The Dalles Daily Chronicle. The only liepublican Daily Newspnpci n Wasco County. president of the senate. Tlmt it wns Republican electors instead of llrynn electors thai performed that dtuy at ! Salem today is due to the action of Senator John II. Mitchell, whom the people want to succeed himself, and EASTE1W OFFJCE-XO to S34 Tempi, whom U,C Po!ititjis wnt to Court, N. Y. City. F. KATX, Agent. , l)ltint- Tho slate of Oregon was enr - : ried by a plurality of barely 2,000. THE FUNDING BILL. , Senator Mitchell made fifty-five speeches in the campaign and led his MONDAY. JAN. 11. 180" Notice of Sheriff's Sale. It is thought a vote on the funding "bill, re-arranging the debt of the Pa cific roads to the government, will be reached today. The Oregonian yes terday defends the bill and accuses Californians of wanting the govern ment to foreclose the hen, and then to operate the road J for the benefit cf California, and so build up San -Francisco at the expense of the bal "sinee of the eoasti We have followed the bill through all Us stages, have rcau the argu ments made in congress, as well as the editorials of California's leading papers, and we have been unable to discover any such ulterior put pose as the Oregonian suggests. California, it is true, has been cinched by the Pacific roads as 'no country on the earth was ever cinched before. Railroad rates have been made, net on the basis of what the service was worth, but on that of how much the product would stand. The ques tion at bar is not what effect this or that action by the government will have on California, but is simply one of collecting its debt from a treach erous and thieving debtor its business transactions jobber corporations, the strong following safely into the Iie- I publican fold. We detract nothing from the earnest labois of otheis when we sa' that without the ener getic action of Senator Mitchell, without the aid of his strong per sonal following, Oregon today would be what the Oregonian calls a dis honored state. And yet that par or dares to question his Republicanism. Out of Luck. Owen Ferguson, clerk of Fonil iln Lac county, Wisconsin, shot himself Satur day niuht, each time a little too high to strike the heart. Ferguson is decidedly unlucky. About a year ago his wife died, at the lust election he was de feated, and a few months ago lie broke his leg, being a cripple before .hat. It is reported that ho is also short in iiis accounts, and lie is still alive and will recover. lly virtue of mi oxccutlon mul order of sale duly tsucd by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Wnseo mid Statu of Oregon, dated Hie Ttli ilny of Jimunry, 1807, In ii certain notion In the Justice I'dire court for mill county nittl suite wherein Krlck Nelson ns pltilutltl'rccov cred judgment mtnlust Alexander Watt tor the sum of JiVsCO and costs and disbursements taxed at Sin. on the 17th day of October, ISOfi. Notice Is hereby given that I will on Monday, the 15th tiny ot February. lS97,nt ihe frontdoor of tho courthouse in Dalles City, In said county, at -o'clock In the afternoon of snlil day, sell at public miction to the highest bidder for cash, tho following described jirojorty, to-wlt: I wo acres of land at the Oucaile Ueks, commenclug nt the northwest comer of the southeast quarter of section twelve In township two north of rdigc seven east of Willamette Meridian in Orenon; running thence nmth ten rods, east thirty-two rods, north ten roils, west thirty two rods to place of beginning. Taken and levied upon as the property of the Mild Alexander Watt, or so much thereof as may be iiece sary to satisfy the said Judgment in favor of Krick Nelson against said Alexander Watt, with interest thereon, together with all costs and disbursements that have, or mnv, accriu. T. J. DltlVKK, Sherlll'of Wnsco County, Oregon. Dated at Dalles City, Jiin, S, 1S97. jniiUM "Tie Regulator Line" He Dalles. Portland anil Astoria Navigation Co. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby Riven that the undersigned has been duly app luted the assignee of the estate of M. Ileudricson and I. A. Heudrlcson, Insolvent debtors. All persons having claims against bote, or either, ot said insolvent debtors are hereby notified to present them to me prop erly veilticd, as by law icqulred, within three months from the date hereof, at the otllce of J. I-Story, In Dalles City, Oregon; and all per sons owing them, or either of them, are hcieby notified to settle with me ut once. The Dalles, Dee. S, ISM. l i 1.. S DAVIS, Assignee. SNAKE SUICIDE. Mhiiiiic on ; of settling with these Union and Central Pacific; ot ceasing to fur ther do business with them, and to further bask them up in their rob bery of the (people. It is not ex pected that the government will operate the roads, but it is expected that it will get as much of the money owing it as possible out of them, and quit them dead cold. The United States cannot afford to be an accessory to the robbery of the people; it cannot afford to put up the people's moiiej in the hands of Collis P. Huntington and his sssoci ates to aid in the enrichment of the latter and the impoverishment of the former. Under the arrangement proposed by the roads, they will owe "the government, or the government will have to pay for them, one billion of dollars, an amount equal to' the present national debt. The funding bill will, if passed, saddle this debt j upon the county, an.l yet congress wrangles over it, and newspapers, j jealous of California, and sonic in-j fluenced perhaps by more tangible ( reasons, advocate its passage. The secretary of the interior says the j liens can be foreclosed and all, or nearly all, the money due the gov eminent collected. If this be true, , why extend the time of payment one , hundred years practically without in-, terest. Collis P. Huntington savs he wants 4;a breathing spoil" in order to get read' to pay. He wants one hun dred years, in the meanwhile the roads demand cash for ferrying the people's products over the railroad built with the people's money. "Whether the govornment ever A ItatHer wltli Three t'tiui Hlrt .Mortal Coll. A United States cavalryman, i-.tti-tioneil at Fort .Meade. .S. I)., writes to Forest and -Stream as follows in rvjraril to the 4clf-destriietion of a three-faucet1 rattlesnake: "As tothe suieide of the ereature. 1 am fmied to ask for an explanation. The snake, at first sijrht coiled up in the usual manner for a prime strike, made it vicious luntre at my lefrjriup-. then drew hack and closely scrutinized me from hat to shoe. Instantly a change of expression came over his fea tures and ferocity rave way to a look that, miplit lrtve been born of disgust and resignation. I watched him close ly, not knowinir what miyht lie hi.- nor move. He suddenly astonished me by hendlonjr into the IJelle Komehe. Motionless he sank and ki at full length at the bottom. I con tinued to watch him until the la-t vestige of his reptilians breath had risen to the placid .surface in a pearly bubble and then witih the aid of a stick 1 raised him from the waler. placed him in the sunshine and satisfied mysi-lf that life was extinct. 1 had never known or heart! of a rattler taking to water, and here f was confronted by The ;lahm-i case of suicide by drown ing in broad daylight. I have sinci then lost all faith in sr.aius. 1 have adopted and discarded every theory that might offer a solution in this case .'in'1 am now driven to the belief that tlii. snake deliberately suicided because it had committed the bhniderof wasting a well-meant, three-ranged strike on a United States eaalr num. Hen-after shall trawl ineomito ii those parts,'" CATARRH local'disease and is the result ot colds and sudden climatic changes. For your Protection we positively state that this remedy docs not contain mercury or any otbsr injur ious uruj. Notice to Contractors. The uiiilersljrncd will receive bills for the con struction of n wntcr ill tch 70OO fett Ioiik. 1000 feet is mostly loose roeJc work: tome blustiiiK. Balance semper work. Ditch to be tive feet wide on bottom, anil two feet ileep. Twelve miles from The Dalles. For further particular, nil ilres, M. .. COCKKHIjINE, niVJiv Mi lioyil, Oregon. Administrator's Notice. THROUGH Freigni ana Passenger Line Until further notice, the Steamer Regulator will leave The Dalles on Monda, "Wed nesdays and Fridays at 7:30 a. in,, and will leave Portland on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at G:30 a. m. . kates: One way .... Round trip .. .$2 00 . 3 00 Notice is hereby given that the utulersluned has been ilnlv Appointed hy the rounty court of the state of Oregon for Vaeo County, adminis trator of the estate of W. II. l.oehh?ad, deceased. All perons Imvini; claims npiinst afil estate are hereby required to present the same to me properly verified, as by law required, ut the Wasco WnteliotiM', Dalles City, Oregon, within six months from date hereof. Dated this 30th day of October. lt!W. MALCOLM McINN'tS, Administrator of the estate of W. H. Loelihead, deceased. octSO-il SUMMONS. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at any time. Shipments for way landings must bo delivered before 5 p." m. Live stock shipments solicited. For rates call on or address W. C. ALLAVVAY General Agent' THE DALLES. - OREGON state of TN" THE riKOlHT COt'KT of the J- Oregon, for aro County. Ernest Morgan, Plaintiff vs. Nettie Morgan, Defendant. To Nettle Morgan, tne nbove named defendant- In the name of the State of Oregon, you are heieby required to ai) In the above entitled court and answer the complaint filed against you in said court mid cause, on or before the lirst day of thu next regular term of the Circuit Court for Wasco County, Oregon, following the expiration of six weeks' publication of this summons, to-wit. Monday, the Mil day of Febru ary. lOT.iiud you will take notice that if you fail to so appearand answer, for want thereof plaintiff will lake judgment against you for thu relief prayed for in his complaint, to-wlt; A decree of divorce forever dissolving the bonds of marriage heretofore and now existing between plaintllt' and defendant, and for such other relief as may be equitable ami just. nil Mlllilliuus la acotu upon uu ity piuiuua- i n tion thereof in The Dalles Cuko.vicm:, a weekly jKLllllieapOllS newsiaper of general circulation published at i The Dalles, Oregon, by order of Hon, W. h. liradshaw, judge of the above named court. fST. rfl.Tl 1 1ilttll ill JJillll'5 1.11 , Jl,t X'CV. 1J, ICLiJ. (J. W. I'UKM'S dec.-:;-! Attorney for I'laintifl'. I EKSTI GIVES THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes VIA- Spokane Denver Omaha Kansas City Sheriff s Sale. Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. Notice is hereby given that nil execution ami order of sale was issued out o the Circuit Court of the Htiiteof Oregon for Vi.-eo County, on the i!f!th day of December, 1S90, upon n judgment therein rendered on the '.'1st day of November. l.-W, in favor of 11. Dictzel. plalutill'. and against lame I". Elliott and William Wood, de fendants, which (-aid execution and order of fale is to me directed and l ommandlng mo to OCEAN STKA.MKK8 l.eiive 1'ortlnml Every Five Duyn for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Agent Ely's Cream Balm sell the property hereinafter described, for the tiurpo5e of satisf ying the judgment of the plaint in in ni cause tor tue sum ot Jio.iu, wiui in terest therton at ten per cent ler .-iiinuin from the21st day of November, lStwi; and the further I For full details call ou O. K fc Co. Tha Dalles, or address W, H. HUULimUT, (Jen. l'as."Agt. Portland, Oregon E. M'NKII.l. President and Manager. Wasco Warehouse Compaq Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, SiWA Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- 4.rt "Clrvn-n This Flour is nmnufiu'tured expressly for famlW LOLL J? 1UU1. USe: everv ancle is irtinrunteed to give satisfaction. use; every buck ih suuniiuiTu iu kivo Hiuismction, w Bnii ni- onnds lower thiui'iuv house in the trade, tuid if you don't think so cull and Rt our prices and bo eoilvinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. Wholesale. CJUines and Cigafs. THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER-BUSCH and TTn-n rrT T T3Tr,T7''D on draught Xivjr uuui-' jahjujjj and tn Dottles. Anheuser-Busch Malt Nntrine, a non-alcoholic "beverage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. Buys a good BOYS'SUIT at C. F. Steph ens.' Intermediate prices up to $4.50. 75 cs-$3-50 Ladies' Cloaks. Is all C. F. Stephens asks for a servicea ble suit of MEN'S CLOTHING. The best Black Diagonal for $12.00. An elegant assortment of 1S9G styles just received, a part ot which may be seen in show window. Remember, all these goods are latest made, warm, serv iceable and fashionable, and at prices never before ap proached in The Dalles. Leave your orders for Dressed Chickens, Fish, Fine Dairy Butter, Eggs, Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds, COAL AND ICE, AT THE DfiltltES COmHSSIO! G0.;S ST0lE Corner Second and Washington Sts. H acknowledged to be the most'thortDjh cure for :snl Catarrh, Colli in lleail and Hay fever of all remcdle. U opens ami cleaneea the nasal passages, a: lays pain and inflammation, heal the cored, pro tects the membrane from colds, reetorea thoeensei ut Lute anil eme!l. Price 50c. at Drusfrista or by mail. ELY JJltO'I'UEItS, 50 Warren Street New York. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Courtof the Sbiteof OreKun for , Vmco county. I Ji Shipley, l'Nititltf, . vs. , Willlum II. Neibeiick, Kmmii NenbeacJc, James, . liull, -Mr?. Jimies H ill ami Kiupp, iJiirrelt A: ( Co,, a poriiorrftiDii, Defendants. ny virtue 01 un execution nun otiiero: mic New .Sclieduli.-, Mini 01 un iittorney iivi, nmt tne cosy nnii i irmn io. 1 arrives at The uallee 4 :-J5 ! fori', in compliance with Mild execution mul .,, '. i, ,V i m, ' ,. order of sale, I will oi j lrain No, 2 arrives at Tho Dalles 10 :lo SntiinLiy. .i.iiiuary :io. 1M07, p. m.i ami leaves 10:20 n. m. nt the hour of l o'clock p. in. ut thecourthouto I Train No. 8 arriveeat Tho Dalles 11 :55 door in Dalles city. Wueco County, Oregon, tell ' p. m., and west-bound train Nc. 7 leaves 111 hand, for the pntpeot satWylnj,' the judj;- , "" ". "L'n , . .,, ment above mciuioiii'd the followliiK descried i Train 23 and 24 will carry pr.ssenj,'erfi Mauds and premises, to-wl;; between The Dalles and Umatilla, leav- hixty-lhrti(Cv'5) iicres oil the cait side of tho :n rpi . , rniion nt 1 r m flnlU. oml nr Vorlh half of the Southeast quarter of Kec. ::n in 1 '" 1,10lV""e8,. l" 1 P' m' ",ul "nU ar Township l North, ltune 15 Ent, v. il com-, riving nt Tho Dalles 1 p. m. daily, con meiiciiiK nt u ioi'U at u point on the North line! necting with train Nos. 8 and 7 from .of the .NWJ-iof tho hVM of s-aiil section SO; . Pnrtlnnil K V Ivnr thence East to Ea line of . -aid section ; thence ror"""u' JTl.fc, South one-quarter mile; thence Ve to u point .Agent. due South of siiil rock (the place of heiniilns)i thenceforth to the plce of bOiinnliiK. " " " ' uaieu iiiia .tiiii:n oi ueccniocr, is'.'b. T. J. DKIVKI!. Jan.! St-ll Sherid of WiiscoConnty.Ur gels a cent of its money or not, it is certainlv tho otirt of wisdom to lose to medlnetiiland iMiiedoiit of the above en M-iutuio uic pari ui i-tiuiii 10 ov. lh , , . f what has tilreadv Ijpom advanced i"' theplalntiil'above named, on theiMhduy of u.ib lias .tircaii iJi.c.1 .iinani.i.11, , s-oveiiiter, lw5,oninandlns me to satisfy the rather than to continue lo advance i evenil sums of .Vsi-Vi the judsmciit obtaiuci luinci man kV cuniuiiic iu ati .hill j lth JnUr,.,t Uicreon at the rate of eicht i more for one hundred vears to come i I'erceut jier annum ilrice Nov. ', bw, ana :m iiiuil iui one iiuiuiiLU )um iu 'l,,,tt(,rm.j.-,SlR.t.B,1,(1,t.ostsofultandaceruli.iii and then loo it all It is more than "com , by Ievyins upon and telling In the nian .urn uiiu iu-i. u an. it is niuri i"""1 , ner pro'v We1 riJ law forthoMloof real property nrohahle that hin" hoforo the hun. 0,1 exwution, nil of the riKht, title and iutereit pruuauiL wiai lun, uliuio UJl- j f th-ald def ndaiits In mid to the followliiK dretl vpiir- Iihvp cvnii-ed trinsnnrt-i. real ebtme: Tho aou'liwdt quarter of wren l.iis uac c.)iiiu, ir.iiiapori.i- ,lv,;-. t.wulili. thrcc-:i-outh of tion will he carried on under onlirelv r'""i0 H'iittvn -U- enit, . M situate and be uuii in ut, cirriLit un iiiniLi Liiwrcn jnitin vVhsw. county. Oreon. different conditions -lnd that thi ' J levlwl mnu Mild real property on slid iMIi r'lilrivuls will nnt lir- ivrirtli 'invthinir ' uid toveral iunMiuiliieer' Inircfnts l.wlil tell r.tiiro.uiis win not uc wonn an) ining. cti(MI , m i,i,et bidder ' criitL it.nwr i,,,,. to ir. ,,f'for cuili in hand, attlii! e.airtliimn; dour! w.... i.w .o vv. M)al!osClty. In airt county of Wmco.on thoit Monuments and Headstones. 1n(rtri rrninrr nlanwlmro nail rr the Profits! i. cOMINI. The Dalies. Or., You Get Of Dealers, Agents, Jobbers and Middlemen by buying di rect from the manufacturer. For a Tombstone. Warranted to stand for all time, regardless of wind or weather. ns much ns nossihlo of tho dcht , duy of Iiecember, lWti, at the hour of 2 o'clock I n& ilium ns (ju.siuil ui wil ticui, ! ie Hnc.nioon. T. .1. DKIVl-.K, charge the bulunco to profit ami lo&s, i 'u nnerin of w.ik.. county, ongwi, and "ot out of tho business. i SAVED TUE .STATU. Assignee's Notice. Notice Is herebv c'ven that on OctolerlW, 1WC. t;. O. Illckok of Ciikcudo Udiks, Oregon, iiiHflo ii .i.iii'riil fikfiriiinent to me for the tietieflt ' of till ids creditors in proirtlon to tho amount ' Today nt noon the Kepublican picsi dontial electors mot at Salem y U&JffiWk . cast the lour votes lor wiiimtn JCIulcy. At the sap e Mo. Illckok lire hereby notified to present them to meat CWiule ixickt. Oregon, with the nroiier timn nno fif vouchern tiicrefor, within three months Irom ' winu unu ui m . . four was selected to carry tho vote to; uau-d oct. ai. ivju . .., , orru itu Washington and iklivor it to the Atsluuee o( C U. Illckok No better wheel made than the Acme Bicycle Built in our own factory by skilled workmen, using the best material and the most improved machinery. We have no agents Sold direct from factory to the rider, fully warranted. Shipped anywhere for examination. WRITE FOR Our Interesting Offer Acme Cycle Co., Elkhart, Ind. American Market, 74 Second Street. Fruit, Produce, Butter, Eggs. I'OUIntV, l'lHll unit u.YMH IN SKA HON. 69 TELEPPIONES 69 BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON DRUGGISTS, 175 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon A-ABTISTS MATERIALS.- Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. D. II. UOUl'llTN, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW. COU.EOTIO.NK A 81'JiCJAI.TV. Oitico next iloor to tlio Klrtt Nntluiiul Ilnnk The DuIlC), Orth'ou. nuvl'J GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. fiuccesi'or to Clirlsniun & Corton. "' FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in Imainess at tho old stand. I would ho pleased to see all my forinei patron. 1'rco delivery to any part of town. 1 u There is a tide in the affairs men which, taken at its flood leads on to fortune" . The podt unquestionably had reference to tho Mm Out Sale of Furniture and Carpet at CRANDALL &, BURGET'S, Who are soiling theae goods out at greatly-reduced rate MICHKUiAOH BRKJK, . . UNIC1 8T. I 0