Special Offerings in Ladies' Underwear. I LARGE CONSIGNMENT Ladies' Heavy Ribbed, Fleece Lined Regular 25c Special 19c Ladies' Grey Jersey Ribbed, vests and pants to match. .Regular 15c Special 27c Extra value, Special Heavy Ribbed Fleece Lined, with pants to match Regular 40c Special 32c Ladies' Fine Jersey Ribbed, Silver Grey, medium weight, vests and pants to match Regular 65c Special 50c Ladies' Heovy Knit Natural Wool, vests and pants Regular 75c Special GOc Ladies' Fine White Australian Wool, vests and pants.... Regular $1 Special 80c Ladies' ''Florence" Combination Suits Regulaiv$l, $1.50, $2.25 Special 80c, $1.25, $1.80 During January and February the store will close at 7 o'clock P. M. "GOODS MARKED IN "PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Ghfonieie. MONDAY, JAN. 4, 1897 Wonther KorecuHt. Portland. .Inn. A, 181)7. Kou Kastekn Okegon Toiiight unci toraor iow, "light snow." I'AOUK. Observer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. ItiMiilnm Observations and Local Kvonts or Lessor MHRiiituile. From date until March 1st, Pease & Mays' store will close at 7 o'clock. The Gesang Verein had a social and entertainment at K. of P. hall last night. Mr. Hal French IJftsbeen confined to his home for some days past with neu ralgia. This has been collection day, and in spite of the dull season, collections have been good. A competent woman wants a place doing house wot k or nursing. Gall at this oflice. It is probable somo action will be t.iken as sooiraa congress meets again, towards settling the 6tatus of the for feited railroad lands. Our niain streets are not at all sightly, but are much better than they look. Second street is awfully sloppy, but under the superficial slop it is as hard and firm as bedrock. All persons holding orders from Peaee & Mays, or other coupons on Herrin's photograph gallery are requested to present them before January 15th. Mits. D. C. Hekuin. County Judgo Mays being absent on account of sickness, there will of course be no county court this mouth, but the commissioner's court will meet as usual to look after county business. Commis sioner Blowers, being the senior commis sioner, will probably act as chairman of the board. The Republican presidential electors meet at Salem one week from today, to Cist their ballots for president, and to select oue of their number to carry the vote back to Washington. It is veiy probable T. T. Geer will be selected tor this latter work, he having received the greatest number of votes. The young people's societies of the different denominations met at the Methodist church last night, there being 145 present. The meeting was of a devotional character, there being no prepared program, and the exercises were led by Misses Louise Ruch, Martha Wliealdon and Mr. Ohipp. Mies Seldom, of Friendship, N. J., was for many years a teacher. A pain ful affliction of the eyes forced Jier to give up her position. Shu turned her attention to cultivating frogs, and now from a swamp of twenty acres has a handsome income trom frog, legs fur nished city markets. The examination of the man, Os borne, charged with being accessory to PEASE the robbery of Rothway near Fourth street Thursday night, is being held be fore Justice Filloon this afternoon. Up to the time of going to press not enough evidence had been suhmitted to base an opinion as to his guilt or innocence upon. The annual parish meeting of the Congregational church will take place at their vestry this evening at 8 o'clock promptly. A full attendance is urged. The prayer meeting this evening will begin promptly at 7 o'clock to accom modate the parish meeting. The other meetings during the week will begin at 7:30 p. m. All are invited. . The metal gallium is much more precious than gold. It is quoted iu the market at $3000 an ounce, avoirdupois. Traces of it occur in some zinc ores, tons of which must be worked over in order to obtain a trifling quantity. Gallium e a very remarkable substance. At the ordinary summer temperature of 86 deg. Fahrenheit, it becomes liquid like mercury. The case of the state againBt James Maloney was tried before justice Filloon Saturday, a verdict of guilty found, and a fine of $10 imposed, and so the glad some reeult of that joke of putting out the lights at the Christmas ball continue to spread like waves from a pebble thrown into a pond. The joker must be nearly suffocated with hilarity by this time. It is evident that another attempt will be made by the Mitchell people to di vide Crook county, nnd also take a slice from Grant, for the purpose of creating a new county with the couuty Beat at Mitchell. From their situation, Mitchell people, if auy in the country ,are entitled to a new county, for nearly half the year they are cut off from communica tion with the county soat at Prinevllle. However, the matter is one for them and the other citizens of Crook county to settle among themselves. Mr. Joseph Howard, who went East about the middle of November with a train-load of cattle, arrived here this morning and went on to Portland this afternoon. It may be remembered that he and those with him got their band of cattle to 15-Mile just as the November freeze-up struck ue, and in consequeneo it was expected the cattle shipment would entail a loss. Mr. Howard, how ever, asserts that ho is well satisfied with the trip, and did not lose anything. Friday night, just as Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kirby were about to h)tire for the night, a loud rappiiigVjiafheard at the i door and upon opening it tlUy were sur- prieod to be greeted by a crowd of friends and many wishes for a happy new yesr. They were soon in possession of the house and engaged in enjoying them selves to the fullest with games, lunch, etc, It was a complete surprise to Mr. and Mrs. Kirby, but little Maude, who had somehow discovered the secret, but permitted, herself to be put to bed, in formed her mother later that she "knew all about it." Hot clam broth every day at noon at Ad JCellar's. tf & MAYS. Causcil by Exposure. Saturday evening a man was discov ered by Mr. Joe Worsley, standiug at the head of the stairs In his store build ing in the East End. When (first seen the man waB not dressed for a street parade, having on only a blue woolen shirt. He seemed flighty, but in re sponse to Mr. Woreley's request he came down and walked over to the Skibbe hotel, where a blanket was wrapped around him and he was con veyed to the city jail. He was examined by Dr. Ilolhster this morning as to his sanity, and found all right. His name is Win. Myers, and he says he came here from Spokane, beating his way. Hie condition was the efl'ect of exposure and lack of food. He will be kept in jail a day or two, until he is abie to "move on." The Chautuuqua Circle. The Chautauqua Circle spent a very pleasant evening last Saturday night at the residence of Mrs. D. M. French. The members of the circle came carrying numerous packages which they kept con cealed. Mrs. French was indeed sur prised, when after the lesson, about 8:30, a number of guest? arrived. A short programme was given, and papers were read by Mrs. Donald, Irene AdainB and Alma Taylor. The remainder of the evening was spent in social conversation and games, the special one being a guessing game, in which Mr'. Ketchum received the first prize and Mr. Laughlin distinguished himself by carrying off the booby prize. The hidden packages were produced, proving to be things suitable for a dainty lunch. Those present were : Mr. and Mrs. Laughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Truman Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Ketchum, Meidaraes Donald, S. French. D. M. French, Shackelford and J. W. Wilson, and the Misses Irene Adams, Alma Tay lor, Constance Morse and Pearl Butler, and Messrs. Roberts and McCully. Officers Klected. At a regular meeting of the M. E. Sunday Hchool, held Dec. 31, 1896, the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: Supt., Mrs. S. French; 1st asst. supt., Mr. Win. Micnull; 2nd asst. supt., Mrs. D. M. French ; sec, O. H. Brown ; asst. sec, John Parrot; trt-as., W. A. Kirby; librarian, Clyde Riddell; organist, Edith Randall ; asst. organist, Clara Nickleeen ; chorister, John Parrott. Lecture Cource. The ladles of the Congregational church have arranged for a course of lec tures during the winter. The opening lecture will bo by Col. James Jackson, U. S. A., and the topic will be "James Russell Lowell." The second lecture will be "The True versus the False Doc trine of Monroe." Tho dates ajid sub jects of the balance of the series will be given later. Mr. 8. O. Wlliou Dead. A dispatch yesterday announced the death of Mrs. 8. O. Wilson at Allegheny City yesterday morning of pneumonia. Ralston KofFy, Pan Kake Flour, Grano and Breakfast Food, -AT MAIER & BENTON The Dalles. The body will be brought hero for in terment, coming in charge of the de ceased's youngest Eon, Parker, who has been in tho EaBt for some time studying electricity and electrical engineering, and will arrive the latter part of tho week. Mrs. Wilson lived hero for a number of years, and was esteemed by all. She leaves live children Leo, Nor man, Fred, Parker and Mrs. B. Hunt ington. Herts' Weyler. A vivid pen picture of the man who is charged with the terrible responsibility of suppressing the insurrection wb thus written by Mr. Rappleye.an Amer ican correspondent: "My journey through tho foreBt of gold lace terminated before the closed door of General Weyler's official abode. There an adjutant, more bedizened than the rest of the dazzling multitude, trod softly to the portico, gently opened the way, retired again without eaying a word, and wo were alone in tho presence of the man. "And what a picture! A little man. An apparition of black black eyes, black hair, black beard dark, exceed ingly dark complexion; plain, black attire. His eyes, far apart, bright, alert, and striking, took me in at a glance. His face seemed to run to chin, his lower jaw protrude.! far beyond an ordinary indication of firmness, persist ence or will poyer. His forehead is neither high nor receding, neither is it of a thoughtful or philosophical man. His ears are set far back, and what Is called the region of intellect, in which are thoso mental attributes that are de fined as powers of observation, calcula tion, judgment nnd execution, is strong ly developed. Weylor is lean, diminu tive, shriveled ambitious for immortal ity, irrespective of its order, a master of diplomacy, the slave of Spain for the glory of silting at the right of her throne, unlovable, unloving, exaulted." t Iroiueit'M Meeting. Jackson Engine Co., No. 1, will meet tomorrow evening at 7:30. There is business of importance, and all mem bers are requested to bo present. F. W. L. Rkiiihk, Spo.v. Awarded Highest Honors World's Pair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Pair. DR Moat Perfect Mads. 40 Yaan the Staadaid. CREAM BAKING POWBH W 1L.SOJN HEATERS JUST RECEIVED at u Remember We have strictly First-class FIR, OAK and MAPLE WOOD To sell at LOWEST MARKET RATES. Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO Holiday Goods .AT Jacobson Book & Music Co. Toys, Albums, Books and complete line of Novelties. No. 174 SoconcI Street, New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. Japanese Bazaar, XX. CXjYATT cfc OO. Props. Japanese Curios, Dishes, Ladies' Underwear, Wrappers, ztTOTioirsrs, huto., etc. 133 Second Street, Next to Snipes-Kinorsly's Store. Call nnd See our Goods. No OliJiKstliin On 1'llit. The Christian Volunteers of amerlc.v will open hero tome time next week if God is willing so keep Ilelivlni? for the grant opening the date av III he stated later an now the field Is oputi for men nnd woman what have a denier to work in Gods vlnyard all communication will be receive at the union St lading Iioukc, X A tired stomach h very much like a sprained ankle. 1( jou millVr from any of the symptoms of dyspepsia, your stomach Is tired, it needs a crutch. Wo must relieve it of all work for a tlmo, or until it is restored to its natural strength, To do this successfully, wu, must use a food which is already digested outside of tho body, and which will aid the digestion of other foods that may be taken with it. 811011 a product is the Shaker Digestive Cordial, The Shakers have utilized tho diges tive principles present In plants for the manufacture of this article, and its suc cess has been truly pheuoinoiiul. You can try it for the nomiiiul sum of 10 cents, us sample bottles are sold by all druggists at this price, (2) Laxol is the best medicine for chil dren, Doctors recommend it in phicu of Castor Oil, Do not fail to call on Dr, Lamierberg, the eye specialist, and have your eyes examined free of charge, If you suffer with headache or nervousness you un doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if corrected, will benefit you for life. Oflice in the Vogt block. Ulle-Muro Hlg Leaves the Umatilla house 8 a. m Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. POtIQI.AN -Ul-Kf, Prop, MAYS & CROWE. $ A Cui'ii for f.uino lluuk. ".My daughter, when recovering from an attack of fever, was a great sufferer from pain In the buck and hips," writes Louden Grover, of Surdis, Ky. "After using (tiitu u number of remedies with out any benefit the tried one bottle of Gliiiinbarltiln'H Pulp Balm, and it has given entire relief." Chajubcrlaln'tt I'aln Hal in iu it I ho a certain cure for ihcu matism. Sold by lilakeloy & Houghton. Money-back lea coffee soda baklncr powder iUvofhie extracts dud spice. Schilling's Best 31 " ; Tor tialu by K. Kahlcr This Ik Your Opportunity, On receipt of ton cents, cash or stamps, a gonorouB 'eamplo will bo mailed of tho most popular Catarrh and Hay Fovor Cure (Ely's Oromu Hului) safUolout to demon, etrato the great merits of tho remedy. EI,Y BROTHERS, CO Warren St., New York City. Hov. John Reid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont., recommended Ely'u Cream Rulm to mo. I can oinphuHi.o his statement,, "It is a poU tivo cure for eatarrhif used oS'directea." Rev, Francis W. Foble, Pastor CeatralPwa. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's, Cream Ralm is tho aclmqwlajpaft, euro for catarrh and contains no tnemrj nor nuy iujuriouB drug. Price SO Icwrts.' TlgU Vlly Up!lr, JNourMIIU. ' ,JSX, K 't 1 1 4.. 11 1 -vr 1 ,.t:..A - FJour equal to the best alwaya oh haJ,.f . , , . Prices to suit the Muu0v Also win lata;. s qaaatitws to sul. 1 W. If. M;CajtvLK A Bom. ' ' A , angS-tow Psviirtiflatfl V i ' ! i '.si V