The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 14, 1896, Image 1

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NO 291
Maceo Was Murdered Under
a Flag of Truce.
Decoyed Into Trap by Spaniard, and
Tlien Skot Down In Cold
Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 12. The Cit
izen tomorrow will contain the follow
ing, relative to the death- of Antonio
Jneto Carrillo, a well-known Cuban of
this city, brother of the Cuban general,
Carrillo, has received the following let
ter from a trustworthy correspondent in
Havana concerning the reports of the
death of Antonio Maceo, and showing
he was killed by treachery :
"Havana, Dec. 9. Dear Friend Justo :
Oar brave general, Antonio Maceo,
and the greater part of bis staff have
been murdered by the Spaniards the
Spanish major, Cirujeda, acting the part
of assassin, with Dr. Maximo Zertucba
as an assistant in the horrible drama.
"Convinced that, notwithstanding his
enormous army, he could do nothing
against oar gallant leader, who had to
repeatedly defeated the Spanish gener
als in Pinar del Bio, Weyler conceived
the idea of appeasing his beastly in
stincts by cold-blooded murder, and
making the best of the secret relations
between Dr. Zertucba and the Marquis
Abumada, he planned with the latter
bis hellish scheme.
"Weyler took the field, and in his ab
sence Ahumada proposed through Zer
tucba a conference with Maceo, to take
place at a certain point in the province
of Havana, with a view of arranging
plans for the cessation of hostilities,
The basis was to be Cuba's independ
ence, and a monetary indemnity to
Spain, together with certain advantages
that should be agreed upon for Spanish
commerce and Spanish capital invested
"To carry out the plan, the agreement
was that orders should be given to the
detach meats of troops stationed on the
trocha on the section between Mariel
and Guanaday, to allow Maceo, with bis
BtafF, to pass the military line nnmolest
ed. Time was required to mature these
arrangements, and to give them all the
appearance of truth. Ahumada feigned
that before acting he must make them
known to Weyler for previous approval
"This explains Weyler's sadden ar
rival in Havana and his prompt depart
nre tor Pinar del Bio. The conditions
and place of meeting having been
agreed upon. Maceo crossed the trocha,
over the road to Guanajay, without being
molested by tbe forts, bat as soon as he
arrived at the place decided upon, he
and bis party were greeted by a tremen
dons volley from the troops under Major
Cirojeda, who lay conveniently in am
"''Most of the officers of his staff fell
with General Maceo. Zertucba is alive,
because he was aware of tfie scheme and
remained in the rear.
"The Spaniards know where the
bodies are, bat are bent on feigning ig
norance to blot out tbe vestiges of "the
- "Havana and all Spain are rejoicing
because in their stupidity they hope the
war may end with the death of this lead
er. Far from it. The spirit of the Ca
bana has grown more ardent, and today
they are resolved to. make every sacrifice
before surrendering their arms to their
' relentless tyrants. "In this very prov
ince of Havana, in which oar army is
least and has tbe least means of defense,
the Cubans are operating with greater
' and greater activity, and not a ' day
passeB that we do not bear in this - city
tbe firing on Guanabacoa.
"The Spaniards may treacherously
Absolutely Pure.
. i
A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of
all in leavening strength. Latent United State
Government Food Report.
Koyai Baklnq Powdeb'.Co.. New York
murder some of our patriots, but no
earthly power can annihilate the spirit
of liberty flowing now as ever over the
Cuban people."
Joaquin Fortun pointed yesterday to
the following facts which, in bis opinion,
corroborated the statements in the fore
going letter, and indicated that Maceo is
really dead :
First La Lncha published an article
last Saturday, in which it was stated
that the previous day Major Cirujeda
had bad an engagement. with an insur
gent force, and had killed 32 Cubans, not
named, at precisely the place in which
General Maceo was murdered.
Second The first dispatch from Hava
na reporting Maceo's death, which was
received on Thursday, stated that Major
Cirujeda bad previous knowledge of the
horse that Maceo was to ride. How did
he acquire that knowledge?
Third Weyler publicly attributes the
glory of the event to the Marquis Ahu
mada, who has not been away from Ha
vana. Why should not the glory De
given exclusively to Major Cirujeda,
who had the good fortune, if the en
counter was an accident, to come un
expectedly on Maceo's party?
Fourth From the first, even before
convincing proofs bad been offered, such
assurance was had at the palace as in
dicated a preconcerted plan.
Fifth Zertucha's previous conduct,' it
now appears, is not altogether free from
Sixth A manifest contradiction ap
pears between what is said by the au
tborities in Havana and what the Span
ish minister of foreign affairs announces
in his confirmatory telegram to Minister
de Lome at Washington. Tbe Havana
authorities distinctly say tbey have been
unable to secure, the body of Maceo,
while the telegram from. Madrid states
the body has been identified.- This ver
sion was transmitted to Madrid to give
the home government full assurance of
the fact, while it was later thought beBt
to conceal tbe truth from Havana' in or
der to conceal the dastardly crime.
days, superintending the forwarding of
recruits for the insurgent army. Sixty
recruits passed through here last night
on the Illinois Central. They, were
gathered in from' Chicago and Wiscon
sin points. During tbe night twenty
five more arrivals were noted from
Streator, Spring Valley and other points',
and were furnished transportation to
New Orleans. It is probable a number
will be enlisted at this point.
Working; In Indiana.
Kokomo, Ind., Dec. 13. A stranger,
declining to give his name, opened head
quarters today to recruit volunteers for
the cause of Cuba. He has succeeded
in interesting a number of people,
and hopes to muster a full company in
this vicinity to fight the Spaniards.
Assistance from Idaho.
Boise, Idaho, Dec. 13. It is learned
that a company is being quietly organ
ized here to go to Cuba to assist tbe in
One Kind of Business Tbat I Happily and
Permanently Suspended.
Where has the jewelry auctioneer
gone? Up to three years ago there
were at least a dozen places on the
South side where a gaudy display of
watches, diamonds and revolvers in
the windows called attention .to a scarce
ly less loud auctioneer within. He stood
on an elevation behind the counter; he
had "cappers" both inside and outside
the place, atd his sonorous tones were
ringing all the time: lie watched the
stream of passers-by cn the street and
"backed the play" of the cappers, lie
sold all manner of watches, and he al
ways "got the1 best of it."
As a rule, says the Cmcogo Post, these
salesmen were excellent auctioneers
and knew all the wiles of their craft.
Up to two years ago some of them
were still running, but they gradually
faded out. and now there is not one,
with the trifliDg exception of a Satur
day night fling in West Madison street.
They must do a good business, selling
quantities of material at an excellent
price. But there was an end of all
things in their line and the jewelry auc
tion has vanished. .
Drop us a line if you can't
get Schilling's Best of your
grocer, or if you don't like
it and can't get your money
back. '
A Schilling ft Company
Su Pnacuca 426
Texas Keady to Fight for tbe Freedom
of Cuba.
Dallas, Tex., Dec. 13. There was
great meeting at tbe city hall this after
noon in tbe interest of tbe freedom of
Cuba; Two thousand representative
men and a hundred women were present.
Andrew Jackson Houston,' a son of the
hero of San Jacinto, presided, and made
a characteristic speech. Addressees
were also made by. Charles. Worth . and
H. C. Stevenson, and the following , re
solutions, were adopted : ;
"That this meeting voices the unani
mous sentiment of Texas in declaring
that Spanish domination in Cuba should
be at once ended."
The second resolution embodied the
resolution' introduced in the'senate oi
the 10th by Senator , Mills, and heart'ly
indorses it.
The third resolution reads :
"That Texans stand ready to honor
any draft made upon them by congress
and the president for men and material
to end the bloody, cruel and barbarous
reign ot tbe Spaniards in Cuba, and
erect her into a free American stale." '
The resolutions were adopted by a
rising and unanimous vote. After tbe
meeting, a permanent organization was
formed for helping Cuba in every neces
sary way to ; throw off the yoke ;of its
oppressor. - "'
Becraiti From Illinois.
' Kankakee, Til., Dec. 13. A represen
tative of the Cuban junta has been in
this city and vicinity for the past few
Trolley Line in Chicago Which Operates
But Ono Car.
To the average Chicagoan a trolley
line unconsciously suggests groat dis
tances. His city is so big. 'it will sur
prise many, therefore, to learn that a
line actually in operation in the busi
ness district, the rolling stock of which
runs a trifle less' than five blocks.
This line, says the Chronicle, operates
on Clark street and simply runs from
Washington to Illinois street. Its roll-
ng stock consists of one car, and its
operatives include one conductor and
one motorman. It is run for the
special benefit of South Water strret
merchants who live on the north side,
but is safe to say not one of these men
in a thousand know that such i3 the
case. As for the general public not one
person in the thousand, know of its ex
istence. Incidentally, too, the line is
operated to retain the franchise.
We give transfers to the cable line
going north," said the conductor when
asked for information, "but we don't
transfer to any other cars."
"Have you many -passengers each
"Yes; we're crowded," he said, wfth a
laugh. "Sometimes I get one then
again arotht r. .
Statk or Ohio, City op Toledo)
.Lucas County, J
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that - he
is the senior partner of tbe firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the
City of Toledo, County and state afore
said, and that said firm will pay the
sum of One Hundred Dollars for each
and every case of Catarrh. that cannot be
cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Fkank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 6th day of December,
A. D. 1896. 1
A. W. Gleasok,
seal Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly and acts directly on the blood and
mncuos surfaces of tbe system. Send
for testimonials, free.
1 F. J. Cheney Co., Toledo, O.
rJ-Sold by Druggists, 75c. No. 3-11
BseklaB'i Arinea. Salve.
The best salve in the - world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheumf fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
cornt?, ana au sum erapnoni, sou posi
tively cures piles', or no pay required
It is "it uaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or monev refunded. - Price 25 cents
per . box. . For sale Dy Blakeley and
tlougbton, druggists.
Just opened and put on sale today
a pretty assortment "of
Choice Fur Capes,
Choice Fur Capes,
Selected especially for the Holiday
Trade. Nothing more appreciative.
Popular Furs. Latest Designs.
Astrachan, 12-inch' latest length,
storm collar Only $10.00
Wool Seal, Alaska Sable trim'ed. 30.00
Canada Seal, Alaska Sable collar
and front...! 16.50
Cape Seal, latest length, Thibet
trimmed 12.75
Siberian Sable, latest length 9.00
Plate Astrachan " " 9.00
Cape Seal, 244nch; Thibet trim.. 25.00
Only one Cape Seal, 12-inch,
Marmaston trimmed 12.75
Our Notion and
Fancy Goods Department
Is bubbling over with Christmas
Novelties too numerous to mention.
Linen and Silk Dept.
Showing up an extensive line of
Lovely Assortment of Silks, &c.
Special Ladies' Silk Fleece-lined
Mittens, 25c per pair.
Initial Handkerchiefs,
Kid Gloves, late street shades, even
ing lengths.
See our Childs' Muff and Purse
Combination" with Collarette; in new
a., ri. wxEaLiiirEs a go.
Cause Five Years' Suffering.
So Painful Could Not
Sleep or Work From
Six Dcotor3 Could Not Cure.
All Remedies Useless. Despaired
Of Ever Being Cured. Tried
Relief in First Application.
Completely Cured in .
Three Months.
For fire vears, I had on both my legs three
viirv had uiuers. two on one, and one on the
oMier just into the bone above the ankle, as
feir;re as a fivo cent piece, which hurt me so
much nijiht and day, that I could not sleep
for the Itching and burning.' I had to pet np
tlire r fur t.iiue3 a nijrhc. XUl not know
w'a-.iz to tin with mvself as I could not work.
Called a donair. but he dil me no good, and
in all. ha 1 nix of ilio be3t doctors I could get,
but they could do nothing, and I Rave up
all hopes of ever gottinp -cured. Nothing did
me any rood, until I tried Ccticura Rem
edies. The firnt application, the itching,
tmnrting, and turning Ktnppfi. I kept ou
with them, and in three months was entirely
cured. Fim yar I eufferrd, and can prove
it 1'V people where I now live. If anyone
dou)t3 this, write to ine, and I will tell them
with the createst of pleasure what Cuti
cl'ua. Hcjiedie have done.
022 Bridge St., Trenton, X. 3.
PpsETr Cims Trbatxest. Worm baths
with Cuticuka Soap, senile application of
i :uTict'RA (ointment i, and mild do- of Ctrri
ciraA issoL.VMT the new blood purifier).
field throughout the world.. Price, CtrrictrnA,
&0l.; HOAP.0 ; KKmiLVf.VT, 1. I'otterIibuo
Chem. Gonp.j sSole lrop , Boston, Mod.
. . a?- HoVr to Can) Erery Skin l)ieet" free.
" And dreadful pains rob me of
sleep anil rent." To all such Cnti
cont - Anti-Pnln Ptar brings
instant and grateful relief.
Itotuns tad Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Pile yield mt mm to
DR. BO-8AN-KO'S PILE REMEDY, stop. itch,
ing, abboroi tumors. A poeitlve cure. Circular coot free. Pries
boo. DruuUurnuU, AB. HOAAJiJh.e Pfcll fa ,
Harry Liebe,
Watchmaker? Jeweler
'.'-. All work promptly attended to,
- . and warranted.
When you mant to buy
Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat,
Rolled Barley, Whole Barley,
Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts,
Or anything in the Feed Line, go to the
Our prices are low and our goods are firet-claes.
Agents for the celebrated WAISTBURG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR.
Highest cash price paid for WHEAT. OATS and. BARLEY.
Opp. A. M. Williams & Co.,
And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in '
PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None bnt the best brande
of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS need in all onr work, and none but th
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masnry Liquid Paints. Nochem
icel combination or soap mixture. A firat-claaa article in all colors. All orders
promptly attended to." - ''"
Store and Paint Stop corner Third and WasMneton 8ts.. The Dalles. 0reo
Lumber, Building Material and Boxes
Traded for Hav. Grain, Bacon, Lard, '&c.
The Dalles, Oregon