o 9 ICES PP TOWM 5 2 o 9 OKT 75 lTTS I Our stock of Boys' Knee Pants Sums is very large, with all the choicest goods of the season, and a complete line of sizes. Our special price is. BOYS KNEE 33 1-3 per eent. off the marked CORNEin WINDOW 2TOR liadies' Cloths and Broadcloths. BARGAINS In order to reduce our stock still lower, we will make some tempting prices. S 9 Our regular 35c Cloth. .....25c yard Our regular 50c Cloth ......... ...35c " Our regular 65c Cloth ..45c " Our regular 75c Cloth .., ...55c yard Our regular 85c Cloth . 50c " Our regular $1.00 Cloth 72-c " PEASE Sl MAYS. 2 All goods marked in plain figures. O O e We Still CoatiQUB Qui Sale of Sloes aiiti Bats. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY, DEC. 19,1896 Weather Forecast. Portland. Lec. 19, 189C. Fob Eastbrn Orbgon Tonight and tomor low rain and warmer. Paguk. Observer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Random ObaerTBtioni and tool Events of Lesser Magnitude. Mr. W. Boss Winans is up from his place at the forks of Hood River, r Two carloads of cattle belonging to Al. Lyle and Joe Hinkle were shipped to Troutdale today. One drunk and disorderly this morn ing was fined $5, which was paid, and one' on same charge fined $10, which was not paid. We struck Judge Bradshaw this morn ing for an item and he responded by telling as the san was shining. Thus it may be considered settled that it was the snn. We saw yesterday some of the ore from Mr. L. L. Hills mines in the Greenhorn district, and it was way up in G, which in this case stands for Greenhorn. The topic of tomorrow morning's dis course at the Congregational church ( W. C. Curtis pastor) will be "Concerning Gifts," ' a sermon appropriate to the Christmas season. The Woodmen Circie will meet on Christmas night and hold a short busi ness session, after .which a pleasant social time will be enjoyed by the Grove. All members please take notice. The Woodmen Circle entertainment committee have made a slight change in their program, and will give a first-class entertainment at the Vogt on New . Years night, 'followed by a social hop. Remember the date. The total assessment of the state, not counting Marion, whose rolls are not yet submitted to the state board, is $124,797,583, or a value somewhat less than that ascribed to the property of one man Rockefeller. We are requested to announce that there will be an entertainment and sapper at. Endersby school- bouEe Christmas eve, Thursday, Dec. 24th. Everybody is invited to be present and to bring their baskets well filled. " ' , ' L. Neff and N. C. Evans of Hood River have been awarded the contract for putting a bridge across Hood 'river, for the company building the big irri gating flume and ditch. They . are on the ground and will commence work at once. ' The sturgeon catch continues to im prove, and the shipments fare getting quite large again. YeterJay the In dians - fishing above townfcaqght and brought in about 1200 pounds, which, with the roe brought about $55 for the day's work. The largest of the lot weighed 321 pounds, quite a fieh, but lacking a whole lot of sizing up with the 1100 pound patriarch caught below Crate's point a couple of years ago. It has been suggested that the city rock crusher be leased to someone, on an agreement to furnish crushed rock at a given price, and that the streets.under the bluff be then graded at the expense of the property owners. Whether any definite action will be taken about it, remains to be seen. Mr. M. M. Cushing, who keeps the poorhouse, has sworn out a warrant for the arrest of one of hie charges, in which the arrested man is accused of commit ting an assault' and battery on Mr. Cushing. The trial comes off today, and its result will determine whether the offender is to continue the guest of the county in the poorhouse or the jail. For the purpose of increasing the membership of their order tn this place, Dufur Camp, No. 212, W. of W., will give an entertainment Tuesday, Dec. 29 tb, at the M. E. church, at which time will be presented Edwin M. Stern's comedy-drama entitled "Hickry Farm." A company of carefully selected local talent has been chosen for this produc tion, which is certain to be received with enthusiasm: The cast is as follows': "Exekial Fortune," Waldo Brigham ; "Gilbert Darkwood," W. Staats ; "Uri ah Skinner," A. J. Stevens; "Jake Nel son," M. J.Anderson; "Sergt. Rankin," Geo. McMenemy; "Lawrence McKee gan," Jos. Bethune;' "Jessie Fortune," Mrs. E. S. Hinman ; "Mrs. Precilla Dodge," Miss Daisy Dufur. Dufur Dispatch. HOOLEY -HOOLEY, WILY-WILEY. In Three Chapters The Arrest, the Coot Race, the Fall. Bow Will Yon Answer? means five thousand Five feet of coal more people here in a year, and it will only cost $100 a foot to get it. Can we afford to delay testing the question? Five feet of coal means that The Dalles would be the second city in the state in side of two years. ..Can we afford to neglect trying for it? Five feet of coal means the doubling in value of every piece of real estate in the. city limits. Can the property owners hesitate about putting up a few dollars for the chance? Five feet ot coal means the creation of wealth, the doubling of the city's rev enues, the redaction of taxation, and the getting out of debt. Can any of. us afford to refuse to contribute? Answer the question for yourselves. ' v Do not fail to call on .Dr. Lannerberg, (be eye specialist, and have your eyes examined free of charge. If you suffer with headache or nervousness you an doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if corrected, will benefit you : for ' life. Office in the Vogt block. ' The ladies of the Good Intent Society will have on sale Wednesday and Thurs day of next week, pies, cakes and dough nuts; also KitcDen aprons Night watch man Wiley is somewhat of ! a foot racer himself and it takes a pretty I fleet-footed man to get away from him, even when he has the start and the benefit of bad lights and muddy, streets. Last night about 7 -.30 he arrested a man named Hooley on First street and escorted bim in his usual Cbesterfieldian manner to the city jail where he pur posed extending to him the hospitality of the city. Hooley was supple of limb, of graceful carriage, gaunt flanked and wiry, just the kind of a man his name would indicate a regular dancer of the Hooley-Hooley stripe. As Wiley reached his hand in his pocket for the keys of the city, Hooley, with the spring of a cat, cleared the sidewalk, abandon ing our simple republican platform, so to speak, and taking the Coxey plaD in stead, straight down the middle ot the road. Wiley was after him in a bound and for a half dozen jumps, it was a pretty race. Oar asphalt streets are in fine condition for foot racing, but the glare of the electric lamps blinded the fleeing Hooley, and his nimble feet, or one of them, caught on a piece of projecting basalt, and as . he pitched heavily forward bis hat feel off and his open-faced countenance plowed up the mud for many yards. He was up al most in a rebound, and again struck out, scraping the dirt from his eyes bb be ran, and carelessly throwing it away. His name was mud, though from the time he fell, and not being able to see, he ran in a circle and the offending Hooley-Hooley was' soon in ftbe official clutches of the wily Wiley. When he was safely inside the jail, and the lights were turned on, he was a sight, sure. At first Wiley was not quite certain whether he bfed arrested a man or swiped a back alley, bat when the chunk of mud opened its mouth and spoke, Wiley knew he hadn't arrested Court street, and so turned the keys on him. Wiley didn't get off so- easily, either, for he was without rubbers, and as he marched Hooley to jail, that gentleman, just to show he held no grudges di vided what real estate he owned with birr, and Wiley had dirt enough to start a ranch if he had some place to dump it. v . THE CHURCHES- Schilling's Best tea coffee soda . baking pewder fluwjmf. attracts and'spices . are for you ; for your neigh bor too and your grocer. For sale by W. E. Kahler ministration of the Lord's Supper will take place. In the evening Rev. S. B. Sutton will speak on Temperance. Other services as usual. The Congregational church, corner Court and Fifth streets Sunday service as follows : At 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. worship and a sermon by the pastor, W. C. Curtis. The topic in the morning will be "Concerning Gifts," appropri ate to the Christmas season. Sunday school immediately after the morning service. Meeting of the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 6 :30 p. m. Topic, Jovs that were born .jnto the world with Christ ; Luke ii -.8-20. All persons not worshipping elsewhere are cordially invited. St. Paul's church, Union street. Ser vices tomorrow (fourth Sunday in Ad vent), at the usual hours, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school 9 :4S a.m. Subject of discourse in the morning, "The Nearness of Christ," and in the evening, "Balaam's Prayer or the Fruits of Unrighteousness," , a topic replete with interest for busy men and women. Services daring the weekjas follows: Wednesday evening at 7:30 with a ser mon on The Coming of Christ s King dom." Friday morning (Christmas day) at 10:30 a. m. Subject, "No Room for Christ," with a celebration of the Holy Eucharist, and administration of infant baptism. Communicants are re minded that n old church cannon re quire every confirmed person to receive the' Holy Communion at least three times a year, one of -which shall be Christmas tide. Parents having nn baptized children are admonished not to defer so important a duty, but bring them to Holy Baptism as eoon as most convenient. ' - - something Good. All-Steel Clamp Skates, 50e Pair. MAYS & CROWE. las been fitted up ich will be turned St. Paul's chare with electric lights, on ior ine nrsc time cuinaav evening Lutheran service at the court house tomorrow as follows: Morning service at 11 a. m. Sunday school at. 12:15 p: m. There will be no evening service. Elder Skaggs will preach at the Christian church next Lordsday morn ing and evening.' Subject for morning service, "Man's Present and Future Destiny." Evening, "The Proper Di vision of the Bible." AH are invited to attend these meetings. Tomorrow morning at tbe close of the morcing discourse by- Rev. J. R. War ner at the Methodist church, the ad- Tbe Cascade Locks edition of the Ore gonian, issued this morning, consists of thirty-two pages of reading matter, in terspersed with plenty of good illustra tions, notably among which are some fine cuts of Dalles business houses and leading citizens ot ocrcity. In addition to these is a colored supplement of four pages, which is a very fine piece of work. The management of Oregon's great daily deserves much praise for the enterprise shown. This creditable edition will serve as a good advertisement for Ore gon and her diversified industries. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. School Books Supplies. Jacobson Book & Music Co. , No. 174 Second Street, ITe-w Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. Successor to Cbrisman & Corson. ' FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. Remember We have strictly First-class CHEAflT A F71TTC Most Perfect Made. 4o Years the Standard. . FIR, OAK and MAPLE WOOD To sell at IOWEST MARKET RATES. , Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO