoop it up for you when you run for office, and lie about your piceon-toed daughter's tacky wedding, and blow about your big-footed Bons. when' they got a ?4-a-week job, and weep over your shrivelled 60ul when it , is released from vour grasping bodv, and ., . , ., , , i smile at your giddy wife's second mar- ; riau-e. Don't worry about tbe editor, he'll got ou. somehow. The Lord knows how but ' ThU Ih Your Opportunity, i On receipt of ten cents, caah or Htamps, a generous sample will be mailed of tho most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure J (Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon-' citrate the great merits of the remedy. ELY BR0THEH8, CC Wurrun St., New York City. Itev. JolmEeid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont., recoraniouded Ely's Cream Balm to me. I can eiuplmmze his statement, "It is a posi tive cure for caturrh if used as directed." Iter. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres. Church, Helena, Mont. ' Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury nor uny injurious drug. Price, 50 cents. HUNTING DOG. The tutor Work Performed by ;n Irhh Seller. "Talk nboui your (:? stories." saiil n prominent sporting man the oth.r rtny. "I snv.- somrHht;i ?t.t :t I tit.iiV Inlto wliitih beat nn.vthiug' , en.'.' of. 1 wni out tliere luiii; i.j-. .. ,ai;tt saw n lr.iui riding-ni omul uit l-mv, nntl in front, of him was eirel'iur n-i Irish setter. As the fellow did' nor hnve any "tin, my curiosity was :.roti.si-:l to know what, he w:us doing, but 1 sup posed he was simply .bieitkhjr hit: tloy. fn ti few- m'n.MttMi 1 saw hnn ride up to where the dog- was on a dead stand and the horseman proceeded to jab ,i pole be was" earryintr down into th frround and. brin.trinp; it up. took some thing off the end of it. My eiiri.-.K:U vw; ineatrr tJi.m ever, ::rd eirel'tit;- j around I ear.ie tip with the horseman .' ana nsked li.m what he wasdo'.nr. " 4IIvr;!-.fr froprn. was the reply. " 'What, is the dojr doinpr'.'" said !. "'Hunting frogs,' was the laconic answer. " 'You don't mean to tell me that the do: will set the fropu, do you?" " T don; mean anythhiir else.' "A fv more-jiut-Ktions and answers bronp-lit nut the faet. that the dog had seen his master hunting ru-omul in the grass; for frogs and spear;i-g them aivl had of his own aeuord taken up tin task of locating the green beau'ies. Tie was a thoroughly trained hunter on birds and he soon became v-rv tv pert ii. locating froirs. so his owner ! -loimed me. and my observatiors o1' h' movements confirmed the man's stat' ments." Omaha T3ee. , Artichokes tor Sale. The nndersisrned has for sale the mammoth Jerusalem artichokes, and can furnish any amount of seed at $1 tier bushel, " H. Eichemiergku, deelO-lm Bake Oven. Or. not t0 cal1 011 -Dr. Lannerberg, ( the eye specialist, and have your eyes examined tree of charce. If you suffer with headache or nervousness you un doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if corrected, will beneBt you for life. Ofiice in the Vogt block. ' SUMMONS. T.V THE CIltCTIT COl KT of the State of Or J. econ for Wnsco countv. i .1 r, T, in it -uuu i . jiuivi;, nullum. v. nmueI 1-llowo' "ewauant. lostimuei 1. iiowe.tncaDove liumcuuclenuant: In the name of the Mate of Orccon, vou are hereby required to appear :nd answer tliu com plaint llkd asalnst you la the above entitled court and cause, on or before the first day of the next term of said court followinp the expiration 01 me time prescnDea in ine oraer lor uie pud licatiou of this summons, to-wlt: On orb 'fore : v..,l. H tr..v.. ...... ,t.i. -.1 it ..tt A n appear and answer, or otherwise plead in said I cause, the plaintift, for want thereof, will apply to tbe court or tle reiei nraved for in the com plaint Hied herein, to-wit; That the bonds of dissolved; that the plaintiff be awarded the custody of the minor child mentioned In paid complaint. Heater A. Howe, that defendant be barred of all tight, title or interest in the real ana personal projwri 01 planum, uuu mat plaintiff have and recover her costs and dis- uursenienis mane ana expeuaea in tnis suit, UIlll for such o:ber Hnd further relief as to the Court may stem equitable, This summons is servttl upon you bv publics- ! tion thereof, by order of the Hon. W. I Urad- i shaw, judge of said Court, which older bears the i date of October if), 1 -!o. and was made and dated l at Dalles City, Wusco County, Oregon, on Ooto- j ber ., 15'jC. I JOHN" H. C It .V D f ,E B ATJ (i H , decJj 1 Attorney for 1'Ialntirt. ; Administrator's Sale. ; Notice is herebv civen that the undersigned. ; in pursunnre of an order made by the Honorable Couuty Court of the ht.tte of Oregon for Wa-co I County, on the Jd day of November, lsS6, will on I Monday, the'Jath day o( December, lKv, upon the preinl-es hereinafter decrlbed, sell to the high est bidder for cah in hand, the following de ! scribed real estate belonging to the estate of : Mary M. Uordon, deceased, to-wit' The south I we-,t quarter of section thiity-twoln township four south of range thirteen east of the Willam I ette ineridiau, in Wasco county, Oregon, con- taining ICO acres. I Dated this 25th day of November. 1800. AbA STOGSDIM., Administrator of the estate of Mary M. Gor don, deeeasea. novi-5t-i I NOTICE OF FIXAL SETTLEMENT. Notic? Is hereby clven that the undersigned, administrator oi the estate w i neonore vou lior- stel. deceased, has Hied his final account as such administrator, and that the 5th day of January, 17, at -j o clock v. m. has been fixed by orderof 4 objections to said account and settlement there oi. ah neirs creuitors or otner Persons inter ested in said estite ore duly notified to file their objections tosaiu account, n any iney nave, oe fore said date. Dated thU 2h day of November. lS'JO. GEO. VON llOP.iJTEL, Administrator of the Estate of Theodore von llorstel, deceased. niVl NOTICE. V. S. Land Opfice. The Dau.es, Dec. 7, 1696. by Lewis O. Heiinegban against William Word en for abandoning his hoine-teud entry No. dated Match lu, 1502, upon the HW'A section SI, Township -I Eouth llauge 13 E, in Wusco uouniy, uregou. wiiu u vie of aid entrj, the said part moued to apiwar at this nm January, 1W7, at 'J o'clock p. uouiuy, uregon, wun a view to uie cancellation parties urn nereby sum odlce on the Lath day of lc ii. m.. to resuond and furui'h testimouv concerning cald ulleced auaiuioumeut. a,,M JAS. K. MOOI'.K, Hegister. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL All work promptly attended to, and wurruntcd. 174 VOCT BLOCK. A FROG Watchmaker Jeweler n nrn r YiV YOV) BUTTHl GENUINE vim raf vY mlmsrL 1 iu. r dmwwA fife, 'yr-.rn 8 New York Weekly Tribune ' With the close of the Presidential Campaign THE TlilBUXE recognizes the fact that the American people are now anxious to give their attention to home nnd business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space and prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the light for the principles for which THE TR1BTJXE has labored from its inception to the present day, and won its greatest victories. Every possible HtYmt will be put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE WEEKLY TKIIJUisE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family. We furnish kSThe Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. Write vour name and address Tribune Office, New York City, ai;d a sample coj.y of The New York Weekly Trib une will be mtUed to' vou. rugs, Paints, Wail Paper, Glass. Etc. s-Kmersly Drug Co. 129 Second St., THE DALLES, - - OR. J. S. SCHENK, President. II. 31. 11F.AI.L. Cashier, First National Bank. THE DALLES - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Itepoeits received, subject to bight Dralt or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day oi collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on ciew xork, ban f ranciaco anc Port land, DIREOTOKS. D. F. Thompson. Jno. 6. Sciiingk. Ed. M. Williams, Gko. A. Lixbk. ti. M. BKAI.L. DR. GUHtTS IUF1IOVED LIVER PILLS kic. Om0 PHI far m !. if tbe boiMM Mch cujr m dknhit for jillft ftamilr whAt tba a.Btm Laik lit A mov.niAnl oi Uallu. Tbr pUI ulu It ruUr. Thar coca lUsdubii. bnjfhUo tba hi, na clr tboC'otiiploilon b.ilrlhn cnmtl, Twy ueithor eriiw nor liekeo. To connneo you, m will mall Minplo Iw or full jo far 2fa. Holdaran. iwra. illi. ilOKANKO tikli. CO., FblUddpUu, Vt. Snipe A Mild Pli Yen will find or.n coupon inside nacli two oance bas and tvocst;r. i:.s ir.sldc each foaroanct'y., ofCiickweirp Durlinin. Ltsy i. cf this cctcbra.cd to lie c:ca unc rend t!io curr. J. '.:; irt.t a list cf ve.lu-M. ,nut-e.r.t'j and -FOR- Far me and Villagers, ron Fathers and Mothers, FOU Sons and Daughters, ron All the Family. on a no-tal card, send it to Geo. W. Best. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ritANSACT A GENEKALliANKING Ht'SINKS Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic minsters hoiu on iew l ork, Uhicaco, Ht. J.ouis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points m uregon and asumgton. ! Collections made at all points on fav I orable terms. DOORS, windows, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. ZEE. C3- Hi 1ST Notice of Final Setlieoieaf. Notice l hereby glvoi that the undersigned has tiled, In thootllceol tho Clerk of the County Court of the State of Oregon fnr Wnwr. his final uccount as the Bdmliilstrator oi tho tale of Phoebe M. Dunham. (liwnui. nmi by an order of the County Court, made and en tered on tho 18th dav of IlMprnter. isrv ti.o county cpurthoiiso lu Dalles City, Oregon, was fixpd us the place nnd tho 1st day of March, 1697, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. ua the time for tho hearing of said linl uccount nnd objections thereto. a. K. THOMPSON. ucc-'i Administrator. A competent woman wants u place doing housework or nureinu. Call at tliie ofiice. N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY, s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car NEAIMI.IS IHJI.UT1I f-'AICfSO AND KOItKS flKOOKSTON WINNIPEG HELEN TTE TV Through Tickets CHICACO WASHINGTON rniLAHEUI'IHA 'EW YOKK BOSTON AND A I.I. l'OINTS EAST ami SOUTH For liitormntlon, time curds, mnpsnnd tteketb cnl on or write to V. C. ALLAWAY. Acent, Tbe Dalles, Oregon or. A. D. CFIARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 255. Morrison Cor. Thirl. I'orttau t Otcjon EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leuve nnd are dm; to arrive nt l'ortland LEAVE. ntOM JUNE , l9.j. f OVEULxVND EX-") I press, Hnlem, Hose-' I ourc, Abhland, Sac- i b.M l . il. j Krmiust;0i jiojave, i:10A. M. I I.os Angeles, lil 1'aso, i I New UrleaiiH and I (.East J lloselmrs and way i-tn- S:S0 A. M. tion.s 1:10 P.M. f Via I Mt., Woodburn fori Dally except Bundayi. i.Ancel, Silverton, I -J West iscio. Browns- ! ville.riprlngfleld and except Sundays. l Natron I '4:00 J'.M. 7:: A. M. Salem and way stations 10.00 A. M. juorvauih una way stations Gl'JO P.M ,i,it ii . i j.ucJiliiiivuie anu( H.-lo 1.31.. jway Htntonti t 8:25 P. M Daily. tDaiiy, except Sunday. DINING CAU3 OS OCiDEN UOUTE. PDL1.MAN HUFFET Sl.EEPEKS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CAHS Attached to all Tlirouffh Trains. ThroiiRh Ticket Office, 181 Third street, where inrougn ucseis to all point-, in the Kustern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at iowe.ii raies irom J. R. KIItKLANI). Tieket Apnf All above traiiib arrive at and dcimrt lrnm Grand Central Station, Filth and Irving streets. YAMHILL DIVISION'. Paisenser Dejiot, foot of Jederson street. Iave for OSWEGO, week days, at fi:00, 7:'J0, 10:15 n. in. ; l'.':15, 1:15, flrlK, liMo, is:0o , m. (aim hum p. m. on baturday only). Arrive at Portland at 7:10, S;30, 11:'.'5 a, m.; l:K0,y:15, 0:35, . J, J.iu )i. in. wave for Sheridan, week days, at -1:30 p. m. .iu; ut l urimuu, u. Ill X?ave for AIHLIE on Jlonday, Wednesday and rri'iuy ui v: iu a. m. Arrive at 1'ortlana, Hips duv, Thurs-day and Saturday at 3:05 p. m. Sunday trains for OSWEGO leave nt 7 20, 8:-10, 10:15 a. m.: 12115, 1: 15. 3::, 5:25 0:45 p. iu. Ar rive ai roruaua ai imai, b:au. iu:oo 11:25 a. m.: 1:30, 3:15, 5:10, C:35, 7:55 p. m. P.. KOEIILEU, E. P. ROOEHS, Asst. G. F. & Pass. Agt. Jianaser. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 18 J'nges a Week. . 156 Tapers a Vear, It etande first among ''weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of con tentB. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly ; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and amnnir Its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashiond for women and a lontr series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, i.onan Doyle, Jerome K. Jerome, Stanley Weyatan, Mary K. Wllklns, Authony Hops, itret JJarte, Urander Matthew, Etc. We offer this unequaled newsnaner and The Dalles Twice-a- Week Chronicle to gether one year for $2.00. The regular price of the two papers is 3.00. Kor Hal or Kent. The Grant hotel, close to the depot, will sell cheap, or rent for MO nr month. Lke Kke, decli-lm Grants, Or. Executor's Noiicej)f Final Account. Notice is hereby given that George A. IM. executor of the estate of Richard G. CloMcr iE cchmiI, has lllctl tho tinnl accounting of thoSl (III! "l JMLiiniu w. wvt.viirvu? VU 1 Iha tanc person, ot uie pcison nun estate of whipi, Fail! AlUVrt iJlli"i...., ...i in Richard Clostcr, deceased. .Was at the ti his death the duly appointed, nunllilcd nn . -..u.Jtn.i .k'l.ll till, nlflL rt .1 .. 1DK KI'"1, .v. uiv votint Court of the State of Oregon for Wnsro Countr and that said court has appointed 10 o clock m. oi Monday, November 2, 189C, lieing theflrrt m.ol Monday, November 2, 189C, lieing thefirii day of tiie reeular November term of said court! for thu year 1MH5, at tho county courthouse lS Dalles City, Oregon, ns tho time and place for the hearing ol said final accounting mid m,,' Hons thcieto if any tin ro be. I his notice is published by order of SH Countv Court, entered October 2d, liys. GEORGE A. LIEBE. hxecutor Cosdon A Condon, Attorneys for Executor ' oct3-5t-II Administratrix' Notice. Notice l hereby given that the unricrslencd has been appointed ndministrntrlx of the estate of lieoree W. Turner, decenved, and has dulr qualilled os Midi. All persons havlnc olalmi ,tuf unl.l nwliitn firn tllprnfrirn iiiitlaf. , b im.ii nr.. ....... . v ,u Mjp. selit the same to her, with proper voucher Oregon, within six months f 10m thU ilnte. Administratrix of the estate of Geo. W. Turner, deceased. octa-li Dated October 2. 1S. Guardian Notice. Notice 1 hereby Riven that tho underMKucd has been duly appointed by tho County Court nf the State of Oiecon for Wusco county, guar dian of the person and estate of Albert Lehman, an insane pemon. All persons havinc claim! uualn-t said estate are hereby required to pre sent them to me at my residence in Dalles Citr, Oregon, with proper voucher-. ' GKORGE A. I.IEIJE. (iiinrdlan of the x3rsou and estate of Albert Lehman, Insane. Dated this 20th day of September, ISM. .sep20-Ct-U Guardian's Sale of Real Estate.' Notice is hereby given that tbe undersigned, guardian of the persons and estate of Alice Al inira Udell snd William Edward Udell, minors, under and in accordance with an order nf the county court of the state of Oregon, for Wusco Countv, heretofore mude, will sell nt public unc tion, forcah In hand, on Saturday, the 19th day of December, 18U0. nt the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, nt tho Courthouse door iu Dalle.-) City, in Wasco County. Oregon, ail the real estate be longing to the estate of said minors, to-wit: The snutheest quarter of seetiou thirty la township one north ranse ten east Willamette Meridian, in Oregon, containing 1IU) acres. I miles City, Oregon, Nov. 19. 18. GEORGE UDELL, nov21-il Guardian of said Minors Notice to Taxpayers. Tiie County Hoard of Equalization will tnee iu the assessor's olUce on Mondnv, October 3tli, und continue in session nne week, for the pur pose of equalizing tho assessment of Wasco eouuty for lh'.Hi. All taxpayers who hnve not been Interviewed by the assessor will please call at the olliee on Thursdays, Fridays and Satur days, os all property must be assessed. E. II. WAKEFIELD. Sept lD-ii County Assessor. Dalles City anil More State Line Leaves V.'illiams Hotel, Moio, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 i. in. prompt. Lewves Umatilla Hoii6 The Dalles, Tuesdays, Thvrsdays and Saturdays at 8 'a. in. prompt. FreiuMit rates The Dalles to Moro, 40c per 100 lb?-; email packages, 15 and 25c. PasseiiL'er rates The Dalles to Moro, $1.50; round trip, $2.50. Asjency at Umatilla House, The Dalle?, and ut Williams Hotel, Moro. tf DOUGLAS ALLEN, Prop. Bake Oven and Mitchell STAGE LINE, THOMAS HAEPEE, - - Propriatoi Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelope every day, and from Antelope to Mit chell three times a week. GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. he Glades Ranch, WHITE SALMON. WASH. lire Bred JERSEYS Club Of the St Lambert, Coramassic and Tormentor ralne. Three Choice Bulls for snlo or rent so borne Choice Cows and Heifers for sale, l'uio Bred Poland China Hogs. W hlto Plymouth Kock Chickens. Address; MKS. A. It. HYKKKT.T, Prop. Jv2o-w3in White Salmon. Wash. LQDD PQISOH curedlnl6to84dmyg. Toucan be treated nomo f oraame prloannder Mmcuanw fy Jiyouprcferto come here wewlllcoa- sunr. PIm,Mucoui1 I'implei, Copi maji Ut, 5oarantetocure. Wo ollclt tbe moit obiti i2ul'nalIuAbi'utEoi? Mint sealed OS Jt B. GOIT, COUNTY SURVEYOR. Reeaidence, Tenth and Liberty Street! Wlllllll Jlllilinio iitiin nifj mill' IIVIWU ni the oillee of the County Clerk of Wusco countv, Ore con, or nt the ofiice ot her attorney, V. V. Mat- ia, i'atclioa in raoutb, Bore Throat, per Colored Boota. Ulcer oa U ia thla ticcoudurv ftf.ortii prtisol