Special Offerings in Ladies' Underwear. t LARGE CONSIGNMENT Ladies' Heavy Ribbed, Fleece Lined Regular 25c Special 19c Ladies' Grey Jersey Ribbed, vests and pants to match.. Regular 35c Special 27c Extra value, Special Heavy Ribbed Fleece Lined, with pants to match Regular 40c Special 32c Ladies' Fine Jersey Ribbed, Silver Grey, medium weight, vests and pants to match , Regular 65c Special 50c Ladies' Heavy Knit Natural Wool, vests and pants Regular 75c Special 60c Ladies' Fine White Australian Wool, vests and pants... .Regular $1 Special 80c Ladies' "Florence" Combination Suits Regular $1, $1.50, $2.25 Special 80c, $1.25, $1.80 During January and February the store will close at 7 o'clock P. M. PEASE & MAYS. GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. Ralston Koffy, Pan Kake Flour, Grano and Breakfast Food, AT- MAIER & BENTON The Dalles. WILSON HEATERS JUST RECEIVED at MAYS & CROWE. Remember. We have striotly First-olass FIR, OAK and MAPLE WOOD To sell at LOWEST MARKET RATES. Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY1, - - - JAN. 6, 1897 Weather Forecunt. ror.Tl-.vND, Jan. fi, 1697. Foil Kastehn Oregon Tonight and tomor row, (air; cooler. I'aoue. Observer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Handout OhHorvntious and Local Events of I.eHwer Magnitude. A competent woman wants- a place doing housework or nursing. Gall ut this office. , Great clearance sale at A. M. Williams & Co.'e. Twenty per cont off for cash on suits and overcoats. See adv. All members of the Methodist Sunday school who are interested in singing are requested to meet at the church this evening at 8 :30 to practice music from tiie new sinking book. You can get winter underwear, line shirts and neckwear at one-fifth off the regular price at A. M. Williams &, Co.'s clearance sale. Uead their advertise merit carefully. M. Crevreuil, being about to leave the city, offers his line stock ot artificial flowers, plants, etc., at greatly reduced : M i...!tj ing. dec31-tf The case of the state against James Simonsen wua tried yesterday, all the evidence being taken and the argument was postponed until 3 o'clock this after noon. Attorney Phelps appears for the state and Dufur & Menefeo for the de fendant. Some person or poreons entered the residence oi Mr. French, on the hill, a few days ago, and swiped $10. At the same time they helped themselves to a nice joint of boiled beef. He being a bachelor probably accounts for the fact that no bread was taken. The reporter made the wearisome round of the city today, trying to find something that could be twisted in to some blind of a readable item, but i.i vain. Every source of news supply Iiub run dry and there is absolutely nothing to even hinge a fabrication on. The order of the .Eastern Star installed their officers at MaBAnio hall last night. There was a fi microgram with some eplended music, afteIWch an elaborate banquet was attended to. Worthy matron, Mrs. Myers, was presented with a jewel pertaining to her office. It is stated that tlio highwaymen down in Portland havo taken to amusing themselves by holding up policemen, oue being robbed near the Madison atreet bridge by a bold fellow who poked his gun unde the nose of the guardian of the peace, and took bis watch away from him, The contract for building the vessel for the light-house service on this coast, has been let to Wolf & Zwlcker of Port land. The boat will be 112 feet long, Styn feet beam and 12 to 18 feet draught, The contract price is $75,000, and the boat will be completed in ten months. She will be stationed at San Francisco. Lester D. Jacoby was married near Eugene the day before Christmas, to Miss Dollie C. Taliafero, and already the couple have found out that marriage means more than they thought it did. The groom of a week ago has com menced an action for divorce and the happy bride has gone rejoicing home to her mamma. W. 12. AVulther Held Up. A Land Office Itualnegs. As W. E. Walther waB going home last night about 8:30, and when about a block this side of his house on Ninth street, two men suddenly stepped up to him aud commanded him to throw up bia hands. "Ypu don'.t want the only nickel a man nas, do you?" said he "Throw up your hands and stop your talk" was the reply. Walther put up his hands and the men went through all his pocketB, finding just one lone, soli tary nickel. The robbers scorned to take it, and bo returned it to his pocket. From the amount of money found on him, they probably took him for an editor and thought if they took that nickle their victim would bo broke for an indefinite time. Walther has the nickle, and will keep it as a remembrance, being careful un der the present conditions not to carry any more than five cents' worth of money home after night. He said noth ing about the robbery, but the little birds that always stand in with printers told us all about it. Died on the Mountain. Saturday evening the lifeless body of William Powers was found in the road above Lower Cove on the mountain divide between that place und Indian Creek. The particulars rogaading his doath are riot very clear, but it seems that he was subject to fainting spells and that an attack at this time was the cause of death. The hands were badly lacerated, apparently from grasping hold of u barb wire fence, and his course was traced a considerable distance by blood on the ground before the body was found. It is thonght that life had' been extinct several hours before the body wus discovered. Tho deceased has been a resident of Lower Cove for some time, and is raid to have been a man of about middle age. He loaves a wife, but no childreu. La Grande Chronicle. Hot clam broth every day at noon at Ad Kellar's. ' tf Schilling's Best extracts have no end of flavor in them. Schillings Best coffee soda baking powder flavoring extracts ana spices are pure and money-back. For sale by W. E. Kahler During the month of December, owing to the fact that the time for making final proof on cash entries expired Jan. 1, 1897, there wbb n steady etreatn of ap plicants for title. In consequence the land office was busy all the time and handled a very large sum of money. There was collected and sent away dur ing the month and for the first six days of this month, .fG7,5Gl. This money goes, never to return, and baa proved a serious drain on the country. It is a matter of congratulation that the rush is over and the drain stopped. Of course no more money is being received for caBh entries and the sum sent out on account of homesteads is only a small matter. There has been one other great rush draining the monev from, the coun try to pay for lands, but this one ends it. With a good wheat crop next year, of which there is now abundant promise, and an improved condition of the wool market, Eastern Oregon will soon have money to jingle again, and may be able to keep some of it. School Tax I,evy. School districts and incorporated towns that desire to make a tax levy are required by law to notify in writing the clerk of the county court, in the county, within which is situated the district or town, of the rate per cent, of the levy so made on or before the first day of February in each vear. A copy of this notice is also required to be kept on file by the several clerks as a part of the records of their districts or towns. City councils have the power to make this levy, but for school districts a special meeting of the voters will have to be called by the board. As a ten-dav no tice is required for all school meetings, it would be well for the school boards to have their notices posted at as eariv a date as poseible,so as to be sure that the special ineetpgs of the taxpayers may be so held as to allow the clerks ample time in which to file the leyies made with the county clerk. All Kootenay Ik l'manerou. C. D. Porter returned from a buslnoes trip to the north on Saturday evening. During his absence ho visited Neleon, Trail and Rossland. In speaking of Rossland, Mr. Porter said : "The past year has been preparatory to resultB which are hoped for this year. There has been a vast amount of de velopment done during the past twelve months winch must bring a number of producing mines to the front. "The work going on at Nelson will largely increase the capacity of the smelter. When the improvements are completed, the smelter will be able to handle 250 tons of ore daily. The new stack, which Is 160 by sixty inches, is the largest in the Northwest. The com-1 pany are now erecting a roverberatory furnace,and expect soon to make blister copper. "It is refreshing to see the air of pros perity in evidence all through the Kootenay. This year will make history for the Kootenay aa no season lias over done before." Mr. Portei returned by the way of the lied Mountain road, and says it is the best now mountain road he has ever traveled over. Spokesman Review. Murders, Horse HteullnR And Oilier Amusements. They are haying plenty of fun and excitement up in Grant county even if timesare rather hard. Week before lat. a fellow whs uiurderrd, and last week four young men committed larceny and burlary by Btealing a horse arid break ing into a residence at Monument, and stealing goods therelrom. Tho two par ties most deeply implicated in the crimes were arrested at Coudon last Saturday, and the two others passed through An telope last Saturday, stopping at Bake oven the same night. Deputy constable, E. A. Putnam, of near Fossil, traced them to that point, arriving there last Sunday night, but the thieves bed gotten too much of a start on him, and the chase was abandoned at that point. While it is necessary to bring hucIi criminals to justice-, tho authorities will probably be more lenient witii thorn than under any other circumstances, for a man who will steal a horse now should be regarded an a public benefactor, in stead of a thief, There are some 11,000 old plugs in this section that should have been stolen out of the country years ago. Antelope Herald. blH8ll t Kill. A New York writer gives tho following description of a costume worn by Mrs. William C. Whitney at thoopera : "The waist seemed to bo literally covered with diamonds and emeralds A tiara of diamonds and emeralds rested on her coiffure. About her neck was a solid band of diamonds, from which were Euspended pendants .of diamonds, fall ing over her shoulders. In the center of the corsage was a diamond star; on cither side were other diamond clusters, and suspended from tho right shoulder and falling down over the waist was a single string of diamonds of immense size. I don't remember if she wore any thing else or not." Holiday Goods .AT Jacobson Book & .Music Co. Toys, Albums, J3ooks and complete line of Novelties. No. 174 Second Stroot, New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. Japanese Bazaar, II. OLYATT eft? OO. ri'op. Japanese Curios, Dishes, Ladies' Underwear, Wrappers, ETC., 133 Second Street, Next to Snipes-Kinersly's Store- Cull and See our Goods. Awarded Highest Honors World's Pair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR CREAM RAK1N6 mm Most Perfect Made. 4o Years the Standard, Notice. A reirular convocation of Dulles R. A. chapter, No. 0, will be held in Masonic hall tonight, Jan. (ith, at 7:1)0 o'clock. Husiijees, installation of officers. F. A. Aiihi'.nhtiiy, Hue. FoichUtm to liiNtitll. On l'ruhiy evening, Jan, 8th. court Tho Dalles No. 12, F. of A., will hold its annual installation of olJkws in the new K. of P. hall. Immediately after the cerumonles, a banquet will he served. All I'orestera and visiting brothers are cordially invited to be present on that evening. Do not fail to call on Dr. Lannerborg, the eye specialist, and have your eyes examined free of chnrH. If you sulfur with headache or nervousness von tin doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if corrected, will nenellt you for life. Office in tho Vogt block, All persons holding orders from Pease & Mays, or other coupons on Jferrin's photograph gallery are requested to present tlieiu before January loth. Mhh. I). 0. JiuillUN, DulleK-Movo NtUlfu Leaves tho Umatilla house 8 a, m Tuesdays, Thursdays und Saturdays, Dquoi.ah Ai.i.kn, Prop. You'll be surprised whon you try Hoe Cake soap, and wish wo hud told you Booner. It is made by patented pro cess. jv24-i ItefngeratMr Llutt, Attention of shippers is called to the new refrigerator line operated by the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company between Portland, Huntington, Spokane and intermediated points, leavjng Port land on train 22, Wednesdays and Hatur days. E, E, Lvixk, Agent, A lliirn fur l.uinit II im W. "My daughter, when recovering from an attack of fever, was a great sufijirer from pain in the buck and hlpn," writes Louden Orovor, of Sardis, Ky. "After using quite u number of remedies with out any benefit she tried one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Halm, and it ban given entire relief." Chambcrlaln'ii Pnin liulm is also a certain cure for rhuu mutlsui. Sold by lllakoloy & Houghton. T j j;li Vulluy Itollttr Flour Mill. Tygh Valley Rollor Flour MilU aro running (nil tluui on No. 1 wheat. Flour equal to the best always on hand. Prices to suit the times. Also mill feed n quantities to suit, W. M. McCoiiki.k & Sox. iiugH-Omw Proprietors. A tired stomach is very much liko a sprained ankle, If jou suffer from any of tho symptoms of dyspepsia, your stomach Is tired, it needs a crutch. We must relloveit of all work font time, or until it is restored to its natural etrength. To do this successfully, wo must use a food which is already digested outflidu of the body, and which will aid the digestion of other foods that may bo taken with it. Such u product is tho Shaker Digestive Cordial. The Shakers have utilized the digos tive principles present iu plantH for tho manufacture of (his article, and its suc cess has been truly phenomenal. You can try it for tho nominal sum of 10 cents, as sample bottles aro sold by all druggists at this price? (2) Laxol is the best medicine lor chil dren. Doctors recommend it iq place oi Castor 0)1, Subscribe for Tuk Chkonici-k.