The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 02, 1897, Image 3

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Short Lengths of Silks
and Dress Goods.
Now that the Holiday Season is over, we expect a little quietness,
but we intend to liven things up a little by offering some
Short Lengths of Silks
Running from 1-2 to 4 yards.
Woolen Dress Goods.
Don't Overlook this Sale.
Pan Eake Flour,
Grano and
Breakfast Food,
The Dalles.
We have strictly First-class 5;
FIR, OAK and f
Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO
Tlie Dalles Daily Gltfonicie.
JAN. 2, 1897
Weather FurucuHt.
I'outlaKD. Jan. 2, 1897.
Fob E.vstbun Okkoon Toulcht and tomor-
tow, fuir and warmer.
I'aoue. Observer.
ICuiKlotu ObHorvutious ami Local Kvcutf
of Lr SHer AIiiBultude.
Miss Griewokl of Portland is a guest
lof Mrs. John Filloon.
Mrs. D. C. Heri'in will remain in
harge of the photograph gallery here
(until the 15th.
Shattuck & Co. brought a gang of men
tfrom" Portland Thursday night, and will
mut them at work on the Boyd ditch at
When you date your letters, do not
forget to write it 1897. The Dalles can
not nflbrd to he considered aB not "up
to date."
Mr. Charles Koehler and L. L. Cart-
ney favored this onice by letting tne
light of their countenances shine on us
Uncle Tom's C.ibin drew a crowded
lhouse as it always does. The play is a
buck number, and is about as much like
-Mrs. Stowe's story as limberger cheese
pa like attar of roses.
Dr. Eshelmnii was called to 15-Mile
yesterday to reduce a fracture for Mr.
John D. Fisher. Mr. Fisher threw a
rock at a cow, and threw so hard that in
putting his weight suddenly on his right
leg he broke the ankle.
A telegram from Allegheny City, Pa.,
was received last night, stating that
Mrs. S. C. VVilsou, mother of Mrs. B. S.
Jlluntington, was dying of pneumonia.
Another dispatch this morning stated
alio was somewhat better and hopes were
entertained of her recovery.
There will be a union meeting of the
young people's societies from the differ
ent churches tomorrow evening at 6
o'clock in the lecture room of the M. 12.
church. Young people not members of
these societies are cordially invited to
bo present.
A force of men, consisting of Captain
Dukes, Will Graham, Robt. Husbands
and Maltie Dukesf were ativork Monday
and Tuesday constructing a boom in
Hood river, near the county bridge, to
catch the cord wood and posts they cut
near the mouth of Indian creek.
Tub Chronicle is unavoidably late
this evening, caused by a "busted biler."
That artist in Iron work, Harry Olough,
with hammer and sledge, haB ministered
piness all day, with a series of diabolical
noises invented in inferno, we sin
corely hope the goddy old power pro
ducer will not need repairing again, t
oast before next year.
John Gleason, an insane roan, was
brought over from Goldendale Thursday,
in charge of the sheriff of Klickitat, who
is taking him to the asylum. Coming
down the grade on this side of the
mountains one of the stage horses
kicked over the traces, and then tried to
runaway. The team ran nearly' half a
mile before it was checked and all the
time Gleason, in spite of the sheriff try
ing to pull him down, stood up in the
wagon swinging his hat and yelling at
the top of ti i8 voice. He enjoyed the
ride immensely.
Hoboed orFlfty Dollars.
Charles Rotbvvay was held up and
robbed Thursday night about 9 :30, on
Liberty Btreet between 4th and 5th, by
two masked men. He was in company
with a man named Osborne, and they
were on their way to a house on the hill,
Rothway going at Osborne's invitation.
When they were stopped, the robbers
went through Rothway's pockets, but
did not bother Osborne, simply telling
him that if he ever said a word they
would kill him. The highwaymen got
about $50 dollars from Rothway. Os
borne was arrested yesterday and js con
fined in the city jail, he being suspected
of complicity in the crime, but no evi
dence'has been found warranting the ar
rest, or for that matter, suspicion of tiny'
body else.
Bow Did It Get There.
M. S. Taylor, of Thornton, Whitman
county, is spending the holidays with
his sister, Mrs. J. Buroker at Walla
Walla, says the Statesman. Mr. Taylor
tells of a peculiar thing that came to
light in his vicinity a short time ago. A
neighbor was having a well dug, and at
the depth of ninety-eight feet a black
walnut log about twenty inches in di
ameter was struck. The log was as
sound as the day it was placed there,
there not being a sign of decay. A piece
of the wood about six feet long was re
moved to the surface and found to be of
the very finest quality and enred to per
fection. When the 'wood was removed
from its position in the well, a plentiful
Hupply of water bubbled up. The owner
of this rare walnut stick prizes it highly.
In Hood River vallev, Dec. 31, 1896, at
the residence of his pareute, John Lenz.
aged 25 years, 9 mouths and 10 days.
His death was caused by catarrh, he
having suffered from the disease for
more than five years. The body was
brought hore on the Regulator Thurs
day night, and the funeral took place
New Year's morning, Rev. Father
Bronsgeest officiating.
John was a bright and industrious
young man, and was liked by all who
knew him.
Schilling's Best means
te baking powder
coffee flavoring extract
soda and spices
of high grades such as
ought to be used by com
mon people.
Tor sale by
W, E. Kahler
O. C. Wilson Held Up. Shot and Then
Thursday night a bold hold-up and
robbery, accompanied by the shooting
of the man robbed, occurred here, the
victim being Mr. 0. C. Wilson. Mr.
Wil son is a pleasant-dppearing, intelli
gent young man, who takes the loss of
his money and the injury to himself
philosophically. To our reporter this
morning he told the story of the robbery
as follows :
"I came up from Portland on the boat
Thursday evening, and a little while be
fore 10 o'clock I walked up to the depot
to Bee about purchasing a ticket to Bran
don, Minnesota. I remained at the de
pot until perhaps twenty minutes after
the east-bound train pulled out, and
then started down the railroad track for
the hotel. About a car's length this
side (eaet) of the switch by the electric
Mght plant, a man stepped from behind
a car and presented a pistol within six
inches of my face, accompanying the
action with the words, "Hold up your
hands, arid don't say a word or I'll blow
the whole d d head oft' you!' I had
my bauds in my pockets and in the
pocket was a bunch of keys fastened to
an aluminum chain, and in pulling my
hand out I suppose the rattle of the
keys or the gleam of the chain made the
robber think I had pulled a pistol, and
he fired instantly; The bullet passed
through the skirt of my coat, a sack, and
the pistol was so close that the flesh set
it on fire. He again raised the pistol,
and as he did so I struck it down with
my hand, and this shot was the one
that wounded me. I suppose the shock
rendered me unconscious, for I have no
recollection of the man robbing me. I
crawled over to the electric light power
house, my legs seeming to be paralyzed,
and the engineer telephoned for the
night-watchman and Dr. Logan, who
removed the bullet."
In the course of the subsequent con
versation our reporter learned that Wil
son has a cousin near Hartlaud, Klicki
tat county, named Robert Struthers,
with whom he stopped for some time.
He came from Alhia, Iowa, last May,
and smilingly remarked thai his shoul
der hud been dislocated and an arm
broken since that time, which, with the
present incident, he remarked, served to
relieve the monotony of life in the West.
Ho says instead of going East he will go
back to Hartland as soon as able and
get a new start; that he likes the cli
mate ever there bettor than that of the ,
I'aibx, anynow, aim tuiiiKs it more
healthful even than that of The Dalles.
The bullet struck Wilson on the inside
of the right thigh, passing behind the
bone and lodging under the ekin on the
other side. The wound is not a danger
ous one, and a few weeks will see Mr.
Wilson in good shape again. The rob
ber got $31 ; but a purse containing a
few dollars in change in his hip pocket
Tke Wooamis Circle KuterUlument.
was packed, ami it is to bo regretted
j we have not a larger hall in the city in
which the different societies could, have
entertainments. Thd whole program mo
was excellent, and was as follows:
Fiauo Overture ....Mrs Patterson
Solo Charles Clarke
a The Charcoal Main
i ii' i r . .. a l .
u mruN Lime omr
,Mtss Grlswold
e Money Musk ?
i Solo Mnlc Cushtng
Recitation "FltzJnraes and Hhoderick
Dim" Wnltcr Keuvis
Trio Mrs. Varncy, Q. Sampson, Mr. Crandall
Recitation Miss Grlswold
Reading Mrs. Phillips,
Miss Griswold's selections were given
in a naturally charming manner and
Bhow her to be an artist in her lino.
Each number was given in nn easy,
graceful manner, which captivated iter
Walter Reavis ateo recited, and if he
cultivates his natural talent for dramatic
art, will eventually bo on the top round
of the ladder in the dramatic field of art.
His every gesture, every tone shows this.
The evening ended with dancing till
midnight, and every one went home
with the feeling that a very pleasant
first evening of the year had been spent.
(Uncial Orders.
Holiday Goods
Akmouy G Co., 3n Battaio.w O. N. G.,1
The Dam.ks, Ou., Dec. 29, 1890. f
Order )
No. 11 f
I. AH members of "G" Company,
this regiment, will assemble at their
armory Saturday, January 2, 1897, at
8 o'clock p. in., for quarter inspection
and muster.
II. Every article of property belong
ing to the company must be tdrned in
on or before Saturday evening to the
quartermaster sergeant, at company
III. - No excuses excopt sickness will
be accepted. By order of
Lkvi O. Ciikihman,
Official :
0. E. Baktuu-,
In Hood River vallev, Thursday, De
cember 24, 1890' to Mr.' and Mrs. Chas.
Ellery. a 12-pound girl.
Jacobson Book & Music Co,
Toys, Albums, Books and complete line of Novelties.
No. 174 Second Street,
New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon!
Kiicce.shor to Clirimimu & Corson.
Again in bnBiness at the old stand. I would he pleased to
see all my formei patrons. Free delivery to any part of, town.
Japanese Bazaatf,
3EE. OXjTATT c CO. 3PropM.
Japanese Curios, Dishes,
Ladies' Underwear, Wrappers,
133 Second Street, Next to Snipes-Kinersly's Store,
Call and Sea our Goods.
The football Gums.
The Woodmen Circle entertained at
Fraternity ball last night. The building
Highest Honors World's Pair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Kott Perfect M,ade.
4 YetMta Standard.
The football game yesterday afternoon
between The Dalles team and one picked
from the high school, attracted a large
crowd at the fair ground. The game
was, everything considered, very well
played on both Hides, but the high
school boys had not the prnctico and
were out-classed, the score resulting in
22 to 0 in favor of The Dalles. II.
Clyatt, of the high schools, made some
remarkably good plays, but was pretty
badly knocked out several times. Wo
have not space to give the game in de
tail or to mention the features of the
game. The teams contained only nine
players each, Instead of cloven, Those
of The Dajles were, Kartell, copter Ma,
loney, left guard ; Elton, right guard ;
Burgett, left end; J. Clyatt right end;
Grant Mays, quarter back; Fisher,
right half; Kelley, left half; Jenkins,
full back; and of the High Schools,
Snipe, center; Bagley, left guard;' Tay
lor, right guard; Rlddejl, left end;
Clark, right end; Barrett, quarter bck ;
Reavis, right half; Saunders, leit half:
H. Clyatt, full back,
Lutheran services will bo held at the
courthouse tomorrow as follows: Morn
ing service at, 11 ; Sunday school at 12;15;
German service at ii p. m,; evening
service at 7 s80,
At the congregational church, corner
of Court and Filth streets, services aa
follows. At 11 a. in., administration of
the Lordfs bupper; at 7'.30 p. in, wor
ship, and a termou by the pastor, W, 0.
Curtis. Sunday school Immediately
after the morning service. All persona
not worshipping elsewhere nro cordially
TfKh Valley Hollar Pluur Mill.
Tygh Valley Roller Fjuur Mills an
running fujl time on No. 1 wheat,
Flour equal to the best always on hand.
PrjceB to suit the times. Also mill feed,
n quantities to suit,
W. M. McCoKiap A Son,
aug8'6nmr. Proprietqrt',
Walla-M(i- ntfgm
Leaves tlie UmatlHa how
Tueidaye, Thursday i and Saturday. Z
I I i,
i 1
r i .