The Dalles Daily Chronicle TICK UAI.T.KS, OKKIHIN Ail vertUInc ICiiti'w. I'crinch One Inch or less, (n Daily ?l fit) Over two inchiM ntul under (our Inches. . . 1 00 Over four inches' ntul tttulcr twelve inches. . 75 Over twelve inches CO DAILY AND WKKKI.Y. One inch or less, per inch $2 50 Over one inch anil under four Indies. . .. - 00 Over four inches anil under twelve Inches . t 50 Over twelve inches I 00 SUMMONS. l'KUSONAI. MKNTION. Mr. Frank Fulton of Hlgga is in the city. Mr. II. S. .lames is in from Bake oven. Mr. 15. Costello of Hakeoven is at the Umatilla. . Mr. Ed Williams, accompanied ly liis little sister!' lurencu, went to Portland today. ' Me3?ra. Chris. Dutlinian, J. J. Luckey and Lueus Henry, are- up from Hood Hiver today. Commissioner Mowers came up from Hood River last ninht to open commis sioners' court today. Miss Gertrude Savage of Salem, who is on her way home from Dayton, is a gue?tof Mrs. A. .1. Tolmie. Mr. Richard Barter, more familiarly known as "Pretty Dick," was in the city yesterday, leaving for Portland this morning. Judge Bradshaw and School Superin tendant Gilbert, arrived homo from Hood River today. They were attend ing the public installation of officers of Waucoma lodge, K. of P. Mr. anil Mrs. Fred Hout'hton and Mrs. V. Lotd left this afternoon for Portland. Mrs., D. M.' French, Mrs. H. S. Wilson and Mr. Y. Lord go down on the morning traiqVnnd the whole party will leave Portland tomorrow night, bound for San Francisco, to remain about a month. TN TtlK CtUOl'lT COl'UT of tlu;'State of Or 1 CROti for Wasco Countv. Alum ('. Howe, l'inlntllV, ' vs. Samuel T. Howe, Defendant. To Samuel T. Howe, the above namnlili'i'i"nlant: In tlie nameof tlie .-tutu of Okltoh, nu aro hereby ninilred to anjiear i.nd answer t!nrom plaint tlltd against you In the abm e entitled court and enuse, on or before the tlrst day of the next term of said court following the expiration of the time prescribed in the order for tho pub lication of this summons, to-wlt: On or b fore thcSthUnyof February, lt'J7; and it you fall so to appear and answer, or otherwise plead In said cause, the plalutttl, for want thereof, will apply to tho court for the relict prayed for In the com plaint riled herein, to-wlt: That the bonds of matrimony between plaintiff nnd defendant be dissolved; that the plaintiff bo awarded the custody of tho minor child mentioned in said complaint, Hester A. Howe; that defendant be barred of all light, title or intctcst In the real and personal property of plaintiff, and that plalntllf have and lecovcr her costs and dis bursements made and expended In this suit, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem equitable. Tins summons is served upon you ov puuuca tion thereof, by order of the Hon. W. U. llrad shaw, Judfjo of said Court, which older bears tho date of Octobiir SO, 1M6, and was made and dated at Dalles City, Wasco County, Oreson, on Octo ber :10, 1MM. JOHN H. CUADI.KllAUIill, ilee:X) 1 Attorney for l'lalntiif. AN ELECTRO 0 GOLD WA SUMMONS. TX TllK ClltCt'lT OOl'ItT of the State of Ore X pon for Wasco Countv. Krank .1. Meyeis. l'laintlll, vs. Annie M. Meyers, Defendant. To Annie M. Meyers, the above named defend, ant: In the name of tho State of Oregon, you arc hereby required to appear in the above entitled court ami answer the complaint tiled against you in said court and cause, on or before the llrst day of the next regular term of the Circuit Court for 'W.iseo County, Oregon, following the expiration of six weens' publication of this sum, motis, to-wlt, Monday, the Sth day of February, 1897, and you will take notice that if you fall to so anocar and answer, for want thereof tilaint- I ill will take judgment against you for the relief prayeu tor in nis compiaiui, io-wif a aeeree oi divorce forever dissolving tho bonds of mar riage heretofore and now existing bstween vlafntlfl'aud defendant, and for such other re lief as may be equitable and just. This summons is served upon you by publica tion thereof in The Dalles chronicle, a news jiarerof weekly publication and general circu lation, published at The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon, by order of Hon. W. L. Hradshau, judge of tlie above named court. ti, W. PHELPS. dcoSM Attorney for I'laintitl. The Knight at Iliioil Klver. Waucoma Lodge, K. of P., at Hood River held a public installation of offi cers last nivht. Tlie following program was rendered, after which ono of those elegant suppers for which the lodge is famous, was served.. The solo "March ing Through Georgia" was given by Masters Earl and Meigs Bartmess on their gramophone, and was one of the feature of the evening. The following is the program : Opening Ode "America" Prove r Roll Call of Officers Installation of C. C Solo (with chorus) Miss Ann Smith Installation of V. C Solo "Marching Through Georgia" Installation of Prelate and M. oi W Solo Miss Vura Jackson Installation of K. 11. S, M. of F. and M. of E. Ladies Trio Miss Ann Smith.Mrs. Canlield and Mrs. Miller Installation of M. at A. and I. G. and O. !. . . Itecltatlou Miss Bessie IsenberE Charge to Officers and Installment . .Master nt Arms Remarks Brother Itradshaw iialo Quartette ... ... Music Dan jo quartette uj per Tlie VuIuh of Flax. Notice of Fina S 5 tlemeiit. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, the duly appointed, qtialitlul and acting admin istrator of the estate of Anna Francis Carlson, deceased, has Hied his final account and report in said estate, and that Monda, the Ith day of January, 1S97. at the hour of 1! o'clock p. m. of said day, at the County Court room of tho County Court House in Dalles City, Wasco County, Ore gon, has been lixed and appointed by the Hon orable Countv Court as the time and place for I hearing said dual account and report. All per sons are nereoy uouuea una requirtu to apt ear at said time and place and show cause if any there to why an order of this Court should not be made approving s.iid linal account and dis charging the said administrator fiom further acting under said trust and exonerating his bondsmen irom further liability thereunder. Dated this 23d dav of November. Is90. n2i-5t-i ' FRANK MK Mi KICK, Administrator of the Kstate ot Anna Fiancis Carlson, Deceased. Kev. Herslmer Administrator's Sale. Notice is herebv given that the undersigned, in pursuance of an order made by the Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, on the 2d day of November, ISM, will on Monday, tbe2ath duy ot December, MG, upon the premises hereinafter described, sell to the high est bidder for cash in hand, the following de scribed real estate belonging to the estate of Marv M. (ionlon. deceased, to-wit: The south- jwestquarter of section thitty-two in township lour sown oi range inirieen easi ot uie uhkiiii ette meridian, in Wasco county, Oregou, con taining ICO acres. Dated this 2otn day of November, 189G. ASA STOOdDILI., Administrator of the estate of Murv M. (ior- don, deceased. nov2S-5t-i Prom the test made by competent ex perts in Ireland on a sample ton of Puget Sound flax, a report made to Dr. A. W. Thornton, of Whatcom connty, Wash., indicates that, when properly grown, the flax of that section will be worth for its fiber '$300 a ton. The im portance of this news to Oregon lies in j the fact ot the similarity of climatic con ditions in Western Oregon to those of Western Washington. It should be noted that information and skill neces sary to success in growing flax for fiber needs to be acquired. Dr. Thornton is in a position to acquire tiiis knowledge, and upon its impartment to farmers of this region a flax movement will un doubtedly be inaugurated of great vol ume and profit. The agricultural possi bilities of Oregon and Washington ore great, and will appear when we have thoroughly grown out of the era of sow ing carelessly, gathering slovenly and marketing haphazard. Portland Ore gonian. Senator Alliann does Kant. ' Coiiuiiui:, la., Jan. 3. Senator Allison lias so far recovered from his illness that he left for tlie Kast this morning. Cittli III Your Cheeks. All county warrants registered prior to July 12, 1892, will be paid at my Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is herebv given that the undersigned has tiled in the office of too Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County his linal accountus assignee of A. A. Jlonney, insolvent debtor, and said dual account will be heirdutthe Circuit Court room in the court house in Dalles City, Oregon, on Monday, the Sth day of February, 1S97, at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m., or as toon thereafter as counsel may be heard. HOHKKT MAYS, deCJ.J-1 Assignee of A. A. Uonney. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of the estate of Theodore von lior stel, deceased, has filed his linal account as such administrator, and that the 5th day of January, 1S97, at 2 o'clock p. in. has bten llxed by order of of tho County Judge as the time for hearing any objections- to said account and settlement there of. All heirs creditors or other persons inter ested In said esuto nro duly notliled to lllo their objections to bald account, If any they have, be fore said date. Dated this 2lth day of November, 189(3. CJKO. VON HOKSTEL, Administrator of the Kstate of Theodore von Uorstcl, deceased. n25-i NOTICE. office. 1890. Interest ceases after Dec. 0. L. Phillips, County Treasurer. r. s. Land Oifice, ) The Dalles, Dee. 7, 1MW. f Complalut having been "entered at this olllce by Lewis C Heiineghan against William Word en for abandoning liis homestead entry No. 1320, dated March 19, 1892, upon the HWli section XI, Township 1 South Itange 13 K, hi Wasco County, Oregon, with a view to tho cancellation of u!d entry, the suid parties aro hereby sum moned to apjiear at this office on tho 20th day of January, lh'J7, at 2 o'clock p. m., to respond and furnl'h testimony concerning iald alleged abandonment, dlii-I JAS. P. MOOIti:, Hcslster. Artichokes (or Hale. The undersigned has for sale the mammoth Jerusalem artichokes, nnd can furnish any amount of seed at $1 per bushel. H. Eioiiuniikhgkk, decl0-lm Uake Oven, Or. Notluo. liids will be received until Thursday evaning, January 7th, for the keeping of the county poor. Bids should be tiled with tho county clerk at tho court house, before that time. By order Board County Coniuilsijionera. Tho fight to rej'eet any and all bids is re served. A.M. Kkmmy, Clerk. Harry Liebe, PHAOT1CAL Watchmaker? Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. SURE CURE for PILES Helling o i ttlJQ'J, KlweJluj or froirmliair PIIki field at vW,t PR. BO-SANKO'8 PILE REMEDY w. ucb. ;ufc, fcbturui tumor. A pvaiiUu cur, lyitvul ir u( ffw. PrJw fe. Uni.l: r mail. JIU. iiOiAMtO, VUIU., I'm- t c SENT POSTPAID For ioo Coupons and $i.oo f OR ( For 2 Coupons and $2,00, You will find one coupon inside each 2 ounce bag, and two coupons inside each 4 ounce bag of Blackwsll s Oehuine Durham Tobacgo. Tho watoh 1b Electro Oold XMatod, n r;ood timo hooper, quick atom wind, nnd atom m t It. is ofiVied lav bolow ita vanio to inrltico you to try thiu Tobacco. Scud cupotis with uatuo unti uiidresn to BLACK I' ELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO.. Durham, ft. Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco and read the Coupon which gives a list of other premiums and how to get them. 2 CENT STAMPS ACCEPTED. o o o o o o ( o o o o o u o o o o o a o t O o o a n c a e it o n New York Weekly Tribune KOIV Far me and Villagers, Kon Fathers and Mothers, FOIt Sons and Daughters, von All the Family. i the close of the Presidential Campaign THE TRIBUNE ecognizes the fact that the American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and With business intereata. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space una ... r i. XT.. . !n .. I ilni.nt.iila n .anuiirnl ilf tllfl prominence, until nnoiner oiuio r unuuuni huuuiuh ucumuuo ,,,,..,. ...w light for the' principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception .A .1... rJut .mil unii itQ rvranlPQt. vip.lnrlPH. iu inu imccv.h , c.-orv nn;ilp fTnrt will hn mil forth, and monov freelv Boent, to make THE WEEKLY"TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting instructive, entertaining mid indispensable to each member of tho family. We furnish k'The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib line one year for only $1.75. Wrltn vonr name and address on a wital card, pend it to Geo. W. Best, Tribune Office, New York City, ard a sample copy of Tho New York Weekly Trib une will be mulled to you. Drugs, Paints, Wail Paper, Glass. Etc. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. 129 Second St.. THE DALLES, - - OR. J. S. SC1IKNK, President. It. M. IlKALL, Cashier. First national Bank. THE DALLES. - - OREQON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and port-land. DIKBOTOKS. D. P. Tjiomi'hon. Jno. S. Soobngk. Eu. M. WlM-IAMfl, Gko. A. Libbk. H. M. Bkai.l. M A illllll 1 DR. OUNH'S Illl'ltOVBO LIVER PILLS 'livain. One Pill for m. DOM. A mntemj.n. . Ii m twMHla H H.f lU ffV bailtti. Tbo iUU wpphr wbM ItawUB, ci f tko it rur- Tlar ", HMdaebe. brlctiUo tho ea,iua clear thaUoniplation IwlMrttwn voumwm. heyueltUeruiirw nor iekan. To c-mftw fuu.w will mail KsrnplH Irw. or full box for 'lie, BolaaTefj. FRENCH & CO., BANKEF?S. ntANSACT A GEN1CKAMIANKINO ItUaiNKti Letters of Credit issued avnilablo in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic IraiiHiurs fold on Now l ork, ulucauo St. J.miiH, San P'rancisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Sheriff's Sale. N QRTHERd PACIFIC RY, s Pullman Elegent Tourist Notice is herein- iriven that nn execution nnd order of sale was issued out of tlie Circuit Court of the Stiitoof Oregon for Wasco County, nil tlio join any oi uceeinuer, jkio, uiion u iimirment .1 - I 1 .... .n... . I.... ..r .i lllVICIll lUllliVII.. Ull mi: -lBLflll 111 .IJVL'lIIUCr. Ih90, In fuvorof Ke.U 11. Dietzel. jilnintill. nnd HirauiHi Jiuncs r. r.inoit mm iuinin wood, De fendants, which wild execution nnd order of sale Ik to me directed and comiiminUng nio to ten me jironeny nereinaiier (lescnueu, tor ine purioeoi baiisiyinKinejuugnienioi iiiepiiuut in in saiiicuubc ior ine sum oi fjio.iu, wun in terest thereon at ten tier cent per annum from thc'Jlst day of November, lsyti; nnd the further Hum of $10 Mttorney'B fees; and ttiu costs and dlisburseincuts of said suit taxed at $1.1. There fore, in coinpliauco with suid execution and order of sale, f will on Hutunlity. Jmiuary :io. 1HD7. nt the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. at the courthouse door in Dalles city, Wasco County, Oregon, bell at public unction, to the highest bidder, for cash in bund, for the purpose, of satisfying tho judg ment ubovo mentioned tho following described lands and premises, to-wlt: Sixty-three (fia) acres off tho eust side of tho North half of tho Southeast quarter of Sec. 'M in Township 1 North, ituugo 15 Eust, W. it., com mencing at a rock at n point on the North line of the NW'Kof tho SVM of said Section U0; thence Eust to East lino of said section; thence South one-quarter mile; thence Went to n point due South of suid rock (the place of beginning); theuco North to tho place of beginning. Dated this liOtli dn of December, IS'.Kj. T. J. DKlVKH, Jan'-'-ot-Il Sherilt'of Wtieco County, Or. Executor's Notice of Final Account, Notice Is hereby given that (Jeorgo A. f.iebe, executor of tho estato of Itichard (!. Clostcr, Ue ceusi'd, has tiled tho final accounting of tho es tato of itichard 0. Cluster, deceased, with the guardianship estato of Albert Lehman, an in sane person, of thopcisou mid estate of which said Albert Ieliman, an insane ierou, tho said Itichard (S. Closter, deceased, was nt the time of his death tlioduly appointed, quulllled mid act ing guardian, with the clerk of the County Court of tho Statu of Oregon for Wasco County, and that said court Iium appointed 10 o'clock it. in. of Monday, November'.1, J8UU, being the first duy of tho regular November term of said court, for the year iwo, at the county courthouse in Dalles City, Oregon, as tho time mid place for the hearing of said lluul accounting mid objec tions theteto If any tin re be. This notice Is published by order of said County Court, entered October 'M, lbiHi, OKOIIUE A. 1.1E11K. Kxecutor, Condok A Condon, Attorneys lor Kxecutor. out.l-.n-ll Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car ST. I'AlM, MISNBAI'OI-M I) OMIT H KAKCO OKAX1) FORKS OKOOKSTON WINNII'KO IIKI.KNA nnd ItllTTK Through Tickets CIIIOAOO WAHIUNtSTON PIlII.ADKI.l'JMA y'KW 1'OltK IJOSTON ASH A M. 1'oints east mm south Vot information, time cards, mnpsand tickets cal on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Acent, The Dalles, Oregon on A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 255, Morrison Cor. Third. Portland Oro,'on Sheriffs Sale. In the Circuit Court ot the State of.Orcgon fur Wasco county. J. Shipley, I'lnfntlll, vs. William H. Nenbcnck, Kmnin Neabeack, James t, T.iitinu Hull lull! Ktlntm lti,v..ll Co., n corpomtlon, Defendants. jjv vlrtuo of nn exeeution nnd order of sale . . .. i. M.n.i ...ui.nii .iifr nt run 10 II1U llirtliltu nil" ' mi. nwwtu CD- tilled court in the above entitled cause, in fnvor of theplalutllt abovo named, on the '25th day of November, 1890, ecmmntiiljng mo to satisfy the several sums ot fos.i.ii-, uie jiuiKiueiu ooianied herein, with interest thereon nt the rate of eight per rout per annum since inov. .'., lo'.ni.ima uttorney's fees nnd $20 costs of suit nnd nccrulog .... I... Inmiliii. iinnli mill snllltlr. Id tlinni.i. iter provldetl by law for the snlo ot rcul property on exceiitlon, alt ot the right, title and interest of the said tleli-nuanis in uiui ui mo im lowing described rent estate: Tho southwest quarter of section six 0 In township three 3-south of rniige thirteen--!:! eust, w. M., situate nnd be ing in nseo vimiiij , uii i i...iinii imnti culfl roul tirnnnrtv nti Hiitil n-1.1. dnv of November, lS'Jfi, and to satisfy the afore sal'il sevenil sums and nccrr.luir costs 1 will sell .. & -...l.lf.. .......In.. n ftm hit. line, ki.l.l.. lIlO SaUlU III IlUUliU l.l n lllKllvoh for cash In hand, nt the courthouse doori Dulles City, In said county ot Wasco, on tlio "JWt .i.iv nf DrriMiibcr. 18'JO. nt the hour of '2 o'clock I the afternoon. T. J. DIllVKK, n2S-ii anerin oi nseo uouiuy, uregon, Guardian's Sale of Real Estate. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, L'uardlnn of tin1 persons nnd estate of AlIreAl mini Udell slid William ICdwnrd Udell, milium, under mid in nei-ordance with nn order of the countv court of the State of Oregon, for Wasco Countv, heretofoie made, will soil nt public mic tlon, fnri:uh In hand, on Saturday, the l'Jtli day of December, 18, at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Dallew City, in Wusco County. Oregon, nil the real t-stnte be longing to the estate of said minors, to-wit: The southeest quarter of section thirty in township one north range ten east Wlllimctto Meridian, in Oregon, containing 1G0 acres. Dalles City, Oregon, ytm. nov'Jl-ll fluardian of said Minors EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are duo to arrive at Portland. tKAVK. S:50 P.M. 8:30 A. M. Daily except Bundayi. fiiom juni: 2:1, ISM. i:00 7:G0 V, 1:15 P.M. OVKUI.AND KX-1 lires, Salem, Hose- 1 burg, Ashland, Kac-1 I ramento, Ogden.San ! 1 Francisco, Mojnve, ( l.os Aiigeies.iu raso, New Orleans and I t. East J Hosehurg and way sta tions (Via Woodburn fori I Mt.Angel, SUverton, i West Sclo, Drowns- ) ville.Sprlugilcld and I Natron I Salem nnd way stations juorvauis nun way I stations i MeMiniiville and I way stations . .. . . ( AUlllVK. i:lOA. M. "1:10 P. M. except Sundays. 10.00 A.M. 0:20 l'.M, ( 8:25 P. M. Dally.. Daily, except .Sunday, DINING OAUS ON OODKN KOUTE. t'UI.l-MAN 11UFFET Sl.EKl'EUS AND HKCOND-CLASS BI.KKI'INO CAUB Attached to all Through Trains. Through Ticket Olllce, 131 Third street, where through tickets to all points in the Htisteru St'ites, Canada and hurope can be obtained nt lowest rates from J. 15. KIKKIiAND, Ticket Agent. All above trains arrive at and depart Irom Grand Central Station, Fifth and Irving streets. YAMI11M. DIViSION. Passenger Depot, footoj Jcitcrsou street. Leave for OSWKGO, week days, at 0:00, 7:20, 10:15 a. m.i 12:15, 1:15, 5:25, 0:15, S:05 p. in. (and 11:"0 p. m. on Satuulay only). Anlvo at l'ovil.iml at 7:10, 8;80, 11:25 a, in.; l::M,:i:l5, ii:!55, 7:55, 'J:lii p. m. 1-enve for Sheridan, week days, -at -l:S0 p. in. Arrivout l'ortland, 'J:'M n. in. Imvo for AII'LIE on Monday, Wednetday and Krioav at 0:40 a. jr. Arrive nt Portland, Tues day, Thursday and Satutday nt 3:05 p. in. Sundav trains for OSWEGO leave nt 7 20,8:40, 10:15 a. in.: 12:15, 1:15, :)::, 5:25 0:45 p. m. Ar rlvout loitl;uidntl2:S5,8::,' l():oo 11:25 u. in.; 1:80, ,1:15, 5:10, 0:35, 7:55 p. m. K. KOEHI.EK, E. P. ROGEHS, Munuger. Asst. U. F. A; Pass. Agt. THE- NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEBK EDITION- 18 I'aces a Week. 15U l'upurs a Veur. It ettinds first among '"weekly" pupers in sizo, frequency uf publication and freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the low price of a weekly ; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every a tato and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among, its special features are a tinoliunior page, exhaustive market reports, nil tho latest fashions for women and a long series of stories by tho greatest living American and English authors, Cunnn Doyle, Jerome K. Jerome, Htnnluy Weymnu, Mury K. Wllkllis, Anthony Hop, llret flurte, limmler Mutthuwi. Ktc. We oiler this unequuled newspaper and Tho Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle to gether one year for $2.00, The regular price of the two papers ib $3.00, For Kile or Kent. The Grant hotel, close to the depot, will soil cheap, or rent for $10 per inopth. Lkjs Kbk deelfi-lm Grants, Or. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. HI. 3r Hi IE 2sT IsT. Dalles City aofl ffloro Slap Line Leaves Williams Hotel, Moio, on Mondays, Wednesdays and BVidays at S n. ui. promiit. Leaves Utnatillirllonse, Tlie Dalles, Tuesdays, Thvradnys aud Saturdays at 8 a. in. prompt. FreiRht rates- Tho Dalles to Moro, 40e per 100 lbs; small packages. In and 25c. PnHaeiifror rales Tlio Dalles to Moro, $1.50; round trip, ifL'.OO. Agency nt Utiiatilla House, Tho Dalle?, and at Williams Hotel, Moro. tf DOUGLAS ALLEN, Prop. Oven and Mi STAGE LINE, THOMAS HAEPER, Proprietor Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelope every day, nnd from Antelope 'to Mit chell three times a week. GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. he Glades Ranch, WIIITK SALMON, WASH. JERSEYS .... T 3 AmerlOH II I F, hi Mil Jersey Cattle HIV AUU Club Of tlio Bt Liunburt, Commnssic mid Tormentor mine. Tlireo Clioluo Hulls for Mile or rent, so home Clioluo Cows and Heifers for side, l'inu It nil l'oliind China IIork. White Plymouth Koclc Chickens. Address: MKS. A. It. HYItKETT, Prop. Jyi!.'-v3m White Salmon. Wash. UDDDPOISDH D mm SPECIALTY Utlory Btooo fOISON.pernwncntW cured In 16 to 86 days. Toucan botroatcdai QomoforaameprlceUDderiameruarao ty. if you profor to come hero wo wlllcoa tract to pay railroad fnroand hotel bllH.aml uuBuanv, ii wo iaii io euro, ir you l , iodide potiuhv and etlll I'rlmarT.S ondaryorTe barotakoainer navo denes ana cury, iodide potuihv and ii-acoiiei DDBF Cal ? part ot tboVdy, Uulr or Kyebrowfillln out, It to tbla Secondary ULOOU JPOISON pains, Muooua Vatohea In mouth, Sore Throatf simpiea, uopper tioioreu Hnotli Ulc Icera oo n d iiwauwe io cure, wo solicit MS noil ouiir nate cases and ohullonee the world for DafUBU the aklll of tho mnut mnlnnritnliTll. claiu. uonal ffnaranty. Absolute nroofs sent sealed no J B. QOIT, COUNTY SURVEYOR. 000,000 capital behind our uncowtt Kooaideace, Tenth aud Liberty Streeti