; LARGE CONSIGNMENT f Specials in Hosiery and Underwear. Bargain No. 1. Ladies' Black All-Wool Hose, in plain and line ribbed; formerly sold for 25c, Sale Price, 18 Cts. Bargain No. 2. , All of our "better grades of Cashmere and Wool Hose; regularly sold for 45c and 50c, ... Sale Price, 33 1-3 Cts. Bargain No. 3. Children's Woolen Underwear. To make a clean-up of this line of goods, we will allow a discount of-""sn 25 per cent, off the selling price. We offer our complete stock of the celebrated Peerless Muslin Underwear at a reduction of 25 per cent, for this month only. GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY. JAN. 11. 1897 Wenthftr Forecast. l'OKTLAND, J Ml. 11, 1S!7.' Fou Kasterk Oregon Touicht and tomor- irow, fair mid continued cold. i'aoue. uoserver. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. : Kandom Olisorvntionn and Local Event of I.emter Magnitude. Men's sweaters, 50 cents and up at A, M. Williams A Co.'s. A dispatch from Salem says the senate I was organized this afternoon, with Joe ? Simon as president. Lost On Saturday last, a plain gold band ring, engraved on inside. Finder will please leave same at this office, i ll-2t The Elks will give a grand ball the P evening of JnnuarjNiJ2iid, the proceeds of which will he devotpdentirely tochar- - ity. This is an assured fact, so be ready ; to po at that date. See A. M. Williams & Co.'s window for new effects in .colored bosom ehirta at the. popular price of $1.25 each. BjFrom present indications Hood Eivor win nave n splendid crop of strawber ries, and next Juno will see them shipped from that point at the rate of HUhree carloads a day. A Uv sVJ 1.4 II f IfWIIltlllCCJIl'IIVlB IIACU HID tax levy Saturday afternoon at 22 mills. The valuation is .$174,000 less than for h!805, the rate 1 mill higher, which ' makes the tax about the same in both iU'Waeco countv. according f.n Mm flm. y " - - gonian, lead s me list in the xnird house, In writing up the prominent members of that branch of the legislature, it gives first place to Pete Isenberg of Hood M. River, and second to Farmer Cooper of The Dalles. K Tnnl.nnn I"..,v,.. ...111 !. unuueuu jjiikuic vjimipmi vwil JVt3 U masquerade ball the evening of FehmJ ary 12th, the proceeds of which will he' given to one of the best and most fearless firemen ever' in the city, John Cratp, who ie now lying helpless In the hospi tal at Portland. f Honry M. Templeton of Oregon City wants to learn the address of Eutrone W. Garlick that he may pine him ir communicatian with his mothor. Tie la supposed to ho in the vicinity of Tho" Dalles. If you know him, drop us or Mr. Templeton n lino. J For a while it wiih thought the cold :.. t i..i i jY. riuiji in i,ii, win nui iiiui mniu .'rMill "Illllr ago to frtiit tiwp, they being full of snpV at the limp, hut it is now clidmed tho-i damage will he email In tome locilities tho damage 3 considorable, wUo in others, h Ih trifling. Tho fight is on down at Salmn and if tho old Willamette hotel J no better now than when ft first chanupd Its name to hide its identity, it should riot Inst lonp. Tho old brick caravansary thon had none of tho homo comforts of the penitentiary, and not even the bill of fare of a Robinson Crusoe. PEASE This store closes at 7 p. m. sharp. . She Used Her Umbrella There was a lively little scrimmage on the sidewalk, in front of the Columbia hotel Saturday night, caused by a jeal ous husband objecting to another man walking home with his wife. The man' and wife are decidedly not one, trje woman having brought suit for a divorce, which will probably be decided within the next week or two. Under the cirv cu instances she does not feel that her J former liege lord has any control over her, and as Bbe works hard to support herself and little child, and does so, and is permitted do so by him, she is about right. The irate husband fell on his wife's escort, and whacked him one on the jaw, knocking him off the sidewalk. Before he could follow up his advantage the woman fell on him with her umbrel la, and thumped him diligently. Then the other fellow got in his work nnd be tween two ho came to grief. The sym pathy of the crowd was with the woman and it would not have taken much urg ing to have caused it to give thehusbaud a ducking in Mill creek. Cominitsloiivrs Court. The county commissioners court at its regular term last week, besides passing bills, took action as follows: Road district 20 was established. It was ordered that on payment of $57 by Mr. Herrick, that the sheriff issue him a receipt in full for taxes for year 1S95. H. E. Lake was appointed justice of the peace for Wamic precinct. The bid of M. M. Cuehing for taking care of the poor was accepted. It is the same as laBt year, $125 per month for county charges, $4 per week for non-resident paupers. The tax levy was for state purposes, 4 mills; for school, 5 mills; special road, 1 mill; G. A. R. relief, one-tenth of n mill and for county purposes, eleven and nine-tenthB mills, making a total of 22 mills. I "Road supervisors were appointed as follows: District No. 1,0. A. Stewart; No. 2, J W Forbes; No. 8, J Purser; Wo. 4, hris. Dothman ; No. 5, W F Jackson; No. 0, S D Fisher; No. 7, J W Marquis; No. 8, JPAuidlua; No. 9, Andrew Ur quhart; No. 10, A Fraeer; No, 1J,G W Riddell ; No. 12, E K Russell ; No. IB, J C Egbert ; No. 14, J 13 Havuly ; No. IB, Eli Hinman; No. 1G, Alex. M Loud; No. 17, John End; No. IS, Herbert Powell; No. 19, Ike Hixon ; No. 20, Frank Flem ing : No. 21. Geo W Smith : No. 22. W R VVbmiip; No. 23, Geo M Wishart; No. J4, Van Woodruff; No. 25, Joel Koontz; sso. 'M, .i r wutson ; JNo. 27, J b Mar-f qiiam ; No, 28, H O Hooper; No. 29, S Crupper. - Schilling's Best tea coffee soda baking powder tfvvrniiii' extract! anil spiccj are as good as they can be not prudishly or foolishly or extravagantly perfect 2a l'or sale by W. E. Kahler & MAYS. DUFUR DEEDS ALL RIGHT. How Temperance Wan Kuockeil Out In Glen brook. A number of exchanges have com-', mented on the clause in a deed to a church, of lots in Dufnr, it containing a clause that the property etiould forfeit if intoxicating liquors were ever allowed to be sold on the premises. It is not at all nueiy tne cnurcti will ever start aea- l loon on the lots, but the clause is a good one Just, the same.. ..--,'r " TE!TOwT5 of OTenbTook,' Nevada, situated on the eastern shore of lake Tahoe, was laid out by a man named Pray, usually known ae Cap Pray. He was a radical temperance man, and as he owned all the land on that side of the lake he thought he had a dead shot to prevent the sale of liquors. Every deed to lots contained the clause forfeiting the land upon the sale of liquorthereou. That is every deed but one contained that clause, and that deed was to a church. The old captain did not like to put that claiiBe in a deed to the church., and in less than a month after the deed was made a man named Philo Rice traded church lots with the church peo ple, giving them $2,000 to boot, and then he started a saloon. The result was he had a picnic, it being a mill and lumber ing town, as well as n summer resort. Then when Pray found he could not stop Rice from selling liquor, he deter mined he should not profit by his shrewdness, and so he cancelled the liquor clause in all his deeds. Thus Glenbrook from being a strict temperance town became one of the most dissipated places in the whole state, and all through the captain's neglect to make the church deed like all others. Codcemlnir ticliool KlectlouN. The state superintendent a year or two ago issued a circular defluing what constituted a leual voter at school elec tions. The law applies to all districts Jin tho county except The Dalles, and is ,as follows: t 1. They must bo citizens of UiIb 'state. 2. They must he twenty-one years of 3. They must bo residents of the district. 4. They must have resided in the district thirty days preceding the school meeting. 5. They must be taxpayers, or must have children Jf fcehool age to educate ( within the district. I Secpnd It will he seen from the above j general statements that tho following i pereons may vote under the first sub division of Section 43 as above men tioned : a. A singlejwoman who Is a taxpayer. b. A married woman who is a tax payer. c. A eingle man who is a taxpayer. d. A married man who is a taxpayer. e. A married man who has children to educate, whether he is a taxpayer or not. The surae ie true of married women, eingle woweni eingle men and widow Ralston Koffy, Pan Kake Flour, Grano and Breakfast Food, AT MAIER & BENTON The Dalles. 'who have children to educate in tho district, if they be parents or guardians of the children, whether they bo tax payers or not. A Sail Accident. I Richard Pool, 11 years of age, son of li. J. Pool, of Lost River Gap, accident ally shot himself Friday afternoon, and died from his injuries Sunday after noon. He and a younger brother were snapping caps on mi old gun barrel and at the time the load, which was unknown to be in the barrel was discharged, ho was holding the muzzle against his thigh. The shot blew off one of his little fin gers, mangled tiio third finger of thejsaine hand and tore a frightful hole in his thigh, severing the femoral artery. He was carried to the house by his father and the wound bandaged after which Dr. H. A. Wright was suinnionc.d and the wounds dressed. The boy was un able to bear the pain and loss of blood ami died Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The funeral took place Monday morn ing, interment being made in the Klamath Falls cemetery. The family of Mr. Pool have the sympathy of tho en tire community in their sad bereave ment. To Vote hcliool Xaxi-H. Ofkici: op Countv Huiimoi Si'i'i This Dam.kp, Or., Jan. 11, '97. ) To School Boaiidh: Those school districts desiring to vote a special school taxj this year, will ob serve tho following: 1 Directors should call a special school meeting, giving ten days notlce,to be held January 25th, 2(Jtli or 27th and report result of meeting in writing, to A. M. Keleay, county clerk, on or he fore Feb. 1, 1897. (Seo School Laws pu 02-04.) 2. The district clerk need not make application to the county clerk for the amount of assessable property in the district, as it will be mailed to each and every dietrict clerk on or before January 20th, in amplo time to reach you before your school meeting. As the time is limited, promptness is absolutely necespury. Yours Verv J ruly, C. L. UJl.UKJlT, School Supt. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DH CREAM BAKING Moat Perfect Made. 40 Yem the Standard. WILSON HEATERS JUST RECEIVED at L Remember. We have strictly First-class FIR, OAK and MAPLE WOOD To sell at LOWEST MARKET RATES. Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO Holiday Goods .AT. Jacobson Book & Music Co. Toys, Albums, Books and complete line pf Novelties. No. 174 Second Street, New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. Japanese Bazaar, IX. OXjYATT CO. X?x-oxm. ' Japanese Curios, Dishes, Ladies' Underwear, "Wrappers. ZSrOTIOIfcTS, ETC., ETC. 133 Second Street, Next to Snipos-Kinersly's Store Call and Soo our Goods. To Uoiiti'iivtni'N. Tho county court requestH contractors to submit plans and estimates for bridge across Hood river, at the town of liood Kiyer. I'luus will bo cousideied at tho adjourned meeting to bo held February 8th at 1 o'clock p. in. Tho court reserves the right to 'reject any unci all plans. If a plan is selected, bids will ho asked for the building of tho bridge. Uy order of the court. jaril) 4t A. M. Kki.kav, Clerk. IttffriKurHtui- I.Iiiij. Attention of shippers is callud to tho new refrigerator line operated by tho Oregon Railway A Navigation Company between Portland, Huntington, Spokane and intermediated points, leaving Port land on train 22, Wednesdays and Satur days, K, 13. Lyti.k, Agent. All persons holding orders from i'eato A Mays, or other coupons on Iierriu's photograph gallery are requested to present thorn before January 15th, MllH. 1). O. ilBltUIN. You'll ho surprised when you try I!oo uaKo soap, ami wish wo nan towt you sooner. It is made by patenli d pro ceed. j2Hl M. Crevreiiil, buhii? nl out to leave tho city, oilers liN lino stouk ol urtillclal flowerp, plants, etc, nt greatly reduced prices. IIooiiih lu Miisonfp build ing. dgcIU-tf TjuIi Vullcy Kollui- flour Mill. Tygh Valley Holler Flour Mills aro running full tlimi on No. 1 wheat. Flour eijual to thu heat always on hand, Prices to suit thu times. Also mill feed u quuntitits to Hiiit, W, M, MuCouum: A f'0.v, aut'8 Umw Proprlutote. MAYS & CROWE. i A tired stomach is very much like- it sprained ankle, If jou eullVr from liny ol tho syniptoiiiH of dyspepsia, your stomach is tired. It ww U a iruhiii. Wu must relii'voii of all work fora time, or untli it is reutored to its natural strength. To do thin fincceWully, wo must use a food which is already dtexted outsido of tho body, nnd which will aid tha dlgoulon of oWiur f"0tls that may hu taken with it, Hih'Ii a proUuoi I.s thu Stinker Digestive Cordial, Tho ShakerH have utilized the diges tive priuciplcH present in pluutn for tho manufacture of this article, ami it mic cess has been truly phenomenal. You can try it for thu nominal nun of 10 cents, as sample bottles aro old by all drligglHlu at this price! (2) Laxol Is tho Imet iiilhIIcIho for chil dren. Doctors rccjuiiuoiid it in plucuuf Castor Oil. Thu progrcativu ladiea of WVal fluid, f ltd., Issued u ,,Wuinan'iiI3diti(iii"if Ihu WcHllold NrtWH, bejtringihilu ul A pill S, 1 81)0. Tlu uacer id lilltd with uiimrf ItileiX'BV o wuiuqu, and wu nowo Ihu following frou! correapuoilgitf, which tho editors, glinted, realizing that it troaiH upon a matter ol vital Imixiriuium to their fcux; 'Thu lft remedy fu.r croup, cold iunl bronchlti that I Imvo been itblo to Itndjb Chamberlain'. Coili UuiiU'ilv. For family urtiil liiuuiocrpiul. I gladly Trcwiiwnrt it," -Vi ami 5rt cut bottliib for sah by Mlakvley A iiuhtou. Olll lit V'ltUl- OllUUlik, . All county warranty neutered, prior to July I'.', 180'J, will U. puM nt my office. Interest coupes after lXc. 6, 18U0, 0. L, Piiaura, County Trcturvr. i . c r