tAJJi villi VOL. IX THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1897 NO 310 ROYAL j The absolutely pure ROYAL the most celebrated of all the baking powders in the world cel ebrated lor its leavening strength and purity. It makes your cakes, biscuit, bread, etc., healthful, it assures you against alum and all forms of adulteration that go with the cheap brands. I THESE GET A HEARING Explain How Wilson Law Injured Their Industry. HIGHER DUTIES RECOMMENDED R They Want IS Couts on Merluo, 84 CoutR on AVatihed ani 30 Cents nu Secured Wool. Wahhington, Jan. (i. The hearing on tho wool schedule brought many farmers and manufacturers to the ways and means committee-room today. John G. Clark, of the Washington county (Pa.) Woolgrowerb' Association, Bpoke strongly of the effects of the free wool clause of tho Wilson law, which he I declared had prostrated the business of the United States. Tho experiment of free trade had been a 'crime. The value of land had declined ' and sheepmen in all parts of tho country had been driven from business. Tho sheepraisers asked only a moderate duty that would enable them to continue in business. Tho Democratic members of ttie com mittee probed the witness for some time. Wheeler of Alabama aeked if clothing for the workingmen had not been cheaper under free wool, to which Clark replied that tho moat of the cloth ing sold now was shoddy. Importations ', of shoddy had increased under the law. It' An hour was iiven Judco William Lawrence, president of the National Woolgrowera' Association, to present the request of that body. His state ment was an exclusive review of the wool industry under different tariff rates during the last balf a century. The Wilson law, he declared, stopped a third of the woolgrowing business and closed half the mills. There had been no adequate protection on wool since 187C. Lawrence averred that the election of Mr. McKinley had been accomplished by the votes of the woolgrowers in a balf dozen doubtful states, who would have voted for Bryan and free silver had they not considered protection on wool more important than free silver. If this protection was not given there would be a free-silver congress two years hence, and in four years a free silver president and congress. The McKinley bill, as it came from its author, had been moderately protective on wool, but the addition of the skirting clause and ad valorem rates mado it dis astrous. Under the Wilson law the number of sheep in tho United States had decreased 3,000,000 a year, with a loss of $60,000,000, according to official statistics. Unofficial and more accurate ifigures proved the loss to wool growers through the Wilson rates to have been 178,700,000. Mutton sheep, which should be raised in this country, were great ! i MWDCR CO., NEW YORK. being imported from Canada. The schedule asked by the Wool growers' Association waB 12 cents a pound on all merino wools, 24 cents on washed and 36 cents on scoured. Aus tralian unwashed wools to be considered as washed. On account of its superior lightness they said Australian wool had an advantage over South American, los ing comparatively little weight washing. The dropping of the skirting clause was asked, as to secure its advantages part of the Australian wool were imported which amounted to only half a fleece. To do away with this clause,, it was said, would give employment to 5,000 men in this country. CIIAltGE MAY BE I'lKACY. (Severe 1'unlNlimont Awaits tlie Three J' r lends Filibuster. New Youk, Jan. 0. A special to the Herald from Jacksonville, Flu., says : Itvie likely that .1. M. Barris, attorney for the owners of the Three Friends, the Cuban filibuster, Captain Lewis, com mander; John Dunn, engineer; Cap tain John O'Brien, the voteru filibuster, and J. A. Huan and Heuery P. Fritot, agents of the Cuban junta here, will be prosecuted the United States govern ment on a charge of piracy. Such a prosecution is forshadowed in a libel which was filed today against the Three Friends by the United States Attorney dark. The libel is based upon the expedition from Foriiandina on December 1. While trying to land the expedition, it is said the Three Friends used two 12-pound Hotchkiss guns againt pursuing Spanish gunboats. It is charged that the men named mounted the guns and provided shells for the purpose of making war upon the king of Spain. Throughout the document the Three Friends is referred to as an "armed crusier" fitted out by the men named for the purpose of making war on Spain in the interest of the Cuban insurgents. This is the first time names have bean used in a libel against the Three Friends. The case also differs from previous ones in that the violation of no particular sec tion of the United States revised statutes is specified. Attorneys here tiiink the libl was drawn under Secretary Olney's instructions, and ansert that its terms foreshadow the prosecution of the men named on a charge of piracy. That the govenment will push the case is evident from the fact that the five newspaper correspondents who have Your grocer will sell you Schillings Best tea, and re turn your money in full if you don't like it. He is our agent to this extent; and we want no better business. A Schilling & Company San Francisco written much about the Three Friends have been subpoenaed to appear, before the federal grand jury to tell what they know about the vessel's last trip. THE DAY IN COKORmS' Attendance In tho Upper limine W I.lBht. Washington, Jan. 0. Loss than a core of senators were in the senato chamber when the session convened to day. Hale, of Maine, secured the adop tion of a resolution directing the secre tary of state to send to the senate a statement as to the action of the presi dent or secretary of state touching the recognition of any foreign people or power as an independent government and the corresponding action of other branches of the United States govern ment. Pettigrew, of South Dakota, secured an agreement to a resolution calling on the secretary of the interior for a state ment of the amount of the subsidies paid by the Union and Central Pacific railroads to the Pacific Mail steamship line. Call, of Florida, spoke on his Cuban resolutions introduced yesterday con cerning the condemnation of Julio Sau guilly, at Havana. Call said the report from the state department as to the killing of Charles Govin, omitted many important features, which would have disclosed that ConBiil-General Lee be lieved Govin had been tied to a tree and chopped to pieces. To show the facts, Call read a letter from a gentleman in Havana, whose name was withheld. At the close of Call's Cuban speech, the senate agreed to bis resolution, ask ing the secretary of state for all corres pondence in the case of Julio Sanguilly. The senate-then went into executive session for the purpose of considering two treaties. PACIFIC KAILUOADS DEBATE. Fower ltlll to lie Argued In the Bouse Tomorrow, Washington, Jan. 0. The houBe com mittee on Pacific railroads today arrang ed the details of a debate which will be begun tomorrow on the Powers bill. The time will be equally divided by its supporters and opponents, Chairman PowerB begining the debate. Hubbard of Missouri will control the time for the minority. Harris of Alabama, who is considering the proposal of a substitute or amendment, to take the place of the settlement question in the hands of the commission, spoke of his plans, and one or two other members said they consid ered it their duty to support the com mittee bill, to which they were already pledged. DISCUSSION I'OgTl'ONKD. Foreign llelutlona Committee Did Not Take up Cuban Ouentlou. Washington, Jan. 6. In the absence of Senator Cameron the senate com mittee on foreign relations did not take up the Cuban question today. When the committee adjourned the opinion was expressed by some members that the Cameron resolution would not be passed by the senate. The committee agreed to favorable re ports on extradition treaties with Argen tine Republic and the Orange Free Stute. GOJ1KZ KKTAL.fA.TK8. Captures a HpanUh Town and Kills the Inhabitants. Tampa, Fla., Jan. 6. A letter re ceived here from Cleba de Avilla on the old trocba between Jucarro and Moroona, says that General Gomez attacked this place this week. Gomez asked the Span ish commander to surrender the town. He said he would not, but would fight. The result of the flight was that the town was captured by Gomez, who took 145 prisoners. All of these he killed. This was according to a manifesto he issued direceted to Spanish authorities a few days ago saying that as the Spanish had refused to agree to conduct a humane war, it was now an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, just as Weyler had treated the pacincos. (steering Committee To Meet. Washington, Jan. 6.- It is expected a meeting of the republican steering committee of the senate will be held as soon as Allison, the chairman, arrives, to accomodate the committee on Pacific railroads, which is anxious to have a day fixed for consideration of the refund ing hill. It is probable the committee will also consider the general order of business, as several bills are pressing for consideration. SHE CARRIES THE MAIL. Tlucky Ida Mintott and Her Life In the Mountain. The road from Cnstlow to Anderson villo is through one of the roughest re gions of Kentucky, says tho Cincinnati Knqtiirer. Robberies are frequent, and many a brave man has hesitated and looked well to his gun before entering on the trip. To Mrs. Minion, however, the highway lias no terrors. She oujo.ys the unique, distinction of being proba bly ihe only female mall-carrier in Uncle Sam's, service who rides horse back fearlessly through the forests with her pouch, wli'eh contains M.o missives which arc the only moan.1-, of communication with the world tit large to the iTs'dcnt.'i of Anders onville. She is a typical Kentucky mountain girl, active, strong, fearless and very intelligent. She is nu excellent horse woman. io animal is too high spirited for her, nor does she need hrlp in mounting and dismounting. With the mail pouch thrown across the pommel of her saddle, rhe rides fearlessly alonf the lonely highway, and it Is safe it say that anyone interfering with lTnel Sam's mail would have to 1h? a better and quicker shot than the ordinary man, or very well mounted, to stop the mail. Mrs. Minton has been married two years. It. was from her own inclination to help earn money that she took the contract, to carry the malls. for three years. She has now completed e:j;li I months of her contract. A Smart llrother. : A negro was discovered carrying a very large armful of books, which brought forth the inquiry: "(ioing to school "Yes. sail, boss." "Do you study all those books?" "No, sah; dey's my brudder's. I 'no a ignorant kind er nigger side him, boss. You jest ortcr see dat nigger ilggcrin'. lie done gone an' ciphered clenn through addition, partition, sub traction, distraction, abomination, jus tification, creation, amputation and adoption." State of Ohio, City of Toledo) Lucas County, Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and slate nfore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that can not be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Fit AN K J. ClIKNHY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 0th day of December, A. D. 1890. A. W. Glkason, bkaiJ Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly and acts directly on the blood and mucuoH surfaces of the system, Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Chunky A Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. No. .'Ml THE SECRET OF A BEAUTIFUL SKIN IS FOUND IN GUTICURA SOAP Tho most effective skin purifying and .beau tifying eoap in the world. It is the only preventive of pimples, blackheads, red, rough, and oily skin, red, rough hands with shape less nails, dry, thin, and falling hair, and simple baby blemishes. It is so benauso it strikes at the cause of most coinplexloual disfigurations, viz., tiik QiAaaa, Iiumtat- EI), I.MULMKO, OVKItVOUKKU, Oil SLUUuISU I'OBE. FOR FACIAL BLEMISHES rashes, freckles, bites and stings of insects, irritations, jellow, oily, and motliy skins, dialings, and auduo perspiration, CUT1 CI! HA SO AT, becauso of its delicate medi cation, Is tlw iuo.it soothing, cooling, purify ing, and healing application, as well as being beyond nil comparison tho purest, sweetest, and most refreshing of toilet, bath, and nursery t'.oaps. Halo greater than combined ales cf all other kln and complexion soaps. Sold throuKbonttbe world, Prlco.SSc. Poms Druo and Cueh. C'ow, Bole Props., Iiostoa. All about the Bklu, Scalp, and Uair," free. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. 20 Per Cent. Discount for Cash On any item in our Hosiery, Un derwear, Glove, Shoe, Mat, Furnishing Goods, Clothing and Overcoat Depart ments during our Tdvontory Sale now on and to continue during this month. Overcoats and Ulsters. A low fine Overcoats anil Ulsters still in stock, which should purchasers at prices now marked. Our special $10 all-wool Black Clay Sack or Frock Suit, now only $8.00 a bettor bar gain than ever, and onough saved on this ono item to buy a now Hat or a fine pair of Shoes at prosent prices. 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. Visit our Cloak Dopartment and make your selection from this season's choicest in Cloth or Fur Garments. Our Glove Department offers its latest numbers. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. -DE ALE PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. And the Most Coin pie to and Latest Patterns and Designs in WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. Nono but the bst brands of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS used in all our work, and none but th inoBt skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No cheni Icel combination or soap mixture, A tirat-olass article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. Store and Faint Shoo corner Third and Washington 8t The Dalles, Oreoi Z. DONNELL, PfESCflPTIOfi DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES Opp. A. M. AVilliams & Co., Lumber, Building1 Material and Boxes Traded ior Hav. Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c. ROWE & CO., find ready OVERCOAT. Dress Goods. Finest weaves in. the land. Eng IihIi Cravenettcs nothing more sult ablo fur an Oregon Winter Dress. Goods no heavier than a good quality of Serge, mid absolutely ruin-proof. Shown in most popular shades. Sixty-inch, regular $2 and $2.25 per yard, now only $1,00 and $1.80. Every other piece of Ores Goodtt, Ac cheap, medium or high price included. Trim mini: Uraid or Jets, Silks or Velvets ono ami till ut 20 per cent discount. Everything except Calicos, Do mefrticH, GiiighuiuH, Rubber Goods included. For the entire month of January. It IN- AND PERFUMERY. THE DALLES, OR. The Dalits, Or.