Tbs Dalles Dally Chronicle THE DALLES, OBEflUN Advertising: Kates. Per inch One inch or less in Daily ?1 50 Over two inches und under four Inches. .... 1 00 Over four Inches and under twelve Inches. . 75 Over twelve inches 50 DAILY AND WBKKLY. One inch or less, per inch ...... $2 50 Over one inch and under four inches 2 00 Over four inches and under twelve inches. . 1 50 Over twelve inches 1 00 I'EBSONAL : MENTION. Mr. A. D. Lytle and w!fe of Prineville are in the citj i Mr. F. A. Stpiftef$ went to Portland this afternoon. Dr. Logan accompanied Judge Mays as far as Portland today. Mr. Wm. M. King of Sherman county was in the city yesterday. Mr. J. T. Peters waa a passenger on the Regulator this morning. Mr. E. C- Fit z pa trick of Tygh Valley arrived in the city last night. Mr. G. D. Snowden left for Tacoma this morning, to spend Christmas at borne. Mrs. Minnie Gleason ia op from Port land visiting her father, Mr. W. Wag gen man. Mr. John Lenz came up from Hood River last night to attend to eouie land business. Hon. John Michell and family went to Portland today to spend Christmas with relatives. Mr. George Meader of Moro was in the city yesterday making final proof on his cash entry. He returned borne on last night's train. Grant Mays . accompanied his father as far as Portia rid today, Ed. going down by train toarrance for their de parture on the erening train from Port land. A Mr. Wm. Eccles, manager of the Oregon Lumber Company's business at VIento and Cbenowetb, waa in the city yesterday, and left last night for Ogden. Mis wife and children accompanied him and will remain in Ogden until next summer. BOKH. In. Portland, DeiL 22d, to the wife of Russell E. SewaW, trson. In this city last night to the wife of Peter Roth, a eon. A FAIRY TALE EXPLODED. ' The Check and Money That . IV. Hart Did Not Lose.. it appears that I). W. Hurt, the man -who informed a reporter of The Dalles "Chronicle that he was robbed of $9 and -a hotel -check for the rest of his money, in Portland, Wednesday, is a man of surpassing imagination, says the Ore .gonian. The hotel check of which Hurt 'was "robbed waa found Sunday by "Special Officer Beyers in a saloon in the "vicinity of First and Morrison streets, where Hurt lost it, and the rest of his etory see ins to have been a fancy sketch. Hurt came to Portland early last week and stopped at the Esmond hotel. When he was returning from the theater Wednesday night he dropped into a ealoon and there met a "lady," who after some persuasion, induced him to accompany her to her room. When he returned to the hotel, and wanted to get bia money, he found his check missing, and jumping at the conclusion that the girl had robbed him, he at once went out and hnnted np Special Officer Beyers. Beyers went with him to the girl's room and searched for the check and for a half dollar which he also claimed to have lost. Neither could be found. Returning to the saloon, Hart exhibited , several dollars, saying that . waa all the money he had left of $6 that he brought with him and that the rest bad gone with the check. He waa on willing to make any complaint, and Beyera, after seeing him safely back to the hotel, let the matter . drop, being eatisfied that Hurt had lost the chick somewhere. His theory proved correct, for it was found on . the floor, of . the ealoon next day by the janitor, and when the account of the alleged hold-up was seen in yesterday's Oregonian, the proprietor called in Beyers and gave trim the check, which waa identified by the clerk of the Esmond hotel as the one he had given to Hart, the romancist. Have you any doubts about Schilling's Best tea? baking powder? coffee? flavoring: extracts? soda? and spices? Your grocer pays you back your money in full if you don't like them. 44 For sale by ; W. E. Kahler - ' Tjgh Valley Boiler Floor Mills. Tygh Valley Roller Flour Mills are running full' time on No. 1 wheat Flour equal to the best always on hand. Prices to suit the times.. Also mill feed in quantities to suit. W. M. McCoeklb & Son. ,aug8-6mw Proprietors. AH local'disease and is the result of colds and sudden climatic changes. "For your Protection we positively state that this remedy does not contain mercury or any other injur ious drug. Ely's Cream Balm is acknowledged to be the most thorough cure for Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Bead and Hay Fever of all remedies. It opens and cleanses the nasal passages. allays pain and inflammation, heals the sores, pro-' tccts the membrane from colds, restores the senses of taste and smell. Price 60c. at Druggists or by mail. ELY BKOTHE&S, 66 Warren Street, Hew York. Would TaKe a liiff Contract. Chicago, Dec. 22. If arrangements can be perfected, Dan McLeod, the Cali fornia wrestler,, will attempt a nilique feat here in February. McLeod's tropo sition ia to take any five native local wrestlers and throw one after the other, all of them inside of 60 minutes of actual wrestling time. He proposes to do this or forfeit the entire ' gate receipts, the latter to be divided share and share alike between the five men if he fails to ac complish the task. A drowning man would have little use for a method of rescue which would re quire days. A dyspeptic doesn't want to bother with a remedy that ia going to take weeks to bhow its beneficial effects. The Mount Lebannorf Shakers are of fering a product - nnder the name of Shaker Digestive Cordial which' yields immediate .relief. ' The very first dose proves beneficial in most cases; and it is owing to their unbounded confidence in it, that they have pnt 10 cent sample bottles on the ' market.- These can be had through any druggist ; and it will repay the afflicted to invest the trifling sum necessary to make a trial. The Shaker Digestive Cordial relieves by resting the stomach and. aiding the digestion of food. (1) Laxol is the best medicine for chil dren. Doctors recommend it in place of Castor Oil. State of Ohio, City of Toledo) Lucas County, J Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the Cily of Toledo, County and state afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Fbank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1896. . A. W. Gluason, seal . Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly and acts directly on the blood and raucuoa surfaces of the system, bend for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney a Co., Toledo. O. jDCrSold by Druggieta, 75c. No. 3-11 This Is Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, a generous 6ample will be mailed of the most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure t Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon- strata the great merits of the remedy. ELY BKOTHEKS, 56 Warren St., New York City. Xtev. JohnKeid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont, recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I can emphasize his statement, "It is a posi tive cure for catarrh if used as directed." Eev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 cents. Cash lu Your Checks. All county warrants registered prior to July 12, 1892, will be paid at my office. - Interest ceases after Dec' 5, 1896. C. L. Phillips, County Treasurer. Anyone desiring their chimneys cleaned can have it done by calling upon or addressing Mr. Ike Peary or James Hogan, The Dalles or telephone to No 89. - ol7-tf Artichokes (or Sale.' - The - undersigned, has for sale the mammoth Jerusalem artichokes, and can furnish any amount of seed at $1 per bushel. i. Jmchexberger, decl9-lm Bake Oven, Or. Dalles-Moru Stage Leaves the Umatilla house 8 a. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Douglas Allen, Prop. You'll be surprised when you try Hoe Cake soap, and wish we had - told yon sooner. It is made by . patented pro cess. . jlv24-ii . Wanted-? . " A young lady - desires housework in family, i Apply at thi office. . . Hot clam broth every day at noon at Ad Keller's. tf DR. GUNK'S niPBOTES A .Mild I'll Ora Pill Tttv m Tina. A morement of the bowels each day is neceaunr for tMMUth. These pills supply what tha system lacks to make it reanlar. They care Headache, brighten the Eyes, nd clear the Complexion better than cosmetics. They neither frripe nor sicken. To convince you. wa Pocket. -Knives 1; and-SCISSORS We will send PEEE either a large 2-blade Pocket Knifo with stag handla, OR, a pair of 7-inch fall Nickel Sckaors Both Guaranteed to be best quality stoel. For - Yen win find on co-iron inside each fi ounne bag, : v and two couponi inside oh 4 ousoa bea of. BLACKWELL'S GENUINE' " DURHAftl TOBACC ' Send Coupons wUb Name and Address to BLACK WELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., DUXHAH, N. C. Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco and read the coupon which gives a list of other premiums and how to get them. 2 CENT STAMPS ACCEPTED. m York Weekly With the close of the Presidential Campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizes the fact that the American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have tar less space and nraminenfH. until nnnther State nr National npr-twnnn demands a ranewal nf ih light for the principles for which THE to toe present day, and won its greatest Every possible effort will be put forth, WiiiiLK.LiX 1 Kits U iNH. pre-eminently a instructive, entertaining and indispensable We furnish "The Chronicle" and XT. Y, Weekly Trib une one year Write vour name and address Tribune Office. New York City, ar;i a sample copv of The New York Weekly Trib une wm De in tii lea to you. , Selling" Out Below Cost. If you want anything in the line of Perfumery Cases, Dressing- Cases, Toilet Cases, 4 We will sell you any ar ticle we have at less than the cost of same. . -Kmersly Drug Co. 129 Second St., THE DALLES, - - OR. J. S. SCHBNX, President. H. M. Beau., .. . Caahier. First Rational Bank. THE DALLES. - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port land. - , DIRECTORS. D; P. Thompson. - Jno. S. Schxnok. Ed. M. Williams, Gko. A. Limb. H. M. Buui. - Snipes 4 .fe 40 Coupons; - OR, FCB 2 Coupons and cents. 6 : O O a o o 8 e : FOR Far me and Villagers, r FOR Fathers and Mothers, FOB " . Sons and Daughters, FOE . All the Family. TRIBUNE has labored from its inception victories. and money freely spent, to make THE .national family newspaper, interesting, to each member of the family. for only $1.75. on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best. You Get the Profits Of Dealers, Agents, Jobbers and Middlemen by buying di rect from the manufacturer. No better wheel made than the Acme Bicycle Built in our own factory by , skilled workmen, using the best . material and the most improved machinery. We have no agents Sold direct from factory to the rider, fully warranted. Shipped 1 anywhere for examination. WRITE FOR Our I nteresting Offer Acme. Cycle Co., Elkhart, Ind. The Glades Ranch, WHITB SALMON, WASH. rm Bret'-"H"-JfflSEYS Of the St Lambert, Commassie and Tormentor roine. Three Choice Bulls for sale or rent. so some Choice Cows and Heifers for sale. Pure Bred Poland China Hogs. , White Plymouth Bock Chickens. Address: MBS. A. R. BYBKETT, Prop, i Jy25-w3m White Salmon. Wash. II. EOBEKT8, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW. COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. Office next door to the First National B ank The Dalles, Oregon. novl9 B. GOIT, COUNTY SURVEYOR. Reesidence, Tenth and Liberty Streets Tribune . EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route . OF the Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland. FROM JUKE 23, 1S95. f OVERLAND EX-1 I press, Salem, Rose- 1 j burg, Ashland, Sac-1 1 ramento, Ogden, Ban ! 1 Franciseo, Mojave, j Los Angeles, El Paso, i I New Orleans and I (.East .... . J Roseburc and vrav feta 8:50 P. M i:10 A.'M. 8:30 A. M tion s 4:40 P.M. fVia Woodburn fori I Mt.Angel, Silverton, i West Scio. Browns- ville, Springfield and I I Natron Dally except Sundays. except Sundays. 4:00 P. M Salem and way stations no.oo A.M. 7:30 A. M. uorvaiiia aud way stations j jMcMinnvilie and) way stations i t 6:20 P.M. t 8:25 P.M. M:45 P. M Daily. fDany, except Sunday. DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS, SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. Throueh Ticket Office. 134 Third street, where through tickets to all points' in the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates irom ' J. B. KIRKLAND. Ticket Acrent All above trains arrive at and denart from Grand Central Station, Fifth and Irving streets. YAMH1UL DIVISION. . Passenger Depot, foot of Jeiterson street. Leave for OSWEGO, week davs. at 6:00. 7:20. 10:15 a. m.: 12:15. 1:45. 5:25. 6:45. 8:05 n. m. (and 11:30 p. m. on Saturday only). Arrive at Portland at 7:10. 8;30. 11:25 a. m.: 1:30.3:15. 6:35. Leave for Sheridan, week davs. st4:30r. m Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m. Leave for AIRLIE on Monday, Wednesday and day, Thursday and Saturday at 3:05 p. m. Sunday trains for OSWEGO leave at 7:20. 8:40. 10:15a.m.: 12:15, 1:45, 3:30, 5:25 6:45 p. m. Ar rive at Portland at 12:35, 8:30, 10:00 11;25 a. m 1:80, 3:15, 5:10, 6:35, 7:55 p. m. B. KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS, Manaeer. Asst. G. F. & Pass. Akc Executor's Notice of Final Account. Notice is hereby giver that George A. Liebe. executor of the estate of Richard G. Closter. de ceased, has filed the final accounting of the es- taie-ot Kienara j. cioster. aeceasea, with the guaraiansnip estate of Albert Lehman, an in sane person, of the peison and estate of which said Albert Lehman, an insane person, the said Richard G Cloyter, deceased, was at the time of his death the dwy appointed, qualified and act ing guardian, with the clerk of the Countv Court of the State-of Oregon for Wasco County, ana mat saia court nas appointed lu o clock a. m. of Monday, November 2, 1896, being the first aay oi tne regular isovemDer term or saia court, for the vear 1896. at the countv v courthouse in Dalles City, Oregon, as the time and place for tne neanng ot saia nnai accounting ana oojec tions thereto if any tht re be. This notice is published by order of said county court, enierea uctooer 2a, i9t. GEORGE A. LIEBE. Executor. Cokdow & Condon, Attorneys for Executor. oct3-5t-ii Notice to Taxpayers. The County Board of Equalization will meet in the assessor's office on Monday, October 5th, and continue in session one week, for the pur pose of equalizing the assessment of Wasco eounty for 1896. All taxpayers who have not been interviewed by the assessor will please call at tne omce on i nursaays, f riaays ana &atur aays, as an property must ne assessed. F. H. WAKEFIELD. Sept 13-ii County Assessor. Notice to Contractors. The undersigned will receive bids for the con struction of a water ditch 7000 feet long. 1000 feet is mostly loose rock work: some blasting. Balance scraper work. Ditch to be five feet wide on bottom, and two feet deep. Twelve miles from 'Iho Dalles. For further particular ad dress, M. J. COCK KRL1S E, n'25-2 w- l-il Boyd, Oregon DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. jEE: gk Xj :e nsr isr. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENE R A L BANKING BUSINES Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and - Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. ; . . Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. QfORTHERN PACIFIC RY. u s Pullman Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Cars SI. PAUL ' MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH KAKGO AND ITUUKS OOK8TON WINNIPEG HELENA and BUTTE Elegent Tourist TL' Through Tiekets CHICAGO T WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA 'EW TORE BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH For information, time cards. maDS and tickets. cal on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, lae uaiies, uregon A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 255. Morrison Cor. Third. Portland Oregon THE NEW YORK WORLD THRiCE-fl-WEEK EDlTIOfL IS Pages a Week. 156 Papers a Tear. It stands first among ''weekly" papeiB in size, -frequency of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the low price of a weekly ; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of. the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among Its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashions for women and a long series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, Conan Doyle, . Jerome K Jerome, Stanley Weyman, Mary E. Wllktns, Anthony Hope, ' ISret Harte, Brander IMaithewe, Etc. We offer this uneqoaled newspaper and The Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle to gether one year for $2.00. The regular price of the t wo papers is $3.00. S Cfalchcfttcr. EncU? Dbnoad Braad. EflfWROYAL PILLS Orlclnnl and Only Genuine. safe, always reliable, ladies ank LfruxEist for Chichester m EnolUh Dia-J mowt Brand lu Kcd and Gold metallic boxes, sealed with blue ribbon. Take no ntitpr. Refuse anaarouM aitbstitu tions and imitation. Al Druggiiita, or send 4e In .t.mpB far particulars, testimonial! and KeUcf tor l.adiev, In Utter, by retura ' .noli, y rrw icnumwumu, iiomn rapir CfalchcterCBemtefdCkhM4dlaon Kqaar '""HE' . Dalles City and Moro .... L'.i Leaves Williams Hotel, Moro, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a. m. prompt. Leaves Umatilla House, The Dalles, Tuesdays, Thvrsdays and Saturdays at 8 a. m. prompt. Freight rates The Dalles to Moro, 40c per 100 lbs; small packages, 15 and 25c. Passenger rates The Dalles to Moro, $1.50; round trip, f 2.50. Agency at Umatilla House, The Dalles, and at Williams Hotel, Moro. tf DOUGLAS ALLEN, Prop. Bake Oven and; Mitchell STAGE LINE, THOMAS HABPEB, - - Proprietor Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelope every day, and from Antelope to Mit chell three times a week. GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. (TiiooD poison A SPEC! ALT YSrfr I t luary BLOOO l'OISON permanently I Jm j home for same price under same goaraa I ity. If yon prefer to come here wewillooD-- Li-.i..i track to pay railroad fareand hotel bllls,antt Doetaartre, if we fall to cote. If yon have taken mer- enry. Iodide potash, and still bare aches and pains, IMucouaVatc lies' in month. Sore Throat, PlmnlM. 'annnAV f!nlnrMl Ki.nt. 1 1 AH ' vac l m cms DBcaDgsry I!.OOJ rUlsON e sraarantee to enro. We solicit the most obsti nate cases and cnallentre the world for cawe we cannot cure. This disease has always baffled the skill of the most eminent physi cians. S500,000 capital behind our nncondl (tonal guaranty. Absolute proof sent sealed on application. Address COOK- REHEDT CO 03 Maaranto Ximpla, cmCAOO, iLXmZZ 4