The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 18, 1896, Image 1

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    C ! J
(Hi ' 1
NO 295
Johnny Bull's Island Has
An Attack of Ague.
Even a Noble Karl Gets Skaken Out or
11 la Little Bed, Just Like
Common Folks.
London, Dec. 17. An earthquake, the
most violent ever experienced in this
country, has shaken every shire from
London to the Welsh coast. The sab
terraneous disturbance was first noticed
about 5 :30 this morning, and lasted from
four to five seconds. At many points
two distinct shocks were experienced.
The most severe shocks were felt at
Chelten, Ledbury and Deaniorest.
The earthshaking was accompanied by
a loud rushing sound. Buildings were
violently shaken, furniture, shifted,
doors thrown open, pictures and other
ornaments upset. The inhabitants were
panic-stricken and fled from their
The earthquake also visited Birming
ham and various points in Shropshire,
and was violent in . Worcester and the
country surrounding that city.
The shocks were followed by a tremor
of the earth. The greatest alarm pre
vailed everywhere. Chimneys were
overthrown, windows, etc., smashed.
At some points on the country road per
sons were thrown down ; a number of
people were thrown out of their beds.
Hereford cathedral was injured. The
doll, rumbling beneath the earth's sur
face was followed by two loud crashes
and a terrible lifting and rocking.
The panic at Hereford was so great
that one woman died from fright. Peo
ple rushed wildly into the streets.
Many chimneys fell crashing into the
thoroughfares. All the pinnacles of St.
Nicholas' church toppled over and a
part of the pinnacle of the cathedral
At Liverpool the earthquake wasjre
ceded by heavy thunder and a fearful
hail storm. In London the earthquake
was only slightly felt.
At Bridgennorth; near Shrewsbury,
before the disturbance, the streets sud
denly seemed to be on fire, and there
was a violent rise accompanied by a
shaking of the earth. People going
abroad in that vicinitv say they were
unable to walk, owing to the vibrations.
There was great excitement among the
people about Poole, who thought the
end of the world had come.
Houses shook for nearly a minute at
Bristol and Clifton, causing much alarm
railroad employes at ' Crewe report that
they felt the rails oscillate. At Ever
sham the shock was followed by a bril
liant light in the sky.
Tuesday there was a sudden change
from mild weather to a severe frost, fol
lowea Dy dense logs and snow on
In the mining districts it was first
thought the shocks were the results of
colliery explosions. The disturbance
,was violent at Warwick Castle. The
Earl of Warwick felt his bed lifted as
though by some force beneath it, and the
' furniture in the room ehifted.
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of
all in leavening strength. Latest United States
Government Food Report.
Royal Baking Fowdes Co.. New York
porsons murdered have been identified
as Freeman Morrow and his 14-year-old
daughter, who lived near Terrilton and
were on their way to this city.
Sheriff Creel is reported to have tele
phoned to the governor, asking the First
regiment, O. JST. G., to be held in readi
ness to quell any . threatened outbreak
between the whites and blacks. The
report, however, cannot be verified.
Throughout the day there were many
excited negroes and whites in the streets
in Stillwater, and every threat to lynch
the prisoner provoked the negroes to
fresh declarations that any attempt
upon the life of Laug'ulin would be re
sisted by the blacks.
Tbe Presidentelect Joined His Wife
1 This Morning.
Chicago, Dec. 17. Major McKinley
arrived here this morning, accompanied
by his brother, Abner McKinley, Chas.
Dawes and George B. Freze, editor of
the Canton Repository. Captain H. O.
8. Heistand, United States army, Cap
tain Lafavette Mc Williams, Mrs. Mc-
Kinley's cousin, at whose home tbe
president-elect will stop, met him at the
"I will remain nnfil the first of the
week, captain,'.' said the major when
pressed to spend the holidays here. "I
want to be home for Christmas dinner
with mother." "
During ..the hours after daylight the
train was - cheered at every station. In
the train skeda at Chicago the major re
turned the salutations of hundreds. As
he passed through the station a crowd of
several hundred cheering and shouting
people rushed alter him. ' -
Macao Is 8 are
In Mantansas
Key West, Fla., Dec. 17. Passengers
from Cuba last night report that Gener
al Pratt wired General Weyler from the
province of Matanzas that he had an en
gagement with Antonio Maceo's forces
led by Maceo himself, and upon receipt
of the telegram festivities in progress- in
Havana to celebrate the death of Maceo
were ordered suspended.
The passengers further stated ; that a
newspaper reporter who went to Punta
Brava had an interview with the insur
gent chief, Baldemero Acosta, who told
him that Maceo was at tbe head of his
army and moving towards Oriente. He
stated that he accompanied Maceo to
Mantanzas, where he left him. Maceo
was suffering from a slight wound.
bearer of the latest directions of the czar
for the future policy of Russia.
Tbe general opinion here is that Rus
sia has not changed her policy of firm
moral pressure to obtain the necessary
reforms in conjunction with tbe other
powers, but will show equal firmness
against force being used.
The powers will, in tbe opinion of a
prominent diplomat, now formulate ex
tensive demands, but are prepared to
accept much less than they ask for.
A dispatch from Canae, Crete, states
that the gen d'armerie reorganization
committee ha) arrived there and has
calmed the excitement that was prevail
ing. . "
Magician Hermann Dead.
Rochester, N. Y., Dec. 17. Her
mann, tbe magician, died today of heart
disease in his private car at Great Val
ley, near Salamanca, on his way to
Bradford. His remains will be forward
ed to New York. .
Herrmann completed bis engagement
at the Lyceum theater in this city last
night, and later was entertained at (he
Genesee Valley Club.
State of Ohio, City op Toledo) ,,
Lucas County, )
Frank J. Cheney makes oath . that he
is the senior partner of tbe firm of' F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the
City of Toledo, County a nd state afore
said, and that said firm will pay the
'sum of One Hundred Dollars for each
and every case of Catarrh thatcannot be
cured by the ubb of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Frank J. Cheney.
' " Sworn to before me and subscribed in .
my presence, this 6th day of December,
A. D.-1896. .
,"- A. W. Gleason,
seal Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly and acts directly on the . blood and
mncuos surfaces. of the system. Send
for testimonials, free.
F. J. Cheney 4 Co., Toledo, O.
.Dt-"Sold by Druggists, 75c. No. 3-11
' - : r
Amendments Keeommended.
Washington, Dec. 17. The tenth' an
nual report of the interstate commerce
commission, sent to congress today, sets
forth the necessity for amending the law
so as to give greater force and finally to
the findings of the commission. There
port strongly recommend that ticket
brokerage be made a penal offense and
that the issuance of passes be prohibited.
Something to Know.
It may be worth something to know
that the very bsst medicine for restoring
the tired out nervous system to a healthy
vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine
is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone
tothe nerve centres in- the stomach,
gently stimulates the Liver and Kidneys,
and aids these organs in throwing cSf
impurities in tbe blood. Electric Bit'
era improves the appetite, aids diges
lion and is pronounced by tbose who
have tried it as the very best blood puri
fier and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for
50s or AJ .00 per bottle at Blakeley &
Houghton's Drug Store. (2)
Cnba to Congress.
Washington, "Dec. 17. It is stated
that Secretary Olney will go before the
senate committee on foreign relations to
morrow and give a great deal of confi
dential information relative to Cuba.
It is tbe expectation of all the mem
bers of the committee that a vote will be
reached tomorrow on the Cameron reso
lution declaring for Cuban independence,
Friends of the resolution have no doubt
it will receive the app-oval of the major
ity. - " '-. '-' ; - ,
Battle Expected Between ' Blacks and
Whites la Oklahoma.
Guthrie, Dec. 17. A race war is im
minent at Perkins, twenty-five miles
eaBt of here, as the result of last night's
double murder. Three hundred negroes
have armed themselves to resist taking
Knigbtsman, the negro accused of tbe
crime. Five hundred men have gone
from Perkins, Cusning, Carney and the
surrounding country to overpower the
blacks and lynch the murderer. The
The best possible terms
for anything new to you are:
Get of your grocer a pack
age of Schilling's Best tea.
He pays you your money
back if you don't like it
A Schilling St Company .
Saa Francisco J7
. Patterson on Cnba.
Cincinnati, ' Dec ' 17. Congressman
Josiah Patterson, from the Memphis,
Tenn., district, was here yesterday. He
said on the Cuban question : '
"I believe it is about time in the inter
ests of humanity and on behalf of Amer
ican citizens On the island of Cuba' who
have property there; for intervention by
tbe United States.
"It has reached that point now where
we do not need to recognize Cuba's bel
ligerency. She has not any permanent
seat of government, but we should step
in and stop tbe butchery in the name of
humanity and then if the matter conld
not be settled any other way, why, fight
I believe something is going to be done
very shortly." .
The Czar's Turkish. Policy.
Ssew York, Dec. 17. A dispatch to
the Herald from Constantinople says :
Tbe letorn of tbe Russian ambassador,
M. Neidloff, created a mild flutter of
speculative excitement, and be ' is the
and is the result of colds and
sudden climatic changes.
For your Protection
we positively state thai this
remedy does not contain
mercury or any other injur
ious druz. i
Ely's Cream Balm
is acknowledged to be the most thoroqeh core for
Nasal Catarrh, Cold In Head and Hay Fever of all
remedies. - It opens and cleanses the nasal pasaaecs.
allays pain and inflammation, heals the sores, pro
tects the membrane from colds, restores the senses
of taste and smell. Price 50c. at Druggists or by mall.
i.L.x iJ-ttOTtttma. so warren Btreel, rtew xotk.
, Anyone desiring their chimneys
cleaned can have it done by calling upon
or addressing Mr. Ike Peary or James
Flogan, Tbe Dalles, or telephone to No
89. : . ' o!7-tf
Wanted. ' :. . C ,
A voung lady desires housework in
family. . Apply at this office. .
- Hot clam broth every
Ad Kellar's.
at noon at
V tf
. . Just opened and put on sale today
a pretty assortment of
Choice Fur Capes,
Choice Fur Capes,
Selected especially for the Holiday
Trade. Nothing more appreciative.
Popular Furs, palest Designs.
Astrachari, 12-inch, latest length,
storm collar............ Only $10.00
Wool Seal, Alaska Sable trim'ed. 30.00
Canada Seal, Alaska Sable collar
and front..... .: 16.50
Cape Seal, latest length, Thibet
" . trimmed......... 12.75
Siberian Sable, latest length........ 9.00
Plate Astrachan " " . ...... 9.00
Cape Seal, 24-inch, Thibet trim.. 25.00
Only one Cape Seal, 12-inch,
Marmaston trimmed 12.75
Our Notion and
Fancy Goods Department
Is bubbling over with Christmas
Novelties too numerous to mention.
Linen and Silk Dept.
Showing up an extensive line of
Lovely Assortment of Silks, &c.
Special Ladies' Silk Fleece-lined
Mittens, 25c per pair.
Initial Handkerchiefs,
Kid Gloves, late street shades, even
ing lengths. '
See our Childs' Muff and Purse
Combination with Collarette; in new
Relieved and
Cured by
r & v
A warm bath with CUTICURA
SOAPi and a single application of
CUTICURA, the great skin cure,
followed by mild doses of CUTI
blood purifier), will afford instant
relief, permit rest and sleep, and
point to a speedy, economical, and
permanent cure of the most distress
ing of itching, burning, bleeding,
scaly and crusted skin and scalp
diseases, after physicians, hospitals,
and all other methods fail. Cuti
cura Works Wonders, and its
cures of; torturing, disfiguring hu
' mors are the most wonderful ever
recorded. ' :""
Sold thronghont the world. Price, Cuncrit,
" 50e.; Soap, 25c. ; Rbsoltiht, $1. Potter Dnua
and Cue. Corp , Hole Props., Boston. V. 8. A.
. &-" How to Care Skin Diseases," mailed free.
Harry Liebe,
Watchmakerl Jeweler
All work: promptly attended to,
. and warranted.
Itcbir.: cd bind. Bl?dijr. or Protruding Pi lea yield mt u
lei. ,irf tui;ora. A pcMitive ou re. Circular nt fre. Prioi
few. ytuuUwarB&U.. iJ. UUSAftfeO, , Pa.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, S?m?"l feed
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
-- 'loilT This Floor is manufactured expressly for family
-Lv- use ; every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lower than any house in tbe trade, and if you don't tbink eo
call and get oar prices and be convinced. - -
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
Opp. A. M. Williams & Co.,
- 'And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in
' PRACTICAL. PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None bnt the best brand
of J. W.: MASTJRY'S PAINTS need in all onr work, and none bat th
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masary Liquid Paints. No chem
icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders
promptly attended to.
Store and Paint Shon corner Third and Washington Sts..' The Dalles. 0reo
Lumber, Building Material and Boxes
for Hay. Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c.
' - ' '.-:. - ' ::'''-'-;.
ROWE &. CO.,
The Dalles, Or.