r Special Offerings in Ladies' Underwear. Ladies' Heavy Ribbed, Fleece Lined Regular 25c Special 19c Ladies' Grey Jersey Ribbed, vestsand pants to match.. Regular 35c Special 27c Extra value,. Special Heavy Ribbed Fleece Lined, with pants to match Regular 40c Special 32-k Ladies' Fine Jersey Ribbed, Silver Grey, medium weight, vests and pants to match Regular 65c Special 50c Ladies' Heavy Knit Natural Wool, vests and pants Regular 7oc Special GOc Ladies' Fine White Australian Wool, vests and pants.... Regular $1 Special 80c Ladies' "Florence" Combination Suits Regular $1, ,$1.50, $2.25 Special 80c,' $1.25, $1 .80 During January and February the store will close at 7 o'clock P, M. .GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. Ralston KofFy, Pan Kake Flour, Grano and ' Breakfast Food, AT MAIER & BENTON The Dalles. L LARGE CONSIGNMENT WILSON HEATERS JUST RECEIVED at MAYS & CROWE. 1 Remember. We have strictly First-class FIR, OAK and MAPLE WOOD To sell at LOWEST MARKET RATES. Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO The Dalles Daily Gbpomcie. TUESDAY, JAN. 5. 1897 Weather FurecaHt. ToinxAND. Jan. 5, 1897. Fon Kastkhn Oregon Tonight und tomor row, ruin or snow; wunner. Taoue. Observer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Ititnrtom OhfmrvutiuitH anil Local Events of I.t8Sr AInenltuclo. A. M. Williams & Co. will close their store evenings at G:30 until farther notice. There was an addition of twenty-one in the attendance at the public schools yesterday. The regular monthly meeting of East End Hose Co., No. 3, will be held at their hose house tomorrow evening, at 7 :U0 o'clock. There were three tourists without money boore the city recoader this morning. They are working for the city today in consequence. The firm ot Maier & Benton, L. Ror aen and W. A. Johnson authorize us to Btate that from date until March 1st, they will close their stores at 7 o'clock. Jonathan Bourne has hired whole lots of halls in Salem, and is going to enter tain his friends in grand style during the session ot the legislature. The examination of James Simonson, charged with the commission of rape, took place before Justice Filloon this afternoon, but was not completed at the hour of going to press. The United Artisans will install of ficers tomorrow nigbt, and when this is through, refreshments will be served. All members of the order are urgently requested to be present. Richard Cornelius, cashier of the National Farmers and Planters bank at Baltimore, was discovered to be $60,000 short in his accounts yesterday, and he settled up by drowning himself. The decision of the supremo court of Delaware, rendered yesterday in a con tested election case, gives the Demo crats control of the legislature, and in sures the election of a Democratic senator, Mr. O. II. Lewis, of the firm of Allen & Lewis, o'f Portland, died at his resi dence in Portland Monday morning at 10:30, from the effeot of a paralytic stroke received last Saturday. He was a man of sterling character, and has done much towards building up the city of Portland. The examination of Dan Osborne, charged with robbing Eothway Thurs day night, was begun before Justice Fil loon yesterday afternoon. This morn ing the state finished taking its testi mony. Oaborue was bound over to ap pear before the grand jury with bonds fixed at $250. The motion for new trials in the cases of the United States againBt Seufert and Taffe in the condemnation proceedings, j were set for argument before Judge Bollinger today. It is more than likely new trials will be granted, as the judge is dissatisfied with the verdicts, and so are all the parties and their representa tives. Last night the following officers, were installed in Friendship lodge No. 9, K. of P., for the ensuing term by Frank Menefee, deputy grand chancellor : L. S. Davis, C. C. ; H. H. Riddell, V. C, ; B. S. Huntington, P. ; N. M. Lane, M. of W. ; O. F. Sheppard, M. at A. ; D. W. Vause, K. of R, and S. ; F. S. Gunning, M. of F. ; W. E. Walthers, M. of E. ; J. A. Douthitt, I. G. ; J. F. Moore, O. G. PERSONAL MENTION. Editor Guv Millfir nf t.li niahntnli went to Portland yesterday. P. A. Erixon and family came in from the Warm Springs yesterday. County School Superintendent Gil bert went to Hood River this afternoon Mrs. Rhinehart arrived from Arling ton this morning and went on to Port land this afternoon. Senator John H. Mitchell arrived in Portland from Washington Saturday, to look after his political fences. Judge Bradehaw went to. Hood River this afternoon to attend the public in stallation of officers of Vucoma Lodge, K. of P., which takes place there this evening. Mr. C. A. Stewart came up from Cas cade Locks yesterday. He 'reports that usually entertaining town aB very quiet since the completion of the,locks. Mr. John Gray, who has the contract for erecting the buildings at the Warm Springs, arrived last night. He tolls us the roads are in a horrible condition, and that there are about three weeks work yet to complete the buildings. MAltKIKD. As the Columbia hotel, Monday, Jan uary 4th, Mr. Globe J. Cooper, of Mult nomah county, to Miss Cora Smith of Wasco county, Rev. L. Grey officiating. A Cure fur Lumu Back. "My daughter, when recovering from an attack of fever, was a great sufferer from pain in the back and hips," writes Louden Grover, of Sardis, Ky. "After using quite a number of remedies with out any boneut she tried one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and it has given entire relief." Chamberlain's Puin Balm is also a certaiu cure for rheu matism. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. Schilling's Best means: ten i coffee soda batilncf powder flavoring extracts and splcca as good as anybody wants. 31 ifor sale liy W. E. Kahler Do not fail to call on Dr. Lannerberg, the eye specialist, and have your eyes examined free of charge. If you suffer with headache or nervousness you un doubtedly have irnnnrffint vimnn that. II corrected, will benefit you for life. unice in mo vogt diock, All persona holding orders from Pease & Mays, or other coupons on Herrin's photograph gallery are requested to present them before January 15th. Mas, v. C. Hkkrin. HE DISLIKED TO MAKE TROUBLE. Mrs. Sarah Maria Uveily's Kxirlence With Itev. Amluaitttli Salsify. "If there is any person whom I dread to have my husband bring home for the evening, it is a bashful man who is afraid he is afraid he is 'going to make someone a little extra trouble." So said Mrs. Sarah Maria Everly at the regular weekly meeting of the guild in Portland, as she finished sewing a lace frill on the bottom of a cotton nightgown, destined at some future time to grace the person of some benighted brunette of the upper Congo. "I shall nevei forget," she continued, "our first visit from the Rev. Aminadab Salsify from Wayback. Harry and I had been married for seven years, the Rev. Aminadab performing the cere mony in my native village of Wayback. Harry was employed in Portland, and at the time the Rev. Aminadab made us a visit we were living in a handsome modern cottage on Ninth street. Harry was glad to see our old friend, and so was I, yet, at tiie same time, his fear that he was jn the way, or that ho was making someone work, made his visit a regular nuisance. The fall rains had set in, and the weather was decidedly chilly. About 7 o'clock in the evening Harry was called down town, to remain most of the night, and at 9. :30 the Rev. Salsify retired. There was a lavatorv opening off from the bedroom, but this seemed to be beyond the power of our Rev. friend's k n. "At 10:30 1 went to bed. and about the mystic hour of midnight I heard tho side door close and the spring catch stap viciously. I could not at first imagine what had happened, but instead of it suggesting burglars, the idea Btruck me that our Rev. friend was somehow mixed up in the affair. There was a hydrant in the yard, used during the summer for irrigating, and stepping out of bed and peeping out of the window. I saw tho Rev. Salsify quenching bis thirst thereat. Of couree it never oc curred to him that there was water in the house, and there he had gone rerout ing out into the rain, his long, white nightdress giving him a ghostly appear ance in the dim light. . After he had takon, I should judge, a quart of Will amette mixture, he came back to the door. Of course it was locked. I slipped down quietly, thinking to lot him in, and trusting to tho darkness to prevent his discovering that I whh not dressed for company. I reached the door, opened it, but my friond, who disliked troubling anyone, had gone around the corner of the house attempting to dis cover some means of ingress. I called him, but there was no answer. I was thoroughly out of humor by this time, but realizing that I must take the Rev. gentleman in out of the wet, or be re sponsible for his death, I stepped on the porch in order to again call him. Un lucky movement ! I bad not left that door three feet before some spirit of darkness. or imp of the perverse, entered into it, or that total depravity which nervadea inanimate objects after night, moved it, and moved it to a close. Tbcre was a j gentle jar, a snap of that confounded spring lock, and the Rev. Aminadab Salsify and tho mistress of the house were both outside, dressed in their night-robes, without a key, and no one inside to come to their aid. "I am not certain thatT did not swear, but if I did I feel that the recording an gel charged it up to the Rev. Aminadab, or blotted it out with a tear spared from his laughter. My night-blooming friend came back in a moment, ghostly and silent, and seeing top, asked what I was 'doing there?' I was unarmed, and there was neither club nor stone handy, hence the Rev. Aminadab still lives, but it was due to circumstances, for which I am not to blame. "Fortunately Harry came home ear lier than he expected, and if ever the sound of a man's footstep was music to that man's wife'H ears, his was to mine that night. "Jn a few minutes we were both in side, and I was in my bed, doubled up like a pocket comb, and shivering with cold and rage; and yet that husband of mine laughed, laughed and giggled until he got into bed and I put both my feet in the middle of his back. "The Rev. Aminadab Salsify returned to Wayback next day, having had a suf ficiency of city life, late hours and Will amette water." There lit Nntliluj; So Good. There Is nothing just, as good as Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, so demand it and do not permit the dealer to sell you some substitute. He will not claim there is anything better, but in order to make more profit he may claim eomethingelse to be juet as good. You want Dr. King's New Discovery because you know it to be safe and reliable, and guaranteed to do good or money refunded. For Coughs, Colds, Consumption and for all afJ'ec tions of Throat, Chest and Lungs, there is nothing so good as is Dr. King's New Discovery. Trial bottle free at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. Regular size 50 cents and fl.UU. ,2) Hot clam broth every day at noon at Ad Kellar's. tf Holiday Goods .AT. Jacobson Book & Music Co. Toys, Albums, Books and complete line of Novelties. No. 174 Second Street, New "Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. Japanese Bazaar, XX. OXiYATT cftJ OO. Fropn. Japanese Curios, Dishes, Ladies' Underwear, Wrappers, ETC., ETO. 133 Second Street, Next to Snipes-Kinersly's Store. Call and Seo our Goods. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, (iold Meda!, Midwinter Fair. DR CREAM RAKING mm Moat Perfect Made. 40 Ytart the Standard. A tired stomach is very much like sprained ankle. If jou suffer from any of the symptoms of dyspepsia, your stomach is tired. It needs a crutch Wo must relievo it of all work foratimo, or until it is restored to its natural strengui. Juno huh siiccessimiy, wu must use a food which is already digested outside of the body, and which will aid the digestion of other foods that may be taken with it. Such a product is the Shaker Digestive Cordial. ThoShak'ers have utilized the diges tive principles present in plantn for tho manufacture of this urticle, and its sue cess has been truly phenomenal. You can try it for tho nominal sum of 10 cents, as sample bottles are sold bv ull druggists at this price. (12) Laxol is the best medicine for chil dren. Doctors recommend it in place of Castor Oil. liuokleu'c Arim: aitlve. The best sulve in the world for cute, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhunin, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruptions, and poui lively curns piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to' ulve nerect satisfae. tion, or money retuuued. Price J5 cunts per tox. tor sale- by Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. f'Jriiittu' Mooting, Jacksbn Engine Co,, No; 1, will meet this (Tuesday) evening at 7 :30. There is business of Importance, and all mem bers are requested to be present, F, y, L. Skuiub, Secy. l)ulii-Muru htitgm Leaves tho Umatilla house 8 a. m Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. DOUGLAS Allkn, Prop. . Hmiirl linit; to Know. It may be worth something to know that tho very best medicine for restoring the tired out nervous H.VHtem to u healthy vigor Is Electric Bitters. Thj medlcino is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone, to tho nerve centres in the stomach, gently stimulates the Liver and Kidneys, and aids these organs in throwing off Impurities in the blood, Klectrta Hit ters improves tho appetite, aids diges tion and is pronounced by those who have tried it as the very best blood puri fier and nerve tonic. Trv it. Sold for iOu or 1 .00 per bottle at lllakoloy & Houghton's Drug Store. (2) ThU I Your Opportunity. On receipt of tea conto, caidi or stamps, a generous sample will bo mailed of tho roost popular Catarrh and Hay Fovor Ouro (Ely's Cream Halm) sufficient to demon, fitrato tho frunt merits of tho remedy. ELY HROTHEKB, CO Warren St., New York City. Itov. John Reid, Jr., of OreatFall,Mont., recommended Ely'ti Cream Halm to mo. I can omplmHlzo )u statement, "It is) a posi tive cure for catarrh if uttod na directed." Rev. Francis W. I'oolo, Pastor CcutralProft. Church, Helena, Mout. Ely'a Cream Halm is tho acknowledged ouro for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious drug. I'rico, SO cents. Tyult Valley ltollr Klour ftltlln. Tygh Valley Roller Flour Mills are running full time on No. 1 wheat. Hour equal to the best always on hand. Prices to suit the times. Also mill feed n quantities to suit. W. .M. MoCouklk ik So.v. aug8-0mw Proprietors. You'll be surprlped when yon trv He Oake soap, and wish we bad to(d yon sooner, It is made by patented pro- cea. ' Jlv24.il WW, 1