The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 09, 1896, Image 3

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In the course of our year's business, we have accumulated a number of odds and ends in
our Shoe Department, which we are anxious to clean up previous to stock-taking.
Special. Men's Shoes.
All our Lilly, Brackett & Co. fine
hand-sewed $6.oo Shoes.
The best on earth. Only $4.35.
A large line of Men's Congress
and Lace Shoes. Regular $1.50.
Special 95c. Corner Window.
Broken line of Men's Shoes; reg
ular prices $6, $5, $4, $3, $2.50.
To go at half their marked price.
Gentlemen, these offerings give
you an opportunity to get Fine Footr
wear at less than cost.
Special. Ladies' Shoes.
Our regular line of $2.50 Shoes,
including the. Bay State, Pease & Mays
Own, East - New York and Waverly;
all fine Footwear. Going at $1.70.
Brown Shoe Co.'s Fine Shoes, in
coin toe; very latest lace and button.
Regular $2.75. Special $1.85.
Thomas G. Plant's fine Vici Kid;
full line of sizes and widths. Regular
$3.00. Special $2.15.' Every pair is
Brown Shoe Co. fine Button Shoe,
stitched in white; the bon-ton Shoe of
the season. Reg. $3.00. Special $
Special. Ladies' Shoes.
J. & T. Cousins' Choice Line of
Shoes; finest quality stock; up-to-date
toes. Regular $3.50; Special $2.40. .
J. & T. Cousins' Extra Fine Stock;
narrow square toe; good assortment of
sizes. Regular $3.75; going for $2.60.
Thomas G. Plant's Fine McKay
sewed welt, invisible cork sole, pointed
toe. An up-to-date Winter Shoe. Reg
ular 3.50'. Sale $2.60.
All goods marked in plain figures.
The Dalles Daily Chromeic
DEC. 9. 1896
Weather Forecast.
Portland, Jjec. 7, 1896.
Fok Eastern Obrgon Tonight and tomorrow
ccasional rain.
Hague. Observer.
Kandom Observations and Local Kvents
of Lesser Magnitude.
Sturgeon are being caught quite plen
tifully again.
Mr. Robert I. Butte made caah entry
on 240 acres near Victor today.
James Zirka was examined by Judge
Bradshaw yesterday and was ordered
sent to the reform school.
The ice gorge moved eofue last night
and today shows long stretches of open
water tnrougn it, nut still it bangs on. ,
The bulkheads in the Dalles City will j
be completed today and she will be j
taken to Portland at the latest tomorrow.
There will be a meeting of the board
of delegates of The Dalles fire depart
ment at the council chambers this even
ing at 8 o'clock.
Does anybody know William J.
Stretch? If so they will" confer a favor
by sending us his address. Mr. Stretch
is a la'nd explorer or locator by occupa
tion. The concert under the auspices of the
Aid Society of the Congregational church
is arranged to take place Wednesday
evening, Dec. 30th. There will be a re
hearsal of the chorus, Saturday evening,
Dec. 12 th.
Mr. J. B. Kendall of Cottage Grove
wants Senator Mitchell turned down
and Judge Pipes elected in his place.
Another correspondent writing the Ore
gonian from Portland wants Mitchell
replaced by a Mr. A. B. Hammond,
whoever be is.
The plant of the Living Issue, a paper
formerly printed at John Day, has been
leased to Mr; W. A. Logue, wfco has
moved it to Canyon City, and has there
begun the publication of the John Day
Sentinel. We acknowledge the receipt
of the last number.
Milton Harlan of The Dalles is in the i
surply such need. Toys either new or
in good condition, all kinds of clothing,
bedding food and fuel are wanted. All
cases of poor reported will be investi
gated. Last year about twenty families
were assisted who. were in actual need.
Any ladies wishing to assist in the
making over of garments for children
will be gladly furnished work. Will
everyone look over "their wardrobe at
once and send whatever can be spared.
All packages can be sent to the hall dur
ing evenings, or to the officers' quarters,
or if so desired will be called for.
Drafting; a Registry Law.
. W. Bingnam of Portland, who took
the lead in drafting the Australian bal
lot law now in force, in this state, has
finished the draft of a bill for a registra
tion law. It is caraful, minute and
comprehensive, and is drawn with the
double purpose of preventing fraudulent
voting and of avoiding any conflict with
the constitution.
The bill propoees to make it the duty
of every elector in the state to register
with the clerk of the county, in which he
resides between the first Monday of Jan
nary, 1898, and 5 o'clock p. in., of the
fifteenth day of May, 1898, and between
the same dates and hours biennially
thereafter. "
Every elector may be registered with
out charge by personally appearing at
the office cf the county clerk. The
elector must be sworn, and his name
must be entered in the general county
register, with date of registration, the
age of the elector, his business or occu
pation, bis actual and precise place
of residence the country of his nativity,
and, if naturalized, the time, place and
court of naturalization. Other minor
details are prescribed for such persons
as are not the heads or proprietors of
the houses where they live.
What Was the Majority.
Justice Filloon has a case on hand
that, promises to settle the question
as to McKinley's majority in this state.
Mr. Silas Osborne backed his political
belief with a wager in the sum of $20,
that McKinley would not carry this
state by more than 2,000 majority, and
I the money was placed in the hands of
city. Mr. Harlan is a bright newspaper . , .. ., rr- i j-j .
r - , , , e . H .! borne claims that McKinloy did not
carry the state by 2,000, but by only
writer, who was formerly city editor of
The Dalles Chronicle, having severed
his connection with that paper on No
vember 1st. He will be in the city sev
eral days introducing a valuable educa
tional device. East Oregonian.
Christmas for the Poor.
about 1,974 votes. Baker, owing to the
dispute, refuses to turn the money over,
and so Osborne brings suit to have his
$20 returned to him. '
Brave and Brilliant Officer and
Thorough Patriot.
Antonio Maceo was, without question,
the most brilliant figure of the present
revolution in Cnba. He effected a land
ing at Certe de Barancoa on March Slet.
With him were Flor Crombet and a
number of persons. Maceo bad been a
member of General Gomez' staff during
the ten years' war, from 1868 to 1878,
and 'commanded large bodies of troops
in the province of Santiago de Cuba, in
which province bis family had lived,
and where he owned a large plantation.
After the ten years' war Maceo traveled
in Central America, attempting to raise
a large force to invade- Cuba, and con
test tha sovereignty of Spain.
In 1886 be went to Hayti to try to get
assistance for an invasion of Cuba, but
he was driven out, and lived for a long
time in retirement in Jamaica, and after
that he reurned to Cuba and lived very
quietly n his plantation in tbe eastern
province, where he was very popular.
In 1890 be was driven out of Cuba and
went to New York. At the time of tbe
present outbreak he was in Florida, and
he joined a large expedition which Bet
out from Fort Li Dion in 1892 on tbe
steamer Adirondack. A Spanish man-of-war
pursued the steamer for eight
hours, and at last tke leaders were com
pelled to land on Fortune island,' one of
the West Indies. Thence Maceo and
the other leaders made their way to
Cuba. On the great raid across tbe isl
and in 1895 Maceo was Gomez' chief
coadjutor, and . when Captain-General
Campos had finally receded with his
headquarters to Havana, Maceo led a
daring raid into the fertile province of
Pinar del Bio, where he devastated the
great tobacco district and raised the
whole province in revolt against Spain.
There he has been ever since, with the
Spanish authority in the province prac
tically overturned.-'
Time and again reports have been re
ceived from Cuba of his death in action
or his suicide, always to 'be refuted by
his later activity.
- There is no doubt that many people
will doubt the authenticity of tbe report
now received of his death, though no
previous report has given such exact de
tails of the circumstances of his death
and the fact of identification.
ceived 343,267 immigrants from all
countries, among them 2,067 from
Portugal, with a percentage of 77.99 il
literates, 57,515 Italians, .with 57.51 per
cent illiterates, 25,334 from Germany,
with 2.96 per cent and 18,821 from
Sweden with 1.16 per cent illiterates.
Tbe postal department earned $82,499,
208 and it ost to run it $90,626,286.
The total expenditures on the pension
account were $142,206,550, total number
of pensioners 970,68. The cost of pen
sions is just about one-third of the en
tire expense of running the government.
We have still left exclusive of Alaska
600,000,000 acres of public' lands of tbe
original 1,840,000,000 owned by the gov
Birthday Party.
On last
dence of
scene of
Figures From the Message.
The Salvation Army is beginning ex
tensive preparations for their annual
celebration of Christmas - for the poor.
They proposed make this year's festiv
ities of the same practical nature as for
merly finding and supplying the actual
needs of those to be assisted. To do
this they now make their annual appeal
to the citizens of The Dalles, first for in
formation concerning families needing
help, either in the city or surrounding
vicinity ; and next in the donation of
any and everything that can be used to
Wedding Bells.
Mr. Geo. H. Teackel" and Bertha
fincn were united in marriage by l?ev.
Jason B. Gorbam, at .the home
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marc
Fincb, in this city, on the evenin
8th inst. It was the occasion of
pleasant gathering of about fort
and all passed off to the apparebt satis
faction of those present. - Mention must
be made of excellent music furnished
and led by Messrs. E. Cooley aid Henry
Bowman, together with refreshments
served, and the bestowment of wedding
presents. , I
of the
gof the
a very
The president's . message . furnishes
e figures, and these in turn furnish
food for reflection. Of the precious
metals the United States produced- for
the vear ending 'June 30, , 1896, gold
2,254,760 fine ounces worth $46,610,000,
silver 55,727.000 ounces worth commer
cially36,445,000 and of coinage value of
$72,051,000 or in both , metals about
$1,50 per capita.. We imported products
of the value of $779,725,240, and ex
ported at the same time $882,606,938.
We manufactured 88,588,703 gallons of
distilled spirits exclusive of fruit bran
dies, or about five quarts for. every man,'
woman and child, and 35,809,250 barrels
of beer, or half a barrel apiece. We re-
Saturday afternopn the resi
Hon. E. O. McCoy was the
one of the most delightful
gatherings of little folks Ahat has taken
place this winter, the occasion being
the 11th anniversary ,of the birth of
Miss Ella McCoy. Written invitations
were sent out to the numerous friends of
tbe young lady, which were unani
mously accepted. After some time had
been spent in enjoyment of various chil
dren's games, a dainty but bountiful
lunch was served, to which all did ample
justice and at 5 o'clock the little guests
returned to their homes with happy
hearts and wishing that Elljf'a birthday
would come oftener. Among those
present were:
, Ella McCoy. Lena Moore, Helen
Lytle, Winifred Wilson, Hazel Hunt
ington, Hazel Herbert, Joyce Herbert,
Constance French, Marfearet Whealdon,
Lela and Lota KelsaV, Vina Neilsen,
Nina Guthrie, Bertha. Steers, Parcel Mc
Coy and Hnntirjgton.
Pease & Mays' are showing in their
center window a beautiful line of men's
soft bats and Fedoras in browns, tans,
elates and blacks, op-to-date styles.
Regular price, $2, $2.50 and $3. Your
pick of the lot for $1. 8-12
Do not fail to call on Dr. Lannerberg,
tbe eye specialist, and have your eyes
examined free of charge. If you suffer
with headache or nervousness you un
doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if
corrected, will benefit vou for life.
Office in the"Vbgt block. "
50e a Psl'hp,
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
School Books
Jacobson Book & Music Go.
No. 174 Second Street,
New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
Successor to Cbrisman & Corson.
i Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to
see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town.
We have strictly First-class
Phone 25.