The Dalles My Chronicle. THK 1.Y1,T,KH, OKKOOX AilverlUInc llntes. Per inch One inch or less in Dally $1 r0 Over two Inclie mul under four Inches 1 00 Over four Inches mul muter twelve Inches. . Over twelve Inches ft) DAILY ANI WKRKI.Y. One inch or less, per Inch $2 fiO Over one Inch and under four inches 2 00 Over four Inches aud under twelve Inches . 1 M Over twelve inches 1 00 ODD WEDDINGS. rroaka Who Havo Boon Joinoil Together iti Wedlock. One Couple Slurried by Proxy While Thousiuida of 311k' Apart Sonip of the yiirer I'rmiics of Cupttl. The conventional idea of n wedding? does not agree with the tastes of nomc people, and occasionally oiv eccentric and soinc times romantic ntstrrlaiyv ceremonies are solemnized. .Men a::il woinen entirely opposite in disposition and chamcier frequently unite in the holy bonds of malriiiiony--sonu'(imiv. much to their mutual regret. Th" peculiar fact, it would t-eem. also ap plies to oddities of liitm-m nature. In many of the traveling: shows; the freahn who help to draw money from the pub lie intermarry, and !t is not an unusual thins: to Find the fat man wedded Unite skeleton woman, aud the tattooed man to the bearded lady. Mrs. Hannah Jlattcrsby. who at one timoiourcdtheeountry as a fat woman, was married to a Pennsylvania mats, and it is stated as a curious fact that no sooner were they married than she be pran to lose flesh and lie to ;rain it. Hi weifht increased so rapidly that he poor, took-l exhibiting himself as a fat i-:r. An exception to this rule of contract, however, was Col. Glover, the ."inn., who ntood si:: feet seven inches. Ife was -wedded to Martha IVnbotly. the Ameri can giantess. Several years ago. when they appeared in public together, they used to receive as much as !?7.() a week. The Italian consular agent at Cin cinnati performed the- most peculiar marriage ceremony on record. The groom was a well-to-do resilient of th Ohio city and his bride lived in Italy. The contracting1 parties were thousands of miles apart when the wedding wn.-: performed, the marriage being by pro::y. The consul filled in a blank certificate, which he forwarded to an thorities in Italy, who in the presence of the parish priest exhibited it before the bride, who aflixed her signature, accepting it as her action. The mar riage was perfectly binding. A very similar ceremony was per formed some time ago. The affair took place by proxy, and Miss Maple was married by a. clergyman in Xeiv York to n man who nt the time of the marriage lay dying1 in a Texas town. The bride groom was repres.-nt"d in the cere mony by the bride'.- cousin, who mad the neco.irnry responses and siT::tur". as Ills proxy. The two lovrrs lv". Misrafred for a long time, and M:ss Manl' wish.'d to bear the name of her be trothed even though she could do sc. only as a widow. The nil-important ring is sometimes forgotten, and in more than one en. rne uoor i cy o; tne cnuren nas mm to tio duty, but it is not often f h'lt j;ort;ons.n' the marriage service are omitted. !?i a southern town, hnwver.n Jittli wh!Jr ago, after the party had left the ehure'i it was discovered that the clergyman had forgotten the words, "with this ring I thee wed," etc., thus relievm;.' the bridegroom of the most seriou part of his obligations, and tin; fait bride was minus n wedding ring. In stead of Vdtting down to a breakfast tlu party hurried back to the church anc wore thus practically married twice ii one day. Cupid ran amuck some time agr nmong the old folk of a Georgia town An old soldier, H years of age, led to tlr altar an aged dam.-:cl who had seen 7 summers. There were three brides maides, whose ages respectively wer fiO, OS and 70. They were all tipinster The hent man, who was i:, .brough the combined ayes up to VS.i years. An unuMial kind of marriage wa celebrated in New York recently. Th' was between a couple both deaf an dumb. They held prayer books vhll a i; tii pointed out the dilfcrer pas. ,4''. in the service as they yei (tpoi.en by the clergyman, and the made the customary responses in th deaf aud dumb alphabet. An ingenious couple once conceive the idea of being married by phono graph. In the place where the bride groom resided he and the minister won over the marriage service, and he recltec the proper responses into the instru ment. The phonograph was sent to tin lady, fihc willingly supplying the re fjiiisite "I will" and "1 do" In the pro; cnee of her pastor, who then pro nouueed the pah united in matrimony IS'o explanation is given of how they go' over the dilllciilty of the ring. I A well-known anthropologist, In de scribing various marriage ustoni, re fers to a strange sort of .symbolical mar riage which is .supposed to have orlg hinted in India. It is a marriage, wltl trees, plants, animals and IiiaiihuaU objects. If anyone proposes to entei upon n union which 1 not in accord ance with t.rndit'tmnl k;i;, it In be lieved that ill hick which is sure to To! low may be nverli! by n marriage oi this kind, tin evil eonsequeiu-es beirg borne by the object chosen. In various regions a ghl must not r.i"' Wo:c her eldest sinter, but tin d ': r'.lry i overcome by the eldest cliv , " ; mar rying the branch of n !-e. 'i h ; (Ik wedding of the younger daughler may safely be celebrated. llufi'nlo Kxpres.s. Only one Sale. There is a pleasant little story about n party of drummers tilting in the smoking-room of ti sleeper talk'.rg about trade. One nfter onothe.r luui told about what sort of .trade he'd been having, and they'd all been doing well; but the Inst man of all, when "t came hi.", turn, said he'd made only one rale in ix weeks. The rest started in to sym pathize with him a little on th's. but when they came to n:l: Irm whst bnr.i ness he was in and learned that he tra -elcd for n bridge-building establish ment, and that h!s tent sale was a steel bridge s nrething lers than a mile long for about SoOO.OCO. thv agreed that lie wasn't doing so poorly after all. Tlie procressive ladles of Westfleld, Ind., issued a "Woman's Edition" of the Wcstfield News, bearinc date of April 3, 189G. The paper is filled with matter of interest to women, and we notice the following from a correspondent, which the editors printed, realizing that it treats upon a matter of vital importance to their sex: "The best remedy for croup, colds and bronchitis that I have been able to find is Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy. For family useithasnoeqnal. 1 gladly recommend "it." 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Notion. Bids will be received until Thursday evening, January 7th, for the keeping of the county poor. Bid3 should be Sled with the county clerk at the court house, before that time. By order Board County Commissioners. The right to reject any and all bids is re- served. A. M. Kelsay, Clerk. Cali 111 Vour Checks. All county warrants registered prior to July 12, 1892, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Dec. 5, 18. c. L. Phillips, County Treasurer. ArttchuIu-8 lor Hale. The undersigned lias for sale the mammoth Jerusalem artichokes, nnd can furnish any amount of seed at $1 per bushel. " H. Eiciieniieiiokk, declfJ-lm Bake Oven, Or. SUMMONS. IK THE CIKCl'IT COURT of the State of Ore gon for Wasco County. Frank J. Jleyeis, I'latntllt', vs. Annie M. Meyers, Defendant. To Annie M. Meyers, tho above named defend. inn; In the name of the State of Oregon, you arc acrcoy requircu 10 aimiMr in me above entltlea court ana answer the complaint filed oKuinst yt u In haid court und cause, on or beforo the lirst day ot the next regular term ot the Circuit Court for Watco County, Oregon. follor.'ing the expiration oi six weeKS' imouuauon oi mis eiiiii mous, to-wit, Monday, the 8th day of Kebruarv lb'JT, and you will tak, notice that If you fat. to to appear and answer, for want thereof nlulnt 111 will take judgment against you for the relief jruyeu ior in ms compliant, to-wit a decree or divorce forever dissolving the boiida of mur riage heretofore and now existing bstween plHintitt and defendant, and for such other re lief as may be equitable and just. 'ihis summons is t-erveel uion you by pubiica' tion thereof in The Ualleh Cnnoxictu, a news narerof weekly publication and general circu lation, published at The Dalles. Wasco Countv. Oregon, by order of Hon. V. L. Bradshaw, judgo oi wie uoove numeu eouit. O, W. 1'IIEU'S. letCJ-I Attorney for I'iainiilf, Notice of Final Settlement, Notice Is hereby given that the iindcn-lsiicd hay tiled in the otlice of Uu Clerk of the Circuit court of the btato of Oregon for Wasco County his final account us assignet- of A. A. Honriey, insolvent debtor, and suid tiuul account will be ileum at the circuit court room in tho court house in Dulles Cits. Oregon, on Mondav. the 3th day of February, lb'J7, nt tho hour of 10 o clock a. m., or us boon thereafter as counsel may bo heard. KOHKKT MAYS, deci'M Assignee of A. A. Honney, NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned. administrator of tho estate of Theodore von Uor- stel, deceased, bus filed his ilnal account as such administrator, and that tho 5th day of January, ib'J7. alii o'ciocic n. m. lias oeen nxca ny orderoi of the Countv Judeo at tho time for hearing any objections to said account and settlement there of. All heirs creditors or other itersonx inter csted In said estuu are duly notified to file their objections to said account, if any they have, be- lore sum a are. Dated this lilth day or November, iww. OKO. VON HOItSTKl... Administrator of the Kstute of Theodore von Jiorstel, deceused. rriM NOTICE. U. s. Ijand omcK, j Tiik Dalles, Dee. 7. lb'Jfl I Comiilulut havinir been entered Htthisotilce by l.ewls 0, Ilenneghan against. William Word- en (or abandoning his nomeeud entry no. dated Murch 1U. lb'JJ. unon the HWli section a;), Township 4 South Itaugo l.'i K, in Wusco County, Oregon, with u view to tho cancellation of said entry, the said luiitlcs are heieby sum moned to anpear at oilieu on the 'JUtti day of January, 1MI7, at 'J o'eioek ). m., to respond and fiirnl'h testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. dU)-l JAB. r. JIOOUlv, Heglster. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notlcois hereby given that tho uiidersiniied has been duly ajii inled tho ussigueo of the estate of ii. llendiitfcon ami U. A. llu'idricson, insolvent debtors. All nelsons having claims against both, or either, of said insolvent debtors aro hereby uotillcd to present them to rno prop erly vcrltftUi ok by law required, within three mouths from tho date hereof, ut tho ollieo of J, I-. Htory, in Dalles City, Oregon; and all er sons owing them, or either of them, are hereby notllled to settle with mo ut once. I lie Dalles, Dec. , ltsuu. U l U. ti DAVIS, Assignee. AN ELECTRO GOLD SENT For ioo Coupons and $a.oo j You will find one coupon inside each 2 ounce bag, and two coupons inside eacli 4 ounce bag of Blackwells Gemjine Durham Tobacco. The watch lo Electro Gold Plated, n rood timo keeper, quick stem wind, and stem set It is off-ied lar bolow its viuno o Induce you to iry thiti Tobacco. Bond ccupoao with uamo ami address to BLACK WELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., Durham, MX. Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco and read the Coupon which gives a list of other premiums and how to get them. 2 CENT STAMPS ACCEPTED. S : : New York Weekly Tribune v 'iTiTiTiTiTHiTBiTiTiTiTiTB'SHV With the close of the Presidential Campaign THE TRIBUNE ecofjnizes the fact that the American people are now anxious to givo their attention to home und business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space and prominence, until another State or 'National occasion demands a renewal of the light for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to the present day, and won its greatest victories. Every possible effort will be put forth, and monoy freely spent, to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family. We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. Write your name nnd address Tribune Office, New York City, ai:i a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib une will be muilou to vou. Drugs, Paints, Wai! Glass. Etc. Snipes-Kinersly Drag Co. 129 Second St., THE DALLES, - - OR. , S. SCIIENK, President. 11. M. Bkall, Cashier, First National Bank. THE DALLES. - OREQON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to night Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitieu on uay oi collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, ban i?ranclsco anc Port land. DIRBOTOKS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. 6. Boiijcnok. Ed. M. Williams, Guo. A. Likbk. H. 11. BKAI.L. DR. GUHH'S IMPUOVKO LIVER PILLS One Pill, far a nM. A Boniuni MMfAla Wh Uf la f. ten di for liulth. Thu I'hdM plllH lopplr what tbq ajctom. lull to uu It recuur. Tlwr euro Hun. brttuuc iu ne. brtci rthsnio .torn clear ittauoiopieiioa Mttertiun iauoeuca. rneltliBr irrlue nor aioken. ut irrlue nor elolieo. la conrinoe vou. mm you I mail caint Paper Tntimnnivsri t of th 0 WAT 2 POSTPAID OR ( For 2 Coupons ( and $2.00. o o o o ( I) o ft C) o o n M (1 o e i a H o o A O u a a a o o ii a o t Q it 1 -KOU Far me and Villagers, for Fathers and Mothers, KOI! Sons and Daughters, FOll All the Family. 1 on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best, FRENCH & BANKERS. CO., TRANSACT A OENEKAIiH.VNKING I1UH1N1IS the Letters of Credit issued available Eastern States. in Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicaiio, St. i.ouis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Sheriffs Sale. Notieo is hcrehy (,iven that an execution and ordt-r of sale was issued out of the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for Wasco County, on tho 26th day of December, 1890, upon a Judgment lfa!W, in favor of Ko.d 11. Dlctzel. plalntill. and aKauist james r. union aim ttnuam ooci,ue fendants, which said execution and order ol sale is to me directed and rommandiiiK me to scathe property hereinafter described, for tho imrpoi'O of fcatisfyliiK the judgment of tho plaint lil'ln said cause tor tho sum of ?J10.10, with in terest thereon ut ten per cent per annum from thoSlst day of November, 18SW; and thu further sum of hu attorney's lees; and tho costs and disbursements ot said suit taxed at 15. There fore, in compliance witli said execution and orderof sale, I will ou Haturduy, January :0. 1807, nt tho hour of 1 o'clock p. in. at tho courthouse door In Dalles city, Wusco County, Oregon, sell at mimic auction, to tnu iiiRiiesi Diuaer, torcasi lu baud, for thu punwso of satisfying tho Judg merit above mentioned tho following described lauds und premises, to-wlt: Hlxty-thrco(ra) acres oil' tho cast sidooftho North half of tho Southeast quarter of Hec. SO in Townsliin 1 North. Itautfc li Kast. W. M.. com mencing tit a. roclc tit a point on the North lino oi tao nwjjoi mo Hii ot said bectionSOi thence Kast to Kust lino of suid section; theuco South one-quitrtcr mile; thence West to a point duo South of said rock (tho place of beginning) ; thence North to tho place of bCMiuuing. Dated this IWth du of December, 18'j0. T. J. DKIVKR, Jan2-3t-Ii Sherifl'of Wusco County, y, Executor's Notice of Final Account, Notice is hereby Riven that Oconto A. I.lebo. executor of tho estate of Richard (i. Closter, de ceased, has II led tho llnnluccouuting of tho es tate ot Richard U. Closter. deceased, with the guardianship estata of Albert Dehman, an in- sano iiersou, or iiiopeison una ctate or wnicn said Albert IiClimtiu, un insane lwrson, tho said ItichurdO Closter, deceased, was nt tho time of his death tho duly unpointed, nuallfied und act ing guardian, with tho clerk of tho County Court of tho Stato of Oregon for Wasco County, and that said court has appointed 10 o'clock a. m. of Monday. November I8U0. being tho llrst day of tho regular November term of said court. tor uie you' iw, ut (no county courtuouse in Dulles City, Oregon, us tho time anil place (or tho hearing of mild ilual accounting aud objec tions thereto if any the ro bo. This notieo is tmbllsbcd by order of said County Court( entered October 2d, 1800. ur.uiiuf. a, executor. Condon & Condon, Attorneys (or Executor. ooU-ot-il N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. s Pullman Elegent i Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car rvr. I'Alii. jiI1N.NKA I'OIjIS I1' LUTH K'AIKK) TV r.UANl) I'OltKS C!lO(KSTON WINNIl'KO IIIJI.KNA anil Hl'TTK Through Tickets CHICAGO WASHINGTON l'lllLADKM'lllA y-EW 1'OItK ltOHTON AND A I.I. l'OINTH KABT ami SOUTH Forinfomiation, timo cards, maps and tickets, cal on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon OR A. D. CHAKLTON. ApsL G. P. A.. 2.55, Morrison Cor. Third, i'ortlatid Or.on EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave nnd are due to arrive nt Portland. FHOM JUKI. 2.T, 1S95. f OVERLAND EX-1 press, Salom, Rose-1 I burg, Ashland, Sue-1 J ramento, Ogdcn.iSan I 1 Francisco, Mojnvc, ( LosAiigeles,Kll'aso. i I New urleaus and I LEast J Roseburg und way ta tions fVin Woodburn fori I Mt. Angel, Sllvcrtou, i West Bcio, Drowns- vIUe,Sprlugiicld and (.Natron J Salem nnd way stations 8:50 1. M J:10A. M 8:30 A. M 1:40 1. M Dully except Sunday. "1:00 P. M 7:30 A. M 1:45 P. M, except Sundays. 10.00 A.M. t G-.'JO l'.M t 8:25 P. M, jcorvauiH unu way (stations iMcMinnvillo nnd J way stations Daily. tWaiiy, except Sunday. DINING CARS ON OUDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. Through Ticket Ollice, Ml Third street, where tnrougn ticKets to .an points lu the Eastern States, Canada aud Europe can bo obtained at lowest races rrom .1. Ii. KIRICLAND. Ticket Atrent All abnvo trains arrive at and denart irom Grand Central Station, Fifth and Irving streets. YAMHILL DIVISION. Patsenger Depot, foot of Jerlerson 3trect. Leave for OSWEGO, week days, at 0:00, 7:20, 10:15 a. m.;i2:15, 1:15, 5:25, fi:l5, 8:U5 p. m. (iiiiil U::J) a in. on Saturday only). Arrive ut Portland ut 7:10, H;30, 11:25a, in,; 1:30,. '1:15, i:35, 7:55, o:lo p. m. Leave for Sheridan, week days, at 1:30 p. m. Ani vi; ui i oniauii, u:xj a. m, Ieavc for AIRLIE on Monday, Wednesday and jTi'iay at u. m. Arrive at I'ortiauu, 'rues dav, Thursday and Saturday at 3:05 p. m. Sunday trains for OSWEGO leave nt 7:20,8:40 10:15 a. m.: 12115, 1:15, 3:30, 6:25 0:45 p. m. Ar rivo at Portland at 12::H, SioO, 10:00 11;25 a. in.: 1:30, 3:15, 5:10, 0:35, 7:55 p. m. R. KOEIILER, E. P. ROGERS, Manager. Asst. G. F& Pass. Agt. NEW YORK WORLD THRIGE-fl-WEBK EDITION. 18 I'obos u iVeek. ISO Papers a Year. It stands first among ''weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the low price of a weekly ; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, und umong its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market roports, all the latest faehioiid for women and a long series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, Conan Uoyio, Jerome K. Jerome, Htnuloy IVeymmi, Mary K. Wilkin, Anthony Hou, llret llarte, liruudnr BtitUliewn, Ktc. We offer this unequaled newspaper and The Dalles Twicer Week Chronicle to- gethor one year for f-'.OO. The regular price of the two papers is $3.00. For Sale or Kant. The Grant hotel, close to tliodenot. will sell cheap, or rent for H10 ner month. Lkb Kkk, deoie-lm Grants, Or. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for Wnscn county. ,T. Shipley, I'liHiitlil, vs. William H. Ncabcnck, Rminn Nenbcack, James Hull, Mrs. JnmcB Hull nnd Knapp, Durrell & Co,, ti corpora lion, Dcfcndnnts. lly virtue of nn execution nnd order of sale to modlrtctcd and Issued out of tho above en titled court in the nbovo entitled cnuso, lu fnvor of tho plaintiff above named, on tho 25th day of November, 1890, commanding mo to satisfy the sovcrnl sums of 1583.33, tho Judgment obtained herein, with interest thoreon nt tho rutc of eight per cent per annum sinco Nov. 25, 1896, una (so iittorncv's fees nnd (20 costs of suit und accruing costs, by levying upon nnd selling in the man ner provided by law for thu galoot real proporti on execution, nil of tho right, title and Interest of the said defendants In und to the following described rcul estulo: Tho southwest quarter of section six 0 lu township three 3-south of range thirteen -13 cast, V. M., sltUKtc and be ing In Wnsco County, Orcson. I lovied upon snid real property on said 25th dav of November, 1800, nnd to satisfy the afore ml'd several sums nnd accruing costs I will sell the sumo at public miction to the highest bidder for ensh lu hand, nt tho courthouse door lu Dalles Cltv, In said county of Wnsco, on tho 28th day of December, 1S90, ut the hour of 2 o'clock In tho afternoon. T. .1. DRIVER, n28 -U Sherifl'of Wnsco County, Oregon, Guardian's Sale of Real Estate. Notieo is hereby given that tho undersigned, guardian of tint persons nnd estate of Alice Al nilm Udell sml William Edward Udell, minors, under ami In accordance with all orderof the county court of tho Stato of Oregon, for Wasco County, heretofore made, will soli at public auc tion, for cash In hand, on Saturday, the Ultli day of December, 18, nt tho hour of 12 o'clock, noon, at thu courthouse door in Dalles City, lu Wasno County. Oregon, all the real estnto be longing to the estate of said minors, tovlt: The Houtheest iiuurtcr of section thirty In township one north range ten east Will imettc Meridian, lu Oregon, containing 100 acres. Indies City, Oregon, Nov. it), lssm. GEORGE TIDELL, nov21-li Guardian uf snld Minors. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. ZEE. o-HI IE nsr IN". Dalles City and ffioro Stage Line Leaves Williunia Hotel, Mora, on Monduyft, Wednesdays and Fridays ut 8 i. in. prompt. Leaves Umntilln House, The Dulles, Tuesdays, Tlivrsdnys and Saturdays at 8 a. nt. prompt. .Freight rates The Dalles to Moro, 40c pr 100 lbs; Hiirnll puckaes, 15 and 25c. Passenger rales The Dalles to Moro, $1.50; round trip, $2.50. Afoney at. Umatilla liouso, The Dallep, and at Williams Hotel, Moro. tf DOUGLAS ALLEN, Prop. Oven and Mil STAGE LINE, THOMAS HAEPER, - - Proprietor Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelop6 every day, and from Antelope to Mit chell three times a week. GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. he Glades Ranch, WHITK SALMON, WASH. ore BreJ America Jersey Cuttle Olub JERSEYS Of tho St Lambert, Commasslc nnd Tormentor raino. Three Choice Hulls for sale or rent, so somo Choico Cows and Heifers for sale, l'uro llred 1'oland China IIokh. White Plymouth Hock Chickens. Address: 11 KB. A. It. 1IYUKETT, Prop. ji-25-w3m White Balmon. Wash. LDDD POISON A 8PECIALT YcIS uj luuu A-UI80N permanenthr fX,J.Joupre.ert2Somol'ero wawlllooa nocbw cury,, WB KOaniniae tO Cure. WO nllrtt.thn tnnmt itc 'CI tflltA urnHlfl am tm. ft ThU dts uo cap ttonalBvaranty Absolute ledoa PBiicaiion. J B. QOIT, COUNTY SUBVEY0R. Keesidonoe, Tooth and Liberty Streets Ml R uuiue potnn. and still havo ichei ud