The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 24, 1896, Image 1

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NO 300
The Cuban Rebellion Causes
Strife in Mexican Towns.
Katlvea and Spaniard Fight In the
Streets of the Cities A Spanish.
Consulate Attached.
San Diego, Cal., Dec. 23. The patri
iem of Mexicans and their fervent love
ot liberty is shown in their strong sym
pathy with the Cuban insurgents.
Every day during tho past six months
there have been encounters in the City
of Mexico between Mexicans and Span
iards, and the general government is
taking severe' measures to quell any de
monstration cj hostility to Spain.
In the ctity of San Luis Potosi the feel
ing runs soubigh that serious trouble is
threatened. v Last Wednesday' night a
mob gathered there, inflamed by a cir
cular said to have been written by a
Spaniard and defaming Mexicans' and
Mexican institutions, and especially with
reference to the part taken in sympathy
with the Cubans. This circular precipi
tated a riot. A crowd gathered early in
the evening, constantly growing in num
bers and violence until at 10 . oclock it
bad reached the proportion of a mob,
that swept everything before it. '
The mob gathered in front of the
Spanish consulate and threatened to de
molish the structure, but were finally
controlled by one "or two cools heads.
Banners inscribed with huge red letters
were flaunted at the consulate, and vio
lent talk and insults bandied. .-, The
Spanish consul was in great peril and
appealed to the authorities to protect
him. The mob finally left after severe
measures had been taken by the police,
and plans were hurriedly made- to dis
perse any subsequent gathering.
An Idaho Murderer Slain by a Sheriff's
Boise, Idaho, Dec. 23. News has
reached here of a tragedy at Hagerman.
An altercation took place between
Marion Garner and Harry Kline, alias
Bunco Pete, during which Pete shot and
it is supposed fatally wounded Gardner.
Pete at once mounted his horse and
struck for the cattle camp of the Shoe
sale outfit.
A po9se at once started in pursuit and
as he bad stopped to see a woman to
whom be' was engaged to be married,
the posse overtook him. He was or
dered to throw up bis hands and replied
by opening fire on the posse, who in
turn shot him dead. Garner is recover
ing, although shot through with a 44
caliber bullet. Pete was a cowboy and
all-round bad man from the locality
where Diamond Field Jack and others
recently killed several sheepherdere.
The Kentucky Eace Fend.
MavFielb, Ky., Dec. 23. At 4 o'clock
this morning a detachment of 30 whites
from Fulton, 30 miles away, came into
the city, armed to the teeth, prepared to
resist the negroes who propose to attack
this place on account of the recent lynch
ing. ' Eddyville, Kuttawa, . Wingo,
Princeton, Paducah and neighboring
towns have been asked for. aid, ..Com
panies are being formed in each of , these
places. The Second regiment -of Ken
tucky State Guards at Paducah has been
asked for a gatling'gun. and the piece is
now on its way to the city.
Powers to Intervene.
London, Dec. 23. As frequently an
nounced from the various capitals since
the visit-bf the czar to the queen, 'Sep
tember, the powers have finally become
convinced that the sultan's promises
amount to nothing and are . determined
to begin a policy of coercion. All infor-
the past few ' months, have agreed in
principle to the expediency, of employ
ing coercion should the enltan be recal
citrant, but the form of coercion will not
be determined until the emergency
arises. ;
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for Its great leavening strength aud
healtbfulness. Assures tbe food xgainst alum
and all forms of adulteration common to tbe
cbeap brands.'
Roy Ait Baking Powder Co., New Yobk.
formation points to the accuracy of the
news received today from Constantino
ple and cabled by tha Associated Press.
The Marquis of Salisbury on Monday
summoned the ambassadors to the for
eign office and communicated to them
views of the British government on the
definite proposals of Russia for joint in
tervention, in-order that each ambassa
dor might communicate them to his government.
Dynamited Spanish. Relief Train to
Enemy's Great Lous.
Cincinnati, Dec. 23. A special to Ihe
Commercial Tribune from Tampa, Fla.,
says : ' -
One of the Cuban leaders here received
news from Havana tonight confirming
the report recently received ot Spanish
lpsees sustained near Santiago and other
towns nearby, while attempting to cap
ture the cargo of a filibustering vessel.
The Spaniards were routsd, and they
wired to Deechelaine, 30 miles away, for
aid. A train was made up there, with
great secrecy, but the watchful Cubans
there knew of it and sent word to a near-J
by insurgent camp. The track was dy
namited as the train came along, .the
bomb causing destruction, four cars be
ing blown almost into splinters. The
terrified Spanish soldiers poured out of
the wreck, only to receive a withering
fire from the Cubans concealed behind
the roadbed. The Spaniards fought
bravely for a few moments, but the odds
we're too much, and they fled in all di
rections, the Cubans pursuing them for
miles. Over 40 Spanish ' soldiers were
killed or wounded and 40 taken prison
ers. The Cubans secured a quanty of
arms, ammunition and medical supplies.
It is reported that the expedition landed
Bafely, and that all the cargo was taken
to Gomez' camp.
In Havana much speculation baa been
indulged in today as to why Weyler
changed bis mind and went to pinar del
Rio section, instead of going toMatanzas
and into Santa Clara province, as - bad
been arranged. The solution is that. bad
news was received from the trocha, and
that the Spanish commanders, not wish
ing to stand the responsibility, wired for
Weyler. - t
Present Tranquillity Is the Calm Before
the Storm.
New York, Dec. 23. A special to the
Herald trom Kingston, Jamaica, says : .
Matters are tranquil in Hayti at pres
ent, but it is stated that a revolution is
bound to come later. The report that
the French government has refused lec-
ognition to Manignt as Haytian minister
to the republic is confirmed here. If he
should return to Hayti from Paris Man-
agat may make trouble. .
Politics in Hayti are in abundance on
account of the ravages of yellow fever,
which is still epidemic. Among the
recent victims of the fever was Henri
Pasqual, French diplomatic representa
tive. He was burie'd with - military
honors, the president attending the
Large Dry Goods Store Fails.
Sioux City, la., Dec. 23. The Par-
sons-Pelatier Dry Goods Company, one
of the largest houses in 8ioux City, djd
not open today. The stock is in tlgje
hands of tbe mortgagees who bold claim's
of $91,523. These inclnde Farwell & Co.,
and Marsnall Field, of ' Chicago ; the
Farmers' . Loan & Trust Company of
Sioux City, and H. B. Claffin & Co., of
New York. No figures as to, assets are
given. Tne failure is due to tbe general
stringency of the times. .
' Caused by a Rumor.
Paris, Dec. 23. Spanish securities
were strong today,' owing to the report
that a dispatch from Washington indi
cated that the United States was ready
to recognize Spanish authority in Cuba
on condition that the United States be
invited to intervene and end the war.
"Actions speak louder
than words" ask your gro
cer if we really mean money
back if you don't like Scit'f
ling's Best teal '
A Schilling & Company.
mc rancuco.
The Bank of West Superior Closes Its
Wkst Superiob, Wie.i Dec. 23. The
Bank of West Superior, with a capital
of $50,000 and a surplus of $50,000, bus
pended operations this morning as the
direct result of tbe failures of the banks
of Minnesota .and-Illinois.: The' notice
of suspension stated the cause was the
Bank of Minnesota failure, but the fail
ure of the Bank of Illinois weakened it
considerably.. ; .
At the November statement the bank
had deposits of . $78,947, rediscounts of
$1,505 ; loans and discounts, $18,971 ;
zeal estate assets, $43,419; bonds and
securities, $5,391 ; and leash . on hand,
$22,259.90. , , :
- Officers say they expect to resume and
pay depositors in full,' - .
Ambassadors Are Instructed to Take
Concerted Action. '
Constantinople, Dec. 23. (Delayed
in transmission). AH the ambassadors
have now received instruction to concert
proposals with a view to improving tbe
situation in the Ottoman empire! The
proposals before being submitted to' the
saltan will be referred to their, respective
government?. All the powers', including
Russia, as repeatedly announced daring
Receivers are appointed.
St. Paul, Dec. 23. Frank A. Sey
mour and Attorney W. H. Lightner were
this afternoon ad pointed by Judge Otis,
joint receivers of the Bank of Minnesota.
They are required to file a joint bond of
$1,000,000, and will immediately take
possession of the bank.
There Is Nothing; So Good.
There is nothing just as good as Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds, so demand it and do
not permit the dealer to sell you some
substitute. He will not claim there is
anything better, but in order to make
more profit he may claim something else
to be just as good. You want Dr. King's
New Discovery because you know it to
be safe and reliable, and guaranteed to
do good or money refunded. For Coughs,
Colds, Consumption and for all affec
tions of Throat, Chest and Lungs, there
is nothing so good as is Dr. King's New
Discovery. Trial bottle free at Blakeley
& Houghton's Drug Store. Regular size
50 cents and $1.00V ; ;2)
For a New Treaty.
Washington, Dec. 23. There is to be
a conference in Washington on Thursday
between tbe Japanese minister and the
Peruvian' consul-general, Mr; Fredrico
Bergmann, at which it is expected that
a new treaty ot reciprocity Detween
Japan and Peru will be ratified."
Something; to Know.
It may be worth something to know
that the very best medicine for restoring
the tired out nervous system to a healthy
vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine
is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone
to the nerve centres in the ' stomach,
gently stimulates the Liver and Kidneys,
and aids these organs in throwing off
impurities in the blood. Electric Bit
ters improves the appetite, aids - diges
tion and is pronounced by those who
bave tried it as the very best blood puri
fier and nerve tonic- Try - it. Sold for
50c or $1.00 per bottle at Blakeley &
Houghton's Drug Store. . : (2)
- Suicide of a Bank Manager.
; Sew Yobk, Dec. 23. The Herald's
correspondent in Rio de Janeiro tele
graphs that the manager of the London-
Brazilian bank, in Para, committed sui
cide at the Central railway station.
Baeklen's Armcs salve.
I The best salve in the world for cuta,
braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and . posi
tively eurea piles, or no pay required -It
is "guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. ' Price 25 cents
per box. For sale Dy Blakeley and
Houghton . druggists.
. Just .opened and - put on sale today
a pretty assortment of " ,
Choice Fur Capes,
i- Choice Fur Capes,
Selected especially for the Holiday
Trade. Nothing more appreciative.
Popular Furs. Latest Designs.
Astrachan, 12-inch, latest length,
storm collar...... ...i.Only $10.00
Wool Seal, Alaska Sable trim'ed. 30.00
Canada Seal, Alaska Sable collar ' ' ;
and front .....'.,...... 16.50
Cape Seal, latest length, Thibet
trimmed......... 12.75
Siberian Sable, latest length... 9,00
Plate Astrachan " " ....... 9.00
Cape Seal, 24-inch, Thibet trim.. 25.00
Only one Cape Seal, 12-inch,
Marmaston trimmed 12.75
Our Notion and
Fancy Goods Department
. Is bubbling over with Christmas
Novelties too numerous to mention.
Linen and Silk Dept.
Showing up an extensive line of .
Lovely. Assortment of Silks, &c.
Special Ladies' Silk Fleece-lined
Mittens, 25c per pair.
, Initial Handkerchiefs,
Kid Gloves, late street shades, even
ing lengths.
See our Childs' Muff and Purse
Combination with Collarette; in new
Eczema In Worst Form
Face a Loathsome Sight
Could not Leave House
In Despair Dismiss Doctors
and Begin the Use of
Effect Wonderful
In Three Weeks Scales Cone
In Six Weeks Cure is Complete
About four year j ago Eczema made its ap
pearance on my head in its worst form. I
was attended by two physicians, but notwith
standing their t.catmentitcontinued spread
ing, until my face was covered with scales .
and became a horrid loathsome sight, i'oi
three months I not leave the house, and
people passing would turn and look back
when seeing me at tha window. 1 had a fine
head of hair, seven years' growth, and had to
sacrifice it. I was in despair. The physicians
had failed even to relieve me, w hen one of
them recommended Cuticura Soap. My
father dismissed the doctors and procured a
full set of Citticuba Remedies. 1 com
menced using them according to directions,
and In three weeks from the time I began,
the scales had left my face and the skin lost
its florid hue. In ttx week I teat mtir'.hj
cured. My f ce- was smooth and my com
plexion clearer and finer than it had ever .
been before. I used three boxes of Cuticura.
one half dozen cakes of Cuticura Soap, and
one bottle of Cuticura Rekolvkxt. Persons .
having any doubt about this testimonial be
injr. genuine, can write to my address and I
will cheerfully tell them more about Cun
cura Remedies.
Miss MARION A. SMITH, Sunbury, Ia.
The almost miraculous cures daily effected
by Cuticura Remedies prove them to be the
greatest - skin curea, blood purifiers, and.
amor remedies ever jjoinpouniled. ' .
Speidt Curb Teeatmkkt. Warm batbs
. with CuncuRA Soap, gentle applications of
Cuticura (ointment), and mild dotwa of Cdti
' cura Resolvent (blood purifier). .
. 49,' How to Cure Every Skin Disease," free.
. Porr Psuq It Cukm. Coep Sole Prop . Bottom: .
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly attended to, :
, and warranted.
Itahmg and Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Pi Ira jml4 ml
DR. BO-8AN-K.O8 PILE REMEDY. Stop, itcu-
torb tumors. A positive cure. Circular cot tram. Prio
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain ofaii kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds!
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, ofnM?"ukFEd!D
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
4-fiY" TT'loiTf ' This Floor is manufactured expressly for family
vJXX JIU LIA . uge ; every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. .
We sell our cooda lower than any bouse in tbe trade, and if yon don't tbink so
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
33 - "W3l.TT
And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in
PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands
of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS used in all our work, and none but tha
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masriry Liquid Paints. No cbem
icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All order
promptly attended to. -
Store and Faint Shoo corner Third and Washington Sts The Dalles, 0reoi
Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., THE DALLES, OR.
Lumber, Building Material and Boxes
Traded ior TTn tt frrai n "Rfl.fion ' "Lard. &.C.
- -j 7. : - 7 . ;
The Dalles, Or.