cv Ths Dalles Daily Chroniel: TH K DALLES, OBIGUK Advertising Kates. " Per inch One inch or less in Daily i. $1 fiO. Over two inches and under four inches. . . 1 00 Over four inches and under twelve inches. . 75 Over twelve inches 50 DAILY iKD WEEKLY. One inch or less, per inch ......... 12. 50 Over one inch and under four inches 2 00 Over four inches and under twelve inches . . 1 50 Over twelve inches 1 00 PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. G. Blakerey went to Portland on the tnorrjkfH train. Miss Moody, w ho ha9 spent a week in this city, returned to Salem today. Mr. M. H. Nickelsen of Hood River ia in the city laying in a stock of Christmas goods. Miss Carj Ketch am has been spend ing a wejrtf at home, and returned to Portland today. Mr. Win. L. Clark ot Hood River is in the city, and made homestead entrymn a quarter section of land in that locality today. Mrs. J. H. Cradlebaugh went to Hood Kiver todav to remain during the winter Tiiis paper is now, in consequence, edited bv a graes-widower. BOHN. In this city, Dec. 3d, to the wife of M, Speichinger, a daughter. Advertised. Letters.' Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postoffice at The Dalles uc called for Dec. 5, 1896. , Persons call ing for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Agnew, Winfield S Allen, C A Ariiel, A J : Abbott, Olive Miss Bolton, Rose B Baker, Lee Backenptr. H Mrs Bunnell, J Mrs Burck, J Miss Brown. John ' Cripps, William Campbelll, .1 H Clark, Sadie Alias Campbell, W H Davis, D O Donohue, D Mrs Day 1, Geo Emerson, C W (2) Erens, M S Eastabrook, A P Fnhruman, W Miss Fisher, John Fliedley, A J Fell, M A F Friedlev, L E Miss Fox, John Gollifird, J N Gibson, Wm D Holt, CG HoctoriAC Howard.Frank Hall, J W Hailburt?, Aug Hauge, Knut Heisler, William Jones, J T (2) Johnson, A Mrs Kayser, C F Lone, Clatuild Mies Lietz, J A Lee, Frank Mcintosh, Wm McManus. Chae McRunnfll, S Mrs McMaster, J N Moore, M F Morev Frank E (2) Mayer, Lue Marh'aclr, A P Quinn, P S Smith, R T (3) Smith, J E Smith, Fred G Satercuhite, E Mrs Vaughn, John H . Vallett, M Williams, C F Willie, Andy Wood, JC ' Wood, Mary S Mrs J. A. Ckossen, P. M. FI.OIK MILLS TO SHUT DOIV.V. Bleb Railroad Rates Render the Bust nesa Unprofitable. Superiob. Wis., Dec. 3. All of the ten flour mills at the head of the lake are preparing for a shut-down, and within a week probably not a grinding wheei will be turning in Superior or Dulutta. The suspension of operations ii contemplated chiefly because of navi gation, but the falling off the flour mar ket is responsible to some extent for tho decision. The millers expect to remain idle about thirty days, in order to reduce stocks and secure railroad rates and then it is expected they will be able to run steadily nearly all winter. Went Over to the Insurgents. Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 3. A special from Key. West says: News has been received here that the troop of the Span ish garrison at San Jose de las Jasas, tweuty miles southeast of Havana, aban doned their posts and joined the iuBur gents. Many of the citizens accom panied the troops nnd carried ammuni tion with them.' ; The news caused great excitement at the palace, and fresh trosps were immediately sent to the pojt and order restored. Before the troops arrived anarchy reigned, and when the troops reached the city many residents were shot down in the streets. - Stands at the Bead. Aug. J. Bogel, the leading druggist of Shreveport, La.,, says: "Dr. King's New Discovery is the only thing that cures my cough, and it is the best seller I have." J. F. Campbell, ' merchant of Safford, Ariz., writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for it ; it never .fails, and is a sure cure for Con sumption, Coughs, and Colds. I cannot say enough for its merits." Dr. King's .New .'Discovery ' for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is not an experiment It has been tried for a qu.trter of a' cen tury, and today stands at the bead. It neTer disappoints. Free trial bottles at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. j- Bucklen'o Alines Salve. " ' .The best salve in the world for cuts braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei eoresVtetter, chapped bands, chilblains, eornB, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale Dy Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. NOTES ON DRESS. Fetching; Design Tnat the Early Autumn Has Revealed. . All the latest rocks have mediiim- bixml if not actually narrow sleeves. This is now a wc!l-"ccc0..;zert fact, the arnj beinj covurrcl with u t':y;h ting smooth or wrinkled sloovc, v,!:ii very short puff or drapery arrtiii!vit ;;1 the very top. It seems to be conceded that this sen- son any style whatever may be worn Louise XV., nenry Iv. Marie An toinette, 1830; in fact, anything thai suits the style and taste of the wearer. For this reason, doubtless, there seems to be no very marked change in the autumn growns. ..Nevertheless one can not be too sure, as the dressmakers are apt to reserve their surprises until later; and 'it is never safe to order gowns until some decided fashionable function, like the Horse Show, for in stance, has shown the tendency of the season. (There are certain indications, however that may be followed by those who desire to have a new hut not too ex pensive costume for the demi-seasou. Nearly all the street costumes are made with a jacket, either real or simulated, for where a tight-fitting: waist is pre ferred, basques are frequently sewed on to the bodice, the joining- being cov ered with the belt. Corselets, too, are. in great favor, and the bolero jacket seems to have taken a new lease of popularity, and, com bined with the, corselet or high-draped belt, iv ill be much worn this season. A vrry pretty green foulard covered with strange hieroglyphics in white, which are now so ropular, is made with a bolero cl-ghtly gathered at the neck, but otherwise fitting smooth! v over the bust and back. This is cut verv open and short, to show a draped belt of dark red satin, hooked together in front, with a couple of tiny ruffles of embroidered red chiffon edging to match. This at the top of the corselet- belt turns back on either side and edges a jabot of red chiffon, which is gathered full, and so graduated that the em broidered edge forms diamond-shaped graduated squares to the neck, this ar rangement filling the entire space left open by the bolero jacket. The sleeves are long and tight fitting, with a very short, full puff at the top. over which is gathered a drapery' of the silk lined with red silk to match the chiffon front The skirt is plain, lined with red taffeta, nna nnisnetl at the bottom with a couple of tiny ruffles, also lined with red. St. Louis Republic. Electric Bitters. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for' any season, but perhaps more gener ally needed when the languid, exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic and and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medi cine will act more surely counteracting and freeing the system from the malar ial poison. Headache, Indigestion, Con stipation, Dizzines.s yield to Electric Bit ters. 50c ann $1.U0 per bottle at ttlake ley & Houghton's drug store. Do not fail to call on . Dr. Lannerberg, the eye specialist, and have your eyes examined free of chance. If yoa suffer with headache or nervousness yoa un doubtedly Lave imperfect visjon that, if corrected, will benefit you for life, Office in the Vogt block. " Wanted. Two 'bright lady representatives, tor light, refined work. Good pay and good position open, if successful. Call at room 4, Umatla house, from 5 to 8 P- n. i ' No more BOILS, no more PIMPLES Use Kiner6ly'e Iron Tonic. The Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. Telephone No. 3. Save the wrappers Hoe Cake Soap wrappers are worth a cent apiece. Ask Pease & Mays for premium book. jly24- Clark, the East End jeweler, makes a specialty of fine watch repairing. VCall and see him. . Money loaned on personal security, or real etate near the city. Inquire of Joel G." Koontz. nov!8-dlm- Notice of Final Sett lenient. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, the duly appointed, quahfl d and acting admin istrate of tbe estate of Anns Francis Carlson, deceased, has filed bis final account and report in said estate, and tal Monday, the 4th day of January, 1S97, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the County Court room of the County Court House in Dalles City, Wasco County, Ore gon, has been fixed and appointed by the Hon orable County court as the time and place for hearing said final account and report. All per sons are hereby notified and requir-d to ap ear at said time and place and show cause, if any there be why an order of this Court should not be made approving stid final account and dis charging the said administrator from further acting und-r said trust and exonerating his bondsmen from f urthi r liability thereunder. Dated this 23d dav of November, 1896. n2V5t-i . ' FRANK MENEFEE, Administrator of the Estate oi Anna Fiancis Carlson, Deceased. - NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Kotlc" is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of the estate of Theodore von Bor stel, deceased, has filed bis final account as such administrator, and that the 5th day of - January, 1897, at 2 o'clock p. m. has b-en fixed by order of of the County Judge a the time for hearing any objections to said account and settlement there of. Air heirs creditors or other persons inter ested in said est te are duly notified to file their objections to said account, if any they have, be fore Baid date. Dated this 24th day of November. 1896. GEO. VON BOK8TEL, Administrator of the Estate of Theodore von Borstel, deceased. n25-i m tsiTt m 2 AN ELEGANT with each WEET tBGAKETTES .-: ; AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE A COLLECTION OF BUTTONS - WITHOUT COST. w w our Chrsstmas k Gifts two ounce basr, and two coupons inside each - four ounce bag of Blackwell's Durham. Buy a bag of this celebrated tobacco and reai the coupon, which gives a list of val uable presents and how to get them. ' Hew York With the close of the Presidential Campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizes the fact that the American people are now anxious to give their attention to borne and business interests.- To meet this condition, politics will have far less space and prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the light for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to the present day, and won its greatest victories. " , . " Every popibk( effort Will be put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE WEEKLY "TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family. We furnish "The Chronicle" and TT. TT. Weekly Trib - . une one year for only $1.75. OT. Write your name and address on a postal card, eerjd it to Geo. W. Best, Tribune Office, New York City, aci a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib une will be mailed to you. . - BUTTON FREE package of CAPOiSAL Many thousand 'dollars worth of valuable articles suitable for Christmas .gifts for the young and old, are to be given to smokers of Blackwell's Genuine Durham To bacco. You will find . one coupon inside each Tobacco Weekljf Tribune .FOR Farmers and Villagers. " . fpb ... ; . Fathers and Mothers, Sons and Daughters, FOB All the Family. DfloRTHERN j PACIFIC RY. -. a ; s Pullman Sleeping Cars Dining Cars , Sleeping Cars Elegent Tom'ist MX. FA lit, MINNEAPOLIS DULCTH HUGO AND FORKS - OOS8TON WINNIPEO HELENA bo BUTTE Through Tickets CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA "EW YORK . BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH For information, time cards, mapit aud tickets. cat on or wnie 10 W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon A. D. CHARLTON. Aeet. G. P. A., . 255. Morrison Cor. Thir l, Portland Orego ) EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route ' OF THE- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at Fortland. FROM JOKE 23, 1895. r OVERLAND EX-) I press, Salem, Rose- ' I Dure, Anbland, Sue- I I ramento, Ogden,tjan ! 1 Franelseo, Moiave, ; j LosAngeles,ElFasn, I New Orleans and I lEat J Koseburg and way t-ta- tlons ' fVla Woodburn fori I Mt.AtiRel, SHverton, West Scio, Browns- I ville,prlngneld and I I. Natron J Salem and war stations ICorvallis and way! (stations.- iMcMinnrilie andj i way stations j 8:50 P. M 8:10 A. M, S:30 A. M. 4:40 P. M : Daily -except Sundays. 4:00 P. M. . 7:30 A. M. except Sundays. 10.00 A. M t 6:20 P.M M:45 P.M. t 8:25 P. 31 Daily. fDai'iy, except Sunday. DJNING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. PDLl.MAN BUFFET SLEEPERS , 'AND SECOND-CLAS8 BLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. Through Ticket Oflice,-134 Third street, where through tickets to all points in tbe Eastern Stites, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowes rates irom . J. B. KIRKLAND. Ticket Atrent. All abtlYe trains arrive at and deport Iroro Grand Central Station, Fifth and Irving streets. YAMHILL DIVISION. Patsenger Depot, foot of Jederson street. Leave for OSWEGO, week days, at 6:00, 7:20, in. 11 a. n. l.i K.o l-a?. o .nti n. (and 11:30 p. m. on Saturday only). Arrive at roruann ai 7:iu, ii:o a, m.; i:au, s:ia, :&j J .w, v.iu jr. III. Leave for Sheridan, week, days, at 4:30 p. m Arrive at roruana, a, ux. Leave for ATRLIE on Monday. Wednesday and Fri ay at 9:40 a.m. Arrive at Portland, Tues- aav,inursaay ana saturaay at a:ua p. m. Sunday trains for OSWEGO leave at 7:20, 8:40, iu:iaa. m.: rj:i, 1:4a, a:au, o:a.i e:4 p. m. Ar rive at Portlaiid at 12:35, 8:30, 10:00 11;25 a., m. 1:80, 3:15, 5:10, 6:3&, 7:&& p. m. E. KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS. Manager. Asst. G. F. & Pass. Agt. J. 8. SCHKNK, president. H. M. Beau.. Cashier. First Rational Bank. THE DALLES. - OREGON A'Oeneral Banking Business transacted , JJepoeits received, subject to bignt : Draft or Check.- Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day 01 collection. . Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on Ne.w York, San Francisco anc Port land. . .". DIREOTOKS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schbnck. Ed. M. Williak8, Gso. A. Lixbb. H. M. Bcaxx. FRENCH & CO. - BANKERS. TRANSACT A GEN-ERALBANKING BTJ8INE3 Letters of Credit issued available in tbe Eastern States. V -.Sight . Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on .New . York, Chicago St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon,: Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and W asnington. ... v , Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. . - "The Regulator Line" Tie Dalles. Portland and Astoria . Navigation Co. THROUGH relgut ana Passenoei Line The company's elegant 6 tea unes eive daily service (Sundays excepted! between The'Dalles and Portland. Steamer "Reeulator" leaves The Dalles on Monday, Wednesday and .Friday at t :dU a. m., arriving in Portland atop. in. Ketnrmner leaves Uak-street do:k on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6:30 a. m., arriving in The Dalles at 5 p. m. Steamer "Dclles Citv" leaves The Dalles on Tuesday. Thursday and Satur day at 7 :30 a. m., arriving in Portland at 5 p. m. Returning leaves Oak-street dock on Monday, Wednesday and Friday Ri o:dua.m,, arriving in The Dalles at 5 p. m. PASSENGER RATES: One way 2 00 . Round trip 3 00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at any time. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicited. For rates call on or address . W. C ALLAWAY General Agent THE DALLES. - OREGON T Soipes-K'nersly ' Droit Co. 1 Drugs, Paints, Wail Paper, Glass. Etc. 129 Second St.. THE DALLES, - - OR. Sheriffs Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county. J. Shipley, PUintiff, vs. William U. Nenbeack, Emma Keabeaclc, James . Ball, Mrs. James Hull and Knapp, Burrell Co,, a cornorxtion, Defendants. By virtue of an execution and order of sale to me din-cted and issued out of the above en tliled court in the above entitled cause, in favor of tbe plaintiff above named, on the 25th day of November, 18S6, commanding; me to satiBfy the several sums of 583.33, the judgment obtained herein, with Interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per -annum since Nov. 25, 1896, ana $50 attorney's fees and $20 costs of suit and accruing costs, by levying; upon and selling in the man ner provided by law for the sale of real property on execution, all of the right, title and interest of the said def ndants in and to the following: described real estate: Tbe southwest quarter of section six 6 in township three 3 south of range thirteen 13 east, w. M. I levied upon said real property on said 25th day of November, 1896, and to satisfy the afore said several sums and accruing costs I wiil sell tbe same at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in band, at the courthouse door in Dalles City, in said county of Wasco, on the 28th. day of December, 1896, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon. T. J. DRIVJSK, n28-il . Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon, Catcbeater's Diamond Brmatf. ENflYROYAL PILLS Original and Only Genuine. SAFE, aJwaya rell&blo. ladies ask DroKKlst tor Chichester m Bnatith Dia- mond Brand In Ked And GoU meuJlioV lhoxe, acAid with blno ribbon. Take 1 In stamp f&T particular, testimonials and 4 KoUef for Kdle,H in letter, by retvr MaP. 1 A.AOO Testimonials. Nam Paver- lurni ana imtziiiMU. AturouiHi.vrpniaM, "Ir lir sf ni rhflrAl-pB it-""" IBAF Dalles City and Moro Stan fine Leaves Williama Hotel, Moro, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 P4. m. prompt. Leaves Umatilla House, The Dalles, Tuesdays, -Tbvrsdays and Saturdays at 8 a. m. prompt. Freight rates Tbe Dalles to Moro, 40c per 100 lbs ; small packages,. 15 and 25c. Passenger rales The Dalles to Moro, $1.50; round trip, $2.60- Agency at. Umatilla House, The Dalles, and at Williams Hotel, Moro. . tf DOUGLAS ALLEN, Prop.