The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 07, 1896, Image 1

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    VOL. IX
NO 285
Cubans Dislodged After a
Terrible Battle.
Oremt Activity at the Navy-Yard
in Philadelphia Spaniard
At Cneafty. '
Key West, Dec. 5. A most import
ant and terrible battle is reported in a
private letter to have occurred at
Palacios, in the - province of Pinar del
Rio. It ia said that great forces of in
surgents, strongly' fortified at Torro
Heights, were attacked by a Spanish
column. Fierce fighting, cannonading
and musketry, continued all day, the in
surgents bravely defending their strong
bold. The troops wqre' unable to cap
ture the fortifications that day, and both
sides sustained a great loss. The next
day, the Spanish columns were rein
forced by General Ynclau, who renewed
the attack. The troops were determined
to take the stronghold, and, simultane
ously advanced on the fortifications.
The insurgents were finally "dislodged
from their position, their loss being fully
200. It is said the Spanish troops lost
The steamer Triton, which was ex
pected to leave today, was hurriedly
dispatched yesterday to Bahia Honda.
On this acconnt, many believe the re
ports widely circulated to the effect that
sounds of musketry and artillery were
beard in that vicinity. In official cir
cles, it is claimed that no news of an en
gagement has been received.
Reports from all parts- of Pinar del
Rio indicate that great mortality fol
lowed the recent epidemics, which are
spreading throughout that section. Of
all the diseases epidemic in nature,
cholera seems to be the only one which
has not visited that section.
Colonel Aldea recently had a fight
with the rebel leaders at Perico. The
loss of the insurgents at tbe present
writing is unknown. Two officers and
thirty-six privates connected with the
Spanish forces were wounded.'
The insurgents near Baracoa succeeded
in capturing the piledriver Provenir and
four of her crew. This boat was loaded
with groceries destined for the troops at
Vessel's bay.
Tbe recent report of the attack of the
insurgents upon Guanabacoa is eald to
have been a false alarm.
Broke Through the Xrocha.
Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 5. A Citi
, zen special from Key West says : .
A Spanish officer who passed through
on the Olivette tonigdt reports that Gen
eral Maceo, with a band of 600 men, suc
ceeded in breaking through tbe trocha,
and will meet General Gomez in Havana
province. Maceo left General Rio Ri
vera in charge of bis forces in Pinar del
Rio province. . Maceo goes to get the as
sistance of Gomez to help the insurgent
army in Pinar del Eio. ' ' '
From passengers on the Olivette, de
tails of tbe successful raid of the insur
gents on Gnanabaco, - across the bay
from Havana, were received. The raid
took place on Tuesday night, and the
Spanish outposts near Havana and Mar
ino have been attacked nightly since.
The greatest excitement still exists in
Havana, and in tbe suburbs of the city.
In Tcesday's raid, the insurgents cap
tured a large number of pack mules and
a dozen horses, and a large "quantity of
"munitions of war. About 45 houses
were burned. The commander has been
severely reprimanded for his ' feeble
resistance. Hundreds ot families are
leaving Gnanabaca for Havana. .
' , The Bennington. Hlislon.
San Fbancisco, Dec. 5. The United
States steamer Bennington is preparing
to sail for Salvador. Her mission is one
of survev of the coast near the mouth of
Tea sold loose gets stale.
Schilling 's Best is in air
tight packages- money
back tea at grocers'.
A Schilling & Company
. Su Knocisco 422
j iiiiy!j
A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of
all In leavening strength. Latest United States
Government Food Report.
Royai. Baking Powder Co.. New York
the Choletuca riyer, with the yiew of
the construction near there of a sea pier
and docks by a San Francisco commer
cial company. The Bennigton'a officers
expect to spend the next four months in
the ceaselesB roll that is found near the
coast by all shipping going to Central
American ports, where the breakers will
not permit of an anchorage near shore.
Maceo How Baa the Spaniard Where He
Wants Blm.
Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 6. A Citizen
special from Key West says :
i The steamer Whitney brought Hava
na news this morning in relation to Ma
ceo and Weyler. Passengers state that
Weyler himself is now encamped 10
miles from Artemisa, and bis army is
scattered along the trocha. and tjrongh
the Pinar del Rio district. When Ma
ceo retreated from Weyler in -his first
campaign, his plan was to surprise Wey
ler at the first opportunity, and now Ma
ceo has his army on either side of Wey
ler and they are having daily skirmishes.
Weyler is completely surrounded, and
if be shall attempt to move he will be
compelled to go to Artemisa. Small
bands have croseed the trocha into Ha
vana, district, and are attacking the out
posts and villages of that province.
Insurgents numbering 7000 are en
camped in Havana province, 20 miles
from Havana, and will go to Maceo's as
sistance when needed.
Spies in Havana are keeping the in
surgents posted as to tbe movements of
the Spanish troops. A mevement is on
foot to capture Weyler if he shall at
tempt to go to Havana by rail. Fire
men and volunteers in Havana are be
ing s?nt to Weyler's relief. Heretofore,
tbeBe troops were used in the defense of
the city. .
Since Tuesday's raid on Guanabacoa,
the city has been attacked almost every
night, and Thursday nigbt, 250 Cuban
cavalry rode for two hours throughout
the city. The damage done amounts to
37 bouses burned and a large quantity of
supplies and ammunition seized. A
large number of mules loaded and ready
to leave the city were also taken'.
Case Will Be Taken Before the Supreme
Court Immediately.
Washington, Dec. 5. District Attor
ney Birney was informed today by Mr.
Wilson, of counsel for Elverton Chap
man, convicted of refusing , to answer
certain inquiries by the senate sugar
trust - investigation oommittee, that
Chapman will surrender himself to the
custody of the marshal ' of tbe District
of Columbia early next week Tuesday,
Mr. Birney thinks, but not later than
Wednesday- in any event, he was in
formed. Immediately after the surren
der of Mr. Chapman be will apply to
one of the justices of the United States
supreme court for his discharge through
habeas corpus proceedings. Mr. 'Chap
man will submit that the statute under
which be was convicted is unconstitu
tional, and in that way his counsel
hopes to have the supreme court'pass
upon the question. His rase is a test
one, on which prosecution of tbe other
witnesses will depend. ' .
Oar Delegation
A free on a
Washington, Dec. 5. Senator Mc
Bride and Representative Hermann " ar
rived from Canton "today,.-; Representa
tive Ellis has beeh here a day or two.
Senator' Mitchell will be-here Monday
morning. It is possible Oregon may be
considered for a cabinet position, and
when tbe delegation meets an effort will
be made to agree upon a man. The on
ly trouble seems to be that whoever is
presented will meet with opposition at
home. California ia torn up by faction
al fights, and will not get ' a cabinet
place. The chances are against the Pa
cific coast getting representation because
of the lack of harmony in the Repub
lican states. McKinley spoke very kind
ly of Oregon when the delegation visited i
him at Canton. . He said he remembered
that'Oregon, in two national conven
tions, was for him when be bad ' no op
portunity of being -nominated, and bad
always been loyal to him. :
Bliss and Fayne Said
Slated for Positions.
to Be
Washington, Dec? 5. The arrival of
many prominent Republicans in the
city, many ot whom have recently been
at Canton, has caused an unusual
amount of cabinet talk, some of which
assumed qnite definite character today.
One senator, who is high in the coun
cils of his party, stated that three posi
tions seemed to be well Bettled, and that
Dingley of Maine, now chairman of tbe
ways and means committee, seemed to
be slated for the secretary of the , treas
ury. Mr. Dingley, it was said, has the
matter onder consideration. The other
two men who are considered quite sure
of cabinet places were Cornelius N.
Bliss, of New York, for secretary of the
navy, and Henry C. Payne, of Wiscon
sin, for poslma&t-general of eecretary of
the interior.
Fighting In Havana's Suburb.
Jacksonville, Fla., Dec' 6. Sharp
firing has been heard again today in Ha
vana from the neighborhood of Guanaba
coa and other suburbs of that section,
and all Havana is excited over' the oc
currence. Over 500 refugees have passed into
tbe city during the past five days from
that section, fearing their lives during
tbe fights between the ' soldiers and in
surgents.. ,
Nearly all the Havana volunteers have
gone to the front, but as fast as they re
move the gaeirillas in one place, they
encounter them in another, making a
succession of running fights all within
five' to ten milea of the city. About 100
soldiers have been killed or wounded so
far in these engagements.
Changes In the Navy. -
Washington, Dec. - 5. Captain Chas.
D. Evans has been relieved of the com
mand of the battle-ehip Indiana and or
dered to Washington as a member of the
fighthonse board. Captain H. C. Tay
lor has been detached from the naval
war college and ordered to, command tbe
Indiana. Commander J. McGowan has
been ordered to command the naval
training station at Newport in place of
Commander F. W. Dickins, who is or
dered to Washington as assistant to tbe
chief of the navigation bureau. .
Launch, of New Onnhoats.
Bath, Me., Dec. 5. The gunboats
Vickaburg and Newport were launched
from the yards of the Bath iron works
this afternoon before an immense crowd.
The Vicksburg went into the" water at
12 :25 o'clock. The Newport followed 20
minutes later. The launch ings were
successful in every respect.
.'The Ideal Panacea.
Jamea L. Francis, Alderman, Chicago,
says: "I regard Dr. King's New Dis
covery as an Ideal Panacea for, coughs,
colds and Lung Complaints, having used
it in my family for the last five years,
to the exclusion of physician's prescrip
tions or other preparations.''
Rev John Burgos, Keokuk, Iowa,
writes : "I have been a Minister of the
Methodist Episcopal church for 50 years
or more, and have never found anything
so beneficial, or that gave me such speedy
relief as Dr. King's New Discovery."
Try this Ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial
bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's,
Drng Store. - . - .
... . Bucklen's Armca salve.
The best salve in the world for cute,
braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevex
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all akin eruption?, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per ' box. For sale Dy Blakeley and
Honchton, dmiczists.
You'll be surprised when you try Hoe
Cake soap, and wish we bad told yon
sooner. It is made by patented pro-;
cess. ' . . ' jly24-ii
i ' ' ' ' - ' 1 -
'W Z -r-11.: I LJ n W I J I f I 7V I S
? -TTTRTP T?Tr,.mr.TT7'Tr.-n r- .tttt t? th riTr,TT7"Tr,"n z
a rjT . : if
S All "Wool, Black Clay Worsted, rln nl'' Color warranted a permanent Z
8' in Round and Straight-Cut 'Kj . Blackv Workmanship and Z
? Sacks or 3-button Frocks, 'J fit guaranteed. The . best
9 -a, . - mi W sits ever offered at the Z
L as shown in cut. fmk X ri , ' 9
U ',t price in Black Goods. Z
9 Just received, another lot of the popular 1
2 Black Beaver Dress Overcoats 1
9 . At the' Popular Price of $10.00. 2
1 il. Itfl. WIIiIiIAMS S CO. 1
Hands and Limbs Covered jvith
Blisters, and Great
. Red Blotches.
Layv Awake Night after Night
Scratching Until almost Wild.
burhedTike FIRE
Speedily Cured by
I was a sufferer for elpht years from that
most distressing of all diseases, Eczema, but
can now say truthfully that I am entirely
cured. I tried some of the best physician
in the country, but they did me little good.
The palms of my hands were covered, anil
would become inflamed; little white blisters
at tirst would appear, tlieti they wotdd peel
off, leaving a red, smooth surface which would
burn like Ore and itch ; well, there is no name
for it. On the inside of the upper part of
both my limbs, great red blolclirs not unlike
hives wottld apiear, and as soon as I became
warm, the burning and itching would begin.
Night after night I would lie awake all night
and scratch, and almost go wild. I heard of
Cuticura remedies, got a box of Cutiouba
(ointment), a bottle of Cirrtoi'BA Bksoivext
(blood purifier), and gave them a thorough
trial, and after a few application noticed
' the redness and inflammation disappear: be
fore 1 had used one box there von nut r alyn oj
Eczevia left. I can truthfully asser; t-ai 2.00
worth of CuncoB t Remedies cured me. Any
one 1 meet who has Kczema, 1 do not hesitate
a moment in recommending vonr remedies.
Gen'l Real Estate anil Insurance ISroker,
1U Carson St., Pittsburg, l'a..
Spkedt Curb Tkbatmext. Warm baths
with Cctxcora 8oaf, gentle applications of
.Coticuka (ointront), and mild doees of CCTi
cda. Resolvent (blood pnriner).
: So'd throarhout the wnrlit. PoTTrK Dkuo Cbem
Corp., Sole Proprlftor. BMton. U. 8 A.
All about the Bloat, Skin and Seelp," free.
Harry Liebe,
Watchmaker? Jeweler
All work promptly attended to, .
aud warranted.
ItehiDg and Blind, Bleedlac or ProtradlDg Plica yUlA at outm ta
iu((ftbMrM iMiuorii. A positive eyre. Circuiara ot fr. -priM
torn. . DrtiHittrmlK OiC AHFAAJukUt fkU, Fju
When you iaaDt to bay
Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat,
Rolled Barley, Whole Barley,
Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts,
Or anything in the Feed Line, go to the
Our prices are low and oar goods are fint-caee.
Afrents for the celebrated WAISTBURG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR.
Highest cash price paid for WHEAT. OATS and BARLEY.
Kill or catch those Flies
Only 5c a Double Sheet at
Donneirs Drugstore.
And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in . -
PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None bnt the best brands
of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS used in all oar work, and none bat tb
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masnry Liquid Paints. No chem
icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders
promptly attended to. . . . ; .
Store and Faint Shou corner Third and Washington Sts.. The Dalles. Oreoi
Lumber, Building"
Traded for Ha,y Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c.
Material and Boxes
The Dalles, Oregon