The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 09, 1897, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle,
The only Republican Daily Nexcspapet n
Wasco County.
JAN. 0, 1897
EASTERN OFFICE 330 to 234 Temple
Court, N. Y. City. E. KAT Agent.
The senatorial situation is decid
edly mixed, and what the result will
be is very much in doubt. So fur
it is Mitchell against the Held, and
nil kinds of combinations are being
made or suggested. Among the
Republican members Mitchell is said
to have ' thirty-eighl votes that can
be depended on, or eight short of a
majority. "While he is making his
tight as a Republican, it is quite cer
tain that botli Democrats and Popu
lists feel more friendly to him than
to any other Republican that could
be named. The important question
is, "Do they feel friendly enough to
vote for him?" That no one can
tell. Young, the chairman of the
Popu'ist state central committee, as
serts that Mitchell will get no Popu
list votes; but Young may not have
the Populist members buttoned as
solutely fair election without possi
bility of fraud by colonization or
otherwise. "When we have 'Mi elec
tion law that permits every citizen to
vote and have his ballot counted,
and prevents every person not a citi
zen voting, nothing more can be de
sired in that lino. The proposed
law will accomplish this.
Mr. Walter Germain, whom we
presume must be an authority on
dress, since he writes learnedly on
the care of clothing, among other
things advises thuslv : 'vNevcr
lounge about your room in your
clothes, nothing destroys them so
much. When you come in during
the afternoon or at night, remove
your coat, waistcoat and trousets
and put on a bath robe. Always
have an old coat at the ofllcc."
California has taken a regular
wheat scare, and among the specula
tors the bulls express the opinion
that "wheat will bring $2 per cental,
or 1.20 a bushel be.'ore the new
crop comes in. Californians are fig
uring the state supply as that of the
world, and are, of course, mistaken.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale.
ity virtue of mi pxccutlcm nml ortler ol snk'
duly IsMtctl by thu Clerk of the Circuit Court of
the County of Wnsco inul Slate of Oregon, ilutitl
i he 7th ilny of Jnuunry, 1897, In n certain notion
In the .lustloe IVaco court for said county nnd
otsito wherein Kriek Nelson as vliilnilll'rccov
cred Judgment imalnst Alexander Watt tor the
sum of f.Vs.SO and costs and disbursements taxed
nt J13, on the 17th day of October, 1SW.
Notice Is hereby plven that 1 will on Monday,
the 15th day of Kebriiary, lM7,at i ho front door of
the courthouse In Dalles City, In mild county, at
" o'clock In the afternoon of said day, tell nt
public miction to the highest bidder for cash,
the follouinc described property, to-wlt: two
aorei of land at the Cascade Look's, commencing
at the northwest comer of the southeast quarter
of section twelve In township two north of
rntise veven east of Willamette Meridian In
Oregon; running thence Miuth ten rods, cast
thirty-two roils, north ten rods, west thirty
two rods to place of beginning. Taken
and levied upon ns the property of thctnld
Alexander Watt, or so much thereof as may bo
necessary to satisfy the mid Judgment in favor
of Krlek Nelson airalnst said Alexander Watt,
with interest theieon, together with all costs
and disbursements that hnvt. or may, accrn .
SherilVof Wasco County, Oregon.
Dated nt Dalles City, Jan. S, 1S97. JaullM
tightlj- in his pocket as he imagines.
In the meanwhile there are rumors
of sacks, and more sacks, just"as
there always are. Bourne is said to
have one. and a long one, and others
are reported that are of full depth.
The fight is growing warm, but will
not reach a welding heat until the
lltth, when the first vote is taken.
The legislature will meet and or
ganize Monday, and will adjourn
about Tuesday or Wednesday until f Cou"
the following Monday to give the
speaker a chance to name his com
mittees. Portland is the battle-ground
just now, and valiant warriors, rang
ing from the bier rilled KiOO pounder
from Portland, to the homeopathic
pellets from some of the couutry
precincts are sathered for the con
flict. The latter are really suf
fering from the weight of responsi
bility each feels resting entirely on
Our guess at the result is that
Mitchell will succeed himself.
A Cure for l.nniu Haul;.
"My daughter, when recovering fronl
an attack of fever, was a great sullejur
from pain in the .back ami hips," writes
Louden Grover, of Surdis, Ky. "After
usini: quite a number of remedies with
out any benefit she tried one bottle of
Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and it has
given entire relief." Chamberlain's
Pain Balm is also a certain cure for rheu
matism. Sold by Blakelev & Houghton.
The funding bill is creating whole
lots of fun in the lower house of con
gress. Johnson .of California waded
into Hearst, the owner of the San
Francisco Examiner, and lloatner
and others waded into' Johnson.
The real fellow who needs just such '
an isnoble death as being talked to
it, Collis P. Huntington, was not!
mentioned by either side. Johnson f
drew the enemies fire away from his
Thure Is Nothing So (.noil.
There is nothing just as good as Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
lis and Colds, so demand it and do
not permit the dealer to sell you some
substitute. He will not claim there is
anything better, but in order to make
more profit he may claim something else
to be just as good. You want Dr. King's
New Discovery because you know it to
be safe and reliable, and guaranteed to
do good or money refunded. For Coughs,
Colds, Consumption and for all nfl'eu
tions of Throat, Chest and Lungs, there
is nothing so good as is Dr. King's New
Discovery. Trial bottle free at Blakelev
& Houghton's Drug Store. Regular size
50 cents and $1.00.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly app in ted thu assignee of the
estate of M. lleiulriusoti aim L. A. lIendricou,
Insolvent debtors. All paisons having claims
against both, or either, of said insolvent debMrs
are hereby notified tti present them to me prop
erly verilled, as by law required, within three
months from the dato hereof, at the olllce of J.
I.. Story. In Dalles City, Oregon; and all per
sons owing them, or cither of them,urc heieby
notified to settle with vu at once.
TheJ)alles, Dec. S, 1m.
U-i I . S DAVIS, Assignee.
"The Regulator Line"
The Dalles. PorUaoi ani Astoria
Navigation Co.
Freight anil Passeier Line
Notice to Contractors.
The undersigned will receive bids for the con
struction of a water ditch 70U) feU long. 1000
feet is mostly loose tocI: work; some blasting.
Itahuice sciaper work. Ditch to be live feet wide
on bottom, and two feet deep. Twelve miles
from The Dalles, For further particular ad
dress M. .1. COCK KKMXK,
nivw MI lioyd, Oregon.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the county court of
the State of Oregon for Wasco County, adminis
trator of the estate of W. II. I.ochh?ad, deceased.
All perr-ons having claims, against tnid estate
are heieby required to present the same to me
properly verified, as by law required, at the
Wasco Warehouse, Dalles City, Oregon, within
six mouths from date hereof. ,
Dated this :x)th day of October, 1S1M.
Administrator of the estate of W. H. I-oclihead, i
deceased .
Until further notice, the
Steamer Regulator will leave
The Dalles on Mondays, Wed
nesdays and Fridays at 7:30
a. in., and will leave Portland
on Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Saturdays at 0:30 a. m.
One way -f2 00
Round trip 3 00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Shipment! for Portland received at
any time. Shipments for way landings
must be delivered before o p. in. Live
stock shipments solicited. For rates call
on or address
General Agent-
Kucklen'o AnucH salve.
The best salve in the world for cutt.',
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, nnd posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to -jive perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunuett. Price 25 cents
pjr box. For sale uv Blakelev and
I Houghton, druggists.
TN THE CIKorir COl'KT of the State of I
X Oregon, for Wasco County. i
Krnest Morgan, Plaintiff j
Nettie Morgao, Defendant.
To Nettle Morgan, tnc above named defendant:!
In the name of the State of Oregon, you are'
neteoy required to appear in tne udovc emitted
court and answer the complaint tiled against
you in said court and cause, on or before the
first day of the next regular term of the Circuit
Court for Was County, Oregon, following the
expiration of six weeks' publication of this
summons, to-wit, Monday, the Mh day of Febru
ary. lS'JT, and you will take nofice that if you
fait to so appear and answer, for want thereof
pluiutill' will take judgment against you for thu
relief prayed for In his complaint, to-wit:
A decree of divorce forever dissolving the
bonds of marriage heretofore and now existing
between plalmitr and defendant, and for such
other relief ns may be equitable and just.
Tnis summons is served upon you by publica
tion thereof in The D.illes Oiikomclk. a weekly
newstaper of general circulation published at
The Dalles, Oregon, by order of Hon. W. L.
llradshaw, judge of the above named court.
Dated at Dalles City, Or., Dee. 1'J, 1MW.
ti. W. I'HKl.PS
dee?.!-! Attorney for I'lalntill'.
Sheriff s Sale.
is a
boss. The funding bill is a dead and '5 the result of colds and
I sudden climatic changes,
cold steal of $1,10,000,000 and inter-1 For your Protection
. e mr. ....... i wo positively state that this
est for 100 years, that IS all that Call remedy does not contain
t . . i mercury or any other jujur-
be gotten out of it. Jt proposes for ious drug.
the government to lend the money ! FIV'S GfBBIH BSlfTl
to the railroads at OllC Ol" two per ' acknowledged to be the most tliorttijjh cure for
1 j .Vasal Catarrh, Cold In Head and Hay lever of all
cent n year, and as the government
pays about four per cent, the differ
ence between what it received and
Notice Is hereby given that an execution nnd
I ordt-r of sale was issued out of tho circuit Court
i of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, on the
, 'Mh day of December, lino, upon a judgment
therein rendered on the L'lst (lay of Jxivumber.
I l.-Xi, in favor of Kh.i1 H. DIetzel. plaintiff, and
' against Jiune 1 Elliott and William Wood, de
fendants, which said execution and order ol
sal" is to me directed and ommaudlug me to
' sell the property hereinafter de.-crllwd, for the
i imrpotu of satisfying the Judgment of the plaint
lit in said cause lor the sum ol juio.IU, with In
terett thereon nt ton per cent er annum from
the'JIst day of November, WXr, and the further
sum of 10 attorney's fees; and thu costs nnd
disbursements of said suit taxed at $15. There
fore, in compliance with stdd execution and
1 orderof sale, 1 will om
Saturday, January .'10. 1807,
at the hour of 1 o'clock p. in. at the courthouse
I door in Dalles city, Wasco County, Oregon, tell
at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash
in timid, lor ine purpnso ot satisiymg theiudg
Choice of Transcontinental Routes
-VI A-
St. Paxil
Kansas City
Low Rates to all Eastern Cities.
STKAMKKN l.euvo I'ortland
Every Five .Days for
Tvhat it paid out would be 300,000,
000. The roads have cost the gov
ernment enough now, nnd it should
foreclose, get what it can, pocket its
loses, and be dune with it.
allayu pain and Inflammation, heals the sores, pro
tects the membrane from colds, icstores the etmes
of taftuand emell. Price 60c. at Druggists or by mall.
ELY UitOTilEliS, 50 Warren Street. New York.
Sheriffs Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco county,
J. Shipley, I'liiutiir,
William H. Neabeack, Emma N'eabeack, James
Hall, Mrs. James Kail and Kuapp, ilurrell A:,
Co,, a conwrHtion, Defendants.
jjy virtue oi an execution ami oruer oi saie
Atnnrirr flin tlin mnflnr- ,;,, , JJ viriuu 111 an cavuiuiuh mm mutt ui sun
Among tlie OUlCl matteia COmitlg to medlrtcted and Issued out of the above en
before the legislature will be
making of some arrangement for
working the state convicts. There
seems to be n general objection to
4i, tilled cfflut In the abnvo entitled cause, In favor
, of the pldlutlli above named, on tnc'Joiii any of
aovemuer, jswj, ccmmaniuug niu io saiisiy me
several sums of iVi.xi, the judgment obbilned
herein, with interest thereon at the rate of eight
;r annum since .nv, ..., isyo, nim
i tier cent te
I attorney' fees and 120 costs of suit and accruing
costs, uy levying upon nun selling in inemau-
nnn,.i, lolini. lmtxrr f .,.. I provided oy law lor tne smo oi real property
COIlMCt JaUOl being employed at any ,m execution, all of the right, title and Interest
of th said aei-ziidnnts in ami to ine following
ment above mentioned the following described
lands anil premises, to-wlt;
Sixty-three (IV!) acres oil" the east sldonfthe
North half of tho southeast quarter of h-ec. :s0 In
Township 1 North, Uange la East, W. M., com
mencing at a rock nt a point on the North line
of the A'Wtfof the 8EJ4 of said Section SO;
thence East to East line ot said section; thence
Bouth one-quarter mile; thence West to a point
due South of said rock (the place of beginning);
ineucoortn to me pmco nt nciniiing.
Dated (Ills UJth da) of December, lb'Jd.
T. .1. IHtlVKR.
jau.'-St-II Sheriff of Wiuco County, Or.
You Get
the Profits
Of Dealers, Agents, Jobbers
and Middlemen by buying di
rect from the manufacturer.
For full details call on O. It d: Co. s Agent
Tho Dalles, or address
W, H. HUKUJUKT, Gen. Pass. Agt
Portland, Oregon
E. M'A'KIM. President aud Manager.
Now Schedule.
Train No. 1 arrives at The" Dalles 4 Ho
a. in., and leaves 4:50 a. m. '
Traiu No. 2 urriven at The Dalles 10:15
p. in., and leaves 10:20 p. in.
Train No. 8 arrives at The Dalles 11 :55
p. in., and west-bound train No. 7 leaves
at 1 p. in.
irtun 'd and -'4 will carry passengers
netween l no Dalles and Umatilla, leav
ing The Did lee, at 1 p. m. daily and ar
riving at The Dalles 1 p. in. daily, con
nectini; with traiu Nob. 8 and 7 from
Portland. E. E. Lyh.e,
dftetibed real e.ituiu; Tne soiilhwett quarter of t
work that competes with free labor.
r., r i.: :. :.. 41... Uectlon l.v 0 in township threo .'i-toutti of,
-"' ""a ia iJiuimuiu null n ' range thirteen -I.".- east, W. M.( tltuale and be-,
1 ing In vkiuco county, Oregon.
I I levied upon Mild real pricrty on said 'J-'itli 1
dav o:' November, lhuo. and to Mtlefv tho afore- .
Mild Mjveral Mimx and acendug costs I whl Mill '
the fame at public auction to thu highest bidder '
for Ciikli In hand, at tho courthouse door I 1
Dalle!, City, In uid county of Watco, on the St t ,
day of December, at tho hour of y o'clock I i
tho afternoon. T. J. DKIVKK,
nis-ll Hherllfof Waico County, Oregon,
bill will bo passed providing for the
employment of convict labor on pub
lie roads. This would not interfere
with anyone, for if there is nny place
n white mnn hates to work it is on
the public highway. There the good
citizen imagines all ho has to do is
to put in his time and do nothing.
and Headstones,
Before going elsewhere, call on
L. COMINI, The Dalles, Or.,
For a Tombstone. Warranted
to stand for all time, regardless
of wind or weather.
We print the proposed registra
tion law in full Unit our leaders may
know just what the law will be. Tho
bill will be submitted to the legisla
ture, and wc think passsd without
material amendment. The law is a
good one, and would give us an nb-
Assignee's Notioe.
Notice Ih hereby given that on October 3D,
IhVC, U. O. lllckok of Catcade Locks, Oregon,
made n general alignment to mo for the benefit
of all bin creditor in proportion to the amount
of their respective claims, of all IiIh property.
All erisoUN having ulaiins against said C. (i.
lllckok are hereby notified to present them to
meat Catcade iock, Oregon, with tho proer
vouchers therefor, within three months irom
Dated Oct. 21. 1M.
J. U. DAY, Jit,
oct2l-St-ll Assignee of C. U, lllckok.
Subscribe for Tin: Ciikonicle.
No better wheel made than the
Acme Bicycle
Built in our own factory by
skilled workmen, using the best
material and the most improved
machinery. W kav no uginU
Sold direct from factory to the
rider, fully warranted. Shipped
anywhere for examination.
Our Interesting Offer
Acme Cycle Co., Elkhart, Ind.
American Market,
74 Second Street.
Fruit, Produce,
Butter, Eggs.
Office next door
Thu Dalle, Oregon.
to the Kim National Bank
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of an kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, ndM?'LklTEdE8D
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
-vi TFlviTn This Flour ih nmiiufnrtino.l expressly f6r family
LULL J; iUUI. SL.; every eack is iiinniiiU't!d to give satisfaction.
We sell our pooda lower tlinn any house in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and uet our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
rjCHnes and Cigars.
HOP GOLD BEER anddirnUbottles.
Anheuser-Bnsch Malt Nntrine, a non-alcoholie
beverage, nneciualed as a tonic.
75 cts-$3-50
Buys a good BOYS'SUIT at 0. F. Steph
ens.' Intorniccliatc prices up to $4.50.
Is all C. F. Stophons asks ibr a servicea
ble suit of MEN'S CLOTHING. The
best Black Diagonal for $12.00.
An elegant assortment of
18i)G Btyles just received,
a part ot which may be
seen in show window.
Romeniber, all these goods are latest made, warm, serv
iceable and fashionable, and at prices never before ap
proached in The Dalles.
Leave your orders for
Dressed Chickens, Fish,
Fine Dairy Butter, Eggs,
Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds,
Corner Seoond and Washington Sts.
175 Second Street,
The Dalles, Oregon
Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
Successor to Ohrlsman & Corson.
Again in business nt the old stand. I would be pleased to
Bee all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town.
"There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flood
leads on to fortune."
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
(Hosing Hilt Sale of Furniture aud Carpets
Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates