The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 31, 1896, Image 3

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Pan Kake Flour,
J Short Lengths of Silks I
and Dres
Now that the Holiday Season is over, we expect a little quietness,
but we intend to liven things up a little "by offering some
2 Don't Overlook this Sale.
1 imr PEASE & MAYS.
Grano and
Breakfast Food,
, ( Short Lengths of Silks
' ( Woolen Dress Goods.
The Dalles.
TTTGT1 T?Tr,.r!1?TT7"R,."n at. 'Tl
We have strictly First-class
FIR, OAK and
Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO
The Dalles Daily GnFonicie.
DEC. 31, 1896
Weather Forecast.
Portland. Iec. 29, 1896.
Fob Eastern Objeqon Tonight and tomor
row, fair.
Fague. Observer.
Random Observations and Local Events
of Leaner Magnitude.
Pies, cakea and doughnuts for sale at
the store formerly occupied by H. Her
bring. ,
The Misses Taylor open their school
again In the lecture room of the Baptist
church January 4th.
The Enterprise Raisin seeder will seed
a ponnd of raisins in five minutes,
Price $1.00 at Maier & Benton.
M. Crevreuil, being about to leave the
city, offers his fine stock ot artificial
flowers, plants, etc., at greatly reduced
prjices. Rooms in Masonic build
Owning to the first day of January
ming on New Years day next year, the
usiness men have agreed to postpone
Election day until Monday the 4th, and
tiueet us to eo state.
e foot ball game between The Dalles from Portland is off, Port-
efrising to play. Instead another
53, been made up here and the
fill be played jnBt the same. Ad-
i0n"25 cents. Ladies and children
.-, ames "'.Maloney-.; was arrested today,
ooarged with aesault Und battery in
striking Carrol Douglaa-aVtBe dance at
V" . Brown.s hall Uhrtstmae nigm.i inis is
i anothevar;Vnie of the witticism of
- "tarning out the ligVbts and should make
good resolution a that will remain un
broken for a whole week, and all the
most pleasant things they may wish for
themselves. As for us, the great Ameri-
turkey, and the calm meditation
UDon ail the good deeds we have done.
and as many of the good things we have
written aa we can remember, will serve
to pass the day m a ruminantly pleas
ant way. A good dinner, and then a
good cigar and eo may all the ills we
have known in the 12 months of 1896
vanish in smoke.
Mo Homestead llings Can be Ma4e on
Forfeited Land.
A Quiet Wedding at the Umatilla Bouse
Last Night.
The register and receiver of the land
office received a telegram from commis
sioner of the general land office today,
notifying them not to receive filings on
forfeited lands until farther notice. Un
der this ruling no filings of any kind will
be received for any of the odd numbered
sections within the limit of the forfeited
Did Von Bear Yaw?
We desire to bring to the notice of the
public the fact that the piano used at
Yaw's concert was a "Jewett," handled
by the Jacobsen Book & Music Co., of
The Dalles, and also desire to call the
attention of the public to the fact of
Yaw's advertising on her program the
'Ludwig" piano, another instrument
handled by the Jacobsen Book & Music
Co.. of The Dalles. Oregon. In fact
this ia the only place in Eastern Oregon
where yoa can find first-class instru
ments at moderate prices. We make a
specialty of handling nothing but first
class instruments and invite your cor.
respondence, and if yoa are contemplat
ing the purchase of an instrument, drop
na a line and our representative will
call on you. ' daw
tta nnVnv asii r rP !Tr 1 V KflfanV
lU O JW- j X" J - .'
. .Tn Kohler arid Fred 1 Burchtorf are
authorities on the niattefc of good roads,
They have been" working at the Warm
Springs Indian Agenc and ; Tuesday
morning concluded to carne home. "They
walked, making the distance, eighty
two miles, in two dayst arriving weary
and mud-bedraggled lap nightj.
'Jrs. Donald McCrae was brought in
from Antelope by her husband, arriving
last .night. Mrs. McCrae is suffering
from a mild form of insanity knd will be
sent to the asylum, where it; is hoped
she may soon Recover from her sadaffiic
. sion. '. ' : .
The Misses.Taylor give the pupils of
their school and their parents a Christ
mas tree and entertainment last Satur-
There was a qaiet wedding at the
Umatilla house parlors last night, the
contracting parties being. Mr. Joseph,
Hinkle, of Prineville, and Miss Mahan,
of Portland. Mr. Hinkle arrived from
Prineville yesterday afternoon, the lady
coming from Portland. At 7 o'clock in
the presence of a few friends, the couple
stood ud facinz his honor. Judge Brad-
shaw, who in a few sentences made them
man and wife. After the congratula
tions were over, Col. Sinnott suddenly
made his appearance.' "My friends"
said he, "It has been the custom tor
many years that the eonior member of
this firm start all couples married in this
house on there wedding journey with a
proper and becoming salute to the bride.
For years Major Handley took upon
himself this pleasurable duty, and before
his death cautioned me to to .not let the
custom fall into disuse. Therefore I am
here tonight," and so saying the Col.
gently placed bis arm around the bride's
waist and gave the salute in a manner
that indicated a thorough understanding
of tne Mary Anderson style of oeculation.
Mr. and Mrs. Hinkle . leave for their
home at Prineville, accompanied by the
best wishes of many friends and warmed
and cheered by the paternal benediction
of this family paper.
17ncle Tom's Cabin Tonight.
ho left-nvnrs. I have mv eves on sev
eral -young fellows, and I like them all
awfully. I know if my affections ever
center on one of -them he would be
hapDy forever. I therefore ask that you
do not publish my name, but leave me
to work out my "own salvation in my
own way.
Realizing the goodness of heart poB
sesbed bv all editors, and in a remarka
ble, I might say phenomenal degree by
yourself, I am
Most Sincerely Yours,
name shall
With a 1
Nav! Nav! Violet, your
not go on the bargain counter
your varied accomplishments and gen
tle disposition, you cannot bo left long
to blush unclaimed in the rosebud gar
den of girls. Console yourself, and aiso
all your lovely and lovable sisters ot The
Dalles. We are not anguishing to die,
and hence we quit. We publish th
above samples of the letters received to
justify our conduct in letting go and to
sqnare ourself with the boys.
A Festival of Song.
Holiday Goods
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
Toys, ATb-ams, Books and complete line of Novelties
No. 174 Second Street, i
New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
It Won't Go.
'Uncle Tom's Cabin" will be put on
the boards at the Vogt tonight, and it
will probably be the best presentation
of that old, but always'good, play ever
seen here. The company Is first-class,
carries its own scenery, and has every
thing necessary to a realistic presenta
tion of this thrilling play The street
parade was fine and the music by the
band good. In' the parade was the cha
riot with little Eva, and Uncle Tom in
his own cart drawn by a big black ox.
Following these were a lot of big blood
hounds in leasb. The curtain will go up
promptly at 8 e'clock, and those not in
their seats at that time will miss part of
the play, besides annoying others.
The. Bleating- Carnival.
' dav afternoon
A-f eadmg, etc.,: and Mrs. J
There were exercises,
W. Condon
favored the audience with' a eong. This
report is somewhat late, being detained
hi th TT. s! female commissioned to
mention it to. us.
Tomorrow being Ifew Year's day and
a holiday, no paper Will be leaned. Thk
Chronicle wishes $s many readers the
very happiest of Few Year's, lots of
The masquerade carnival at the skat
ing rink last night was not a success
finarrciallyr-theattendance being very
light. Those presetliad a very enjoy
able time, more sopern5ps-4han they'
would bad the crowdNbeen larger. The
Dalles band was present and furnished
some . delightful music. .frizes were
awarded, the only one ot which we
noted was that given to Charley Hepp
ner. who was dressed as a girl. At 10 :30
the lights went out and everybody went
home well pleased with their evening's
Our suggestion yesterday that we
would publish ttie list of marriageable
young ladies, after New Years, has met
with hearty response ; eo hearty that we
have dropped the idea like a hot potato,
have written our obituary and bung it
up where it is handy, and now wait with j
that calmness born of despair, the worst.
Our mail is overflowing with protests,
letters breathing war, pestilence, famine,'
vengeance, and all the ills of the seven
vials of wrath of the Apocalypse. ' -Of
them we append a sample: .
Thk Dalles, Dec. 30,
Editok Chhoniclk : I always thought
you were a fool, but never credited you
with utter imbecility. . Publish my
name in that list, and prepare to meet
. ' ' , . .J
We withhold the name, but we assure
the young lady that her name will not
go on the list. " Not even in the bargain
counter or clearance salej for the fellow
that gets her will get a prize that is not
tongue-tied, and that can advertise
itself. Here is another sample, : '
Thk Dalles, Dec. 31.
Editor Chronicle : I see by the last
issue of your valuable paper that you are
contemplating the publishing of the
names of the marriageable young ladies
left over after this leap year. I sincere
ly hope you will not do so. I should eo
dislike to be taken to someone a manly
heart with the suggestion always in my
mind that it was pity, and not love,
that caused said someone to select me.
I am 26, fair, brown hair, gray eyes, of a
tender and lovable disposition ; can play
the' Diano and washboard with equal
facility ; can broil a beefsteak or dance a
waltz, both in time and tnne. That I
am left over is probably my own fault,
for I am painfully bashful, but I assure
yoa I baye a heart that sometimes tests
the strength of my. Ahem ! corset steels.
So I .would not like to be classed with
The Vogt opera house was-filled last
night with the wealth and beauty of
The Dalles, to hear the celebrated vocal
ist. Ellen Beach Yaw. By 8 o'clock
nearly everyone waB seated, but few
straggling after the cuAain lose. Miss
Yaw's appearance was tLe signal for a
storm of applause, which was doubled
and trebbled when her first number was
I completed. There has been much said
of her voice, but all nas not oeen eaiu
because the English language is poverty
stricken in its adverbs, when the de
mand on this subject is made upon it.
There is no comment to make, no praise
to give. We can only say, go and hear
and realize the liquid beauties of that
honey-flowing voice, and then tell if you
can. Miss i.ay as piauioi. nao uw,
and Mr: Dick as a violinist, was superb,
bnt everything was lost, drowned and
swallowed up in the desire to listen to
that magic voice. Miss Yaw was kind,
indeed, responding to every encore, and
gave the old melodies, "Comm' Thro'
the Rye" and "The Last Rose of Sum
mer,'.' in a manner that few of ua ver
ex nee t to hear eoualed. Misa Yaw left
a whole community here ber friends,
and should she ever again visit The
Dalles, there" is no hall large enough to
hold the audience that would greet her.
Successor to Chrisman & Corson.
Again in business at the old stand. I wonld be pleased
see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of Jpwu.
with wh'cb. different dishes were libeled,
and the ladies were asked to cnoose
from the numbers what thev would have
for lunch. It afforded much amusement
hen some one would be handed a plate
of pickles or olives, a cup of coffee, etc.
However, Mrs. Harris kindly saw that
all were well supplied with the number
less dainties provided.
The ladies present were: Mesdames
S. L. Broook, E. Collins, w. s. Myers,
E. E. Lytle, D. M. French, B. F. Langb-
lin, A. R. Thompson, Alex. Grey, C. J.
Crandall, Chas. Schmidt, Wm. Tack-
man, F. Vogt, E. Schanno, H. J. JNiel-
- -ITT "E tnnn TT
sen, U. u. uoane, w. ji, uiiovU,
Klindt, B. S. Huntington, and Miss
Adams. ' .
Mrs. Harris Entertains.
Although every lady who received an
invitation to Mrs. N. Harris' "At Home'
had made .up her mind that from past
experience in regard to that lady's abil
ity to entertain, a most delightful after
noon wonld be spent, none were in the
least disappointed, for from the time
they entered the beautifully-decorated
parlors until they bade the hostess good
bye they were royally entertained. By
way of an introduction to the afternoon's
pleasure a number of portraits of promi
nent personages -were handed around
and - a contest ensued as to which lady
could guess the names'of most of those
represented, at which Mrs. E. E. Lytle
proved herself an adept, and Mrs. Alex.
Grey carried away the booby prize,
On the back of each score card was
list of numbers corresponding to those
Hot clam broth every
Ad Kellar's.
at noon at
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
' Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
is a
and i s t he result of colds and
sudden climatic changes.
Fop your Protection
we positively state that this
remedy does not contain
mercury or auj uuu ju
ions drag.
Evs cream uaim
Is acknowledged to be the most thorongh core for
Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay Fever of all
remedies. It opens and cleanses the nasal passages,
allays pain and inflammation, heals the sores, pro
tects the membrane from colds, restores the senses
ot taste and smell. Price 60c. at Druggists or by mail.
ELY BKOT1LEBS. 66 Warren Street, New York.
52, HEfli)
Bids will be received until Thursday
evening, January tn, lor tne Keeping or
the county poor. Bids should be filed
with the county clerk' at the court
house, before tha't time. By order :.
Board County Commissioners- 'The
right to reject any and all bids is re
A. M. Kklsay, Clerk.
Anyone desiring . their ' chimneys
cleaned can have it done by calling upon
or addressing Mr. Ike Peary or James
Hogan, The Dalles or telephone to No
89. ' .- o7-tf , ,
For Sale or Kent. .
The Grants hotel, close to the depot,
will sell cheap, or rent for $10 per
month. Lkb See,
dec!6-lm Grants, Or.
Yon'll be surpriped when you try Hoe
Cake soap, and wish we had told you
sooner. It is made by patented pro
cess. jly24-ii
Itctunir, and Blind, Bleeding or Protrurlt rj ir PI lea vteld A aee 'J
DR. BO-8 AN-KO'S PILE REMEDY, fctooa ,h-
&, absorb tuusor. A positive cure. Circular Mot free. Prioo.
vk. aveAAkUb VaUaw Ft ,
UrusftUu or aiaii.