CM O o 3 I 9 o 9- 9 SPECIALTIES POR THIS WEEK. Ladies' Fine-ribbed; Fleece-lined Underwear, Vests and Pants to match . 50c per piece Children's Heavy Wool Bicycle Hose, ' Just the thing for cold weather :. 20c and 35o pair Ladies' All Wool Hose, plain and fine ribbedr Extra good quality 25c per pair Ladies' Ostrich Ruffs, fine quality, I;' Black only .. . a $1.75 each Gentlemen's Extra. Heavy Ribbed Underwear, . . ' Fleece Back, special value ....$1.00 per suit Gentlemen's Heavy Overshirts, Extra value . ...... ... ...... .....:75c, $1.00, $125 and $1.50 Gentlemen's Heavy Sanitary Wool, Finest Australian double carded $1.50 psr pair Gentlemen's Outing, Flannel Nightshirts , ' . . Something to keep you warm.... $1.25 each PEASE & MAYS o -V 3 Ralston Koffy, Pan Kake Flour, - ' ' Grano and Breakfast Food, All-Steel s' - - . Clamp Skates, 50e a Pair. -AT MAIER & BENTON The Dalles. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. MAYS & CROWE. Kememoer We have strictly First-class FIR, OAK and , MAPLE WOOD To sell at LOWEST MARKET RATES. Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO i Ths Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATUBDAY. DEC. 5, 1896 , Weather jroiecas. - ' . Portland, lieo. 5, 1896. . "ob Eabtbkn Oregon Tonight and tomoriow occasional rain. , ' Pagub. Observer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS., Kandom Obtervationi and Local Event! of Letser Ha(nitade. Frank Heater today paid -bis fijje of fifty dollars, and was released from cus ' today. The Elks are requested to meet to night at 7 :30 for the purpose of prepar . ing for memorial services tomorrow, There will be no .evening 'service at the Congregational church tomorrow, that the congregation may have the op portunity of hearing Bishop Cranston at the Methodist church. The Si Perkins Company will not ap . pear here tonight, owing to being caught in a washout near Colfax. The com pany will be here later, and due notice - will be given of the time. Bishop Cranston of Portland, Or,, resident' bishop of the M. E. cbnrcb for the Pacific. Northwest, will preach to morrow atll a. jm. and 7:30 p. m. at the i M. E. church. " Ever v bod V cordiallv in- yited to attend. The steamer Regulator cams up from Portland today and .took, the freight .' from the Dalles City. As soon as the ice gorge goes out, she will be put on the V route again, making the round trip every two days. . ' The memorial services of the B. P. O, 'Elks will be held in tketnew K. of P. hall Snnday, and invitatKMts are now . out for it. Hon. John Michell will re cite "Thanatopsis," and Judge Brad ' sbaw and Mr. F W. Wilson will deliver eulogies on the departed brethren of the order. " At the Christian church, corner of Ninth and Court streets, Rev. A. D, Bkaggs, pastor, Services morning and evening. Snnday school at 10 a. m Christian Endeavor at 6 :30 p. m. Sub ject for morning discourse, "Mi-sions ;" evening subject, "The Proper . Division of the Bible." ' All are cordially invited. for that matter, in a single fishing sea son. . The government must have the lands and it should pay for them, just 'what they are worth, and no more, and this question is the 'knotty one the jury is called upon to decide, the only dispute being as to' the value. Anyone who knows the vagaries of the salmon fishing business knows that a good, point for a wheel, in a good season - is of immense value, and a single wheel has canght fish in a single season, equaling in value, the entire amount awarded. Mr. Senfert by the former jury as damages. The suit will probably last until' next Wednes day. - , - - JIM LANGILLE AND . THE MULE. Jim Fed Blm . Bisnop Cranston. A. rare treat will be afforded the peo ple of The Dalles in the coming of Bish op Cranston to our city today. He is resident bishop of the Methodist Epis copal church for the Northwest. The bishop is a native of Ohio, educated in the Ohio, university. The president of this ecbool paid him the distinguishing compliment Of being the best all-around scholar ' that - bad been graduated from the institution in the twenty-five years of bis connection therewith as president. He left the university to enter the ser vice of bis country in the hour of ber great peril.' - As pastor be became widely and favor ably known. As presiding elder in the Colorado conference be made for him self a most extraordinary reputation for administrative ability and executive force. Twelve years as agent of the Western Publishing Honse of Cincin nati he achieved a reputation never ear passed, if equalled, in the history of church work in this department. His extensive experience in business circles, thorough acquaintance with this western country and rare executive ability, most thoroughly fit him to meet the perplex ing problems of Jhese times. As a preacher he is clear, logical and eloquent. His lectures are bighlv pop ular and sparkle with witticisms and gems of truth. None should miss the opportunity of hearing him tomorrow. Officers Elected. The subjects of this sketch, while not occupying equal prominence, therein, had several traits in common. Langille and the mule were about the same age, if anything the mule having precedence on that score, while Jim averaged up on the mole in obstinacy. However com parisons are odious, and we refrain from pointing out the other points of similar ity and lines of divergence and proceed to our tale. The mule is or was a venerable and noble specimen of bis' race, bnt in this be bad no advantage of Jim, with a fine pedigree on the distaff side of his honse. He crossed the plains in 1847, coming where lots of good people come from Pike county, Missouri, settled in Wash ington county and finally became the property of John Divers of Hood River. In the early days of Hood River, be was used as a pack mule, and no bunt ing party whs complete without him. He would patiently . accompany bis master to the mountains, and' with a bear or- deer, strapped on his faitkful back, con Id be turned loose to carry bis load home at his own pleasure, and he never betrayed the trust reposed n bim, but always arrived with his A. Question of Damage. Thejury in the-case of the United States against Senfert visited the land proposed to be condemned this morning and left for . Portland on the local this afternoon. If ever" twelve men had a difficult job those composing that jury have. It is almost an impossibility for any man or set of men to form any cor rect estimate of the value of (the lands, as that value is derived from their ripa rian character, and consists in the rights of fishing pertaining to them. Mr. Seu fert's own estimate would ot course be, or at least should be, the most nearly correct that could be - made, for be, bet ter than anyone, knows what the fishing privileges are worth. No one else can know without making a much more close and critical study of their values than .can ' be done in a single visit, or, At the regular meeting of Court The Dalles, No. 12, F. of A., last evening the following officers were elected tor the ensuing term : Otto Birgfeld, C. R, Beh Wilson, S. C. R. ; John Bradsley Treas. ; W. F. Grunow, F. S. ; Otis Sav age, R. S. ;' Albert Nelson, S. W. ; Cbas Johnson, J. "W. : L.O.. Hawri, S. B.; L Mayer, J. B.; F. W. L. Skibbe, V. H Koontz and Fred Furter, trustees ; Dr. O. C. Hollister, physician. , Kllea Knelt Yiw. Ouce, tlie Ever Ate., Last Heal Be . Mr. John G. Ritchie of New York is in the city, Beeiog what can be don towards arranging for the appearance of Miss Ellen Beach Yaw, the famous songstress. She appears at Walla Walla December 31st, and if satisfactory 'ar rangements can be made, will appear here tbe evening of the 30th.' Her fame is world wide, and Tbe 'Dalles cannot afford to let tbe opportunity of. bearing her pass - by. load. Time passed, and Divers sold tbe good old animal to a Mr. Prathar of Mosier. ' But bis usefulness was a thing of the past, the gray hairs gathered around bis kindly eyes, and tipped tbe points of his ever upright ears. Rheu matism racked bis frame, and ringbone and spavin, thorough-pin and string-halt one by one visited bim, and came to stay. At last broken and infirm of body the patient old animal was turned out, to seek for himself on tbe barren hillside the food bis gaunt frame conld no longer earn: In bis old age be realized man s inhumanity to mules, but uncomplain ingly ' browsed the sparse herbage, tbe bitter huckleberry brush and the grip ing fern, in the vain endeavor to support himself and keep bis backbone from ir ritating tbe hide-that covered his abdo men. . He lived a bard life it is true, but still be lived, until a week or ten days ago, when the deep snow covered the last vestige of . his larder, and tbe biting cold sent bim shivering, faint hearted and almost hopeless to 'his last resort, the haunts of men. He showed up at Hood River, seeking, hoping to violate the city ordinances forbidding bis presence, and longing for tbe borne comforts of the pound provided for tres passers of bis kind.-- But alas! It was a vain hope. The mule, like many an other would-be .criminal, found that there was no swift' desire to punish minor offenses against the law," when there was nothing in it for the officers. Langille saw . the mule, he noted bis patient bearing, his gray : hairs, . bis crippled limbs, his gaunt frame, his starved and shivering body, and bis big heart was moved to pity. He made re quest in words that tbe voiceless mule could only tell it. the mute and touching language of appearance to the city marshal that the mule be impounded. The marshal examined the mule and re fused to take him. He wasn't worth h'.s feed over night. Jim went to tbe city recorder, the recorder could do noth ing, and then Jim went to tbe barn and purchased an armful of hay for him. Then Jim tackled tbe mayor; he of course bad nothing to do with tbe matter and very properly referred bim to the city marshal. So from one to the other Jim appealed, but it was no use, nothing could be done to ease tbe declining days of the venerable relic. Hood River was not running a hospital for Mosier'a antiquated mnles, but the mule was there and refused to go away. Finally an Indian was hired to lead tbe poor, old animal "down to the sloughs and there extend to him the hospitable refuge of tbe grave. A bullet ended the business, and the faithful old' animal, whose many years had been spent in tbe gervic of bis master, found resting place at last upon the drifted snow banks, cold indeed, but not colder than the hearts of men. He was only an old mule, but be did bis life's woik uncomplainingly and well, to find at its end the usual reward of ingratitude on the part of those he served. He was only a kindly old mule. that was all, only an old, broken-down, useless mule, encumbering the earth, and an eyesore to his master. Only an old mule. How l.iuhlln Was Held Up. School Books C 1 ouppi les. Jacobson Book & Music Co. No. 174 Second Street, New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. GEORGE RUCH Successor to Chrisman & Corson. FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at tbe old stand. I would be pleased to see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. ' A gentleman visited our sanctum this morning and gives us the particulars of the holding up of B. F. Laughlin last night.: Mr. Laughlin was coming down from bis residence on tbe bluff, when he saw a broad shouldered man waiting by the side of tbe walk. He stopped to take observation and saw that tbe man 8pod there perfectly still, bis position being made yisible by the fact that he was smoking a cigar, the light of which conld he occasionally seen. Mr. Laughlrn did not like to be bluffed out so walked up to the lot king stranger and discov ered it was one of our new lamps. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. - Only thirty days in which to secure Herrin's unrivalled photos. Mrs. Her rin will leave The Dalles January 1st for a long visit in Southern Oregon, per haps to remain. You can secure bar gains now in all kinds of work dupli cates, cabinet,, polished, only $2- per dozen nntil Jan. 1, 1837. d2-lw Female Help Wanted. Wanted Red-beaded girl and white horse to deliver premiums given away with Hoe Cake Soap. ApplJ to any at noon at tf Hot clam broth every day Ad Kellar's. Tig Valley Roller Floor Hills, Tygh Valley Roller Flour Mills are running - full, time ' on No. 1 wheat. Flour equal to the best always on hand. Prices to suit the times. Aleo mill feed in quantities to snit. W. M. McCoekle & Son. aug8-6mw Proprietors. . . , Work Horses For sale, or will exchange for cows and calves. Time given on first-class-security. For particulars inquire of C. E. Bayard, The Dalles, Or., or Frank Watkins, at ranch on 15-Mile. 21-wlm IT onntf H. ROBERTS, CREAM Most Perfect Made. AO Years the Standard. - ATTORNEY -AT -LAW. COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. Office next dooivto tbe First National .Bank, Tbe Dalles, Oregon. novl9 Administrator's Sale. - Notice is berebv given that the undersigned, in pursuance of an order made by tbe Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, on tbe 2d day of November, 18!, will on Monday, tbe 28tb day ot December, 1896, upon tbe premises hereinafter described, sell to tbe high est bidder for cash in hand, tbe following de scribed real estate belonging to the etate of Mary M. Gordon, deceased, to wit: The south west quarter of section thirty-two in township four south of range thirteen east of the Willam ette meridian, in Wasco county, Oregon, con taining 160 acres. Dated this 25th day of November. 1896. ASA 8TOGSDILL, Administrator of tbe estate of Mary M. Gor don, deceased. nov2s-5t-i In Dr. Siddall's office, a gold pin. Owner can have same by calling at his office. There's no clay, floor,' starch or other worthless filling in "Hoe Cake" and no free alkali to burn the hands. jly24 ' Guardian's Sale of Real Estate. Notice is hereby given that the undersiamed, -guardian of tbe persona and estate of Alice Al mirit Udell snd William Howard Udell, minors, under and in a ordauce with an order of the , county court of the btate of Uiegcn, for Wasco Countv, heretofore made, wi 1 sell at public unc tion, for ea-o in band, on Uaturuay, tlie luth day of December, 1896. at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, at the couitbouse door in Dulles City, In Wasco Couuty. Oregou, all tbe real state be longing to the estate of said minors, to-wit: The southeest quarter of section thiity in township one north ruuge ten east Will imette Meridian, in Oregou, containing 160 acres. iialles City, Oregon, .Nov. 19 1896. WKOKUE UDELL, - nov21-ii ..- Guardian of said Minors.