The Dalles Daily Chronicle, OUKIUIN Al vortUlnc Itntox. One inch or le- In Dally .1 M Over two lncho nnd under (our Inches. . . 1 00 Over four Inches ntul under twelve Inches Over twelve Inches fit) DAILY AND tVKKKLY One Inch or less, per inch fc! W Over one Inch mul under four inches. " tw Over four Inches and under twelve luetic;. 1 f0 Over twelve iitche 1 00 THE CHURCHES. Lutheran services will ho tieltl at the courthouse tomorrow up follows : Morn ing service at 11 ; Siuidaysuhoolatl-'lo; German nervine at S p. m.; evening Bervice at 7 :30. Services as usual at the Christian church, corner Ninth and Court streets, tomorrow morning and evening. Preach ing by the pastor, Elder A. D. Skaggs. Subject for morning discourse, "Looking "Onto Jesus," and in the evening, "Jacob's Night Vision of the Angels." All are cordially welcomed. At the Congregational church, corner of Court and Filth streets, services as follows. At 11 a. m., and at 7:30 p. m. worship, and a sermon by the pastor, "NV.C. Curtis. Sunday school immediately after the morning service. Young Peo ple's Scciety of Christian Endeavor at G:30 p. m. All persons not worshipping elsewheie are cordiallv invited. HOW KEROSENE IS REFINED. Somethla About it ileiuurkuhlc American Industry. How many housekeepers, us tney til their lamps with kerosene, nil or the:: summer stoves with rufeolim. have any , jilea 1,04 theo oils arc made? Aniite few miles from Cliicayo, at Intl., is the largest oil Telinery in tin' world. Naphtha, benzine, gasoline or kero sene, the last often called eoal or il luminating oil, belong to the sunn family. The three first named being lighter oils, do not require nearly so much handling to bring them to per fection as the kerosene. This, of course, is easy to lxMieve. but when it is raid That from the same crude oil. after ali the lighter oils have been distilled out. wax is made so clo.-vly rssembling the product of the bee as to deceive even sin expert, and that it is used in chew ing gum factories, candle factories, laundries and ever, in candy factories one is often met with a polite look of doubt or an incredulous shrug of the shoulders. Yet it is so. It is possible 10 go yet further, and say that hundreds of homes in Whiting and Chicago will be. made comfortable this winder by the refuse that adheres to the bottom and sides of the ".-tills" after even the wax has been prcsetl out. This ref use ''nkes a good coke, is easily lighted, and is warmer, cleaner and cheaper ilmn coal. Hundreds of tons uav ri niDTcd from the st'Ilr- daily before the;, are "dirrgrd" again, and hundred. n' those who us this fiH'l do hot know tha it was once crjle oil. dug in th Ohio Ileitis and piped on to Vh:ti"rr. The carbon used in electric lights is al,o made from this coke. Nothing is vat(l. As the most common the kero?cnc o!! is I";h:ins the most into rest iiic of prorJuctr. After leaving the crude -.til ' it appears again in "sweetening stills," or "in the "comjMiund cylinders," which perform the simc work ass the sweet ening stills, but in a newer invention, and is patented by an outsider, who al lows only 10 in each refinery. The "sweeteners" form an important fac tor in the refining of Ohio oil. Owing to the "compound" before mentioned and the continuous friction of the im mense wire brushes, which keep the oil in -a mad whirl, it loses much of its Iku! odor. It is a train vapored oft', cooled in the condenser boxes and passed off into the "steam still1-" for the next process. In the steam stills it is treated just the same as in the two previous process es, with thu addition of a washing by steam from ixirforated pipes passing through it. It is "vapored" off as be fore, and now one would suppose that it was ready for ue. Xot quite. The kerosene o.M now passes into the agi tator for the final process. is a funnel-shaped tank in which the oil is treated with acid and beaten and biown about by a machine called a blower and washed by torrents of wa ter until it roan like the lake in j. storm. Every particle of foreign mat ter is thus expelled. It is then pumH'd off into the storage tanks for shipping, Chicago Tribune. This la Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, a generous sample will be mailed of tho most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon, trato the great merits of tho remedy. ELY BROTHERS, CC Wurren St., New York City. Itev. JohnReid, Jr., of Great Fulls, Mont., Itev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor CentralPres. Church, Helena, Mont. ! Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury wor any injurious-drug. Prico, CO cents. recomineuded El''s Cream JJalm to me. I can ernpbasizo his statement, "It Is a posi tive cure for catarrh if used as directed." SUMMONS. T.N T1IK CllUJl'IT cni'UT ol the. State of Or L croii for Wasco I'ountv. AlimiC. Howe, Plalntlll", ' vs. Samuel T. Howe. Defendant. To Samuel T. Howe, the above named defendant : In the name of the Mate of (ircson, jmi arc herebv reoltlrvd to initiearmid Mtisurr tin-rom. t il:iltit llkd against you In the above entitled t .lit,,., ,,,.t ... nr hi.'i.-.. I... !t ...... rt ,... vv'i ......av . ... uvniiu ii'v uiav nil lit UIU next term of said court following the expiration of the time prescribed in the order for the pub Mention of thts summons, to-wlt: On orb fore tho.sthil.iyof Kebrunry, 1W)7; and It vou fall so to appear mul answer, or otherwise plead in said cause, the philutili, for want thereof, will applv to the court for the. relict prayed for in the com plaint tiled herein, to- It: That the bowls of mattimony between plaintiff and defendant be dissolved: that the plaintiff be awarded. the custody of the minor child mentioned in said complaint, Hester A Ilowe; that defendant be barred of all light, title or Interest In the real ami personal pro'ierty ot platntiti, and that plalntUV have and lecovcr her costs and dis bursements made and expended In this suit, and for such otner and further relief as to the court may seem equitable This summons is served upon vou bv publica tion thereof, by order of the Hon. V. L. Iirad shaw. Judge of said Omit, which older bears thu date of Octob;r SO. lMo. and was made and tinted at Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, on Octo- oer is-.h,. JOHN 11. CKAIH.KI1AUUH, dccJX) I Attorney for lMaintltl'. SUMMONS. IN THE 01 HOT IT COURT of the State ol Ore A son for w aseo Countv. Krauk J. Mcyets. l'lalntltl, vs. Annie M. Meyers, Defendant. To Annie M. Meyers, the above named defend, ant: In the name of the State of Oregon, vou are hereby required to appear In the above entitled court and answer the complaint Hied against you In said court and cause, on or before the lirst day of the next regular term of the circuit Court for Wasco County, Oregon, following the expiration of six weexs' publication of this sum. mons, to-wlt, Monday, the Sth dav of Kebtuarv, lS'JT, and you will take notice that If you fall to so appear and answer, for want thcrcof'plalnt 1(1 will take Judgment against you for the relief I prayed for in his complaint, to-wlt A decree of. uivorce lorever dissolving tne ixmus ol mar riage heretofore and now existing bstween nlaintlB'uud defendant, and for such other re lief as may be equitable and just. This summons is terved upon vou by publica tion thereof in The Dalles Chronicle, a news jKirerof weekly publication and general circu lation, published nt The Dalles. Wasco Countv, Oregon, by order of Hon. V. L. Urndshau, Judge of the above named court. O, W. PHELPS, tieciTM Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, the duly appointed, qualified ami actio;,' admin istrator of the estate of Anna Fiancis Carlson, deceased, has tiled bis final account and reporr In said estate, and thai Mocdn,, the 1th day of January, ISO", at the hour of 'J o'clock p. ni. of said day,at the County Court room of theCountv Court House in Dalles City, Wasco County, Ore gon, has been lixed and appointed by the Hon orable County Court as the time anil place for hearing said llnal account and report. All per sons are herebv notified and renuird to ant ear at said time and place and show cause if any there to why an order of this Court should no't be made approving said llnal account and dis the said administrator fiom further acting under said trust and exonerating his bondsmen from further liability thereunder. Dated this iU day of November, lVJij. n2V5t-i KKANK MK.nKFEE, Administrator of the Estate ot Anna Fianeis Carlson, Deceased. Administrator's Sale. Notice Is herebv given that the undersigned in pursuance of an order made bv the Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, on the 2d day of November, 1SB0, will on Monday, tbe'2Sth day ot December, lS'JO, upon the premises nereinaner ucscrioea, sen couiemgti' est bidder for cash in hand, the following tie scribed real estate belonging to the estate of jiary m. uomon, aeeeasco, ro-uu: rno soutii west quarter of section thiity-two in township four south of range thirteen ent of the Willam ette meridian, in Watco county, Oregotvcon taiuiug lfio acres. ' Dated this 23tn day of November. lS9tl. ASA STOtisiDlLL. I Administrator of the estate of Mary M. Gor don, deceased. uovivot-1 Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the uuderi-lgned has tiled in theolllceof tiit- Clcrl; of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County his linul account as assignee of A. A. Iionney, Insolvent debtor, and said Hull account will be hmrdattho Circuit Court room in the court house In Dalles City. Oregon, on Monday, the Sth day of February, 1VJ7, at the hour of 10 o ciock a. m., or u.s soon inereaner as counsel may be Heard. KUHliKT mays, dtfii-i Assignee of A. A. Uonney, NOTICE OF FINAL SKTTLE.ME.NT. Notlcs Is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator ot me estate ot ineofiore von nor stel, deceased, has Hied his llnal account as such administrator, and that the. 5th day of January. 1VJ7, at 'i o'clock p. in. has bten fixed by order of of the County Judge as the time for hearing any ODjectioiH to sniu account ana settlement mere of. All iseirs creditors or other persons inter csted in said est-tte are duly uottflcd to Hie their objections to sam account, 11 any tiiey nave, oe fore said date. Dated this -ilth day of November. 1&9G. OKO. VON UOKSTKL, Administrator of the Kstate of Theodore von liorstel, deceased. n'iVI NOTICE. U. S. Land Offick. The Dalles, Dec. 7, lfcus. i Complaint having been entered at this oiticc by l-ewlh (;. Helitieghaii against William Word en for abandoning his home tend entry No. VfiS, dateii March ly, lMr. uion the SWJ-i section 33, Township I South Range l.'i E, in Wasco County, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entOtthe said parties uro hereby sum moncd to npieur at this oflico on the '-"Jth day of January, lb'J7, at 2 o'clock p. in., to respond and fiirnMi testimony conternliig wtld alk-ged abaiidonwcat. dlti-1 JAS. Y. MOOKE, Hegister. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL i All work promptly attended to, aud warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. SURE CURE for PILES ItcUlM oJ IJIIol. liliwJIu or froiruJloz riUi UM tl ,JT. few. l-'utui'Mtirutll. UU. UO-.A.VUO, I'iilU,, i'i watchmaker Jeweler w " . -r ',-v. m m I Lalac f BUT THE GENUINE lUl MW7fH ir s a I, S J - - A -J.- i T ALtlSAC ' inn . I'M i I I S?tllilKVes- 1 New York Weekly Tribune With the close of the Presidential fact that the American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space nnd prominence, until nnothcr State or National occasion demands a renewal of the light for the principles for which THE to the present day, ano won its greatest Every possible effort will be. put forth, nnd money freely spent, to make THE W'EEKLVTRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family. We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib une one year Wrltp vnnr mimp mill fiflflrpsq Tribune Office, New York City, aui ti eainple copy of The New York Weekly Trib une will be mailed to yon. Drugs, Paint Wall Paper, Glass. Etc. TTTT1 ipes-Kmersly Drug Co. 129 Second St., THE DALLES, - - OR. J. S. SCHBNK, II. 31. IlEALL, FreMUent. Cashier. first national Bank. THE DALLES OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to eight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day ot collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, ban iranclsco an" Port land. DIRBOTOKB, D. P. Thompson. Jno. S, Boiibmck. Ed. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likbx. ti. M.-BKAIX. OR. GUM'S IMfUOVKO LIVER PILLS livali,. nmn fill Tara.Diu. motviiMnt til tfus faoif 1a aila dr is n nr 1 1 fa boiltti. TJsow pUU MpplrwMt lb mUrm' Uck to milt it raUr. Tlury cur Utauao. bricbUin tha Tueyneiiitor rni nor cicxcn. io cwiriu cufiriuw ou, ill Lull KAioplH iriw. or full iiax fur bold mwm . wkiu. mi. jJosakeo Uau. co., f wUdciutiu, ei 1 EL a .mm i .i T S-J 1 I I IJi ZZL .VS I V - -VJ I r r II I x riii 'AM 11 vj1 Vou will find or.o coupon Ir.Mltla civ h urn ounce line uri'l tvoc:3Unir.s lusa'.ccai'li Iburouucclvv- r.i lV-.'-!;v.cirti Ijarliuiii. i:r.;. u bu of tlll'i celcbrutT.'. '."jco v.'.:X Kail the ccKp'r, i .-i'h cht i ., HoiOf VrUf. I'll ; .risvll!: tilltl ho' ta gC. i.;iiti. FOK Far me and Villagers, koi: Fathers and Mothers, KOtt Sons and Daughters, FOK All the Family. Campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizes the TRIBUNE has labored from its inception victories. T for only $1.75. nn si noatnl rnrH. rpiiH it. tn f4pn. W. Rpat FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rilAHSACT A (JENKUAI, HANKING HUdlNES Letters of Credit issued available in the Kastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer? sold on Now York, Chicago, St. Louis, tSaii, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in .Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. ZEE. (3- L IE 2ST 2ST. Notice or Final Settlement. Notlco Is licrcby Blve-i Hint tho underslKiictl I ourt ol tlio Htnto of Oregon (or Watco County, his Uiml account us thu administrator ol tuo t-s- tltfi, nf f ftl.lltlu.n i,nAii.uul ...... ... . ..uv... ...."., unvMiii, anil Hint Uy mi order of tho Comity Court, made nnd en- fitrvH .tn flu, lull, d.if ni iuaam..h .t .i.. county courthoimo in Dalles City, Oregon, wus at the hour of J o'clock p. m. a tho time for tho hoarintr ni hflld IIiimI nnnrniiit miH .t.tutfn.... thereto., A. K. THOMPSON. aecSM AdinlnUtrutor. A competent woman wants a place doing housework or nuraing. Gull at thie office. N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY, s Pnllman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car MINNEAPOLIS DULUT1I r.nt(ii) liKANI) FOKICH (!l!OOKSTON WINNITKO I1KLKNA tl IUJTTK TO Through Tickets CHICAOO WAHHlNiTON rillLAIUKLt'IUA KKIV YORK ItOSTON AN1 ALL l'OIXTS KA8T anil SOUTH Forinforraiillon, limocardi, inujaiiil tleSet, cal on or wiltu to W. G. ALL AWAY. Agent, Tlio Dallesnnon OR A. D. CHAltLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 353, MoirUon Cor. Third. I'ortlund Oro;on EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -OF TlIK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and arc due to arrive at Portland. LKAVK. FltOM JUNK Si, 1S9J. AHBIVK. 1 f OVKUI.AN1) KX-1 1 presb, Salem, Hoc- 1 J ramento, Osden.bian ! I) Franelseo, ilojave, ' IiOsAiijrelcs,Kl l'aso, New urleans and 8:50 I'. JI "a: 10 A. 11. (.East J Hoscl'iug and way ta- Hons ("Via Woodburn fori I .Mt.AnKel, Sllverton, i West Solo, Hrowns- S vllle,t5irtnglleld and I. Natron J Salem ami way stations (Corvnllls mid waJ'J jstntlons f McMinnville and (way stations ... . j S:S0 A. M. 1:40 r. 11. Uully except Sundays. M:00 V. M, 7:30 A. M, M:45 1. it. except Sundays. 10 .00 A.M. t Gi-JO I'.M. t Sli'il'. II, Dally. tlJanj", except Sunday, DINING CARS ON OliDKN UOUTE. PULLMAN JJUFfKT SI.KHl'KKS AND KECOND-CLASS SI.EKl'INO OAKS Attachetl to all Tlirouch Trains. Through Ticket Olllce, lilt Third street, where uirnut,'n ucKcts to an points in tne uastern SitMtes, Canada aud Kurojui can be obtirined at uiwesi rates irom J. li. IC1KKLANI). Ticket Aeent. All abovo trains arrive at anil tlepurt lron Oraud Central Station, Fifth and Irvine streets. YAMHILL DIVISION. I'atsenKer Depot, foot ol JetJerton street. T it.ii'n r.. ftCH'I.Y'li ... n.if .i. . i .... ...ivy, wviv lii a, u.w, , .-V, I0:1." a. in.; 12:15, 1:15, :-:lb, fi:l., b;l)o ii. in. (and U:iXI p. m. on Saturday only). Anlve at Portland at 7:10, M;S0, U:J."ui, m.i liiW.iJil.'i, ii:3.j, i j . in ji. in. U'ave for Sheridan, week days, it li'JO p. in. Arrive at Portland, 0::50 n. m. Ix?ave for AIUL1K on ilondav. Wednt-Kliiv nnd Frloav nt'JUOa. in. Arrive at Portland, Tups- tiav, iiitirsuay anil aainniay atiiiU.) p. in. Sunday trains for OSWKOO Iwive at 7:'J0, S:40, 10:15a. in.: r.!l5, l:lo,:i:a),,):a-i 0:45 p. in. Ar- riyctu i-oriianuai i:;,, :;jj, loioo ii;i a. in.j xiou, ,);i, u;tv,u;.j, ;ii) p. in. K. KOKHLKK, E. P. ROC1EUS, llmiam. Asst. G. F. & Pass. Act. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. IH Pones a Weak. 150 Paper a Yer. It etands first nmone ''weeklv" nana in 8ize, frequency of publication and ireBlmess, variety and reliability of con tents. It is practically a dailv at the low price of a weekly ; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women and a lone series of stories by the greatest living American and JSnplish authors, Oonan Doyle, .luromo K. .lerome, Htaultiy Wfyman, BUry K. WilkliiH, Anthony Hop, itret Ilarte, Hriuitler Mxttltews, Ktc. Wo offer this uneaualed nowsnnnnr and Tho Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle to. gether one year for .'.00. The regular price ol the two papers is $3.00. for Hale or Kent, The Grant hotel, close to the donor. will soli cheap, or rent for $10 per mopth. Lbe Kke, decli-lm Grains, Or. Executor's Notice of Final Account, Niillcc Is licrcby rIvop that Ocorge A. Meh cxecutor of the entato of Richard G. Olostor. ti ceased, ban Illctl the llnal nccountlmr of the m. talc of lUclmril O. Clostcr. deceased, with th iiattlliiitslilp cstata of Albert Lehman, nnin. alle rMMin, of thopeison nnd ftatoof whith paid Albert iMinimi, n Insiinu ternon, the mm Itlchartl Clostcr, dcccnsetl, was at the tlinont bis dentil the duly tippnlntcd, nunlllletl and act. liter suiirdlntl, with the clerk of the Countv Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco Cotint and that said court has appointed 10 o'olnck a! in. of Monday, November '-, I8')C, being Iheflm tlay of the rcftuliir November term of said court for the year 1M0, nt tho county courthouse it! Dalles City, Orcpon, as the time and place fot the hcarniB of said llnal accounting midobJec. tlous theicto If any tin ro be. 'jhls notice is published by order of said County Court, entered October 2d, IfeiHi, GKOROK A. L1K11E. Kxtcutor Cordon it Condon, Attorneys for Executor." OCt3-oMl Administratrix' Notice. h Notice I hereby given that the underslsnea has been ainiolnted administratrix ol the estate of tieorgo V. Turner, deceived, and has dulr tiualilletl as such. All licrsons having claims aaalnst said estate aro therefore notliled to pre cent the Mime to her, with ntoper vouchen within six mouths from tlio date hereof at the otlleeof the County Clerk of Wasco countv, Ore sou, or at the olllce ot her attorney, W. V. Mas ters. looms 1 to I, Hamilton Uuildlng, l'ortliuid Oregon, within six months from this tlate. . MAUOAKKT K. 8YKES, Atlmlnlttratrlx of the estate of Gen. W. Turner, deceased. oet3-ii Dated October isafi. G-uardian Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the Countv Court nf the State of Oiegon for Wasco county, guar dian of the person and estate of Albert Lehman, an Insane person. All persons having claims nuaiiiot said estate are hereby rei'iilred to pre sent them to moatniy residence in Dalles City, Oregon, with proper voucher-. OI50KGK A. I.IE11K, Guardian of the jtersow aud estate of Albert Lehman, insane. Dated thisMth day of September, S. scp2G-6t-tI Guardian's Sale of Real Estate. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, guardian of the persons and estate of Alice Al io Ira Udell snd William Kdward Udell, minors, under aud in act ordanco with an order of the county court of the btate of Oiegon, for Wasco Countv, heretofore made, will sell at public auc tion, for cash In hand, on Saturday, the 19th day of December, 181)0, nt the hour of L! o'clock, noon, at the 'courthouse door In Dalles Clty.ln Wasco County. Oregon, nil the leal estate be longing to the estate of said minors, to-wlt: The southeest tiuarter of section thirty in township one north range ten east Willamette lleililian, in Oregon, containing 1C0 acres. Dalles City, Oregon, Nov. ID, l&t. OKOUUE UDELL, unv'Jl-ii Oiuirdiau nf said Minors Notice to Taxpayers. The County Hoard of Knunllzatlon wiUrnfe in the assessor's olllce on Monday, October 5Ui, and continue in session one week, for the put pose of equalling tho assessment of Wasco county for lf)9C. All taxpayers who have not been Interviewed by the assessor will please call at the olllce on Thursdays, Fridays and Satur days, as all propertv must be assessed. F. II. WAKEFIELD, Sept l"-il Countv Assessor, Dalles City and Mora Stage Li Leaves Williams Hotel, Moio, on .Mondays, Wednesdays nnd Fridays at 8 n. in. prompt. LeoveH Umatilla House, The Dalles, Tuesdays, Thvrsduys and Saturdays at 8 a. m. prompt. Freinht rates The DulleB to Morn, 40c per 100 11)!; small puukaes, lo and 25c. P.issenuur rales The Dalles to Muro, $1.50; round trip, .2.50. Agency at. Uinntilhi House, The Dalle?, and at Williams Hotel, Moro. tf DOUGLAS ALLEN, Prop. Bale Oven and Mitchell STAGE LINE, THOMAS HABPEE, - - Proprietor Staged leave Bake Oven for Antelope every day, and from Autelope to Mit chell three times a week. GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. he Glades Ranch, WHITE SALMON, WASH. . Tl J America JERSEYS IT. n K Jr.ey CMtlo maw m W Club Of tho St Lambert, Commnssle nnd Tormentqt mine. Three Choice Hulls for sale or rent, so some Cholco Coivh and HeKera for sale, l'ure Hred roland China Hogs. hlte Plymouth Kook ChlcKons. Address: MHS. A. K. IIVUKETT, Prop. Jy'ii-w3m White Salmon. II PPBISOII P ty. if you prof or to come bero ne willooii 5,rrT'i'.f n to euro. 1 f y ou haro taken naf" Mins. MuooualtoIiM la mouth. Hare Tbroak lUinpIe. Copper Colored Spati. Ulcer ol ny Mjiof tbodr. Mlr or Eyebrow (ulliH we KiMrantee to cure. Wo solicit the most obw' nafe eases and eniUloo tile world, fiB! 80,0OO capital bohlnd our uncon Uonatnarantr. Absolute proifent sealed oa WPllcatlou. Addreia COOK. .KKMEP.V jOtSi Jt B. QOIT, COUNTY SURVEYOR. lleesidence, Tenth and Liberty StreeM LOO