The Dalles Dally Gimmick. Tin: 1IAI.I.KS, OKKttON AtlvtirtUluc Kiiti;. iVr inch . ?t m . 1 CO One Inch or loss In Dally . . . Over two lucho mul under four Inches. Over four incite;- ami iitulcr twelve Inelie Over twelve Inches DAILY AND WKKKt.Y. One inch or less, per Inch Over one Inch mul under four Inches. Over four inches mul uiuler twelve Incite: Over twelve Inches 'J 00 1 M 1 00 I'lCUSONAI. MKNTION. E. l Ash of Cascade Locks is in the city. Mr. M. C. Jseiibi-rg of Hood Iliver is in the city. Mr. J. P. Hurrison came in from Cross Kcvs vuaterihiv. George Prather Iviver hist nicht. came tip from Hood Georce N. Maddoek of Goldendale is registered at the Vumtilln. Mrs. H. M. Henll is speniiine a few days with iier husband in this city. Mr. Norman Wilson arrived here yes terday from PhuMiix. Arizona, to attend the funeral of his mother. Mr. A. V. Patterson, of the Heppner Gazette, passed through the city yester day niorningon his way to Salem,' where he will remain durini; tiiu session of the legislature. A Now Year Itevorie. The editor of the Eugene Guard, beint' undoubtedly led therto by contempla tion of the office devil, thus breaks loose in a recent issue : "Backward, turn backward, Oh time in your flight ; make mis a boy again, just for tonight. Give mo the bliss of that rapturous time, when I would go swimming, say, half of the time. Give me the blister that followed the bliss on the part of my neck that the sun didn't miss; give me the belting that followed it then, make me a jubilant urchin sigain. Backward, turn backward, Oil time in your flight ; give me one chance at ilie teacher who larruped me six times a day Oil give me a chance at that teacher I say. And give me the wood pile as big as a bill ; let the pleasure of splitting it cheer me and thrill, while the boys gaily cheer me from over the fence. Oh, give me that bliss again, darn the expense! The small reserva tion just over the hill, where the thought of the hoeing would give me a chill ; the cow that caressed me each eve with her tail as I tried to draw milk for a twenty quart pail, the hens that forever are wanting to set, the pig with a stomach man never filled yet, measles that hit me, that colicky pain Oh give me the bliss of my boyhood again ! If you'd Ull me with rapture and cheerful delight, backward, turn backward, Oh time in your flight." There Is Nothing So Good. ihere is nothing just as good as Dr.! Xing'ri New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, eo demand it and do not permit the dealer to sell you some substitute. He will not claim there is anything better, but in order to make more pront lie mav claim something else to be just as good. You want Dr. King's Kew Discovery because you know it to be safe and reliable, and guaranteed to do good or money refunded. For Coughs, Colds, Consumption and for all affec tions of Throat, Chest and Lungs, there is nothing so good as is Dr. King's New Discovery. Trial bottle free at iilakeley c iioughton a Urug fetore. lieguiar size 50 cents and $1.00. ;2) ltuolclen'n Arnica aulve. The beat salve in the world for cute, bruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fovei cores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all ekin erttptioni, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is "guaranteed to t;ive perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 'Jo cents per box. For ealo Dy Klakeley and Houghton, druauiats. ArtlcJiolies for halo. Tho undersigned lias for sale the mammoth .Jerusalem artichokes, and can furnish any amount of seed at $1 per bushel. 11. 15iuiii:.NiiKnoi:rt, declO-lm Bake Oven, Or. I)alle.-Miiro Htngo Leaves the Umatilla house 8 a. m Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays'. Douai.As Allen, Prop. CATARRH LOCAL $DISEASE and is the result ot colds and sudden climatic changes. For your Protection we positively ttato that this remedy doeii uot contain mercury or any other Injur ious urug. Ely's Cream Balm U acknowledged to be the most thorough cure for Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head aud llay fever of all remedied. It opens and cleanse tho nasal pauagtw, allays pain ana hillaimnatlon, heals the Eorea, pro lixin tlie membrane from colde, restores the tieiiwi jf taituund muell. 1'riio &0c, at Jlruggieta or by mall, ULY UWm lilts. W Wurreubtrtet.Kew York. i SUMMONS. TX THi: CIKCl'lT COt'UT of the' State of Or X orou for Wiifco Countv. AlnitiC. Howe, l'lailltlir. ' vs. Samuel T. Howe, Defemlmit. To Samuel T. Hoivo, the above named defendant: In the mime of the Mate of On. con win are net coy reiiutrctl to Mid miMver in-icom- lilnftlt np-.itnf vim 1ii rhu nK... ...t.ltl.-.! ' 1 court mul cause, on or before the duv of the HJ I next term of said court following the expiration of the time prescribed in the order for the pub Hcatlon of this summons, to-wlt: On orb fore tlieSthdHVof l-'ehrmirv. 1.17! ami (r vnn full en fit appear mr.1 answer, or otherwise nleml In snli) cauo. mo planum, for want thereof, will apply to the court for the rellei praved for In the com plaint tiled herein, to-wlt: That the bonds of matrimony between plalutiiV and defendant bo dissolved: that the plalntitV be awarded the custody of the minor child mentioned In said complaint. Hester A Howe; that defendant be barred of all ilRht, title or Interest in the real and personal property of plain tilt', and that vtltilutltt' have and tecover her costs and dis bursements made and expended In this suit, uu mi micu inner nun iiiriuer reuet as to tne Court may seem equitable. This summons Is served upon von bv publica tion thereof, by order of the Hon. V. I.. Itrad (ilmw, Judite of said Court, which older bears the date of October TO. 1NHJ, and was made and dated at Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, on Octo ber :w, lspo. .iohn it. c!,i:n,vu(iH. "lec.TO I Attorney for l'lalntlll. SUMMONS. TX THK CIItOriT COUKTof the State of Ore- J- Si ou for w asco Countv Frank J. Meyeis, Plulutlil, vs. Annie M. Meyers, Defendant. To Annie M. Meyers, the above ant: namtd defend. In the name of the State of Oregon, you ate hereby rciiuircd to appear in the above entitled i court and answer the complaint llled ujralnst you In said court and caue, on or before the tlrst day of ttie next regular term of the Circuit Court for Wasco County, Oregon, following the expiration of six weefis' publication of this sum. minis, to-wit, Monday, the Sth dav of l'ebruarv. ivj,, ana you will take notice that If you fall to so appear and answer, for want thereof" plaint 111 will take judgment against you for the relief prayed for in his compluint, to-wlt' A decree of divorce forever dissolving the bonds of mar riage heretofore and now existing between plaintiff ami defendant, and for such other re lief as may be equitable and just. This summons Is served upon vou bv publica tion thereof in The Dalles CiirtbNtci.'n, a news- pai erot weekly publication and general circu lation, published at The Dalles. Wasco Countv, Oregon, by order of Hon. W. L. Uradshaii , judge of the above named court. O, W. PIIKLPS. dec2M Attorney for Pliilmltf. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, the duly appointed, qualitbd and acting admin istrator of the estate of Anna Francis Carlson, deceased, has llled bis final account and report in said estate, and that Moudin, the t tit dav of January, 1S!)7, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. ni. of said day, at the County Court room of the Countv Court House in Dalles Citv, Wasco Countv, Ore- sun, uas uet-u n.xeu ana appointed ov tne Hon orable County Court as the time anil place for in.-imii sniu imui account ana report. All per sons are nereoy uoiincu ana required to apt ear at said time and place and show cause it anv mere cewny an order of this Court should not be made approving said tinal account and dis charging the said administrator tiom further acting unaer said trust and exonerating his oonasmen trom further liability thereunder. Dated this 2id dav of November. lS'.Xi. "'Ji-ot-i KICANK MEiSEFKK, Administrator of the Kstate ot Anna Francis Larisoti, Deceased. Administrator's Sale. Notice is herehv triven that the nnilnrslTiird in pursuance of an order made by the Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon lor Wasco county, on the 2d dav of November. 1590. will on Monday, the 'Hth day ot December. 1S'.0. noon the premises uereiuauer nesciiDea, sen to tne uign est bidder for cash in hand, the following de scribed real estate belonging to the estate of Mary M. Gordon, deceased, to-wlt The south' west quarter of section thiity-two in townshii four south of range thirteen east of the Willam ette meridian, in Wasco county, Oregon, con taining 1CU acres. Dated this 2"jth dav of November. 1S!M. AHA STOOSDII.L, Administrator of the estate of Mary M. O'or don, deceased. nov2S-5t-i No lice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has Hied in the ollice of tae Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco Countv his llnal account us assignee of A. A. lionnev, Insolvent debtor, and said account will lie heard at the Circuit Court room in the court house in Dalles City, Oregon, on Monrlav, the Sill day of Feortiury. 1SD7. at the hour "of 10 o'clock n. m.. or as soon thereafter us counsel may be heard. JtOllKUT MAYS, dec2.M Asiignee of A. A. liouney. NOTICE OF FINAL SKTTLE.MKNT. Notice is hereby given that tho undersigucJ, administrator of tho estate of Theodore von iior stel, deceased, has filed his liual account as such administrator, and that the .1th day of January. lb'JT, at '2 o'clock p. m. has been fixed by orderof of the County Judge us the time for hearing any objections to said account and settlement there of. All lieirs creditors or other persons inter csted in said estate are duly notified to tile their objections to said account, if any they have, be fore said date, Dated this '2!th day of November. lS'.W. GKO. VON HOHSTKI., Administrator of the Kstate of Theodore von Korstel, deceased. n2o-i NOTICE. l S. Land Offick, ) TUK I)AX.I.Eh, Dec. 7, lMHj. j Comnlaiut having been entered at this ollice by hevis C. Ileuneghan against William Word- en for abandoning his homestead entry No. W0, dated March lu, l&tfJ, upon the SWA section 'SI, Township 4 South ltaugc 1.1 K, in Wasco County, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation oi saui euirj, me sum panics aro nereoy sum moned to appear at this ollice on the trjth day of Januury, lb'JT, at U o'clock p. in., to respond and fiirnl-li testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. ilhVl JAS. V. ilOOKK. Kegister. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL All work promptly atteaded to, and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. SURE CURE for PILES fu(birfc lu.uuc.. A.llluure l m"'r."iil lrM' Wig. Wj. WruKUueruill, OU. UOHAUU, t'lillik, i'u. i WatchmakerN eweler AN ELECTRO v GOLD 0 c a 9 : SENT For 500 Coupons I and $i.oo j You will find one coupon inside each 2 ounce bay, and two coupons inside each 4 ounce bag of BLACKWELL'S Geibine o e ! Tho watch is Electro Gold Tinted, a nood time keoper, tjuick stem wind, unci stem n t It is oitViod iur below it vniiio to inilueo you to try thia Tobacco. Sand ccupoun with namo unci nddrosi) to BLACK WELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., Durham, N.G. Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco and read the Coupon which gives a list of other premiums and how to get them. 2 CENT STAMPS ACCEPTED. 4 New York Weekly Tribune With the close of the Presidential fact that the American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space and prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of tlie light for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to the present day, and won its greatest Every possible effort will be put forth, and money freely Bpent, to make THE WEEKIA TKIIiUNii pre-eminently a instructive, entertaining and indispensable to eacli member of the family. We furnish "The Chronicle" and IN". Y. Weekly Trib une one year Write vonr name and address Tribune Office, New York City, and a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib une will ue uiutleu to you. Wail Paper, Glass. Elc. THE Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. 129 Second St., THE DALLES, - - OR , S. SCHENK, President. II. M, Ilr.ALL, Cashier, First National Bank. THE DALLES OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Ueposite received, subject to sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, ban -branclsco anc Port land. DIKBOTOKS, D. P. TlIOMPBON. JNO. S. SOflKNGR. hu. M. Williams, Gko. A. Libiik. H. M. Bkaix. DR. GUNK'S Itll'ltOVKO LIVER PILLS , One Pill for a IhM. A morcrnent of t VM a bowel aeo dty u iwm.nry for bealth. iak it rviruUr. Tlioy cum. liMdacbe, brichtcn t!i "IDhmi plan Bupplywaat es,ua clear luouonipiatloii Iwttartaan iuinvtlc. evnuithar irniMi nor icketi. To conTinwi you, mm illiuall mwdIh Irfwi, nr full box for SiAo, z!c, Bold wry. I'litUdclpaU.Pi, mktta. DU. iiOSAM Drugs, Paints, A illllll I.I.VMII fl 0 W POSTPAID L C3 o ii o n n o o o o it ft o o t c a o ft fl e ft a c o o e t e OR ( For s Coupons I and $2,000 Fort- Far me and Villagers, For. Fathers and Mothers, I'OH Sons and Daughters, l'Olt All the Family. Campaign THE TltlHUNE ecognizes the victories. National l'amtly Newspaper, interesting for only $1.75. on a postal card, send Geo. W. Best FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANSACT A GUN KltAL HANKING 11USINKH Letters of Credit issued available in Eastern States. the Sight Exchange and Telegraphic iransters sola on jNmv x ork, UhieaKO, at. Lams, bun hrancisco, Portland Ore gon, iseattle wash,, and various points in uregon anil Washington. Collections made at ail points on fav orablu terms. Sheriffs Sale. Notice Is hereby given that an execution and order of sale was issued out of tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, on tho 26th day of December, 1800, upon a judgment .ItlllIHUI lw. .,U.. r V' .V...L "ii-iviii ii.iiuvii.'4 uiu .is. mi) ui iMiveiiioer. is'jo, iiiiavorni re.u it. jiietzei. piaintlll, ami against James K. Elliott and William Wood, de fendants, which raltl execution and order of sale is to me directed and commanding mo to sen tne property nereinaiter described, for the purpose of satisfying' the judtrmeut of the plaint in in sain cause ior inu sum ot f-'lii.iu, witli in terest thereon at ten per cent per milium from the'.'lst day of November, 18UU; and the further sum of 110 attorney's fees; and tho costs and disbursements of said suit taxed at $15. There fore, lu compliance with said execution and order of sale, 1 will on Saturday, tfnuunry :0, 1HOT, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m.'ut tho courthouse door in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, sell at public auction, to the hlRhest bidder, for cash In hand, for the purpose of satisfying the Judg ment above mentioned tho following described lauds and premises, to-wit; Sixty-three (fti) acres oil' tho cast 'side of tho North half of tlie Southeast quarter of Sec. 30 In Township I North, llango is East, W. il., com mencing at a rock at a point on the North line of tho NWtfof the Hl'M of said Section ); thence Kast to hast lino of said section; thciico South one-quarter mile; thence West to a point due South of said rock (tho place of beginning) ; thence North to tho place of bcriiuiilng, Dated this iWthdaj of December, 1890. T, J. DHlVKIl, Jan'-l-ot-ll Sheriirof Waeco County, Or. Executor's Notice of Final Account. Notlco Is hereby nlven that (Jeoren a. i.inhn executor of the estate of Richard (I. (Jloster, de ceased, has fllert the llnul accounting of tho es tate of Kichard (J. C'lostcr. deceased, with tho Kunruiuiisiiip usiaia oi Aiucri jnmaii, an In bane person, of the person and estate of which said Albert Lehian, an Insane person, the said Hlchard O Oloster, deceased, was at tho time of his death tho dulv m.,i ,,,. fng Riiardlau, with the clerk of tho County Court of the State of Orciron for Wascn Cmmiy? and that said court lias appointed 10 o'clock a. in. of Mmidav. November Jh'JU. holiiL- tho tin.. day of tho regular November term of wild court, for the year IttWJ, at the county courthouso in Dalles City, Oregon, as tho time and place for the hearing of said final accounting mid nhi. Hons thereto If any there be. This notice la imbllshul lie nnlnr nf wut,i County Court, ontereil Octoler2d, IStw. ur.uniii. a. i.ikiik, Kxeoutor. Condon a Condon, Attotnoyb for Kxi-cutor, oeu-ut-ll TOR! N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY, s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car T. I A I' I. MIN'NKAl'OI.IS DUI.UTII C'AKtio TV GRAND TOUK9 CKUOICSTON WINNII'KO 1IKI.KN.V mill IUJTTK ThPough Tickets mnuAGo WA8I11NOTON l'IllI.AIKiaHlA NKW 1'OKK ItOSTOX AND AI.l. l'OINTS 15 A ST and SOJITII 1'or Information, time cards, mapsand tickets, cal on or write to V. C. ALLAWAT. Acont, The Dalles, Oregon on A. D. CF1AKLTON. Asst. G. Pi A.. 235. Morrison Cor. Third. Portland Orejon EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -OK THE- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland from junk '!, 1S95. AlltUVK. OVEKIiAND KX-1 press, Salem, Kose-1 Imrg, Ashland, Sac-1 S:50 I'. 31. j uiuicillMi i:uuii,ciiu i .... I Ir.llim t.t,, ' ) Kranciseo, Jlojave, f hos Angeles, Kl l'aso, j I New Orleans and (.East j Koscburg and way sta tions (Via Woodburn lor") I 3tt.Angel, Silverton, J West Scio, Drowns- 1 ville.Sprlngllcld and I (.Natron J Salem and way stations (Corvallls and way) stations j 3tc31inuvlllo audi (way stations . . . . j M:10 A. 31 8:S0 A. 31, 1:40 1'. 31 Daily except Sundays. CXCC)t Sundays. 1:00 1. 7:: A. 10.00 A. 31 0:'20 P. 31 H:i3 1'. 31. I 8:251'. 31 Dally. tUany, except Sunday, DINING CAHS ON OC1DKN KOUTE. I'UI.h31AN nUI'l'KT SI.KEl'EltS AND SKCOND-C1.ASS SI.KKl'INti CAUS Attached to all Through Trains. Through Ticket Ollice. l.'lt Third street, where tnrougn tlcKcts to all points in tho Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates trom J. II. KIltKLAND, Ticket Agent, All above trains arrive at and denart I nun iiraun i,entrai station, rimi and irving streets YA3lIHIiI. DIVISION.' rassenger Depot, foot of Jellerson street. lave for OSWEdO. week dnvs. at. rnn. T-'n. iu.i.1 a. in.; i-.iu, i;i.i, o:j.j, n;i.i, s:n. p. m. (ami ii:;w p. m. on Saturday only). Arrive tit roruam tit r. u. h::u. a. m i:S). ir s. i : 7:&3,D:inp. m. Iaiye for Sheridan, week days, utl;;:op. m rrive at Portland, 'J;i a. m. Ix'avo for AIKLIE on 3Inndnv. Wrdnpsilm- mul rriniiv aiUMua. m. Arrivo at rort nun 'inw.. dav, Thursday and Saturday ata:0j n. m. Sunday trains for OSWECIO leave at 7:20,8:10, 10:15a.m.: 12115. 1:15. 3::jo. ft mi nil.-, n. m. a,I iitu in ruriianu in uiiij, n:uu, io;ou ll,J.) a m. m, ,):ie, xy.oo, :o.i p. m. It. KOEIIIiEU, K. P. ROOEHS, 31anagcr. Asst. U. K. & Pass. Act, NEW YORK WORLD THRlCE-JMrVEEK EDITION. 18 I'nses a Week. 100 l.'upers n Year. It etunils Hretninong ''weekly" pnpera n size, ftequenoy of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the low price ot a weekly ; and Us vast list of subscribers, extending to evory state and territory of tlie Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and amonir Us special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the atest fashions for women and a long series of stories by tho greatest living American nnd Enislisli authors, Conun Doyle, .lurninu K. Jerome, rttanloy Weymaii, Mary K. Wtlkliiti, Anthony Hone, IJrot Hurte, Jiruiiilitr Matthew, Kte. We oirer this unequaled newspaper and Tlie Dalles Twice-a-Weok Chronicle to. gother one year for $i.00. Tiio legular price of tho two papera is $3.00. Fur Sale or Kent. The Grant hotel, close to the depot. Will null cheap, or reut for $10 ner month. Lkk Kkk. tii-clftliu Grants, Or, Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon fa, Wascn county. 1 .1. Shipley, l'lallltilV, vs. Wllllnm II. Neabenok, Emma Ncabcack, Jarnei Hall, 31rs. James Hall and Knapp, hurrell a Co,, a corporation, Defendants. w Uy virtue of an execution and order of salo to mo directed and issued out of the above cd. tilled court in the above entitled cause, In tava, of tliepltilntill'abovc named, on the 25th day 0f November, 1896, crinmniidlng me to satisfy the several sums ofloS.L.n, the Judirmcnt obtained herein, with interest thereon nt the rate of eight per cent per aiinum slnco Nov. 25, isno, nna isn attorney's fees and f20 costs of suit and aceriilne costs, by levying upon nnd nelllng in tlieinan, ner piovided by Inw for the sale of real property on execution, all ol tho right, title mid Interest oi the said defendants in and to the foliowlmr described real estate: The southwot quarter of section six-i-lu township three 3-sotith of range thirteen 13 east, . M., situate and be ing In Wasco County, Oregon. I levied upon said real proporty on sold 23th dav of November, 180(1, nnd to satisfy the afore safd several sums mid iiccmlne costs I will sell the same nt public auction to tho highest bidder for cash In hand, at the courthouse tioori DallcsCity, In said county of Wasco, on tho2St dav of December, 185H, at tho hour of 2 o'clock i the afternoon. T. J. DItlVER, niS-il Hhcrlll'ol V asco County, Oregon, Guardian's Sale of Real Estate. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, guardian of the persons and estate of Alice Ah niira Udell ami William Edward Udell, minors, under mid In accordance with an order of the county court of the State of OrcRnn, for Wasco Countv, heretofme made, will sell at public auc tion, for cah in hand, on Saturttny, the 19t!i day of December, 1K9I1, at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, at the courthouse door In Dalles City, In Wasco County. Oietion, all the real estate be longing to tho estate of said minors, to-wlt: The Miuthcest quarter of section thirty In township one north ranjje ten cast Wlllimettc .Meridian, in Oregon, containing lfiO acres. Dalles City, Oiegon, Nov. 1!, 18W1. GEOKGE TTDKI.t,, nov21-ll Guardian of said Minors DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. HI. Gh ID IE IN" IN". Dalles City and ffloro Stage Li Leaves Williams Hotel, Motu, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 n. in. prompt. ITnmtilln T-Tmiun Tho TYillpq. Tiiesthiys, Thvredaye and' Saturdays at S a. in. nronint. Freight, rates- The Dalles to Moro, -10c pyr 100 lbs; Hinull puckapea, lfi mid 23c. PaHsoiioor nilnn Tho Dnllua tt Morn. $1.50; round trip, $2.50. Agency at Umatilla House, The uanee, nnd at Williams Hotel, Moro. tf DOUGLAS ALLEN, Prop. Own and Mit STAGE LINE, THOMAS HABPEB, - - Propriet.1 Ktnoua Innim llal-n fni. Anfnlnnfi eVfrv dav. and frnm Antnlntio to Mit- cheli tliree times a week. GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. he Glades Ranch, WUITE H,I,MON. WASH. Ti J Amnrlca JERSEYS l fi H K .Trsoy Cattle Club Of the St Ijiinbort, Commnssii! and Tormentor mine. Three chalco Hulls for wtlo or rent, so bonio (Jhoieo Cowh and Heifers for tide, ruro llred Polimd Chtnn lloss. White Piyniouth Kock ChioKens. Address: MILS. A. It. HYUKETT, Prop. Jva-:im White Bttlmou. WhsH. LDDD POISON A mECIALTYK cured In 16 to 86 days. You can bo treated bomoforaamepricoundersiimoKaanw ty. It you prefer to como hero wo wlllco noenanre.if wnfn i t.n., mM I" 'i, wii.wyiMii.iini U.1U W.VH . 6.V JS?' i J,ui'atcheii in mouth. Sore Tliroati JJClf'vfil'SE Culoroaspota, Ulcers o; i l-llurnn t .i a . .1 ,i..T . . ante cases and olmllonsre tUe world for banleU thklll of tho utoat oiulneut nliyu Si?1. 8Joi0O canitl bohlnd our uncon wplteatlon. Addrosa COOK. KKMEDY OOn 101 Muaonio Ximpl. CiilCAGO. IU Jt B. GOIT, COUNTY SURVEYOR, Keeaidence, Tenth wild Liberty StrceU riirll u out, It ! this Secoudury BLOOD FOISOR i