() rt .rl VOL. IX THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1896 NO 289 ill a Sf uriftitminr hp- CULLOM IS FOR CUBA It Is Time, He Says, to Ter minate Spanish Control. HE OFFERS A BOLD RESOLUTION Defending th Termination of Spain' Control of the Gateway of the Gulf of Mexico Washington, Dec. 10. Public inter eat in the Cuban question was shown today by a full attendance in the gal leries of the senate to hear the speech of Senator Cullom, of which he bad given notice. Before he was recognized for a speech, petitions for the recognition of the independence of Cuba were pre sented. Culloin began by saying that while he was not disposed to criticise President Cleveland, he had hoped for a more pos itive expression of the true American continental policy for him. Cnllom spoke of the record of Spain for cruelty and oppression, both in the treatment of her own people at home up to the present century and in her policy tow ard the provinces on this continent. . Spain continued to be, he said, what she bad always been, a robber nation. The time tad come, he declared, for this nation to announce the speedy termina tion of Spanish control of the island at the gateway of the Mexican gait, neces sary alike to the welfare of these islands and the people of the United States. The Cubans could never be conquered and the war of extermination most stop. Cuba is already lost to Spain, Cullom claimed. The American people were coming to consider the Cuban situation as a great political continental question. It was the duty of the United States to use its power to declare that no "charnel-house of ruin" shall be continued in West Indian waters. "We shall not claim Cuba as a reward for saving her f'orn the slaughter," said Cullom, "but free. Cuba is the reward. Means must be found 1o settle the Cuban question speedily, and if other means fail we may consider properly the fair purchase of Cuba." The senator received close attention throughout. He offered a resolution de claring that the "Extinction of Spanish title and the termination of Spanish con trol of the islands at the gateway of-the Gulf of Mexico are neceBSsary." SEABOBG WANTS HIS MONEY BACK. The Wealthy Canaer Sues His Former Wife. Los Angeles, Dec. .10. The Times this morning says that B. A, Seaborg, a rich canner of Ilwaco, now Beeks to re cover tome of the , wealth he lavished upon his ex-wife, from whom he has just been divorced, and brings an action against Etta Owens Seaborg and Guy B. Barham to recover certain money, stock and real estate. The complaint recites that at the time of the marriage plaintiff transferred to his wife a certificate of stock ; of the Aberdeen Packing Company, of the value of $5000 ; on September 30, 1S96, plain tiff gave her a house and lot at 1406 West Seventh street, and $2000 with which to furnish the house : that defend ant did not buy the furniture, but "held out" the $2000 for her own use ; that plaintiff ia worth $'100,000 and defendant was worth nothing when he married her. It is also alleged that defendant mar Tied plaintiff not in good fatth, or with the intention of becoming a true or hon est wife to plaintiff, or because of any regard of affection for him, bat solely be cause of defendant's regard and affection for plaintiff's money and property ; that on or about November 14, 1896, she dropped her mask, disclosed her true character and deserted plaintiff and no tified him by means of a letter that at the time the agreement of marriage was s Drop us a line if you can't get Schilling 's Best of your grocer, or if you don't like it and can't get your money back. A Schilling Company San Francisco 26 USA pram Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all In leavening strength. Latest United Statu Government Food Report. Royal Baking Powdee Co.. New York made she was and bad been maintaining illicit relations with Guy B. Barham, nephew of Congressman Barham, who reeigned his place as police commissioner of Los Angeles just before the Seaborg divorce was granted. Plaintiff alleges that the woman has transferred some part of the property to Barham for the purpose of concealing it, and he also sues Barham for damages for breaking up his "happy home,"' and asks damages of $50,000. ROLLING MILLS WORKMEN STRIKE A. Proposal to Cnt Wages Cause. Is the San Fkancisco, Dec. 10. A cut in the wages of skilled workmen in the Pa cific rolling mills at the Potrero has caused a strike which has practically suspended all operations in the big iron manufactory. About fifty men walked out and their action cut off the means of employment of about fifty others. It is believed that some time today a com promise will be effected, and the wheels of industry set in motion again. - The most important factor in the' strike is that the men were informed that they bad been working for over a week under a new schedule of rates of which they were ignorant. There are no indications of any trouble of a violent nature. Iii the first place, there are no iron-workers of this class on the coast, and the places of the strikers could only be filled by an importation from the East. This is not likely to take place, as the Eastern workmen" receive as good wages as the men here did before the cut. The strikers are looking forward to an early settlement, because they under stand that the rolling mill has a con tract to get out a large quantity of extra large street-car rails for a company in Los Angeles. AFFIRMED AND DENIED. Antonio Macee's Fate Still Involved fn Doubt, Key Wkst, Dec. 10. It is learned positively that the report of the deaths of young Maceo and Gomez are false, Both are believed to be near Maril. while Weyler is near San Cristobal, searching for Maceo. It is thought the latter will co-operate with Gomez, and then au advance on Havana is looked for. . Havana Dispatch Confirms the Mews of Maceo's Death. Havana, Dec. 10. Dr. Maxim Zertu char, the personal physician of Antonio Maceo, has surrendered to Colonel Lort, the Spanish commander at ' San Felipe, this province. 'The doctor confirms the announcement that Maceo was killed on December 7, near Punta Brava, in an engagement between the insurgents and the Spanish column, commanded by Major Cirujeda. . Dr. Zertuchaw was shot in the chin, the bullet breaking his jaw and passing out near the neck and shoulders. A second bullet wounded him in the ab domen. PREPARING THE WAY. Progress of Senate Movement Toward ' International Bimetallsm. Washington, Dec. 10. Senator Sher man, chairman-of the Republican cau cus, today announced the membership committee provided for under Senator Wolcotl's resolution to prepare the way for an international agreement on silver, Wolcott was tnade chairman, and Sena tors Hoar, Chandler and Gear appointed as the other members. . . Senator Wolcott said today, he would call the commit., together not later I than Monday next and proceed imme diately to frame a bill with the hope of securing legislation at the present ses sion of congress that would enable Mc Kinley to-succeed with his efforts in be half of silver immediately after inaug uration. ' Immigration BUI Cornea Up. Washington, Dec. 10. The senate took up the immigration bill this after noon. Mr. Gibson moved that the ques tion go over until the first Monday in January, which occasioned a sharp de bate.. v IN THE HOUSE. Catron. -Land Bill Comes Up and Is Defeated. W lOnrvcTn- Tton 1ft . Tha Hiitrnn land bill was defeated in the house to- y. The biJl sought to allow aliens to tories under mortgage foreclosure, but provided tnat tney muse dispose ot sucn fthtfi the nnnle in tftrri tnripn tn car. tli n benefits of foreign capital. Hepburn (la.) arraigned the Populists for sup porting tbis bill after declaring, against alien ownership. BACK IN l'INAK CEL. BIO. Maceo Is Again In the Land of the Living. St. Louis, Dec. 10. A special to the Republic from Dallas, Tex., says : The head of the local Cuban commit tee today received a dispatch from Key West making absolute denial of the Spanish reports from Havana of the al leged killing of Antonio Maceo. The dispatch states that at 9 o'clock last night Maceo was again in Pihar del Rio province, and that his army was making successful operations against Weyler; that since the turning of Wey ler's flank, December 1, Maceo had cap tured more than 1200 stands of arms and immense quantities of ammunition, medicines and commissary supplies. Suicide Is Hereditary. An extraordinary instance of heredi tary tendency to suicide was told by Prof. Brouardel in Paris lately. . A fanner near Etampes hanged, himself without apparent cause, leaving a fam ily of seven sons and our daughters. Ten. of the eleven subsequently fol lowed the father's, example, but not un til they had married and bcgTJtten obi! dren, all of whom likewise hanged themselves. The only survivor is a son. who is now G8 years of a.se, and has passed safely beyond the family hang nig age. Mourning for a Chinese Knler. : . When a Chinese enp-eror dies the in telligence is announced by dispatches to- the ' several provinces, written with purple ink, the mourning color. All per sons of rank are required to take red silk ornaments from their caps, with the ball or button of rank; all subjects of China, without exception, are called upon to forbear shaving their heads for 100 dnys, within which period none may marry, play upon musical instruments or perform any sacrifice. .. J Bncklen'a Aimca salve. The best salve in the world for cute, braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevez sores tetter, chapped hands, chilblain?, corns, and all skin eruption", and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale Dy Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. Work Horses 'I ' For sale, or will exchange for cows and calves. Time given on first-class security. For particulars inquire of C. . Bayard, The Dalles, Or., or Frank Watkins, at ranch on 15-Mile. 21-wlm Anyone desiring their, chimneys cleaned can have it done by calling upon or addressing Mr; Ike' Peary . or James Hogan, The Dalles or telephone to No. 89. ol7-tf There's more . clothing destroyed "by poor soap than by actual wear as the free alkali rots them.. Hoe cake is pure- 1 ' y2i-ij You'll be surprised when you try Hoe Cake soap, and wish we had told you sooner. It is made by patented ' pro cess. jly24-ii There's no clay, flour, starch or other worthless filling in "Hoe' Cake" and no free alkali to burn the hands. jly24 . Money loaned on personal security, or real e-tate near the city. Inquire of Joel G. Koontz. 1 novl8-dlm Hot clam broth every day at noon at Ad Eellar's. tf g : Our Special . Offer for Saturday. I kaes'' hisses' and Children's 1 SUK JACKETS, p L ADIEUS' CAPES J 9 J" M Krt-w""s. Will be offered at a v 2 f V 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT 2 y : .On Saturday f 2 , NO RESERVE MADE. f ' 2 Every Garment in the House, .J' ImV ' I 5 Including some of lL 1 THIS SEASON'S CHOICEST, f 2 In this Sale JXJ '& J ? I Ei- wniiams co. I D ULCERS ON LIMBS Cause Five Years' Suffering. So Painful Could Not Sleep or Work From ITCHING AND BURNING Six Doctors Could Not Cure. ' AH Remedies Useless. Despaired Of Ever Being Cured. Tried SUTICURA REMEDIES Relief in First Application. Completely Cured in Three Months. For flvo years, I had on both my less throe very bad ulcers, two on one, ami one on the other jnst into the bone above the ankle, as lara as a five cent piece, which hurt me so much night and day, that I could not sleep for the itc:Ii!n;r and burning- I had to pet up tur33 or four times a night. Did not know win; to do with mvsolf as I could not work. Called a doctor, but he did ino no Rood, and in all, had sis ot Mie best doctors I could get, but they crihf do nothing, aud I gave up all topes of ever getting cured. Nothing did mo any pood, until I tried Ccticoba Rem edies. The Jtrtt application, the itching, mnarting, and burning ntoppeil. I kept on with them, and in three mouths was entirely cured, f'iv y-ar I suffered, and can prove It by peop'6 where I now live. If anyone ' doubts this, write to me, and I will tell them with the ereateat of pleasuro what Ctrri olka KEjiEDiEs have done. E. It. HEXDRICKSOX; 622 Bridge St., Treuton, X. J. - Ppcnnr Cobs Tbeatmext. Warm laths with Cuticub Soap, gentle application of UrnctiRA (ointment), and mild cloi-'S of Curi cura lijaoLVENT (ihe new blood purifier). Sold thrbntfhont tho world.. Price, 1'rrriccliA, 69c; noAP.ale ; itEsiiLVKNT, I'ottkr Iiruu - and Chbx. Oibp., Sole Prop , Boston, MaM. - ea" How to Con Every Skin UUeue," free. "EVERY MUSCLE ACHES" " And dreadful pains' rob mo of sleep and rest." To all such Curl cam Antl-Pln PlK-oer brings Instant and grateful relief. SURE CURE for PILES Itching and Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Plies yUld mt obm PR. BO-SAN-KO'S PILE REMEDY. 8up. itch :ofcf absorb tumors. A positive cure. Circulars ent fre. Pries Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL All wo A promptly attended to, . and warranted. . , 174 VOGT BLOCK. Watiniakf Jeweler When yog wmt to bay Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat, Rolled Barley, Whole Barley, Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts, Or anything in the Feed Line, go to the WASCO : WAREHOUSE, Oar prices are low and oar goods are firet-claes. Agents for the celebrated WAISTBURG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR. Highest cash price paid for WHEAT. OATS and BARLEY. M. Z. DONNE PESCIPTIO TOILET ARTICLES Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., -DEALER IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in ' ' WALL' PAPER. WALL PAPER. PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS used in all our work, nd none bat tha most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masary Liquid Paints. No chem icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. . . , Store and Faint Shot) corner Third and Washington Sts.. The Dalles. Ore'ot Lumber, Building" Material and Boxes Traded for Ha,v. Grain. Bacon, Lard, &c. ROWE 8t CO., DRUGGIST AND PERFUMERY. THE DALLES, OR. The Dalles, Oregon