The Dalles Dally Chronicle. Till! DAI.T.KS. OKKOtIN Advert lltiir Itaton. 'ci' ineh One inch or Icjs In Dully ?i r0 Over two iuclu'4 unit under four tuclio- 1 (Hi Over four lnchc? anil umtcr twelve inches- T." Over twelve Inches DAILY AMI) WCKKLY. One Inch or less, icr Inch ,$2 ijO Over one inch and under four inches. ... 00 Over four Inches and under twelve ineho . 1 f0 Over twelve inches 1 00 TOLD BY WITNESSES. The rupllH' Y.-rsloii of tho Stabbing ot t'rofl-SHIK' WIIItilllK. Keirarding (lie stubbing affray in Prairie City, Grant county, in which Professor Williams was cut by a pupil, Ed. Meador, and subsequently died, n statement has been made public bv the other minils. is litornllv iib follows: t "In Mr. Meadur'a class the pupils used geography cards, and Mr. Will iams had tho questions on the boards from the cards lor examination. Mr. Meador asked Air. Williams what about the catds they hud not had, telling Mr. Williams that there was one ques tion that, he had not had. Williams answered, telling him that the cards had nil been around the class, and lie sup posed that thpy had all had them. Meador says, 'I have not had the card, nor I never said I had it.' Williams answered, saying the cards were all put back in the box, and ho supposed that they had all had them, and if lie didn't like it he could politely pass out. Mea dor answered, 'I can do that, too; there are nu tlies on nie, and to show you that I am all right, you can pass out with me,' and then went out and shut the door after him. Williams says. 'I'll do that, too:' followinsr him out. and shut ting the door also!" The scholars then remained in their seats until thev heard a noise outside. Some of the larger boys then rushed out, and saw them fighting "Williams knocked Meader down, and when the boys cot to them, Mr. Will iams had Meador by the hand that held the knife and one leg, and then the boys parted them. Mr. Williams went back in the schoolroom, and Meador left. "There were no cries for help. Mea dor did not come hack and tell Mr. "Williams that he wished to see him." Au Old Dalles Story. From the editor's drawer of Harper's Magazine for July, IS61, we resurrect a story told as happening here, and give it place in the columns of The Chroni cle, that it may be preserved with some other tales not quite so old. It is as follows : Oregon furnishes the Drawer with the following actual occurrence, the town of Dalles, on the Columbia river, being the scene: "A soldier of the garrison near The Dalles was under examination before the village justice, .Squire Moody. The soldier had employed as his lawyer Joshua Sparks, the attorney and coun cilor of Dalles City. Sparks is a charac-1 ter who is indebted to nature, and not to education, for hia leral attainments. Endowed with the 'gift of the gab' and the most unblushing assurance, he makes quite a fluent speech, which con tains much hard sense and more hard grammar. Such little peculiarities of pronunciation as amediately for imme diately, appwirieutly lor apparently, and the like, he considers do not affect the strength of hie argument or the force of his facts. "Another soldier, an Iriahmain, was a witness, and had just testified that the accused had made certain observations to him in the cook-uouse belonging to the company between the hours of a 'retreat and tattoo.' Tlieae observa tions tending to criminate the accused, Sparks prepared to crush the witness in a cross-examination as follows: " 'Now, sir' in a very stern and im- jjreusivu manner -remeniDer tiiat vou are upon your oath, that you have sworn to toll the truth, the (I truth, and nothing but the truth. You have said, Sir, that the accused said so and so to you in the cook-houee between the tan toon and the retreat. Now, describe to the court how the cook-house is situated witli reierence to the tantoon; is it to the right of it or to the left of it? and also which is the nearest to the cook house, the tantoon or the retreat?" Caili In Vour Check. All county warrants registered prior to July 12, 1892, will he paid at my oflice. Interest ceases after Dec. 5, 1830. C. L. Pmi.ui'8, County Treasuror. Artichoke (or Mule, The undersigned has for sale the mammoth Jerusalem artichokes, and can furnish any amount of seed at $1 per bushel. H. Eighkniikuokh, deulIMm Bake Oven, Or. A competent woman wants a place doing housework or nursing. Call ut this oflice, SUMMONS. TN THK CIUCUIT COl'ItT of theJStiiteof Or X ojroti for Wiium) t'ountv. Almat'. Howe, 1'lrtlntin', " v. Pamucl T. Howe, Defendant, To Samuel T. Howe, the nbove named dofi"idant: In the name of the -tato of Oregon, ou nro neicny rcquireu to appear i-wi answer inorom- i plaint HUH airalnst you In the aboo entitled rj .iu. v.tufv, mu Ui uuilliu lliu lir Ullv Ol 110 i Ituvt tilrtll .f onl.l ...m., ... 1 .! of tho time pros-crlbed in tho order for tho pub 1 Mention of this summons, to.wit! tin or li film i thu.sthuny of February, 1M7; and If von fall so to i appear nncl aii!uer, or otherwise plead Inlaid i cause, the plaintill, for want thereof, will applv m mui-imik ivir iiiu ifuei praveii iur in mo com print (licit herein, tn-wlt: That thu bonds ot matiimony between plaintiff and defendant bo dissolved; that tho plalntltl' bo awarded the ciiMouy ortno minor ciimi mentioned in said complaint, Hester A Howe; that defendant be barred of all ihrht, title or intoret in the real and perMnal property of plaintiir, and that plalntilV have and tecover her costs and dis bursements made and expended in this suit, and for such ottier and further relief as to tho Court may seem equitable. This summons is served upon you bv publica tion thereof, by order of the Hon. V. L. llrad- shaw, iudtreof said Court, which outer bears the date of October .10, 1M(5, and was made and dated at Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, on Octo ber :, is.. JOHN H. OUAlH.KIlA.tKIH, ilee.l) t Attorney for Plalutitl. SUMMONS. TN THK CIUCUIT COlMtT of the State of Ore X Ron for w asco Countv. Frank J. Meyeis, Plalntltl', vs. Annie M. Meyers, Defendant. To Annie il. Meyers, the above named defend, ant: In the name of tho State of Oregon, von arc hereby required to appear in tho above entitled court nnii answer the complaint tiled against yi.u in said court and cause, on or before the tlrstdayof tou next regular 'erm of the Circuit Court for Wasco county. Oregon, follotvliiK tho expiration of six weess' publication of this sum. mous. to-wit, Monday, thoSth day of February, 1SD7, and you will take notfeo that if you fali to so appear and answer, for want thcreot" plalnt ltl will take judgment against you for the relief prayed for in his compluint, to-wit A iteereo of divorce forever dissolving the bonds of mar riage hcietofore and now existing lutween vlaintiffaud defendant, and for such other re lief as may bo cquitablcand just. This summons is served uon you bv publica tion thereof in The Dalles OlinoNiCLE, a news paper of weekly publication and general circu lation, published at The Dalles. Wasco County, Oregon, by order of Hon. W. 1.. Uradshaw, judge of the above named court. G, W. PHELPS. dceio-I Attorncv for I'lalnliir. i ' Notice OfFillft tlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, the duly appointed, iitaliiid and acting admin istrator of the estate of Anna Francis Carlson, decked, has tiled his Ilnal account and report In said estate, and thai Momla, the tth dav of January, is7, at tho hour of u' o'clock p. ni. of said day, at the County Courtroom of thuCounty Court House in Dalles City, Wasco Countv, Ore gon, has been lixed and appointed bv tho Hon orable County Court as the time and place for hearing said dual account and report. All per sons are hereby nottlieii and required to apiear at said time and place and show cause it anv there be why an order of this Court should no't bo made approving siid llnal hceottnt and dis charging the tail! administrator ftom further acting under said trust and exonerating his bondsmen from further llablhtr thereunder. Dated this ITJd dav of November, 1S0O. n5t-i ' FKANK MKMCFKE. Administrator of the Estate ot Anna Fiancis Carlton, Deceased. Administrator's Sale. Notice is hcrebv given that the undersigned, in pursuance of an order made by tho Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, on the 2d day of November, li96, will on Monday, the ajth day ot December, 1S1H5, upon the premlfes hereinafter described, tell to the high est bidder for cash in hand, the following de scribed real estate belonging to the estate of Mary il. Oordon, deceased, to-wit: The south west quarter of section thitty-two in township four south of range thirteen east of tho Willam ette meridian, in Wasco county, Oregon, con taining 1C0 acres. Dated this 23th day of November. lS'Jii. ASA STOUdDIU,, Administrator of the citato of Mary M. Cor don, deceased. norZS-5t-I Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned ha. tiled in tho ollice of t..o Clerk of tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco Countv his linal account as assignee of A. A. Uonnoy, insolvent debtor, and said account will be henril at the Circuit Court room in the court house in Dalies City, Oregon, on Monday, tho Slh day of February, 1'J7, at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. in., or as soon thereafter as counsel maybe heard. KOIIKUT MAYS, decii-i Assignee of A. A. Uoiiney. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given that the utidersignc1, administrator of the estate of Theodore von lior stel, deceased, has (lied his llnal account as such administrator, and that tho oth day of January, lS'JT, at 'J o'clock v. ni. has bten fixed by order of of the County Judge u the timo for hearing any objection to said account and settlement there of. All .''.eirs creditors or other persons inter ested in said estite arc duly notified to.lllo their objections to said account, if any they have, be fore said date. Dated this'Jlth dav of November. ib'M. CSV.O. VON UOUSTKI., Administrator of the Estato of Theodore von Ilorstel, deceased. n'i.5-1 NOTICE. U. S. Land Officl-, i Thjj Daubs, Dee. 7, le'JG. I Complaint having been entered at this ollice by Lewis (J. Heiineghnu against William Word en for abandoning ills homestead entry No. 13-20, dated March ly, 1M2. upon the HW'i section Si, Township 1 South Itangc l.'l K, in Wasco County, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said parties are hereby sum moned to upear at this oltlco on tho 'JUth day of January, lfc'J7, at 'J o'clock p. in., to resioiid and furni'h testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. dlO-I JAS. K. MOORK, Keglster. Harry Liebe, PKACTIOAL All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. SURE CURE for PILES Wu. ixuul.iaorutil. UU. UObA.SliO, fhlla..' I'm. Watchmaker Jeweler AN ELECTED 9 GOLD WA e SENT For ioo Coupons and $1.00 You will find one coupon inside each 2 ounce bag, and two coupons inside each 4 ounce bag of Blacrwells Genuine Durham Tobacco. Tho watch io Electro Oold Plntctl, a r.ooCL timo keopcr, quick stem wind, unci stem hK It, is oflV-red far below ita vamc t n inuueo you to try thin Tobacco. Soud ct uponu with namo una address to BLACK WELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO.. Durham, N.t Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco and read the Coupon which give:; a list of other premiums and how to get them. 2 CENT STAMPS ACCEPTED. New York Weekly Tribune With the close of the Presidential Campaign THE TKIIiUNE ecognizes the fact that, the American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space and prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the light for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to tho present day, and won its greatest victories. Every possible effort will be put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE WEEKLY TKIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family. We furnish k'The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. ff" Write your name and address on a ijotal card, send it to Geo. W. Best, Tribune Office, New York City, and a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib une will be mailed to vou. aims, rugs Wa aoei Glass. Etc. THE Si j ipes-Kinersly Drug Co. 129 Second St., THE DALLES, - - OK. J.S. Bt'IIBNK, President. H. M. lie a li., Cashier, First National Bank. THE DALLES OREGON A General Banking Business transacted uepooits received, subject to eight Draft or Oheck. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on uar ot collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exciiange sold on ew xorK, ban francisco anc Port land. DIKBOTOKS, D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Scuknck. En. M. WiLMAKa, Gko. A. Likbk. H. M. Bkai.l. DR. GUM'S IMl'llOVKD LIVER PILLS A mOTmnit oi BMIIU. TOM mix Tfwy' &lu it rtrirul&r. u,ua lor luauomploilon Iwilvrtlun vauUo. y nejtuor prilM uor icku. To cuiitidoo run, w III null Mmplfl Irw,. or full Ui for Sfo, K"Mtt. uu. uiiBANKu tieu, to., rniudoiptu. r fTK OOOCOS' 0 0 0 o o ii o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o a o fl o a o o a a o e c e o o POSTPAID ( For 2 Coupons I and $2,oOo OR, -FOU Far me and Villagers, koi: Fathers and Mothers, FOlt Sons and Daughters, FOU All the Family. FRENCH & BANKERS. CO., I'liANSACT A GKNKKAL HANKING DUSINKS ' Letters of Credit issued availablo in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicauo, St. Limit, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collfctions made at all points on fav orable terms. Sheriff's Sale. Jotico is hereby jriven that an execution and ordfr of sale was issued out of tho Uitcuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, on the 26th day of iieccmber, 1S90, upon a judgment therein rendered on tho 21st day of November. WM, in favor of Ke.d II. Dietzel. plaintill', and against James F. Elliott and William Wood, de fendants, which said execution and order of sale is to mo directed and commanding mo to sell the property hereinafter described, for the purine of satisfying the judgment of the plaint III' In said cause for the sum of fJIC.lO, with in- it-iusi uiureuii uv icu jer eeui per annum irom tho'Jlstday of November, iS'jfl; and tho further sum of $lu attorney's fees; and the costs mid disbursements of said suit taxed at 15. There fore, in compliance with said execution and order of sale, 1 will on Suturday, Jiinuury 1N07, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. in. at thoeourthoiito door in Dalles city, Wasco County. Orecon. m?11 nt public auctlou, to tho highest bidder, for cash in iiauo, ior mo purposo oi sausiyiug tho Judg ment abovo mentioned the following described lands and premises, to-wit: Blxtv-lhrco (fi.3) acres off tho east slilnnf n,r. Mirtn Halt of the Houtheast ouarter of fcjec. SO in Township 1 North, UnugQ lA Kast, W. M com. inencing at u rock at a point on tho North lino of the NWJof tho RIM of said Section 30: thenco Last to Last lino of said section; thence South one-quarter mllo; thenco West to a point uuu oouiii oi sum rocs (inopiacoot beginning); thenco North to tho place of beginning, Dated this SOthdaj of December, WM. T. J, DK1VER. Jan2-ot-ll Bherlffof Wueco County, dr. Executor's Notice of Final Account. Notice is hcrebv nlvon. that Renrcn A . l.loho executor of tho eshito of Hiobard (i. Closter, de ceased, has lllcd tho Until accounting of tho cs tato of Klchard (!. Clnster. deeeakeil. win, tim guaidlanshlp ustata of Albert Lehman, mi In sane person, of tliopeison mid etUi of which said Albert Iliman,un insane pcrmu, tho said Itlchard O Closter, deceased, was at tho time of his death tho duly iipnolntcU, qualilled anduct loir Huurdiun. with tho clerk f thn ivnit,. Court of tho Htatu of Oregon for Wasco County, mid that said court has appointed 10 o'clock n. in. of Monday. November . isor,. Iwlnu iim lint day of tho regular November term of wild court, for tho yea iMKi, at thu county courthouse In Dalles City, Oregon, us tho timo and place for tho hearing ot said final accounting uiidobjeo. tloim theieto If any tin ro be. mis notlco is ptibimhed by ordor of said OEOaoK A. LIKHK. Executor. Condon & Condon, Attorneys for Executor, ootf-5 til Sil ORTHERN PACIFIC RY, N s Pullman Elegent Tou:ist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car T. I'Alll. MINNKATOI.TS DUI.UTII HAKGO (iKANll t'OHICS Olt()OKSTON WINNII'KO IIKLUN'A mill hutti: Tt.' Through Tickets CHICAOO WASHINGTON riiiAii2r.rniA NKW YOKE IIOSTON AM) AT.l. 1'OINTB EAST mill HOUT11 For Information, timo cards, mapbaml tickets. cal on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Acont, The Dalles, Oregon OR A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 255. Morrison Cor. Third. I'ortlaud Or,v,'on EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -OK THK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are duo to arrive nt I'ortlajid LK.U'E. FKOM JUNK 2.'!, 1S93. Aitmvi:. f OVKIILANI) EX-1 jiress, Salem, ltoe burg, Ashland, Sac- 8:G0 1". M i raiueiiiff, wkuuii,3uu i Kranciseo, Mojave, Los Angeles, 111 l'aso, I New Orleans and I (.East J Hoseburg and way sta tions ailOA. M. 8:S0 A. M. 1:10 P. M ("Via Woodburn fori Dally except Sundays. I jii.iVUKei, rciiverioii, i IWest Selo, Drowns- y vllIe,Sprlnglicld and Natron except Sundays. 10;00 A.M f 0:20 P.M 4:00 P. 7:30 A. Salem and way stations juorvanis ana wayi stations... (McMiunvillc and ) way stations ) H:45 P.M. t 8:25 P. M. Daily. t luny, except Sunday, DINING CAUS ON OGDEN HOUTE. PULLMAN 11UFFKT BJ.EKPKKS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CAUS Attached to all Through Trains. Through Ticket OIHcc, l:SI Third street, where inrougn uckcis to an points in tnc Eastern St-ites, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates irom s .1. 11. KIJtKLANI) .Ticket Awnf All above trains arrive at and depart Irom Grand Central Station, Fifth and Irving streets. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jetlerson street. Leave for OSWEGO, week 10:13 a. m.; 12:10, 1:15, 5:25 days, at 0:00, 7:20, 0:1.1, 8:05 p. m. (mid 11:30 p. m. "ii Saturday onlvl. Anive at Portland at 7:10, 8;:, 11:25 n, in.; i::;0,:t:l0, (i::i5, 7:fM,y;iop. m. Leave for Sheridan, week days, at 1:30 p. m. ixiiitu i uriiiiuu, u:.iu a, ni. iXJavo for AIIILIE on Monday. Wediuvilnv nnrl j-ri'iay in uwu a. m. Arrive in mrtlmul, lues dav, Thursday and Saturday at 3:05 p. in. Sunday trains for OSWEGO leave at 7:20, 8:40, 10:15a. m.: 12115, 1:15, 3:30, 5:2.1 G: 15 p. in. Ar- nvo in i-oriiiiiiii ai iu:u.j, :yo, iu;uo ii;'jj a. m.; liOU, .MIU, iJilt.', I) !u), :ix p. Ill, It. KOEIILEU, E. P. ROGEUS, Manager. Asst. G. F. & Pass. Agt THE NEW YORK WORLD THRIGE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 18 Pages ii Wook. 150 I'upers n Year. It etunile iirat among ''weokly" papers in size, irenuencv of nublleation nnil freslineBS, variety and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the low price of a weekly ; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for tiio accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among Us special features are a tine humor piigo, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women and a long series of stories by tho greatest living American and English authors, Con un Doyle, Jerome K. Jerome, Stanley Weymau, Mary K. Wllklux, Anthony none, itret Uarte, Urautler Matthew, Bte, We otter this unequaled newspaper and The Dalles Twlce-a. Week Chronicle to- gether one year for $H.O0. Tho regular price of the two papers is $3,00. Jfor Rale or Kent. The Grant hotel, close to the depot, will sell cheap, or rent for $10 nor month. Lee Kke, decl6-lm Grants, Or. Sheriflrs-'Sale. In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon far Wiisp.o county. ,1. Shipley, I'lttlntin-, VH. William II. Ncabcack, Emnm Ncnhcack, James Hull, Mis. James Hall and Kimpp, liurrcll & Co,, a corporation, Defendants, lly virtue ot nn execution and order nt sale to mo directed, mid Issued out of thu above cn. tilled court In tho above entitled cause, in fnVOr of tins plaintiff above named, on thu 25th day of November, 1S96, pcmmandliiK mo to satisfy the sovcral sums of fSKLSi, thu Judnmciit obtained iinreln. with interest thereon at the rate of ob.M per cent per annum since Nov. 25, 18'J6,nna 5o attorney's fees and $20 costs of suit and accrulne costs, bv levying upon mid selling in the ninn. tier provided by law for tho sulu of real property on execution, all of the right, title and interest of the said defendants In and to the followlm? described real estate: Tho southwest quarter of section six il In township three 3-south of range thirteen 13 east, . M situate and be ing in Wasco County, Oreiton. 1 levied upon said real property on said 25th day of November, lS'.lfl, and to satisfy the afore said several sums and accruing costs I will sell the sai'iu at public auction to the highest bidder for cash In hand, at the courthouse itoori Dalles Citv, in said county ot Wasco, on the'ist dav of December, 18'Jii, at the hour of 2 o'clock 1 thu afternoon. T. J. DltlVEK, 1123-11 Sherlll'of asco County, Oregon, Guardian's Sale of' Real Estate. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, guardian of Die persons and estate of Alice Al mint Udell stui William Edward Udell, minors, under and in acrordanco with an order of the countv court tif the Statu of OtegJli, for Wasco Countv, heretofore made, will soli at public auc tlou, forcah in hand, on Saturday, the l!)th dav of December, 1890. at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, at the courtlionsu door in DaltoCity, In Wasco County. Oregon, all the teal tstato be longing to the estate of said minors, to-wit: The southcest quarter of section thirty in township one north range ten east WiU.imettc Meridian, in Oregon, containing lfiO acres. Dulles City, Oregon, Nov. 10, lS'Jii. OEOllGE UDELL, nov'Jl-tl Guardian of said Minors DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. HI. C3- Hi IE IN" Dalles City ni Moro Stage Lie Lenvee Williams Hotel, Moio, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays nt 8 n. in, prompt. Liiiivcu Umatilla House, The Dalles, Tuesdays, Thvrsduys and Saturdays tit 8 u. in. prompt. Freight nitce The Dalles to Moro, -tOo per 100 lbf; small packages, IT) and 25c. Passenger rates The Dalles to Moro, $1.50; round trip, $2.50. Agoncy at. Umatilla House, The Dalle?, and at Williams Hotol, Moro. tf DOUGLAS ALLEN, Prop. Bake Ora and Mitchell STAGE LINE, THOMAS HABPER, - - Proprieto: ..v,.va IWIHU JJtlftU VTVUII iUl LUIUIUIJC OVerv dav. imrl frnm Anlnlnrui tn UTit. chell tliree times a week. GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. he Glades RpcH, WHITE SALMON, WA8II. re Bred JIRSEYS Club ,Of tho 8t Lambert, Commassio and Torniontor ralne. Threo Choice Hulls for salo or rent, so some (Jhoico Cows and Heifers for sale. I'uto Hred Poland China Hogs. White Plymouth Rock Chlckons. Address: J1H8. A. It. 1IYUKETT, Proji. Jvi!5.w3m White Salmon. Wash. LODD POISON K nJlTghPtiR. POISON pornwnentlf nomoforimoprloonnderimouariui &.;: you P'0' to oome here wo willooa ,Hiti2pS?r8"ro,l,Lfnw,0te'' .IfWAfnll I n ,-i DOOhi eury, Em AiSS0??" Vtttolf n ,outb. Hor Throat, ont, it la tbla Secondary BLOOD FOIHOll wearuarantcetocure. WoaolieitttomoitobaU "?i)fwjf ond ohallenare the worid for elan... Uon&l BHMnt , . Abaolute proofs aant aeoled oa application. Atldroia Jt B. QOIT, COUNTY SURVEYOR. Reoaidence, Tenth mid Liberty Streets B