The Dalles Daily Chronicle. The only Republican Daily Neicspape) Wasco County. WEDNESDAY. JAN. G, 1897 EASTERN OFFICE 230 to 23J, Temple Court, N. Y. City. E. KATZ, Agent. I) 0 UBLE-MINIM VM L A NDS. The Eastern Oregon delegation in the legislature should memorialize' congress to pass a bill providing for the re-payment of $1.25 per acre to those persons who purchased the even sections of land within the for feited railroad limits of the Northern Pacific, who paid 2.50 per acre for the laud. In this connection it might be proper to mention the fact that about nine years ago D. P. Thompson se cured puwers-of-attornoy from many of these people, authorizing him to collect excess money of 1.25 per acre. At the time it was understood Mr. Thompson was to go to "Wash ington and pass the bill granting re payment. This he did not do. The question has boon asked us several times as to what condition these powers-of-attorney held by Thoinpi. son would leave the settler in should congress grant them relief. Mr. Thompson, we think, is now out of the matter, admitting that he was ever in. He has done nothing, at tempted nothing. Beside, these contracts, if not void, were voidable, and were never worth the paper they were written on. A contract to influence lesislation would find little favor in the courts. If the bill can be passed, those sign ing the contracts need have no fear that the3 will cut any figure in the re-pa3'tnents. "We have received a printed blank petition, several of them in fact, which we are asked to sign and for ward to the Oregon delegation in cougress. The petition is against the passage of what is known as the Loud bill, providing tor excluding a certain class of publications from the list of second class matter. The matter proposed to be excluded is second class all right, that is such of it as is not third, fourth, or no. class iit all, being of the Indian-killing, moonshine detective sort of litera ture that ought to be excluded from the mails entirety. VTa cannot sign the petition, but respectfully request our delegation instead to give the! bill the benefit of their votes. The country is Hooded with a lot of rot- ten slush, called by its authors litem- ture, that should never be allowed te pass outside of tlio doors of the ofiices it was printed in, and the Loud bill will assist in suppressing it. The blamed scientists have been turning their microscopes on the towels used by the human family, and pronounce them full of microbes, bacteiiaand other disease germs that would be annihilated if they had to! pronounce their own names. Kartli, , uir and water are loaded .vitli death- i breeding life: finger nails and teeth iro tho fiivnriio Lrooflinrr n-r.Miwl nf ! aie tnc m 01 ue i.iecdmg gioniids of , sovoral varieties; brushes and combs, hats and shoes, the touch of friend ship ami the kiss of love, arc laden with hundreds of millions of conta- "inn.lirofxlinrr innnitociinfil ilnviU i ,ion.uret(iing lnlimtesiuial deils, bent on our destruction, hveiy thing we eat, drink or wear, touch, taste or .feel; nay! even our very thoughts, need spraying for lilliputian codlin moths, or dipping for scab. t-!..i..i ! ipiiuieria, suanei lover, lypuus, Tho proressivft ladlos of Weal (leld, rabies and scabies, are no longer (lis-; Ind., is&ued a "Woman's Kdition"of the eases, they me only the evidence of.' Weatfield None, bearing date of April ii, germ life going to seed. What wej189G- Tho paper la lllled n itlnnatler of need is u rest from both scientists and their invisible bugs. Senator Thurston, who wns at one time attorney for the Union Pacific railroad, says he has not taken inter est enough in the Pacific railroad funding bill to know anything about it. As it only involves n, matter of $130,000,000, perhaps it is too small an affair for Nebraska's senator. It strikes ns it is time he began to in form himself, as the matter is now ho fore congress and seems to the average citizen of this coast impor tant enough to demand the attention of every senator. Congress would do well to pass an act compelling assisted railroads to take out patents for their lands, and for all of them. As it is, the gov. crnment gives the lands to the rail- road companies, and the latter only take out patents when they sell the lands, thus escaping taxation. They should either be compelled to own the lands or forfeit them. Max Pracht announces himself as a candidate for the position of gov ernor of Alaska. The Yukon now has two mouths, one of which is sixty J miles wide; but if Pracht gets up j there, both of them will go out of business. TRUTH CRUSHED TO EARTH. Sad Krfects of Too aiucli t'amlur In on Aristocratic .".lunsion. Two fair youiifr irls s;ui in a dnint, boudoir ira.infr into t-aeh other's i-ye-. says tin- New York Horn Id. "Wo aro sui'h rood frlout'y. Mart-la." said one. "anil iw ean afford to say to eausli other just wnat vr thin);. Now. I have such -a splendid seluiine. Sti;, oce we start out to-day by telling t-aeli other thv exact truth, without leg-aid to any question of politeness." "How perfectly lovely. Lobi-lia," cooed' the younger girl of the. two. "Let's begin right an ay. What tl ; you think of nu-V" "I think." said Martin. ."that you are almost as -pretty as you think you nr: anil when you don't try to he. you are the most charming girl in ill" vo:kl." "How awfully of ynu." rejoined the other, "and do you ks ;:w t':a. when you came in f was thinking that you looked jmt like one of those big f-eatiier diislers whi.-h had taken a notion to walk? Only your feet ate so wry large that the illusion was o.ol quite jierfeet." Two disheveled young woir.f-n. with their faces er-.s lined by seratt he:-, were taken out of that a: i :loi-inti-maiisio'n live minutes hurried in an ambulance to the nearest hos pital. SCANT COURTESY. American Accused of Ilulns Kudo to Women In .SleeplnK Car. "I m sorry to have to say it," re marked a sleeping ear conductor, reports the Washington .Star, "but somehow, and 1 lutve no explanation for it. nwn traveling tire not as courteous and accommodating -to lady travelers as they should Ik-. "The men who ask for all kinds of accommodations, when they have their wives, sisters' or female relatives tra eling with them, and they never fail then to claim everything in -ght. are in inanv eases the men who decline to givo similar favors to other lady passengers. "As a matter of fact, the upper ' berths in a sleeping ear are (he l.-st, j the ljc-st. ventilated, and I think experi- ; enee has shown (he safest in cjise.s of v.-reck. Still, the demand is nearly a!- ; uoys for the lower berth-:, because b i is easier to get into them. This Is par ticularly s?o with lady travelers. , "In my last half-dozen t:i:.s from and . back to the city f have had more than ; the usual percentage of Judy pas-sen-I t-i-rs. ami I not sueeeeileil m one e ise, in getting any of the m.Mi travel ers to simvnder a lower borth for ao upper berth. The men, being more ex I ei-ienc c1, secured th lower berths and tef used to give, t'lem up." Tlil3 Ih Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, a gesoroun Barnplo will bo mailed of tho . most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure ! (EIy'B Cream Unlm) sufficient to demon- trt0 tho reat rnGrits of tho rGmc.dv. atrato tho great merits of tho remedy. ELY BROTHERS,, 50 Warren St., New York City. Hev. John Held, Jr., of Great Falls, 3Iont , recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I , can emphnsizo hi.s statement, "It is a posi- nvo euro lor catarrh it used, as ilirecteu." , 1o Francis w ioolo. Pustor CenirulPres. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely'H Cream Balm is tho acknowledged euro for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, CO cents. I niiuruHb to woiuuii, lino wu noiicu mc i fallowing from a correspondent, which the editors printed, realizing that it treats upon a matter of vital importance to their sex: "Tho best remedy for croup, colds and bronchitis that I .have been able to find is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For family use it Imanoeqnal. 1 gladly recommend it." 'Jo uud 50 cent bottles' for sale by ISIakeley & Houghton. VISITING TOILETTES. They Aro Muile TliN Senson to Look Well Without Wrap. Toilets for culling are. being built Willi special reference to. outdoor wear without a wrap, or, at best, for a loose cloak or mantle, of fur, to be left in the carriage or the hall, of heavy, warmly lined broadcloth arc popular, with boleros or small ICtons of fur or velvet. A tiny black velvet bolero is trimmed down the fronts ami most odd ly about its edge by a frill of thickly plaited black ribbon which stands out from the figure almost like a ruche above a very tight and high eeinture of moire. The bodice beneath is plain to the point, of severity, with a military choker, about which is tied a black rib bon, with n short, square bow under the chin. In the tortoise-blue broadcloth, with black elvet bolero, overlaid with tr.ti''i f cream lloniton and caraeulc fur, black moire ribbon rullles, and eeinture, the effect is stunning. Motifs of fuv ami hv--e are used to trim il; skirt in deep, square scallops, knee deep, with plait ings of black ribbrui N-neath. Whole blouses of glace-printed velvet are very Ktvnehx , with thick ruehes of fur about the throat, and perhaps fur sleeves and a yoke of fur on the. broadcloth skiit. latches of fur seem a bit improbable, but de signers are capable of making a fab ric serve every purpte, however for eign to its popular i.-.e. They are usually made of earacule. Ihat thin, espensive and very fashions ile fur. that is so adaptable. Uulllcs of this fur nreal.-o stylish. The, are. rather, circular llounees in different widths, sometimes as an edge to a very short bolero, some times encircling n skirt about hem and knees and still higher about the back breadths only, giving that smart, bouf fant eft'eet to the tournure. Choix of -able, of .seal, of I'ersitih lamb are worn, an well as of eara"ule. They are formed by two loops of four and two sharply-pointed ends thrust throiif'h a buckle under the chin, to fasten a boa or collar reaching far below the waist and edged with sable tail?. Northing is so trig and appiopihue for these autumn days as a tight-fitting barque and a plain skirt oi ec.-uve can vas so close that it seems woven of cords, with fully an eighth of an inch of bright lining g'n aming through it, mealies. HIaek braiding put on by hand about tin baapie and the hips. :: small capote of "oral velvet and inaek wings, with the liniest of veils, the i.igpest of earacule and black feather rueliiv. at. d a rufily muff to match, with a coral lining, make a smart ensemble for call ing. Another costume for this weather, when lovilv woman ::oec out "in hi-'- figure." is ulco of crarse e;.nvns. with a large "tuft (lotting it all ilu color lning u-'riuh purple It has a I. lac', moire Kton.the shortedgeshishe'l into square. ;lals, wired to out fiom the iigure ai:uve the f:.lded vcl vet eeinture.' the front av.ay from the waistcoat in stiff rev ):.. Tile- bloiiJ-e beneath is i,f I ".. I earacule. of which the slpeves ;:;i-;!si, built, a velvet choker ha lug car.ieulc wings flaring out, beneath each car. A very rough and coarte. serge is hainl bi aided in black in a broad baud, thai ci.eiieies the skirt obliquely in a .-piral. a bow of earacule and a steel buckle fastened on one knee, where the braiding commences. A eeinture of blael; moire, with (bit postilions behind, i ..;if.ji!i!i- ajmrr-t to the l.m-"., ond a big 'din etoirc cravat cf black moire, fi.ii.-h a pi- 1 1 in -! novil g ivn. the sieve- f.uit" eoveiid v. it!) the braiding. - St. I.o't's Kc oi.biic. CATARRH is a LOCAL DISEASE and is the result of colds and sudden climatic changes. , For your Protection j we positively tt.ito that this remedy does not contain I mercury or any other Injur jlouadru". Ely's Cream Balm Is acknowledged to be the most thoroDgh euro for Vni.!il f-nturr),. Pnlil In Hm1 and IIav Vuver nf nil XaKil Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay lever of all remedies, n opena ami cicanues mo iiasai passages, alhya pain and Inflammation, ueala tlio torus, pro tects too membrane from colds, res tores tlio bciim-i of lasto and smell. I'rlco C0c. at Drnggisttt or by mall. I.'LY UXtOTUEltS. 60 Warren Street, New York. You Get the Profits Of Dealers, Agents, Jobbers and Middlemen by buying di rect from the manufacturer. No better wheel made than the Acme Bicycle Built in our own factory by ' skilled workmen, using the best material and the most improved machinery. Wa hava no agents Sold direct from factory to the rider, fully warranted. Shipped anywhere for examination. WRITE FOR Our Interesting Offer Acme Cycle Co., Elkhart, Ind. Kr&uW i He Relator Line i The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Until further notice, the Steamer Regulator will leave The Dalles on Mondays, "Wed nesdays and Fridays at 7:30 a. m., and will leave Portland on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6:30 a. m. VAHSKMUKK KATES: One way . Hound trip .42 00 . 3 00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. bhtpments for Portland received at any tiino. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before 5 p, m. Live stock shipments solrcited. For rates call on or address W. C. ALLAWAY General Agent THE DALLES. - OREGON GIVES THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes , VIA Spokane Denver Omaha Kansas City Minneapolis St. Paul Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. OOISAN STKAMJ2KH Leuvn Pnrtlnni) Evopv I'lvc Days for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Kor full details call on O. K & Co. s Agent Tlio Dalles, or address W, II. nUKUIUIlT. Gen. Puss. Act I Portland, Ort-Kon i:. M'NKIM. President mid Jluntucer. Sow Hclietlulo. Train No. 1 arrives at Tlio Dalles 4 :45 a. m., anil leaves 4 :oU a. m. Train No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10 :15 p. m., and leaves 10:20 p. m. Train No. 8 arrives at Tlio Dalles 11 :55 p. in., and west-bound train No. 7 leaves at 1 p. in. Train 23 and 24 will carry pr.ssengers between The Dalles and Umatilla, leav ing The Dalles at 1 p. m. daily and ar riving at The Dalles 1 p. m. daily, con- nprttmr u-lMl trnln Vna ft n.iil 7 fis.v .,i,i v i? i .., urUMHU. J. 11 lLh, .Agent. Monuments and Headstones. Before going elsewhere, call on L GOMINI, The Dalles, Or., For a Tombstone. Warranted to stand for all time, regardless of wind or weather. American Market, I 74 Second Street. ! Fruit, Produce, J Butter, Eggs. I'OUI.XKV, I-IHIl mid GAME IN HKAHON. 69 TELEPHONES 69 D. It. KOHEUTH, ATT0KNEY AT -LAW. COI.I.ECTION8 A HPKOIAI.TY, OBlce next dcxir to tlio 1'lmt National liank Tim Iiullcn, Oxvon, iiovl'J Freigat ana PassennerLine EKSTI Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain; ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, SISAd Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- nn TTlrmt Thia Flour is manufai-torfd expressly for family bUU JE XKJIXI . su; every sack la guaranteed to give satisfaction. Wo sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if yon don't think so call and get our prices and be convinced, Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. Wholesale. IWflliT MQUOflS, (Xlines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER anddrnUDottles. Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic "beverage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. i c rH"Q Buys a good B0YS'SUIT at -F- Stph- S V-' Lo ons.' Intermediate prices up to $4.50. fi Is all t). F. Stephens asks for a servicea- JJS 9 kO ble suit of MEN'S CLOTHING. The yO'O best Black Diagonal for $1 2.00. F" J " 5 """"l 1 An elepant assortment of I O f "I 1 IZ'O 1896 atvlee just received, JLvClLllCO VIUCLlVO. a part'ot which may be Remember, all these goods are latest made, warm, serv iceable and fashionable, and at prices never before ap proached in The Dalles. Leave your orders for Dressed Chickens, Fish, Fine Dairy Butter, Eggs, Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds, COAL AND ICE, THE DALLES GOPttfllSSIOU GO.'S STOflE Corner Second and Washington Sts. ' BL.AKELEY& 175 Second Street, A TP.rnTQrnc! Tvr Country and Mail Ordora will receive prompt attention. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER Again in bnsineea at the old Htand. I would b pleased to eee all my formoi patrons. Free delivery to auy part of town. "There is a tidb in the affairs of men which, taken at its flood leads on to fortune" The poet unquestionably had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furnitare and Carpets. at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, . Who are Belling those goods out at greatly-reduced rates HIOHKLBAOH BRICK, . . UNION BT. seen in show window. AT HOUGHTON The Dalles, Oregon a iiil itj t- a "r e? GROCER fjucccstor to ClirlNiuim & Corson. '" FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES.