The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 09, 1896, Image 1

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NO 287
Maceo's Life at Last Offered
Up for Cnba Libre.
The Spaniards Are Encouraged,
Well They May Be, at Thin Un
expected Tarn.
Havana, Dec. 8. It is stated in most
positive terms by the Spanish authori
ties that Antonio Maceo, the 'great in
surgent leader, and the heart and soul
of the Cuban cause has been killed in
Havana province, after having effected
the passage of the western trocba, near
Mariel, at its northern extremity. With
Maceo died the youth Francisco Gomez,
eon of Maximo Gomez, who accompanied
the mulatto general on his passage of
the tiocha. Most explicit details of the
findine of the corpse of the fallen leader
of . the Cubans, and of the facts relied
upon for the Identification, are at hand
through the report of the Spanish com
mander, Major Cirujada, who contested
the passage of the trocha unsuccessfully
on December 4th (last Friday, with
Maceo, and who sustained another con
flict yesterday with the forces under the
insurgent leader.
It was in a rennoissance, after the lat
ter engagement, that the Spaniards
found the two corpses, not separated in
death, which they identified as those of
Antonio Maceo and Francisco Gomez.
The authorities now permit the publi
cation of Major Cirujada's report of the
engagement with Maceo, on December
4, when he forced the trocha, and which
was a fearful combat. This is the first
official admission that Maceo brought
with him across the trocha a consider
ably equipped following, and fought a
hot engagement to effect his passage.
After the Cubans had passed into Ha
vana province the Spanish commander
effected a fresh concentration in that
province "and awaited the arrival of
Maceo. He had received a confidential
information of the proposed movements
of the Cubans, and arranged his forces
accordingly. He bad, in addition, re
ceived a detailed description of the
horse Maceo was to ride, as well as of
The expected battle occurred yester-:
day, but no details of the engagement
are given for pnblication here.
After the fight, the Spanish troops
mads a . reconnoissance of the ground
previously held by the Cubans. Here
- were found the two corpses, lying to
gether, and, indeed, a.most looted in
the embrace of death. Tbe one body
was that of a mulatto, a stout man with
gray, crisp, curling hair, and the other
that of a slender, dark haired youth
Both men were dressed in white' linen
duck suits. When the linen was re
moved from the corpse of the elder of
the two it was found to have underneath
it a fine undershirt, with the initials
"A. M." upon it. The pair of black
silk socks on this body contained the
same initials, worked in red ink. There
was a gold ring on the finger containing
on the inner rim the engraved inscrip
tion :
"Antonio y Maria."
. A revolver, with an ivory handle and
marked, together with ' a small gold'
mounted telescope, was aiso loaaa. on
the body. The head of the younger
man's body was resting npon the-body
of the first. There were fonnd on it a
silver watch, an ammunition bag and
several handkerchiefs bearing the ini
tials, "F. G."
We can afford to say:
"Get every sort of Schil
ling's Best tea of your gro
cer, and get your money
back on what you don't
like." i , .
Your tea-trade for the rest
of your life is worth the risk
and there is no risk.
A Schilling & Company
San Francisca) , . 424
Absolutely Pure.
A cr-enrn of tartar baking powder. Highest of
all in leavenine strength. Latest United States
Government Food Report.
Royal Baking Powdbk Co.. New York
Sllrer Senator Kefose
to Attend the
Washington, Dec. 8. The most no
ticeable feature of the Republican sena
torial caucus today as seen from the out
side, was the absence of the men who
bolted the nomination of - McKinley be
cause of the gold-standard platform.
Those absent on this account were : Du
bois, Pettigrew, Mantle, Cannon, Squire
and Teller, All except Teller were in
the city and were invited to attend the
That their absent was intentional was
clearly shown by the following letter
read soon after the caucus was called to
order by Senator Sherman :
"Washington, D. C, Dec. 8. To
Hon. John Sherman, chairman of the
caucus of Republican senators Sir: I
herby respectfully present my resigna
tion as secretary of the caucus of Repub
lican senators. - I also resign my posi
tion as member and secretary of the Re
publican advisory or "steering" commit
tee of the senate. Very truly yours,
Fbeo T. Dubois.
Dabois' resignation was received with
out comment. On motion of Lodge, Wil
son, of Washington, was chosen secre
tary. Shonp was placed on the steering
committee in the place vacated by his
colleague. This committee was also en
larged by the addition of Hansbrougb,
of North Dakota.
The Dingley tariff bill was referred to
the steering committee, with instruc
tions to investigate as to the likelihood
of getting the bill through and devise
means to that end if possible. It was
the prevailing opinion that the beat
policy demanded the passage of the bill,
but the opinion seemed to be quite gen
eral that this was not within possibility.
Gear brought up the Pacific railroad
bill. It was referred to the steering
committee. After Lodge explained the
statns of the immigration bill, the can
cus also declared for an international
agreement on silver by agreeing to the
following resolution introduced Dy Wol
"Resolved, That a special committee
of five members of this caucus be ap
pointed to recommend some plan where'
by legislation may be had in this session
of congress looking to an international
conference with the leading commercial
nations of the world on the promotion of
It Will ba Skipped to Baltimore
Bhicago, Dec. 8. The Columbian lib
erty bell has finally been taken from its
resting place in Evanston and will prob
ably be shipped to Baltimore today
Workmen representing the McShane
Manufacturing Company, of Baltimore,
have loaded the bell on a heavy truck
ready to be hauled away.
George Knapp, who has acted as ensto
dian since 1893, has been holding it to
satisfy a claim of $6000 due him for
wages as custodian. The McShane
Manufacturing Company replevined the
bell and then failed to remove it. It
was levied npon by E. A. 8illigg, of
Chicago, to . satisfy claims against Mr.
rnapp ior rem one , seingg. a. receiver
was appointed and then discharged by
the court, the bell . going back into the
hands of the sheriff. Finally the Ma
Shane Company replevined from the
sheriff through the coroner. The bell
weighs 13,000 pounds.
A Child's Horrible Death.
San Francisco, Dec. 8. Eddie Mat
thews died last night of the result of
burns received in a fire at his home n
Sutter street. The latter has been ill
for some. time. A nurse has been' at
tending her and looking out for the two
children, Eddie and May. Yesterday
morning the children awoke and the
nnrse dressed them. Both were then
seated at the kitchen table to await their
morning meal. It was, still dark and
an oil lamp was 'standing lighted npon
the table. The mother.' called to the
nurse who responded to the sum
mons and then the accident occurred.
Eddie pulled at the table cloth, the lamp
fell upon his clothes and they were in
flames in a moment. They blazed np
and the poor child ran to his mother's
room. The sick woman got out' of her
bed and after a great effort extinguished
the flames, but her boy had been fear
fully burned abour the face, chest and
arms. " -
A Mlsaonrian Sent Abroad for an Inst ru
in lit witb Funny Eegalta
A musical instrument dealer tells a
good story tit the expense of a musically-inclined
and wealthy vcsitlent of ilx-i
little Missouri town of Hermann, says
the St. Ixiuis Globe-Democrat.- Some
time ago he wanted a tine zither and
searched the local market for one that
would suit him. .. The time he spent wa5s
of sufficient value to pay for an or
dinary instrument, and yet he did not
succeed in get-ting" anything that quite
satisfied him. Confident that there was
nothing ?n this country that would an
swer, he wrote to European, dealers,
and finally ordered one that he thought
would, go ahead of anything ever neen
in this section. N
His friends were all posted and await
ed the . arrival of the instrument in
anxjons expectancy. It came a few
days ago. and the package was careful
ly opened in the presence of half a-dozen
admiring friends. The zither (was a
beauty, there was no mistaking that,
but on a closer examination there was
the maker's stamp indelibly placed on
the frame, and it read: "YY a-slnngton.
Mo., TJ. S. A..' a neighboring town of
Hermann. - The gentleman might have
saved $50, in -addition to the express
and imjjort charges, and have avoided
nil the waiting -which he had to en
dure. Hut he would never have been
sat isfied.
The zither is an expensive instrument
und difficult to manufacture, being very
delicate and requiring th'i best of ma
terial and most skillful of workmen.
but dealers snv it is a fact that the mau-
ufacturers. of this country make the
best ones .placed on t he market. There
are but'tliree factories in this country,
one in this state and two in the east.
Their instruments are largely sold in
Europe, some of them without being
branded, and then sent back to this
country .at prices 100 per cent. abov
what they should be. The ocean trips
may improve them, but the Hermann
gentleman cannot see just where it
comes in.
Klectrfc Bitters.
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited
for any season, but perhaps more gener
ally needed when the languid, exhausted
feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid
and sluggish and the need of a tonic and
and alterative is felt. A prompt use of
this medicine has often averted long and
perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medi
cine will act more surely counteracting
and freeing the system from the malar
ial poison. Headache, Indigestion, Con'
stipation, Dizziness yield to Electric Bit
tere. ouc and zi.UU per bottle at lilake-
ley & Houghton's drug store.
Bneklen't Anno Salrt.
I lie best salve in tne world for cuts J
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale Dy Blakeley and
Houghton, druggists.
You'll be surprised when you try Hoe
Cake soap, and wish we bad told . you
sooner. It is made by patented process.-
Office next door to the First National Bank,
The Dalles, Oregon. . novl9
IalIea-Moro Stage
Leaves the Umatilla house 8 a. m
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. :
- 1 " Douglas Allien, Prop.
. 2 : ; - ' SUIT. ' - P ' SUIT. ' J
- All Wool, Black Glay Worsted, I Hit fe ' " ' Color warranted a permanent x
1 'in Round and Straight-Cut f j jf Black. Workmanship and
2 Sacks or 3-button Frocks, ',' Mi f nt guaranteed.' The 'best
m , . , ISi Suits ever offered at the Z
L as shown in cut. . yTW n ri i i 9
J v price in Black Goods. L
9 Just received another lot of the popular 6
9 T1 1 T TA r ' l., ' 2
I At the Popular Price of $10.00. 2
Hands and Limbs Covered with
Blisters, and Great
i Red Blotches.
Lay Awake Night after Night
Scratching Until almost Wild.
Speedily Cured by
I wan si sufferer for eight years from that
most distressing of all diseases, Eczema, but
can now say truthfully that I aui entirely
cured. I tried 'some of the best hvsicians
in the country, but they did ine ltttie good.
The palms of my hands were covered, and
would become inflamed; little white blisters
at first would appear, then tiiey would eel
off, leaving a red, smooth surface which would
burn like fire and itch ; well, there is no name
for it. On the inside of the tipper part of
both my limbs, screat red blotches not unlike
hives would appear, and as soon as 1 became
warm, the burning and itching would begin.
Night after night I would lie awake all night
ana scratch, and almost go wild. I beard of
Cuticura remedies, got a box of Cutiocba
(ointment), a bottle of Ccticuua Resolvent
(blood purifier), and gave them a thorough
trial, and after a few applications I noticed
the redness and inflammation disappear; be-,
for I had undone box there tea not n i.;yn of
Eczema left. I can truthfully ae sen tl-M J.OO
worth of Cutiouba Remedies cured me. Any
one I meet who has Eczema, 1 do not hesitate
a moment in recommendinir vonr remedies.
Gen'l Heal Estate and Insurance Broker,
1U5 Carson St., Pittsburg, Ia-
Bpef.dt Cure TniiTntnt. Warm baths
with Citicura Soap, gentle applications of
Cuticura (ointment), and mild doses of Ccrz.
ccttA Resolvent (blood purifier).
" So' thr.iurhout th world. Pottkb Dkca ft Caul
.Coup.. Sole Proprietors, Ronton. V. S A.
A All about th Blood, Skin and Scalp," arc.
Itotainc and Blind, Bleeding or Procrodlor Pile rlald mi. mmT.
1-M AH'KU'X Baf t- M sV D
Y. Sum uch-
;nft, absorb tumors. A positive ure. Circular e
Ma. Urucfitu r mail.
Harry Liebe,
. -
'."','. ' .'
Watchmaker? Jeweler
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
When yog wmt to bay
Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat,
Rolled Barley .Whole Barley,
Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts,
Or anything in the Feed Line, go to the
Oar prices are low and our goods are firet-claes.
Agents for the celebrated WAISTBURG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR.
Highest cash price paid for WHEAT. OATS and BARLEY.
Kill or catch those Flies
Only 5c a Double Sheet at
Donnells Drugstore.
33 . TV.
And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in - ,
- PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None bnt the best brands
of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS used in all onr work, and none but tha
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Maanry Liquid Paints. No chem
icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders
promptly attended to. . --
Store and Faint Shou oorner Third and Washington Sts The Dalles. 0re06
Lumber, Building- Material and Boxes
Traded for Hav. Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c.
The Dalles, Oregon