Special Offerings in Ladies' Underwear. LARGE CONSIGNMENT Ladies' Heavy Ribbed, Fleece Lined.. Regular 25c Special 19c Ladies' Grey Jersey Ribbed, vests and pants to match.. Regular 35c Special 27c Extra value, Special Heavy Ribbed Fleece Lined, with pants to match Regular 40c Special 32Ac Ladies' Fine Jersey Ribbed, Silver Grey, medium weight, vests and pants to match Regular 65c Special 50c Ladies' Heavy Knit Natural .Wool, vests and pants Regular 75c Special GOc Ladies' Fine White Australian Wool, vests and pants.... Regular $1 Special 80c Ladies' "Florence" Combination Suits Regular $1, $1.50, $2.25 . Special 80c, $1.25, $1.80 During January and February the store will close at 7 o'clock P. M. GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. 9 The Dalles Daily Chronicle.- FRIDAY. JAN. 8, 1897 Woiither Forecast. f VOUTLAND. Jim. fi, 1897. fc l'ou Kastkkn Oiikoon Tonight una tomor f.row, fair and uoolur. U imouj:. uusorvcr. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Ruutluui OliKorvntimiK mi a Local Events of l.cHHur Magnitude. Conductor Charles Miller, formerly of R'the O. II. & N., is the father of a pair of s bouncing babies. Advance shipment of spring designs in K-culored bosom Blurts just opened at A. rM. Williams & Co.'s. Mr. William Rasmus is a candidate 8for the position of reading clerk in the 'senate. He would make a good one. There will be a regular monthly lineeting of Mount Hood Hose Co., No, 4, at the hose house this (Friday) even- tt ng at 7:30 o'clock. There were no hold-ups last night, an- fc'less they were of the variety mentioned by us yesterday evenini:, and they are '.generally not very serious. i The Portland papers rub it in on jCPenuoyer occasionally, but ho pursues ithe even tenor of his way unmoved by anything that may be said concerning Shim. rvl, 1.111 r It Kill i re-arrange the indebtedness of the Pa- bciilc railroads to the government, will come up for a vote in the lower house of congress Monday. Ti.. .. ' .1 T r . ." .i . m 1 w rieuiuem. ivruger, 01 uiu aniusvaai, thug had prepared a bill to be presented i?tj the English government for damages E.on account of the Jamieson raid. It The county commissioners have or- dered the construction of a new truss abridge across Hood rivor at the town to ; replace the one now in use, it being (condemned by the road supervisor as .finnunrmiR. The latest sensational dispatch anent the Cuban question is that Gomez has submitted a proposition to the Spanish government as a basis on which peace ....... K ..,l T ! .1 Ill 1 uiy ira icihuilu. j.i io uiui;: uiiui iiitvir win aiuiy la it vuiu liiite. Young Simoneen's examination was completed yesterday, Justice lulloon tak ing the case under advisement until this ilftfirnnnn . U'linn in ilwnirlorl tn hnvn tha defendant to appear before the erand Jill J, llAttl 11IO UU11UB Ul ifOUU. Yesterdoy was Jackson day, but the old-line Jacksonian Democrats are so scarce that not enough are loft to havo a banquet any more. Moat of tham can got rid of their oratory at the Republi can banquets now, since most of them vote that way. The county commissioners are clearing up the list of bills and attending to the other county businese, including the settlement of the road supervisors ac counts. The business of the term is larger than usual, but will probably be cleared up by Saturday night. William Jones and another man from Jefferson were in Albany Wednesday PEASE looking for two trntnps who broke into the Southern Pacific depot at that place and robbed the office of a small sum ot money. The hobo rendezvous in Hackle man's grove was searched, but the men wanted were not found. Most of the citizens of DeMoss Springe are engaged in learning the cantata "Joseph, the Hebrew," compiled by Prof. J. M. DeMoss and directed by L. L. DeMoss. There are eighteen mem bers of the grand chorus, and they make their first appearance at Moro Jan. 15th. Over in Abeideen, Washington, dur ing tbe trial of a lawsuit a witness struck one of the attorneys in the face. The justice forbade fighting in the court room, when irate witness said, "All right judge, I'll take him outside and thrash him." He then threw the attor ney over the railing, dragged him out side and kept his word. The Sheepmen's, Union of Gilliam county, is being urged by the Fossil Journal to put the bounty on coyote scalps back to the old figures, $1 by the union and $1 by the county. The union recently voted in favor of paying 50 cents, and that the county should pay 50 conts. The law does not permit the county court to pay less than .$1. We shall regret exceedingly to be compelled to publish some of the fic titious items given us by our friends, but we feel that some of their joshes deserve to be preserved in print. Sheriff Driver told us about n man breaking his arm, and Jacobsen described a hold-up by Nightwatchman Wiley, but you will have to ask those gentlemen for the particulars. Here is another juvenile claimant who is younger than his Linn county com petitor. The Salem Statesman says that George Victor Evans, of Marion couuty, is the youngest person in the state holding a certificate to teach school. He is years old and passed tho examination held by County School Superintendent Jones last August. His general average was 73j; per cent. He is a son of D. M. Evans, "who lives south of Salem. The Katliboue Sisters. Tho Rathbone Sisters installed their officers Inst night as follows: P. C, Mrs. Phillips; E. C, Mrs. Lytle ; E. S., Minnie Gosscr; E. J., Mrs. Davis ; M., Mrs. Kelsay; P., Mrs. Rorden; O. G., Mrs. Wand. Mrs. Crossen was tbe in stalling officer, and was assisted by Mrs. J. Michel! and Mrs. Gavin. Miss Maudo and Master Clarence Gil bert furnished eorno excellent instru mental music, and Miss (iriswold favored the lodge with the recitation of Bryant's beautiful poem, the "Bobolink.' Miss Griawold is a splendid elocutionist, and her recitation waB received with a storm of applause. After this refreshments were served, and a goneral gobd time was had. Cali iu Your Chock. All county warrants registered prior to July 12, 1892, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Dec. 5, 1896. O. L. Pmi.ui'K, County Treasurer. 1 m & MAYS. THEY WERE ON THE ROOF. Small Hoys Hiivo a Gooil Time, anil 1'ame Oil' the Hoof Suddenly. Boys will be boys, and in their efforts to find some new and exciting 'amuse ment, each generation outdoes the one before it, simply because the oppor tunities grow steadily larger. But there are some things that never crow old, and that generation after generation of boys all amuse themselves at. One of these is the cat-like desire to climb. Yesterday evening NigHtwatchman Wiley discovered half u dozen or more boys on the roofs of the houses between Washington Btreot anjt the Umatilla. He called upon them to come down, but they had not finished their fun, and re fused. Wiley made a vigoroue'search to find how the youngsters got up, but failed. Finally he climbed up a pole and gave the kids chase an'd then they came down with a rur. They fled across the roofs until they struck the arch across the street at tfie D. P. & A. N. office. Over the top of this they scamp ered as sure footed as a lot of goat?-, and dropped out of sight. In a moment they came boiling out of the foot of one of the columns ot the arch, like a lot of mice from a nest. They hadydiscovered a hole in the canvas, crawlnl insido of the frame on which the canvas was nailed, climbed up inside of it, and so reached the roof. It was a comical sight to see them disappear at the end of the arch and come scampering out at tho bottom like frightened rats. By the time Wiley reached their run way the kids were at home eating supper and happy in the knowledge that they had done something new. To Cancel 1'atentx on Swamp Lands, Some time since, United StatoB Attor ney Murpjiy received telegraphic in structions to bring a number of suits on behalf of the government, in the United States .court, to secure the can cellation of patents to various tracts of swamp and other lands, on the ground that the patents had been Improperly granted. The suits were filed on the lust day possible for this to be done, and the defendants were ae follows: O. & C. R. R. Co., four cases; Coos Bay Wagon Road Company, and the South- j em Oregon Company, one case: Dalles Millitary Wagon Road Company, two cases; Coos Bay Wagon Road Company, and TtiomasE vans, ono case ; Coos Bay Wagon Road Co. and 50 othcra, 1 caBe; Oregon Central Military Wagon Road Company. In one ease, the State of Oregon and George M. Small, defendant yesterday demurred to the complaint, tho principal ground of demurrer being that the secretary of tho interior having decided that the land iu controversy is within tbe calls of the swamp-land grant, such abjudication is conclusive upon the courts. Judge Bellinger, after hearing the argument, sustained the demurrer, holding that the secretary's decision was final, and that the department of the interior constituted a special tribunal of its own, and that its holding in the matter was not to be Ralston KofFy, Pan Kake Flour, Grano and Breakfast Food, AT MAO & BENTON The Dalles, overruled by a United States circuit court. He nave tho government time to apply for a rehearing, as in cas'e fraud is alleged the decision of tho secretary might not bo final. It is probable that the other cases will be demurred to with tho same result. Advertised Letters. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postofiice at The Dalles un called for Jan. 9, 1897. Persons call ing for the same will give date on which they were adverlised : Anderson, Mrs C Bwichard, Geo (2; Buxwheid.Chas Cannon, Jake Carlson & AlexauderCrookfi, Mi s Cardine Cook, Chas Cheeseman, II. S. Cannon, Ada M Cheeseman, Jennie Donaldson, Laura B Hansen, Nicholas B Hayes, Jake Harris, Mrs M F Heslop, Mrs Johnson, Mrs O X Kirk, S S (3) Kanck, J M Lane, Mrs Hattie Leet, O J'j Leonardo, Mauud McCown Wiul ('.') Mane, Mies M G Pollev, E Reynolds, O T Scott, Mrs Mary Smith, Martin Smith, Oni Spencer, C E Uhltnan, OT 1 1 11 McCorniick, J E Morgan, II G Bennington, Juo Spangler, Phil Sore n son, G C Smith, Williard A Smith, O St Clair, Alice Vingon, Ann M Weston, G West, F A J. A. CltOKSKN, P. M. Wilder, H N eatii of Bradford Honney. Our account of the death of Bradford Bonney yehterday was not entirely cor rect. He died on tho Southern Pacific train near Ashland. Ho had been ail ing for some time, and during the lust week gave unmistakable symptoms of consump'tion. Ho was being taken to Southern California in the hope that the change of climate might prove bene ficial, and expired suddenly and unex pectedly. The body was brought bore, nrriving on the noon train today, both the Southern Pacific and O. R. & N, holding their trains so that there was no delay in reaching here, The funeral will take place from the family residence tomorrow (Saturday) at 10 o'clock a. in. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR wzr CREAM BAKING POWDtB Koat Perfect Made, 40 Yearn tbe Standard, A competent woman wants a place doing housework or nursing. Call at this office. WILSON HEATERS JUST RECEIVED at Remember We have strictly First-class FIR, OAK and MAPLE WOOD To sell at LOWEST MARKET RATES., Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO Holiday Goods .AT. Jacobson Book & Music Co. Toys, Albums, Books and complete line of Novelties. No. 174 Second Street, New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. Japanese Bazaar, II. OLYATT c& OO. Props. Japanese Curios, Dishes, Ladies' Underwear, Wrappers, jsroTioisrs, etc., etc. 133 Second Street, Next to Snipes-Kinersly's Store. Call nnd Soo our Goods. The Wheat Market. Under date of the 7th inst. tho San FrancWco wheat market repoit is given, and it indicates that higher prices are to prevail. As high as $1.02 per cental has been paid, and it is stated that the supply iu the state has been diminished 75,000 tons within the year and that theie are now not to exceed '.'oO.OOO tonH in the state to meet the demand for ex port, and for homo consumption, and that by the time of the coming m of new wheat, the old stock will be gone en tirely. ltefrmeruliir Lino. Attention of shippers Is called to tho new refrigerator ljno operated by tho Orotfon Railway it Navigation Company between Portland, Huntington. Spokane and Intermediutid points, leaving Port land on train 22, Wednesdays and Satur days. K. 10. I.yti.k, Agent, Do not fail to call on Dr. Lannerborg, the eye speduliht, and have your eyes examined free of chnrgn. If yon suffer with headache or nervoiiHiiefii you un doubtedly have imperfect, vision that, if corrected, will buneiit, you for life, Ofiico in the Vogt block. All pan-ons holding orders from Peaeu & Mayw, or other coupons on llcrrin'tj photograph gallery are requested to present them before January 15th. Mm. 1). 0. HujtiiiN. You'll be surprised wjien you try Hoe Cake eoap, and wish wo hud told you sooner. It is made by patented pro cess, jly24-ii M. Crevrepi), being about to leave tho city, oilers his fine stock ot artificial flowers, plants, etc., at greatly reduced prices. Rooms in Masonic, build ing. dt'c31.t( ii MAYS & CROWE. , Cure fur I. wine Hunk. "My daughter, when recovering from an attack of fevnr, was a great tjufl'urer from pain in the bank and hips," writes Louden Orover, of Sardin, Ky. "After iiilug iiikite a number of remedies with out any benefit Hhu tiled one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, uud it hua given entire relief," Chamberlain'a Pain Balm is also n certain cure for rheu matltmi. Sold by Blakeloy & Houghton. Tyu-li Valley H..Ur IMur MIIU. Tygh Valley Boiler Flour Mill are running full time on No. 1 wheat. Flour equal to the best always on hand. Prices to suit the (lines, Also mill feed n quantities to suit. W. M. MtiCoiiKi.it A Sq,v, auggtOnnv Proprietors. A tired uWimc!i is very much like ii sprained ankle. If 3011 nutter from any of the symptoms of dyspepsia, yqur stoiiiacli In tired, It needs a erutofi, Wo must relieve It of all work font time, or until it in restored to ita natural strength. To do this Huccessfully, wo must use a food which is already digested oulsido of tbti body, nnd which will aid tho digestion of other foods that may be taken with it. Such 11 prpduct is tho Shaker Digestive Cordial. The Shukeru have utilized the diges tive principled present ii plant" for tho manufacture of this article, and ita sue-, cess lias been truly plivnomenal, You can. try it for Urn nominal sum of IU cents, as sample bottles are sold, by all druggists at this price. (2) Laxol'ls the best medicine far oklU dren. Doctors recowmeud, H Is, )laeee Cantor Oil. ' Subscribe for Tiik Cukonicle. 3 J .3 1 i.